Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 582 A life of always running away

Aiwass opened his eyes slightly.

"——Inelise Flowers."

He whispered Isabel's mother's name.

At that moment, many clues intertwined in Aiwass' mind. Many things that confused Aiwass before were finally connected at this moment:

He remembered clearly—Yannis’ mentor was called Betinadia Fanhua.

In the original history of the game, Isabel, who fled here, performed a forbidden ritual and sacrificed her fertility in exchange for the inheritance of flowers. Then she became the Queen of Flowers and rebuilt the Kingdom of Camelot.

And Bettinadia was born in 1704, and now it is 1899. It has been one hundred and ninety-five years since her death - exactly the time when Yanis left without saying goodbye. Inelise Fanhua was more than 200 years old twenty years ago... In other words, when Yiannis left the Theocracy, Inelise should have been a little girl.

Because Bettinadia is dead, the inheritance of Lady Blossoms cannot be passed down at all... At least even Yanis cannot call herself "Yannis Blossoms", which shows that Yannis herself has not been able to master the skills of Lady Blossoms. Manipulate the inheritance ability of plants. Not to mention Enelise, who can be easily cursed to death by a bone sculpture.

Since Inelise can inherit this surname, there are actually only two possibilities - either Inelise is Yanis's school girl and is more in line with the inheritance of the Flower Lady than Yanis, or she is Betty Nadia's daughter.

The latter is much more likely.

Because if they are just a master-disciple inheritance relationship, then Isabel's generation should not have any direct contact with Ms. Flowers.

Originally, Yanis had already visited Avalon almost sixty years ago. She was like a free wind, leaving here happily. But almost ten years ago, Yanis suddenly and inexplicably returned to Avalon and stayed there for ten years, which was completely different from her style of pursuing freedom.

Although she said it, it was because of her friendship with Queen Sofia.

...But she had been traveling around the world for a hundred and fifty years at that time, so it was impossible for her to understand human beings' forgetful habits.

For Queen Sofia at the time, that was her old friend from fifty years ago in her long life of more than sixty years. How effective can this kind of "childhood sweetheart" friendship be? The fifth-level powerhouse who pursues freedom has been tied up here for ten years?

According to Aiwass's observation, in another world line without Aiwass' intervention, Queen Sophia will eventually take the life-extending medicine presented by Minister Drost and embark on the path of dusk, and try to marry Isabel to Prince Antimony . Yanis also left Avalon because of this.

But what if...

Yannis's departure at that time was not, or not just because the Queen was taking life-extending drugs - but because Yannis' reason to stay here was gone?

And the most decisive thing——

Isabel, who had been taught by Yannis for several years, did not learn any extraordinary skills from Yannis.

Apart from basic skills, Yanis taught her almost nothing, only taught her how to choose the path characteristics related to illusion...

What if Yanis didn't care whether Isabel became a professional smoothly or not, and didn't teach her any extraordinary skills on the path to beauty? What if it was because she thought Isabel would become "Isabel Blossom" from the very beginning?

Since you will become a successor sooner or later, then the level of the professional is certainly not important.

From Prince Albert's narration, Queen Sofia is a rather tough and unfriendly queen. Although he made such a comment, it is also possible that his rebellious period coincided with the queen's menopause... But there is another, greater possibility, that is, the queen was indeed tough enough when she was young.

But she just decided that Isabel, a person with a cowardly personality and no appearance of a queen at all, would become the heir to the throne after the "Shadow of Avalon" ceremony... You know, without Aiwass's intervention, Isabel until Avalon will become stronger only when it collapses.

So, if that disillusionment never comes, and there is no help from Aiwass, how can Isabel be queen?

Except for the "brief friendship" that did exist between Yanis and Sofia more than fifty years ago.

Could this still be some sort of... deal?

"Do you know... Master Yanis?"

Aiwass suddenly spoke and asked Prince Albert.

Prince Albert frowned slightly: "Of course I know..."

"—I mean, was Master Yanis in Avalon before you left the Glass Island?"

"How can it be."

Prince Albert blurted out: "If Master Yanis is here, how could Yi Ni die so easily! They are friends!"

"You know they are friends?" Aiwass asked.

"When little Isha was four or five years old, Master Yanis came back once..."

The decadent man was silent for a while and then said: "Because Isabel had great artistic talent when she was a child. She came here specifically to check Isabel's talent and then left again. At that time, I didn't know she was Master Yanis, but Yi Ni chatted with her privately for a long time.

