Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 602 The Bard and His Protagonist

I wonder if it was an illusion... Yunus always felt a little flustered and uneasy.

Master Maxim, who originally had a good attitude towards him, suddenly became cold after Aiwass was sent to the Fairy Kingdom by Mrs. Grace.

Maxim looked at Yunus carefully, and the smile that originally hung on his face disappeared.

The originally kind and grateful eyes turned into a cold and scrutinizing gaze.

...Did I just say something wrong?

But I didn’t say anything at all just now!

Yunus was a little confused.

So he put on a relaxed smile, played his modified harp and sang melodious tunes, walked towards Master Maxim, and gave out his iconic three-part smile: "My hospitable and kind friend Ah, I have a heartfelt request..."

"Mr. Yunus!"

"As a gift of gratitude, I want to give it to you with my own hands——"

Now, Anastasia may turn into a tree at any time. Yunus didn't even want her to leave with regrets. He must tell the other party that the bald idiot who made the promise in the past did not break the promise.

"I was thinking," Anastasia said lightly, "how I should thank you.

And another weak, soft voice came from not far away.

That was a tone that was vaguely familiar to Yunus - the voice coming from the moon: "Now I can go out and play with you!"

Yunus looked up.

And Yunus, who was alone, soon felt a little bored.

Bathed in the moonlight, her branches opened up and were no longer deformed and rickety.

His hands were itchy, and he subconsciously wanted to play the piano at his waist, playing a few minor tunes to add some background music. But as soon as he put his hand up, he glanced at Master Maxim subconsciously and immediately put it down as if he was electrocuted.

Yunus's father is just the opposite - he is a very optimistic man who takes care of his children. He always laughs every day, can make jokes and take sarcasm, and his words are humorous and witty. Everyone likes him. Even during the years when Queen Sofia was at her most explosive and stubborn, she became a reasonably good friend with him. Sometimes the clown would be brought to the Palace of Silver and Tin to ask his opinion on some matters.

She put her hands behind her back and winked playfully: "There will never be a better time than now."

The icy track spreads in front, guiding the glass carriage to slide smoothly like an inverse proportional function curve.

——He saved someone else’s daughter. But why doesn't his daughter have the courage to save her?

Yunus smiled awkwardly and nodded in response.

Yunus hugged the girl subconsciously, but suddenly felt a lightness in his arms.

Although it was a bit confusing, Yunus knew what he was talking about.

That is an illusion that spontaneously collapses——

"Thank you very much too, Mr. Yunus. Thank you for saving me."

Master Maxim said: "What I mean is - don't make as much noise as before. Don't play music and speak loudly at the same time. Just like the tone and tone you used when you replied to this sentence just now."

If the goblins were big enough, they might be able to create something. For a single goblin, it is somewhat difficult to maintain the "fantasy" in the material world.

——Of course, Yunus didn’t want to meet Anastasia. He came here to pursue the truth, just to tell her that he was invited and did not miss the promise.

When her family's company took over, its business could cover 60% of the Red and White Queens District. After being run by her for ten years, the business scale was successfully reduced to one-fifth.

"We'll wait for them to come back later, please stay quiet, okay?"

An elf-style silver harp appeared in his arms.

He had a lot to say, but still didn't say it.

That became "because of his lateness, he failed to fulfill the promise he made."

"I didn't break my promise, Miss Anastasia."

A glass carriage driven by a glass unicorn emerged from the moon. Reflecting the light of the moon, it exudes a hazy shimmer.

But "the bard and the protagonist of his story chosen by him."

She married Yunus' father knowing this. Because the other person brought her happiness, and she reciprocated with responsibility.

Yunus put down his harp, thought for a moment, and replied with a smile: "Because you are asking me for help, and because I think those people are boring, you are a pretty good person. It is interesting to be entangled with yourself all the time, and your character is also very interesting." It’s not annoying. It’s ten times better to get into trouble with you than to live an endless life at home!”

... Speaking of which, the real "Yunus" actually doesn't always talk like this.

After all, Maxim was obviously not in a good mood.

It was Anastasia's moon-white silk hairband with light blue elven inscriptions on it.

Suddenly, Maxim pushed up the round glasses on his face and interrupted Yunus in a calm tone: "Can you agree to my request?"

Yunus immediately recognized the other party's identity and temporarily put aside his concern for Nelim.

"Thank God, neither Her Majesty nor that stupid bird noticed me! We are very lucky, Mr. Aiwass!"

Whenever Yunus finished negotiating with someone, he would always return to him with a happy look, saying, "Thank God, thanks to the blessing of the Silver Crowned Dragon", "We are very lucky, Mr. Albert" "Then The gentleman is a good person and agreed to our negotiations.”

