Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 622 Kill Utgaloch!

The intense pain and corrosion left Utgalochi unable to move. Although the wildfire still burning on his body was still protecting him, Utgaloch could not help but start thinking wildly.

Utgaloch roared and launched a fierce counterattack towards Origen's body.

But every attack he made was almost perfectly neutralized by Origen, and in turn left himself with scars that were deeply visible to the bones.

Origen always remained calm, and even in the midst of a life-and-death fight, his face did not become ferocious.

However, at this moment, he felt that time began to slow down.

His brain, which was dizzy and boiling with blood due to the infinite rage, suddenly calmed down at this moment. As if all the noise in his ears suddenly disappeared, he suddenly became sober.

Past experiences come to mind one by one.

——Utgaloch’s problem is actually similar to Origen’s.

We are both warriors, but we can’t get the weapons we are best at.

It is precisely because of this that Utgaloch respects this warrior - precisely because he respects the opponent, he will use all his strength to fatally wound him.

If it hadn't been the last blow and the opponent triggered the automatic protection of wildfire and was knocked away, Utgaloch would have carefully and carefully kneaded the opponent into meat paste, roasted it and eaten it in his stomach, ensuring that there was absolutely no Resurrection and the possibility of healing.

It's just a pity...he happened to get treatment from the elves.

Now that Utgaloch has been seized by the Giant King, he can no longer hold his best magic sword "Wounded Branch". Whether it is the giant ax or the unarmed strike, it is not the weapon that Utgaloch is best at - what he is best at is swordsmanship, and it is the swordsmanship that matches the magic sword "Wound Branch".

"Wounded Branch" is the top weapon of the giant clan, and it is also an artifact sent by the Supreme Heaven and imbued with his unparalleled divine power.

This weapon burns endlessly and shines brighter than the sun. That is the embodiment of the "supreme" will of the Supreme Heaven.

As long as you hold this weapon, you don't even need to swing it, and its countless "slave swords" will condense on the battlefield. It flies in the air according to the will of the holder, killing enemies at will.

Each slave sword is as if a warrior holding this magic sword is wielding it himself.

With this weapon, any human sea tactics are meaningless to the giant. Because as long as the strongest man of the giant family holds this magic sword, he can continuously divide himself, create countless clones of himself, and control the entire battlefield. Each clone cannot be defeated because it does not exist physically.

And the body of this weapon is a god-slaying blade forged by the Supreme Heaven himself, capable of cutting off the "giant tree" on which the elves rely for their livelihood——

Because of this, it is called "injured branch". It itself was made of a broken branch of a giant tree, and was forged by the Supreme Heaven himself into a rebellious magic sword capable of killing "its father".

Just use this sword to cut off the roots of the giant tree, and you can completely cut off the vitality of the giant tree, and burn and destroy the immortal giant tree that reaches the sky.

It is precisely because of the deterrence of this sword that the Giants can avoid interference and checks and balances from the Elves - although in terms of top combat power, the Giants cannot match the Theocracy. But if you really dare to interfere with the Giant Kingdom, then at worst, we will change your family!

——Anyway, the giant family does not need any special living environment. Whether it's a forest or a desert, whether it's an ice field or a seaside... As long as it's not a desert where food is scarce and it's too hot, you can always survive. But the elves couldn't accept it without the giant tree.

According to convention, this sword should belong to the Patriarch of the High Heavens.

Because the Patriarch of the Supreme Heaven is generally the most powerful person in the Giant Kingdom and the guardian of the kingdom.

However, this generation of giant kings is extremely arrogant and arrogant.

He used this ridiculous excuse to take away the identity of the guardian of the kingdom of Utgaloch in the name of Utgaloch being disrespectful to the royal family. He claimed to be the guardian and held this genuine artifact.

In terms of blood relationship, the relationship between the giant royal family and the Supreme Heaven is closer. Therefore, the Supreme Heaven knew that the other party was just a false accusation, but he ignored the other party and took away Utgalochi's artifact.

Because originally the position of Patriarch should belong to the royal family. Utgaloch also has royal blood flowing in his body, but his bloodline is not as pure as his predecessors.

Utgaloch was able to rise to the top simply because he was strong enough as a warrior.

No one deserves the "wounded branch" more than him.

Even the old giant kings of the previous generation would have respect for Utgaloch. The giant king of this generation also learned martial arts from Utgaloch when he was a boy, and Utgaloch was also his teacher.

But now, Utgaloch was forcibly deprived of his status as a guardian by his own students without making any big mistake.

This is a shame——

The Giant Kingdom has lasted for thousands of years, and there has never been a precedent of a guardian being deprived!

However, when facing foreign enemies, he can call for sanctions from the highest heaven. But when faced with the bullying of the giant royal family, the Supreme Heaven chose to remain silent in response to his prayers.

There is no justice in the highest heaven.

And now...


Utgaloch stared at this outstanding lizardman warrior and couldn't help but sneer.

He wasn't mocking the other person. But mocking fate.

Utgaloch had never seen such a gifted warrior. Even in the kingdom of giants, there is no warrior more powerful than this man. It's just that the lizardman's body restricted his talent... So what if such a weak race reaches its ultimate goal?

If he is an elf, if he is a giant, if he is a dragon - if he comes from these high-ranking races, this lizardman warrior who is still in his prime may be able to reach the position of Tiansi on the path of power in the future!


Such a powerful warrior was given a weapon that could easily cut him.

That would be a disaster for the giant kingdom.

Everything was caused by the disaster caused by the "King" taking the weapon away from himself.

——The era of giants may be coming to an end.

In Utgaloch's eyes, time seemed to slow down countless times.

Origen's body jumped up high with an afterimage, just suspended and still in the air.

At that moment, his body seemed to have grown two or three times in size through transformation.

A shadow wrapped in thunder covered his body like this!

It was an invincible face that was so majestic and almost terrifying, holding a thunder halberd in both hands!

In a daze, Utkaloch saw traces of the Supreme Heaven on that face.

As a warrior, he can even read the name of every combat skill used by the opponent.

——Fanatical power!

——Weapon resonance!

——Giant Strike!

——Thunder strike!

——Weakness attack!

——Unparalleled Slash!


The seven skills overlap and explode with unparalleled power.

——That is the number of power.

This is probably...fate.

This was the last thought that came to Utgaloch's mind.

The next moment, time flows.

The phantom of the giant halberd wrapped with countless golden blades split Utgaloch's head in two!

Then, a thick thunderstorm engulfed both of them.

The twisted power blasted Utgaloch's head directly!

Endless thunder accompanied by the storm surged in all directions from the intersection.

Then the surrounding ground was peeled off piece by piece, trees flew up in the storm, and violent black explosions emitted from Utgalochi's body, turning his body into powder piece by piece.

Aiwass, who was riding a Pegasus, could not avoid it in the air and was involved.

His body was thrown backwards, and with his last willpower, he could only try to hold the reins to prevent himself from being separated from the Pegasus. But even so, he was eventually involved and was thrown into a coma.

When Aiwass recovered from his confusion again, he saw the sun on the horizon turning into dusk.

The forest beneath him, which had just been destroyed by the aftermath and appeared to be incomplete and tattered, had almost recovered, but traces of the land and rivers being torn apart could still be seen.

"I told you I would come back."

An indifferent voice sounded.

Aiwass turned around and saw a familiar figure wearing silver armor, who was concentrating on helping Aiwass feed Pegasus.

——It’s Arthur!

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