"After Yi Ni was killed, I once wanted to find Master Yanis to avenge her. Because I remembered that she should be in Avalon at that time... but I searched for a long time and couldn't find it. Almost two or three years later, I Then I suddenly discovered that she founded the 'Glass Steps Newspaper' and has lived on the Glass Island for a long time.

"——She probably came back for Isabel. With her protecting Isabel, I feel relieved. So..."

"So, you didn't come back?"

Aiwass laughed.

Prince Albert was silent for a while and whispered: "In the first few years, I was actually... waiting for my death. I just didn't want to die on the glass island like this, I would rather die fighting the villains. . And what happened later... was because Yunus died."

"He died because of you."

Aiwass said.

Albert lowered his head: "Yes, I know. So from then on, I became 'Yunus'.

“… Yunus, who can make anyone happy, should be more valuable than Albert, who can let anyone down.

"I knew I was sorry for Isabel. So I... worked hard to do justice. I tried my best to go to all parts of Avalon to help people. I defeated those robbers and villains, and stopped those evil plans - but I was not for People praise me! I don’t want to be famous, I just..."

"——You just don't know how to repay the guilt of running away."

Aiwass interrupted: "Just like you are so focused on Anastasia's affairs."

At that moment, Aiwass thought of Yannis who escaped from Pure White.

Although they are not the same thing, they are actually of a similar nature.

They all ran away initially because of something, and then chose to continue running away because they could not face the consequences of the incident. The huge sense of shame and lack made Albert have to help others to relieve his inner pressure. He distributed all his property to the poor and left nothing with him. This was actually preparing him to die at any time and at any time.

But he didn't have the real courage to face the danger... Just like the method he used against the villains: he initially wanted to die in the hands of the villains, but in the end he chose to escape. But after escaping, he felt guilty again, and tried hard to publicize the other party's evil deeds to attract firepower and defeat the other party.

I keep running away and regretting. Always afraid, always compensating.

"What a coward, Your Highness. Are you so spineless?"

Aiwass said lightly: "You don't dare to take revenge, you don't dare to die, you don't dare to apologize - what else do you dare to do with such a big head and such a strong body?"

"...I am indeed a timid person," Aiwass, a junior, admonished him, but Prince Albert just lowered his head and admitted, "I lack talent, and I have just reached the third level..."

"No, this has nothing to do with courage, Your Highness. It has nothing to do with strength."

Aiwass's calm words were as sharp as a knife: "It has to do with responsibility."

After hearing this, Prince Albert finally fell silent completely.

Perhaps it was because he was too young when he gave birth to Isabel, or perhaps because he lacked the teachings of his father's example, so that until he escaped from the Palace of Silver and Tin, he was as naive as an ignorant child.

Prince Albert was not mentally prepared to be a father at all, and he could not afford anyone's life or death. That's why he was tortured to the point of going crazy by Inelise's death - he didn't even subconsciously have the idea of ​​"escaping with Isabel". Because he was afraid that Isabel would die in front of him, or die from his mistakes and inability.

He did not dare to take the responsibility for Isabel's life and death.

The declaration of "giving up inheritance rights" is more like "running away from home"; the action of taking brothers out to do chivalry is closer to "taking up the sword and taking risks freely".

——To put it bluntly, Aiwass thought it was more likely that he ran out to play than "doing something meaningful before dying."

Until Yunus's death, he became alone again.

There was no one around to comfort him. From then on, Prince Albert began to grow up.

But in the end, he chose to put on Yunus' skin, and still did not dare to face others as Albert... but treated Albert as dead.

Even though he gradually got used to loneliness and adapted to living alone, he also learned to be flattering and tactful. But those are what "Yunus" should have done originally, and this is Yunus' life. This doesn't mean he has matured.

Because he is still running away.

The death of Inelise allowed him to escape from his identity as a royal member and Isabel's father; the death of Yunus allowed him to escape from his identity as "Albert". Now that the curse has been lifted, he plans to die to pay for his sins - to escape from life.

He kept running away and missed every occasion in Isabel's life when she needed her father.

He also grew up without a father, but he was not even as resilient as his daughter Isabel.

"Faced with the same high pressure and the threat from the curse... the more desperate Isabel was not overwhelmed in the end, but you were."

Aiwass asked: "What did you do?"

"...I only did one thing."

After Albert was silent, he whispered in a hoarse voice: "I just left my necklace to her."

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