As she spoke, Anastasia's body suddenly emitted a shimmering light, and then she threw herself into Yunus' arms.

"……Ok, no problem."

They are not wandering companions.

At such times, Yunus would never tell him any great truths, nor would he comfort him or admonish him. He would just play the piano slowly and wait for Albert to calm down. There is not much technique in his music, but it is full of deep emotion.

"She has her own unique ideas and clear will. It's not that we do what we think is 'good for her', it's what she is willing to accept.

Albert had seen that woman - she was a firm, rational and righteous woman.

One person played the piano, another person jumped up and down, and said these words to himself.

“Now I finally understand…I’m happy.

Of course, the main reason is that the other party is indeed a good person, and it is indeed because of his arrival that he has caused more trouble to the other party. Therefore, it is not easy for Yunus to confront the opponent at this time.

After hearing this, Grace, who had witnessed everything, had no new reaction, but Maxim's expression became complicated.

After all, he is an extraordinary person walking on the path of wisdom. Just like that, he had roughly guessed the truth.

The other one was a dignified elf girl sitting in the back seat.

At this moment, a sharp and noisy voice came from the sky.

Maxim immediately came forward and squatted on the ground, hugged Anastasia deeply and said softly: "Are you okay?"

Yunus was familiar with that voice too.

That was Nelim, the little fairy who was attracted by the sound of her piano last night.

The girl smiled and ran towards him.

He missed his friends a little bit.

Whether it was a glass unicorn or a carriage, they began to disintegrate and turned into silver-gray fairy dust as soon as they appeared in the field of vision.

"I'm fine, Dad."

He initially came into contact with him with hostility, but after contact, he discovered that this child had inherited his father's eloquence.

Is it coincidence, wishful thinking, or a sense of déjà vu?

Yunus always felt that the joy in that voice made him want to cry.

Yunus thought this in his heart, and his tone became normal: "You say it."

"There is no reason."

Later, when Albert was preparing to run away from home, none of his friends wanted to leave with him. Only Yunus said, "I just want to go out and have a look," and he briskly accompanied Albert out to relax.

Maxim realized something.

This immediately made Yunus' mood become complicated.

She said: "I haven't seen... the outside world. But if I survive, it would be too lonely... wouldn't it?

What Master Maxim means is that they are not allowed to make any more noise after they come back. Although Aiwass and the others haven't come back yet... it's hard to say whether his playing here will offend the other party.

“And now, I’ve accomplished both of those things.”

Yunus had already told Aiwass what he meant - since Miss Anastasia was not in good health, she could just stay in the Fairy Kingdom and continue to recuperate her body. All he had to do was let Anastasia know that he was here.

Anastasia bowed to him seriously: "Without you, my parents would never see me again."

Her little apple-like hair is just perfect for wearing a hair tie like this.

There is no doubt that this is an illusion.

At some point, Anastasia suddenly disappeared.

"...I should see what I really look like..."

——Yunus is like a combination of these two people, inheriting their advantages.

After hearing Aiwass's reasoning and popular science about dendrosis, Yunus probably guessed some of the reasons.

The headband falls on the tip of the harp.

——Until later, Albert didn’t know that Yunus’ father had long been suffering from a terminal disease that even the bishop could not cure. It's impossible for him to talk to Queen Sofia for power...because he won't live long at all.

With his sociable skills, if he had continued to stay on the Glass Island, he might have become a minister by now.

Maxim was angry with him, presumably because he felt that he was staying here because he wanted to see Anastasia.

Moreover, Yunus’s mother had long known that he was terminally ill.

How to describe her justice?

The leaves grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition to Aiwass and Mrs. Grace, there were two passengers sitting in the carriage.

That's Miss Anastasia!

Although it was a request, the glasses mage's tone was so determined and serious.

Yunus sighed and imitated Maxim, raising his head and looking at the moon.

…It’s so boring.

Yunus twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and whispered: "You invited me to your home...I promised that I would definitely come to see you.

Afterwards, Maxim ignored him. Just one person raised his head and looked at the moon, in a daze.

"...I miss you a little bit again, my best friend."

One was a young goblin who was holding Aiwass by his collar and sitting on his collarbone.

Yunus had seen this attitude before. This expression sometimes appears on the faces of people who are too heavy-hearted to take a joke. At this time, if you continue to play the "Yunus" way of speaking, you may even anger the other party.

She didn't have the same painful and struggling posture in the fairy kingdom - she immediately became quiet after leaving the fairy kingdom. The voice became sleepy, and the twisted branches began to grow and expand rapidly.

