Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 618 Killing from the past to the future

I don't know if the giant's heart is powerful enough, or if Arthur's own strength is strong enough.

Arthur's injuries fully recovered before the plate of "Copper Pot Roasted Giant Offal" was finished.

——He was originally broken into ice-cracked porcelain, but now his body has returned to its original state.

But even so, Arthur's expression remained calm and indifferent.

He was silent when he was desperate, silent when he charged, silent when he won, silent when he was in pain, and now after recovering, he was still silent and as quiet as winter.

After finishing his comments and suggestions to Aiwass, he became silent.

It seems that apart from telling his teachings, he usually doesn't have anything to say.

After finishing his meal, he wiped his oily mouth with his right arm. Arthur got up and walked to the window.

Arthur stared out the window with his cold silver-gray pupils, watching the downpour of blood dye the water of Avalon blood red like an inverted river.

"In the future, I will protect this land."

Suddenly, Arthur spoke up: "But sometimes, I wonder if this would be the wrong thing to do."

He didn't look back at Aiwass.

But Aiwass knew that this was not just talking to himself. Arthur - or the incarnation of the "Silver Crowned Dragon" is talking to himself.

Aiwass did not respond immediately, so Arthur continued: "Promises made must be kept, and promises made must be kept. Power is built on trust, and power without trust is like power that is not feared.

"But if the initial direction is wrong, a king should also change the direction. There will always be someone who should bear the responsibility of turning the direction, just as there will always be someone who pays the price for deciding the direction."

Aiwass remained silent.

And Arthur finally turned around and looked at him.

He was not looking at Sir Helechin, but seemed to see something inside through him.

"You are very good."

Arthur said: "He can be the king of Avalon."

"...That's not necessary."

Aiwass finally spoke: "Perhaps my child will sit on the throne one day...but I will not. I will always be the knight she loves.

"Note: Knights do not seize the throne."

This is one of the mottos left by Lancelot I, the first monarch of Avalon.

"——Not bound by the throne."

Arthur then read the second half of the proverb.

He took a deep look at Aiwass.

Those silver-gray pupils are reminiscent of snowy winters, frozen lakes, or the silver-gray of sword blades.

"You still have a chance."

Arthur said: "But it will be gone after the wedding. When you make a vow, words will become shackles."

The meaning of Silver Crowned Dragon is very clear.

Now Aiwass can still seize Isabel's throne - and this act is even recognized by him. But after Aiwass swears not to betray Isabel at the wedding, this behavior will be regarded as breaking the oath.

Weddings are also one of the ceremonies performed by candle celebrants, while wedding rings and wedding vows belong to the domain of the Silver Crowned Dragon. Under the witness of at least two pillar gods, those words could not be regretted.

But Aiwass just shook his head: "If you really love her, you don't have to wait for the wedding to be witnessed by the boss. Every word is a promise."


Arthur was silent for a long time and shook his head slightly: "I don't understand what love is."

Aiwass looked up at Arthur in astonishment, but Arthur just looked back calmly with indifferent eyes.

"Everyone is the eternal self, and everyone is the snake father. But I am not - I only have the aspect of the snake father, and I have lost the eternal self."

"...Is the side of you that is consistent with me in another person?"

Aiwass asked subconsciously.

As soon as he asked the question, he felt like he was being a bit mean--

But fortunately, the Silver Crowned Dragon is indeed indifferent and not easily angered.

Arthur didn't care about Aiwass's disrespect at all, but replied seriously and unexpectedly: "Yes, there is nothing to gain without giving up.

"I can offer all this for my great cause, but what are you willing to give up?"

Aiwass was stunned for a moment and did not answer immediately.

Arthur sighed: "Think about it.

"——I'll wait for you to come back."

And the next moment, the scene in front of Aiwass suddenly disappeared——

He was not inside Carstening Pancod's Pancod temple, but outside!

Aiwass was still hovering in the sky on his Pegasus and had not yet charged towards the temple. But the temple was still intact, and it didn't emit that kind of strange ripples.

……what's the situation?

Aiwass was shocked.

"Is it an illusion?"

He looked at the Night Demon next to him.

The Night Demon shook his head: "No, Master. I also have that memory...the memory about Arthur."

Aiwass thought for a moment and then understood: "I understand..."

He remembered that at the beginning of the promotion ceremony, the Lord of Scale Feather said: Heleqin is a natural prophet who can get fragments of the future from dreams.

The "Arthur" he saw just now was "the future in Helechin's eyes"!

Maybe Carstenning is not dead at this moment, or maybe it is the Pancaulds who live here at this time. But Arthur obviously hasn't been caught here yet.

I don't know since when, I have fallen into the hallucination of predicting the future.


This promotion ceremony is not that the Lord of Scale Feathers "roughly sutured two eras", but that Heleqin can travel between the present and the future in an illusion!

He is going to die eventually.

Just like the future he foresaw... he would eventually die in Avalon and be beheaded, creating the history of "Beheading Valley".

But his death will destroy the giant kingdom of Alctos.

In other words...

