Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 610 Where to go? Who to kill? How many to kill?

Aiwass woke up to waves of shaking and crisp music.

...It feels like being on a boat.

Aiwass only felt that he had a headache...

It even reminded Aiwass of how he felt when he woke up the next day after a hangover in his previous life.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw himself lying on a dry and simple bed. The sunlight shines on the quilt through the window.

——The thin quilt is covered with pure white silk in the elf style, without any decorations. The room he was in was not big, probably less than ten square meters. Except for the bed under him, there was only a wardrobe and a desk with a cupboard.

There are documents pressed with seals on the desk, and there are various small accessories on the cabinet.

A brown-red crystal cup that seems to be used for drinking water, with a bumpy texture like tree bark; a palm-sized golden music box, the box is opened, and a little man made of rubies jumps out from inside, dancing a complicated dance ...The singing came from here; there is also a square piece of white crystal, which looks like a "photo" or a "golem", with a short animation saved in the crystal piece.

Aiwass first closed the music box that seemed to serve as an alarm clock. Then he stretched out his rough and strong right hand and picked up the "piece" of dynamic photos.

The protagonist is undoubtedly a young man with a bright smile and golden hair.

He put his arm around the neck of the female companion next to him, hugged her intimately like "How are you two," and gave a thumbs up to the "camera" as if he said something. His hair shone in the sun, and his pupils shone like turquoise with blue-green light.

His ears are very pointed and long. Among all the elves Aiwass had seen, his ears were at least the length of the "Pure White" Saint or Cardinal Matilda.

The female companion beside him had long straight black hair.

She has ominous scarlet pupils that cover half of her eyes when they droop, giving her a rather gloomy look. What caught Aiwass' attention the most were the two long dragon horns on his forehead.

It was a curved dragon horn similar to Ligeia's.

[This is me...and Valrhona]

An idea popped up in Aiwass's mind.

this is me?

Aiwass was slightly stunned.

——Wait, is this really me?

Self-doubt is like a sharp knife, prying open a small opening in memory.

And just like the egg liquid that flows out after the eggshell is cracked, Aiwass remembered everything in an instant.

This promotion ceremony doesn’t even have a waiting room? Was he just thrown in as soon as he closed his eyes?

……Oh yes. This time it’s solo queue.

If you don't need to book a reservation, you really don't have to wait in the waiting room for everyone. And this time there is no "host" at all, because it is the Lord of Scales and Feathers who personally hosts...

After realizing who he was, Aiwass finally heard the ceremonial announcement from the Lord of Scale Feathers.

Different from the hoarse and unpleasant voice in Aiwass's first promotion ceremony, the voice used by the Lord of Scales and Feathers this time was the same as the one he used when he appeared in front of Aiwass, becoming mysterious and mature:

"You are Helechin Dragon Flame, the famous White Knight.

"As a 'Mediator', you walk in the kingdom of mankind, acting chivalrously and judging right from wrong with your own will. Your name has spread throughout the world, and humans respect you very much.

"But one day, a person who was sanctioned by you shouted: 'You like to meddle so much, why don't you take care of the giants, they eat more people in a day than we kill in a month!'

"——You know what a giant is. It is the favored son and blood descendant of the Pillar God Supreme Heaven, a born powerful person, an existence that can wrestle with dragons.

"The barbaric and warlike race does not respect the Nine Pillar Gods, but only the Supreme Heaven. They use force to determine the order of the pillar gods, and regard the Supreme Heaven as the most powerful supreme god.

"The Supreme Heaven is also the most violent pillar god. For thousands of years, he is the only one who will personally punish those who are disrespectful. But because of this, some people do regard the Supreme Heaven as the 'only true god'. This is the Church of the Nine Pillars God. One of the chief difficulties in missionary work...for it is only the Supreme Genius who performs frequent miracles known to all races.

"But you also feel that this matter is very difficult. Because giants are very powerful, they can reach the fifth energy level almost as soon as they reach adulthood; giants are not social creatures, but they have terrifying 'skinless ones'. Even if they are two or one The group of Pope's guards is also difficult to fight against a skinless one.

