Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 600 Dryad

Anastasia's light golden hair was as high as her earlobes, like a golden apple.

Her amber pupils were clear and transparent, as intoxicating as brown wine.

The girl's height didn't even reach Aiwass's chest - probably about the same height as Yulia.

Compared with the average height of the elves, her height is obviously much shorter... Aiwass has almost never seen an elf shorter than Isabel, and he has seen it today.

And Aiwass also suddenly realized why the timid Yunus suddenly became brave and even saved Anastasia from the bandits - Aiwass didn't know if Isabel was such a sister when she was a child. She has short hair, but her hair color is exactly the same as Isabel's.

She seems to be about the same height as Isabel when she was nine years old.

Obviously, since Anastasia was sent to the fairy kingdom, her height has never increased.

And Isabel at that age... was the Isabel that Yunus had in his mind when he left the Glass Island.

...He must be stressed.

Maybe he realized that it was not Isabel after taking action; or maybe just the similarity made his heart start to hurt.

Anastasia trotted all the way to Grace's side, opened her arms, and jumped into Grace's arms with a skillful little jump.

If it were outside, Grace would have been able to hold the girl in her arms easily. But now that Grace had become smaller, she could only flapping her wings like a dead leaf butterfly and flew back two steps in a very embarrassed manner, before she could barely hold Anastasia in her arms.


Grace called Anastasia's nickname affectionately and stroked her hair lovingly. With the same hair color and different hair lengths, the two of them look as close as sisters.

As her hair flipped, Aiwass could really smell the fragrance of her hair. It's a fresh smell of pine mixed with orange peel.

This is the smell of Grace's shampoo at home.

……What's happening here?

Aiwass hesitated slightly.

As he concentrated on resonating with the path, the power of devotion began to flow within his body - his right eye, which had previously been sacrificed by Aiwass to turn his eyesight into an amber-yellow color, emitted like a ignited furnace fire. Reddish shimmer.

This is an unknown ability similar to "True Sight".

And under his gaze, he saw that Anastasia's edges began to blur.

Aiwass's heart moved and he closed his left eye.

There was no darkness at all - his eyes were still bright.

Completely different from the outside world, Aiwass's vision in his right eye seemed to be completely restored when he was in the Fairy Kingdom. In other words, his right eye, which can see the power of the path, sees the entire world exactly as Aiwass sees it with his naked eyes.

I'm afraid this entire world is an illusory world condensed by the power of the Tao.

Only two things become different.

A large number of runes appeared on Grace's body - mysterious lines that were like tattoos and totems, exuding a yellow-green brilliance. Basically, a large area is light green and dark green, with only a small area of ​​faint yellow floating in it.

It looks like a large piece of jade has been put on the skin of an elf, and lines have been carved into the skin to reveal the brilliance inside.

Anastasia, on the other hand, gradually became unreal in front of Aiwass' eyes.

Her figure became extremely blurry, like a highly myopic person without glasses, or like ink stains blurred in the water. But Anastasia was the only one who was knocked unconscious... nothing else had any effect. Aiwass just looked at a blurry color block lying in the arms of Grace, who was full of tattoos, with a strange expression on his face, and could not see her expression clearly at all.

Aiwass looked back again, only to find that the "little tree" was still in place.

——It's not in Grace's arms at all.

The little tree seemed to have sensed Aiwass' gaze, and shyly turned its head and turned its back, so that Aiwass could not see her face.

Hearing the conversation in his ears stop suddenly, Aiwass opened his left eye.

It was like putting on glasses - the outline of Anastasia in girl form instantly became clear, while the tree disappeared without a trace, submerged in the bright sunlight at noon.

"...Can I call you, Mr. Aiwass?"

The little girl's soft and waxy voice came.

She looked at Aiwass with vigilance and a little reluctance. If Grace hadn't stretched out her hand, put an encouraging hand on her shoulder, and held her down, she might have turned around and run away.

...I see, he sensed my gaze.

Aiwass suddenly felt enlightened.

That's reasonable.

After all, she is a person who is good at illusions, so she must know whether her illusions have been broken... But Anastasia's illusions can make the fourth-level Aiwass unable to see through without the use of real vision. This talent is really Amazingly good.

This means that she has reached at least the depth of the fourth energy level—or even the fifth energy level.

Although he has accepted the inheritance, the most important thing is to awaken his bloodline. It's just like the legendary dragon.

Unlike Ning Ba, which is essentially a psychological problem, tree transformation is a special phenomenon that runs in the blood and occurs randomly. There is no possibility of a cure because it is not a disease at all...but a sublimation.

Just like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, the life form has been promoted in a fundamental sense. However, as a price, the caterpillar's flesh and blood must be melted and used as nourishment for the new form.

From a certain perspective, this may also be regarded as a kind of metamorphosis - from an elf with hands, feet and lifespan to an immortal tree-shaped phantom.

"Hello, I'm Aiwass."

Aiwass smiled softly, and his voice became softer: "You don't have to call me 'sir'. Just call me 'brother'."

He knelt on the ground, stretched out his hand and shook Anastasia gently.

It was a soft, warm, and slightly moist hand. The silky skin didn't feel like tree bark at all, and the palms of her hands were a little sweaty due to nervousness.

"Brother Aiwass, are you here to burn me?"

Anastasia whispered.

"...Why do you think so?"

Aiwass was a little surprised.

He subconsciously looked back at Grace: "Do you elves have anything else... to burn at the stake for heretics?"

"How is it possible... I think those happy spirits said something to her."

Grace shook her head: "They have a short lifespan. In fact, they don't understand many things, but they just like to talk nonsense. When the fairies tell it, the children will believe it... After all, the fairy kingdom is essentially their common imagination." In a sense, their nonsense will come true, which makes it even harder to distinguish the truth from the truth.”

"But mom said so, too."

Anastasia defended: "They said they would burn me when I completely turned into a tree."

"That is to ensure that you can ascend to the dream world correctly, Aya."

Grace whispered seriously and solemnly: "Otherwise you might be stranded in the material world."

"But I just want to stay with my mother."

"...I also want to accompany you, Aya."

Grace smiled bitterly and said softly: "But no. You can't stand the noise now. When you transform further...even if you plant it in the yard, the noise around you may wake you up from time to time.

"You must have begun to feel noisy with the sounds of those happy spirits."

After hearing this, Aiwass suddenly realized that whether it was Anastasia or Grace, their voices were very soft. It's like telling a child a bedtime story.

He himself is not a noisy person, and the surrounding environment is also very quiet. So I didn’t feel anything before.

But now I look at it...

"Dryads are very annoying...or rather afraid of noise."

Grace turned her head, leaned close to Aiwass and said softly: "Sounds that can wake people up are intolerable to dryads. Dryads can be regarded as 'always sleeping', even if they are awake The status can also be 'noised more awake'.

"Remember to keep your voice down, Mr. Aiwass."

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