Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 598 The Centenary Banquet

Titania rubbed her eyes and took a closer look, only to realize that James in the cage was gone.

She was immediately shocked: "Aiwass, did you eat James?"


Grace was also shocked.

But Aiwass just shook his head: "Of course not, Your Majesty. He left early. Thank you for your protection."

Although James didn't tell Aiwass why he stayed quietly in the birdcage.

But Aiwass has already analyzed James’s motivation for doing this from those words——

Cardinal Loki once taught James the "Star Gazing Tantra". This mysterious skill allowed James to know many things that have happened in this era. It also leaves many secrets uncovered.

Aiwass was not sure in what manner James returned to the beginning of his "cicada transformation" after the destruction of the world.

But judging from the fact that he knows some of the true names and secrets of the Pillar Gods, and also knows the nature of several source rivers, it is at least certain that he does not have a body, but has returned to the dream world.

So according to the basic rules of this world, extraordinary intellectual creatures that can exist in the dream world for a long time can be called phantoms. Although it is not known which realm he lives in, whether he is awake or sleeping, it is at least certain that he did not die in the dream world and become a phantom demon egg.

James, a young man who learned the stargazing tantra from Cardinal Loki, was still a firm but gentle man when he was young. After he met "Anna Kingsford", the founder of the Golden Dawn, his personality suddenly changed and he became what he is now.

Therefore, the unknown "phantom savior" should have been summoned by Anna at that time and occupied James' body. This is a very classic "spiritual technique", which is a ritual that transcends the path and is also related to the path of love. And its essence is one of the erroneous inheritance of high-level magic.

The "James Moriarty" from then on was the Professor Moriarty that people knew.

A fusion of a boy looking up at the stars and a paranoid savior.

——From another perspective, the original young boy James may have died when the ritual was successful.

Although the two souls should be considered fused, the consciousness of young James obviously does not account for much. But it was enough for him to know that Cardinal Loki had powerful stargazing skills and could see the secrets of everything happening at this time from the starry sky.

That's why James chose to hide in the Fairy Kingdom before the plan started to avoid detection against him; he even further penetrated into the Fairy Queen's cage so that the Pillar God could not interfere with him.

The Fairy Queen is more or less a great being at the Tiansi level. Although her strength is not as good as the twin mirrors, her status is basically the same as that of the Pillar God.

He was turned into a jeweled bird by the Fairy Queen and locked in a birdcage. Then he can be regarded as the fairy queen's pet and personal property. Then the interference and observation of his destiny will also be mapped to the Fairy Queen.

Perhaps it can be done by force, but it is not easy or necessary.

For the weak, there is no need to defeat the strong. As long as the cost of defeating one by a strong person is unbearable, it is enough to protect oneself.

Thinking of this, Aiwass comforted the somewhat disappointed Fairy Queen: "He will definitely come back later."

"He would have told me this before."

When he learned that James had left without saying goodbye, this great Tiansi-level being was not angry or angry, but rather sad: "He will also tell me when he will come back..."

The aggrieved look made it look like the cat at home got out of the window and ran away.

Aiwass felt as if tears were about to well up in the Fairy Queen's eyes - considering that the Fairy Kingdom is a world with a two-dimensional painting style, maybe that was not an illusion.

James should indeed have a good relationship with the Fairy Queen.

Although James chose to become the inheritor in this world line, he still has the memory of the "Elemental Master".

Just as the memory of Aiwass's "Scholar of Sins" allows him to make magic cards in advance, he also relies on the memory of the elemental master to successfully make friends with the fairies.

"He will definitely come back."

Aiwass once again comforted the Fairy Queen.

The Fairy Queen raised her head and cast her tearful eyes on Aiwass: "How about... can you stay with me?

"What bird would you like to be? A sparrow, a dove, or a crow?"

"...I'll forget it."

Aiwass was a little helpless, but considering Titania's character, he must clearly refuse here: "But I will come to accompany you if I have time."

"Busy, everyone is busy..."

Titania muttered angrily.

She shook the birdcage and poured Aiwass out.

When Aiwass came out of the birdcage, he immediately felt himself starting to grow. The forbidden power also returned to the body, and the sense of darkness and isolation from the world immediately dissipated.

And Titania wiped her eyes and looked at Grace.

Although she is a mature and elegant woman, she has an innocent and cheerful smile on her face at this moment: "You are here, my lovely little Ye Zi - are you here to play with me?"

"Your Majesty, I'm here to see Anastasia."

Grace, who returned to her girl form, made a crisp sound.

She looked at Aiwass on the side and said hesitantly: "Then... I will take Aiwass away too?"

"Hey... let's go, let's go."

Titania sighed and shook the empty birdcage.

A vortex appeared next to Aiwass and Grace, sucking them both in.

When the people left, Titania's face immediately fell.

"It's really boring... let's change the subject."

The Fairy Queen was thinking about what theme to change the palace to, but found that every theme so far was a bit boring.

"Damn it, no inspiration!"

She complained, raised the birdcage, and ordered to all the goblins in the kingdom: "Bring back some children, bring back more! Also invite some storytellers, clowns and poets!

"Go quickly, go hunting in the Kingdom of Shadows, and bring back some juicy meat; go to the Garden of Pure Beauty to pick some sweet fruits, and remember to distinguish whether it is a mirror image or the real thing!

"Go quickly and get some golden honey from the moon. Miss Hengwo will be willing to give it to you. Then go to Mr. Cain and get some red blood. Mix it with the red wine from Dionysus to make a mixture. Intoxicating sugar!

"By the way, remember to invite Mr. Zagreus. The banquet must have a host to make it look grand!

"Don't take the vegetables that the children hate to eat, but remember to go to Eternal Burning Valley to catch some beautiful butterflies, they will be our dance partners -"

"——We are going to hold a grand banquet that is once in a hundred years, noisy and lively! Everyone gets moving, and all the slackers will turn into roasted and fragrant pig heads!"

When Titania's order came to pass, all the fairies let out excited shouts.

The entire goblin kingdom was in chaos...just like the children's screams that seemed to lift the ceiling on the day of the big holiday.

"...Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

A toy soldier on the side said cautiously: "The last big banquet was held twenty years ago."


The Fairy Queen waved the birdcage angrily: "You like to talk so much, then come over and chat with me!"

The body of the toy soldier suddenly shrank and turned into a colorful parrot, which was sucked into the birdcage.

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