Aiwass needs to experience death in reality and complete his promotion mission...

On the other side, we still need to defeat the Supreme Sky in the "future"!

This is not just Helechin’s personal history, but the overlapping history of Helechin and the Knights of the Round Table!

"...In this case, I have to finish my task quickly."

Aiwass felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Because I don’t know when...perhaps when the Supreme Sky is caught by a straight hook, I will not be able to complete the remaining tasks.

But at this moment, Aiwass's ears moved slightly, but he heard angry shouts from a distance.

——Someone is fighting!

Aiwass's heart moved and he asked the Pegasus to follow him.

As a dragon knight, Heleqin should be a transcendent at the peak level of the fifth energy level. He is obviously older than 500 years old, so he is probably a successor.

Perhaps it was the effect of inheritance that strengthened his five senses. In the heavy rain, even a fifth-level transcendent would find it difficult to hear the sounds of distant battles at such a distance - but Heleqin had the ability to "hear miserable cries".

He relies on this power to save others!

Pegasus turned around and ran, quickly covering a distance of three kilometers. At this time, Aiwass, who saw the flames reaching the sky from a distance, finally realized the source of the sound.

It was a battle between a lizardman warrior carrying a heavy load and a giant whose body was burning with flames.

It's not so much a battle as it is a one-sided killing.

The lizard warrior is extremely powerful - he is faster than the Great Guardian, and his swift and agile strength is built for killing. That is undoubtedly the fifth-level transcendent.

Just a little different.

The Great Guardian holds gold-level weapons, while the weapons in the hands of the lizard warriors can only be called "remnants".

It couldn't survive the giant's raging flames, and had been burnt into residue that didn't even count as a dagger.

But the long-handled metal ax in the giant's hand was burning with flames, and his body was also burning with blazing fire.

It looks like a huge flaming scarecrow - and the long-handled ax in his hand is as light as a scythe.

And as they fought, uncontrollable flames spread everywhere. A blood mist with a pungent smell is steaming in the blood rain.

[That's Origen, my most trusted lieutenant]

A sad, hollow whisper echoed from the bottom of Aiwass's heart.

At the same time as Aiwass arrived, the surprise attack of the brown-red skinned lizard warrior was easily defended by the giant.

It wasn't a martial skill - the flames that emerged out of thin air condensed into a lava shield in the air, blocking the attacks of the flying lizard warriors.

Then, horizontal pillars of lava and fire spewed out!

It drew a parabola and sprayed the lizard warrior far away on a mountain in the distance.

——Lava reflective shield!

Aiwass is all too familiar with this mechanism. If you try to attack the opponent at the wrong time, as long as the attack is a critical hit, you will be directly knocked out of the field by the lava reflection shield!

This mechanism, this appearance... this is none other than "Wildfire Giant" Utgaloch!

This is exactly what Cardinal Loki originally looked like!

"Be careful, Master."

Night Demon became serious and stood in front of Aiwass: "He is the sixth level."

...It’s actually the sixth energy level?

Aiwass felt nervous, but then he understood - this was reasonable. To the extent that Heaven protects shortcomings, what the Pope has, his Patriarch should also have.

"I'm going to save people first."

Aiwass said quickly.

The narrator in his mind before had a sad tone, as if Origen had burped on the spot... But Aiwass could see clearly that Origen was not dead at this time.

That's a fifth-level warrior! A rough-skinned warrior!

In the era when there were still "warrior" professions, this was undoubtedly the number one main T!

He was just hit directly by the lava, flew two kilometers and fell on the mountain... As long as he was rescued in time, he would definitely be able to be saved!

Even though this is not a mission beyond the path - Aiwass just can't listen to this tone that he can only watch people die and there is nothing he can do.

Back then, Yulia was also given a death notice in this way.

Aiwass believes that... in another world line, in that world line where Aiwass chose to become the archbishop, he must have embarked on the path of devotion for this reason.

Unlike Arthur in the room before, Origen was flown to the mountain!

Being in the mountains means there are trees!

The Night Demon didn't even do anything to stabilize the hatred. Although the giant had a furious expression and crazy eyes, he seemed to have a clear mind. His eyes only stayed on Aiwass for a short moment, and then focused directly on Night Demon.

Night Demon flew out directly, clasping his hands. Countless shadow hands emerged from the void on her body.

Utgaloch did not attack directly.

He just raised his hands and shouted in the vicissitudes of giant language: "Great Supreme God!

“Inflict divine punishment on the enemies who kill your people——”

There are no rituals, no prayers, no sacred vessels. Not even mana was consumed.

With just a shout, the sky stained red by the blood rain suddenly split open——

It was like the dark cloud that the night demon summoned to rain blood was suddenly torn apart by some greater force.

A huge golden-red gap like an "eye" suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was like a wisp of the setting sun, or like a wound cut open by a knife, with bone-deep wounds visible.

The center of the "eye" cast an angry look at Night Demon.

The next moment, a huge rumbling sound came from the sky——

From the center of that eye, countless huge burning meteors were projected, and they suddenly descended on the entire battlefield!

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