"Although this matter involves pillar gods, giants, and powerful enemies - but you think that this matter must be dealt with. Although there are also humans who eat snakes, birds, and lizards, only giants will eat this. Taking it for granted.

"——As you investigate, you are furious to discover that besides humans, elves are included in the giant's diet. To be precise, giants feed on all races, even their own race. The conquered are slaves and slaves. What is defeated is food, and for giants, slaves are food reserves. If the giants were not trapped in the infinite food of the "Magic Cauldron" and gathered on Avalon, they would become a race that would bring endless disasters.

"Therefore, you decided to bid farewell to your pregnant wife and take your followers to the island of Avalon for an adventurous investigation. And your wife is also your mount, Favna, who is a dragon. As a 'dragon As a knight, you have lost your mount, so your strength will be reduced a lot; so you temporarily transferred a Pegasus to supplement your combat power.

"These followers of yours are not your subordinates, but friends who were moved by your righteous deeds in the past and voluntarily followed you. Their races include elves, humans, lizard people, and snake people. , goblins, and even dwarves - a total of forty-eight people arrived in Avalon with you by boat.

"And one of your secrets is... you are actually a natural prophet, able to get fragments of the future from your dreams. When you arrived at Arktos and woke up from your dream, you already knew... You will die here this time, and the giant priests have also seen this future, and they will capture you.

"What will you do?"

As the Lord of Scale Feathers finished his report, the mission of Lord of Scale Feathers appeared in front of Aiwass' eyes.

[Necessary tasks——]

[Continue to play Heleqin Longyan without being seen through and exposed by anyone (Points: 100)]

【Stay alive (points: 100)】

[Extra tasks——]

[Giant Killer: Kill a giant of a higher level than yourself (Points: 100)]

[Giant Slayer: Kill all the giants at the gathering points of ‘forebreast’, ‘tenderloin’ and ‘ribs’ (points: 500)]

[The enemy of the giants: Go to the temple and kill three giant priests with a ‘cervical vertebra’ level and above (points: 500)]

[Giants Must Die: Kill a hundred giants in total (Points: 500)]

[Skinless and heartless: Go to the royal court and kill a skinless person (points: 1000)]

[Wildfire blows again: Go to the temple and kill a giant priest of the ‘Skull’ level (Points: 1000)]

[Hate of the Royal Court: Go to the Royal Court and kill or severely injure the Giant King (Points: 2000)]

[The Blasphemer: Go to the Royal Court and demolish the statue of the Supreme Heaven enshrined in the Royal Court (Points: 2000)]


Aiwass exclaimed in surprise: "The boss is awesome!"

After being in this world for so long, he has never seen such clean, simple, and straightforward mission requirements.

——Where to go, what to kill, how many to kill.

Other than that, it's clean and nothing.

He finally knew why the Lord of Scale Feather was convinced that this promotion ceremony could catch Xiong Tiansi...

This time Aiwass played the role of the elf hero "Sir Helechen" whom he had seen in Eagle Point Village before and who turned into a wild hunt after his death!

He can be said to be the person that giants hate the most.

In a sense, he was the first person to question "Why can man-eating giants exist?", the first person to ask "Even if it has always been like this, is this right?", and the first person to try The one who overthrew the rule of the Giant Court. Starting from him, mankind realized that "giants can resist."

Before this, humans only regarded giants as a race of gods that must be respected and worshiped to avoid destruction - even evil gods are considered gods.

This promotion ceremony involves nothing but killing giants. There are no decryptions, no battles of wits, and no traps based on acting - although he must maintain the acting, as long as he runs away, these followers of Heleqin will not be able to catch up with him.

But... I have a little problem, boss.

Aiwass looked through the mission carefully again and had a little doubt about his new boss's plan.

...We just fish with a straight hook like this?

Doesn't Xiong Tiansi know that something is wrong?

Can this really be caught?

Update completed meow!

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