Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 579 When the father-in-law knocks on the door

Maxim's preaching was unusually sincere.

He didn't let go of Aiwass, and directly pulled Aiwass to sit on the table, and kept talking at the same time:

"Cardinal Favrner believes that support and help for individuals are short-lived and will lack meaning in the long run. This is because individuals may degenerate or die suddenly. It is entirely possible that after they receive help, they do the opposite. Do evil things...and this is their freedom.

"Just like curing one person, he may kill or kill more people in the future - for doctors, they cannot refuse to help patients; for priests, they cannot refuse to pray for help. Believers…but we are different.”


Aiwass thought thoughtfully: "Mage?"

"more than."

Master Maxim said seriously: "We just don't recruit priests and doctors here, but almost everything else is available."

"...That's really strange."

Aiwass lamented: "The Cardinal's faction actually doesn't want a priest."

"Because if there are these people - I'm sorry, Archbishop. I'm not saying bad things about you, but what I mean is... if there are people who are too selfless in the organization, it may make us do some useless work.

"Compared with treatment, we advocate the safest kind of dedication - dedication based on construction. To build more buildings that can protect people from wind and rain, provide people with more jobs, and create a welfare industry... …giving nourishment to young and old is a contribution to the whole. Even if one generation passes, the next generation can use it; just like the silver and tin palace of Avalon, your round table, the heating and The water conservancy system, and the beautiful glass steps... Now hundreds of years have passed, aren't the things we 'Homelanders' built back then still in use today?"

Maxim's words were full of pride.

Aiwass and Sherlock stopped talking.

Yunus also opened his mouth with a subtle expression.

...It turns out that you built the glass steps!

“Don’t bother trying to help individual individuals, but create a better home for a group – this is what the Home School stands for.”

Maxim puffed up his chest: "I just came back from Iris a few years ago. I built three nine-column churches by myself, but I was exhausted. But the biggest project I have done is more than 20 years ago. Years ago, I went to Horus to improve their water intake system and helped the farmers there build more than 300 sturdy houses. One of my senior brothers is still helping them build dams there, and he is also responsible for optimizing Horus. The irrigation system over there; my eldest son is now helping the lizard people build the water conservancy system and studying desert wells...

"By the way, I heard that Avalon is planning to build a new railway - the railway is great! It promotes business and benefits the people. I originally planned to bring a few brothers there next year to help.

"Actually, I say, you should have repaired it a long time ago. If you don't have money, just ask the Theocracy to borrow it... Although the Theocracy doesn't have much cash, we can lend it to you by selling some things to other human countries. Or you can Just ask us to fix it! Avalon has such a close relationship with the Theocracy, what's there to be embarrassed about?

"More than 200 years ago, I helped the Xing Antimony people build a railway. At that time, they had just founded their country, and they had no money and no one, so they had no choice but to come to us.

"We can build it slowly! If it can't be completed in one year, it will take ten years. If it can't be completed in ten years, it will take fifty years. We only relied on thirteen people at that time, and it took more than twenty years to build the railway that runs through Xingtai from east to west. .Now the city where the railway started is still called 'Home City', which is to commemorate us!

"Anyway, we have plenty of time and patience, and we don't need your money. We only need to be responsible for providing materials... If you don't mention it, we can't come to help..."

Maxim looks thin and gentle, but when these things are discussed, he becomes excited and talkative. He kept showing off and taking inventory of the projects he had done for others on a voluntary basis, and kept talking.

——It turned out to be a civil engineering master from the charity department, disrespectful and disrespectful!

Aiwass also immediately stood in awe of this "Home Faction" whose presence in the Theocracy was extremely low: "It turns out that the Home Faction is responsible for this..."

Compulsory infrastructure construction, building houses and roads in backward countries - that is indeed the road of dedication.

Unlike other factions, the Home Faction's proposition is actually very simple: stop debating, and do something first.

Aiwass suddenly became somewhat interested in Cardinal Favna.

If you have a chance, you can pay a visit...

He stretched out his hands to shake Maxim's hand and said sincerely: "If you have nothing to do, you can actually go this year... Our project is on a tight schedule and should be completed next summer..."

...After all, the elf's procrastination is too serious. Although Master Maxim kindly said that he would help next year, Aiwass was a little worried that summer or even autumn would be the time for him to get excited.

"Is the construction schedule so tight? Can the quality be guaranteed?" Maxim was stunned for a moment and asked with concern.

"The goblin engineering team came to repair it," Aiwass explained. "It shouldn't be a big problem."

"That's true - as long as you can afford it. The goblins are quite reliable if they charge enough money."