And returning to the material world may not be good for her body.

Once, Albert finally couldn't help but asked him: "Why did you leave the glass island with me, a loser, Yunus?"

It was only then that Albert realized...this man was completely different from himself.

Her appearance and clothing were exactly the same as when he met Anastasia. Nothing changes.

...Now, he can only imitate Yunus.

People who stick to their principles too much will not do well in business.

...Is she still back?

He turned back and took a deep look at Yunus. This made Yunus feel guilty and a little ashamed.

In order to become Yunus, he kept repeating this behavior.

Anastasia and Yunus hugged each other for a long time, and then Yunus smiled and took out something from his arms - it was either a happy smile, a gentle smile, or a... wry smile.

"...That's just..."

When he first left the Glass Island, Albert often felt self-loathing because of his cowardice and incompetence.

Although they have the same profession, Albert is not a qualified bard at all compared to his good brother Yunus.

And at this moment, he finally saw clearly what it was——

"That's part of me... Mr. Yunus."

But as soon as he remembered his original motive of going crazy and desperately trying to save Anastasia from a powerful enemy, he suddenly fell silent again.

Aivas on the side suddenly spoke and said softly: "Because I think...Anastasia is not a child anymore, Mr. Yunus.

But after hearing this, Maxim just looked at her with complicated eyes.

Because he was very worried that Anastasia actually just died and he didn't catch up - as long as it didn't end like this.

But, I don’t know if it’s an illusion...

As everyone watched quietly, Yunus, who was half-kneeling on the ground, gently tied back Anastasia's hair.

But it was also said to Mrs. Grace and Master Maxim.

The bald man could talk to people and ghosts, and he could make friends with anyone. How could he be like Albert, whose speech is always funny and as special as opera...

It was too quiet here, so quiet that it made him, a bard who was used to the hustle and bustle, a little uncomfortable.

Yunus's face was filled with a smile, and his happy mood made him subconsciously laugh out loud. However, he quickly reacted under Maxim's glare and immediately lowered his voice: "Beautiful Miss Anastasia...if you are not in good health, there is no need to come in person. Or is it my friend Aiwass who didn't tell you about this?"

It read in Elvish: "Anastasia, I wish you well."

Anastasia said lightly.

Yunus opened his mouth, trying to be modest.

That was the first time that Yunus told Albert his true feelings seriously.

Just like what he saw back then...he had not seen Anastasia's true face.

"I certainly didn't say that."

"Ha, ha, ha, Ana——"

——It turns out you don’t like this, so you should have told me earlier. It’s actually quite tiring for me to talk like this…

Aivas seemed to be speaking to Yunus.

He looked at the moon and murmured softly.

"——Mr. Yunus."

At the same time, there are also ministers who will issue advice, and there are also some gossips among the people. However, none of these things can affect Queen Sophia's arbitrary will.

At that time, some of Albert's friends would ridicule this as "clown rule". This made Albert very embarrassed...especially since his father had just passed away, which made him even more uncomfortable. But he personally tried to persuade the queen but ignored her.

But the problem was that Albert simply couldn't learn the art of Yunus' speaking.


It was discovered that it was Anastasia who had almost turned into a tree.

His close friend Yunus is not a descendant of the founding family. His parents were neither knights nor bishops... his father was the Iris, a clown in a burlesque troupe. His mother was a wealthy businessman in real estate development in Avalon. Both of her parents died early, and she supported the family business by herself.

But from a "lover's" perspective, their age gap is not that big. As a "nurturer", Yunus's mother was only a dozen years older than his father.

Although it was a formal marriage witnessed by the church, in Albert's view, their relationship was more like lovers than husband and wife. The two live in different places and do not affect each other's lives on weekdays, but they have a good relationship when they get together occasionally.

In fact, the reason why Yunus usually behaves so exaggeratedly and funny is because this is the iconic behavior of "Yunus" in Prince Albert's memory.

It was also in this environment that Albert came into contact with Yunus.

But in fact, when Yunus talks to people, this tone is not at all. You know, when Yunus was still alive, Yunus was responsible for negotiating with other people. At that time, Albert was hiding alone in the cloak that covered half of his face, hiding far behind with his arms folded across his chest.

"Yes, I can persuade her not to come - but that is actually using kindness and friendship to override her personal will. When I realize that she wants to do this... I can only Approval and acquiescence.”

He didn't stop him, but looked at everything in silence with his lips pursed.

"I want to see the outside world... I want to see other countries. I want to see the griffins of Avalon, I want to see the deserts and springs.

"Please take me outside and have a look."

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