Maxim thought for a moment, pushed up his glasses and said in a deep voice: "Then I have to go early. If you are goblins who are fully responsible...those goblins will probably bully you because you don't know anything, and will deliberately take many detours. I will deceive you some money, for example, using excuses such as 'the terrain and soil structure of this part are not suitable for building railways'. Sometimes these words are true, but sometimes they are also false. And the specific direction choice is not necessarily the best. Youjie may accept bribes from local businessmen and officials to change direction..."

He took Aiwass by himself and kept talking.

Sherlock approached Yunus who was standing in the corner of the room, raised his head slightly, and pointed to Master Aiwass and Maxim with his chin: "Did you see that? They don't care about your affairs at all. .”

"How can I put it, this is normal; after all, Anastasia is in the past, just like a butterfly in the moonlight. She is beautiful, but she doesn't care when she flies away. Like a dream on the lake, beautiful foam."

Yunus, on the other hand, had no objection to this.

He just looked at Aiwass intently and said: "Compared with the illusory past, a solid future is more valuable. Avalon has suffered for a long time, and its people deserve such a railway. Let them travel all over the world, Travel around; let them travel freely without being bound by geography.”

"But I feel that you are not very happy. Mr. Yunus."

Sherlock said quietly.

Hearing this, Yunus was silent for a moment.

The bald poet sighed softly and spoke in a low voice.

It wasn't the exaggerated tone like reciting poetry, but it became low and clear: "I just don't understand... why they don't care so much about their daughters."

"What about you, Mr. Yunus?"

Sherlock said calmly: "If Anastasia is your dead long will you remember her?"

In an instant, Yunus suddenly raised his head and looked at Sherlock with some surprise.

This was the first time that this serious detective, who was lazy but conscientious, showed such clear aggression in the conversation with him.

Sherlock looked at him without hesitation.

Queen Sophia was kind to his family, Aiwass was his best friend, and Isabel was the monarch he swore allegiance to.

Therefore, Sherlock is particularly disdainful of this coward who abandoned his royal identity and faked his own death to use the identity of his friend.

——The queen will not come back after her death, her daughter will not come back when she succeeds to the throne, and she will not come back for her funeral. Instead, he went to the Theocracy to study other people's daughters...

If Isabel hadn't designated Aiwass to handle this matter, Sherlock would have scolded him based on his temper.

Yunus looked at Sherlock blankly, and then put that honest and happy smile on his face again.

He casually played two strings of the guitar, attracting everyone's attention and interrupting Master Maxim's words.

Then, he smiled at a few people and raised his hands, making several deep bows like a singer or a clown taking a curtain call: "I have brought the distinguished guests, and now I want to see the two of you." Performance; I just have a new inspiration, so I’ll step aside for the moment and don’t disturb you—you don’t have to call me for lunch!”

He swallowed back his previous words of "wanting to have lunch with Aiwass" without hesitation.

"Is it a new song?"

Holding Aiwass's hair, the drowsy fairy Nilim suddenly became energetic after listening to Maxim's words: "I want to listen too!"

"Dear lady, when my new song is written - I will be the first to invite you to listen to it."

Yunus blinked and spoke to her softly, almost dotingly.

Nelim shouted happily: "Is it true? You are a good person! Don't lie to me. If you do, I will pull out all your nails!"

Yunus smiled and withdrew without responding.

And Maxim obviously didn't want to mention Anastasia.

Afterwards, he invited Aiwass and the others to have a sumptuous lunch, but Yunus did not show up as he said.

Aiwass mentioned several details about Anastasia at the dinner table, but he just brushed them off. Continue to drag Aiwass to talk about how the railway should be built.

Aiwass didn't pay much attention to it the first two times...but the third time when Maxim continued to skip the topic, Aiwass took a deep look at Maxim and then skipped the topic.

Maxim enthusiastically retained Aiwass and took them to the bedroom to rest.

But Aiwass did not go to bed, but took off the archbishop's coat and vestment.

Not long after, there was a gentle knock at the door of Aiwass' room.

Aiwass opened the door, and sure enough - outside was Yunus without his guitar.

Aiwass raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then gently let Yunus in and closed the door silently.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Awas leaned against the door, looked down at Mr. Yunus, and said softly.

Mr. Yunus was holding a bottle of elf wine that exuded cold air.

"Holy Tree No. considered a good wine."

Yunus did not use the usual exaggerated tone of voice, but said calmly: "Can I have a drink?"


Aivas responded softly, looking into Yunus' eyes.

"...Then let's have a drink, Aiwass."

Yunus and Aivas looked at each other for two seconds, then looked away and replied with a sigh.

Although he didn't eat or drink, he gave the impression of being drunk.

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