Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 625 Merlin’s Idol

"——Sir Helechen?!"

"It's actually..."

"No wonder he is wearing the Theocracy's Guards Armor..."

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, the knights' whispers became noisy.

When Aiwass heard this discussion, his heart gradually calmed down.

no doubt.

Whether it's these Knights of the Round Table or Merlin...if the same person in history is really playing the role, then they must know Aiwass.

But their rather immature reactions now tell Aiwass that these people are all simulations of the Lord of Scales and Feathers, and there is no "real thing" like Arthur who suddenly came in.

……really weird.

The path of authoritarianism does not focus on fighting alone, just as Arthur's victory relied on the power of unity. Since Arthur did not bring the Knights of the Round Table with him, it meant that this matter was not that important to him.

Then why did Arthur suddenly participate in the fishing activities of the Lord of Scales and Feathers...

Aiwass couldn't understand for a moment.

But he knew another thing - it was much better to come into contact with these young guys than to meet the apostles.

Arthur alone is tricky enough, and Aiwass isn't quite sure whether he should continue to play Helechin or remain distant while remaining respectful and polite to the Silver Crowned Dragon.

This situation is like playing a role-playing board game and suddenly discovering that your immediate boss is sitting at the same table as you... This makes Avas suddenly feel a little confused.

But the Silver Crowned Dragon is actually pretty good, after all, he is taciturn enough. If Aiwass said something he shouldn't have said or done something he shouldn't have done, at least it wouldn't be spread that easily. But if there are other apostles present...

Based on the "law of conservation of embarrassment", when Aiwass was no longer embarrassed, Merlin, who had seemed inscrutable before, now became embarrassed.

Merlin scratched the back of his head and subconsciously glanced at Arthur who was expressionless. Finally he gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

He respectfully and politely took off his mage hat, bowed deeply to Aiwass, and said in extremely standard Elvish language:

"...I'm sorry, Sir Helchin. I didn't know it was you."

Obviously, for these young knights from the Herasl Empire who intend to fight against the giants, Sir Helechin is absolutely worthy of respect.

"It doesn't matter."

Aiwass nodded slightly and replied warmly: "I actually don't know...why I came here.

"By the way, Mr. Mage. What should I call you?"

"I'm Merlin."

The young blue-robed mage first reported his name, but soon he said with a serious expression: "Although I am indeed a mage... I would rather you call me a knight."

"——Can you be considered a knight?"

At this moment, another sneering voice came.

He did not speak in Elvish, but in a language similar to Star Antimony.

Aiwass recalled the contents of the history class and looked back at the same time. Only to find that it was a rather strange knight.

He has a rather handsome face and long gray hair in braids. He also has silver-gray pupils that are the same as Arthur's.

He looked at Aiwass carefully, then turned his head and continued to joke: "I have never heard that a person who doesn't even like wearing armor on the battlefield can become a knight - don't you think so!"

"-Okay, you guy!"

Merlin suddenly became angry and changed into his Elf-accented dialect of Hrasl.

He pulled out a slender and exquisite dagger from his waist: "Mordred, if you don't accept it, we will make a show of force!"


Avas was immediately attracted by this title and looked up.

Theoretically, Mordred is the ancestor of the Moriarty family line.

Although there is no blood relationship between them, and Mordred's own bloodline has been completely severed... there is no doubt that the first generation Moriarty, Mordred's adopted son, is inheriting Mordred's sacred will.

But in a sense, he can also be regarded as the ancestor of Aiwass...


Mordred was not afraid of Merlin's provocation. He glanced at Aiwass quickly, then puffed out his chest and said in a louder voice: "But don't use magic - you call yourself a knight, right? ? Knights can’t cast spells.”

He pulled out his weird long sword from his waist.

It was a pretty thick sword.

It has a round, thick, blunt and heavy sword tip, and a sword body that is thinner than the sword tip. Although it is relatively wide overall, it appears to be very thin in terms of thickness. This weird shape doesn't look like a sword at all... but more like a skateboard or an extremely long drop of water.

But compared to Mordred's sword, the sword in Merlin's hand seemed too small. If a normal two-handed sword is like a cigar, then Merlin's sword is like an extremely thin lady's cigarette.

"I bet it will still be three rounds."

"Four rounds! I will definitely last until four rounds this time!"

"Merlin, come on! The more you fight, the braver you become, and you fight again and again after defeats!"

The other knights obviously didn't think much of Merlin's winning rate, so they all made noises.

And Aiwass looked at Arthur with some surprise.

Seeing that Arthur turned a blind eye to this and even admired it with his arms folded, Aiwass realized that this was a normal situation that he didn't need to worry about.

Merlin's face was red, he pushed up his monocle, and started a duel with Mordred with a straight face.

And just as the sword was spinning and flying out, a hand directly picked it up from the air.

With its exquisiteness and slenderness, if it flew out like this and stuck on the ground, there would be a high probability that the blade would be damaged. Fortunately, he was caught in the air, which made Merlin sigh in relief.

"Don't bully Master Merlin, Lord Mordred."

A calm voice came: "Are you proud that you defeated a mage with the swordsmanship I taught you? Have you read the book I gave you?"

The bright blond hair and the calm and serious face immediately reminded Aiwass of the Great Guardian.

"I am a knight..."

Merlin defended in a low voice and took his sword from Gawain.

"...I know, Brother Gao Wen."

Mordred also whispered, and at the same time crooked Merlin with his elbow. Merlin turned around again.


Gawain suddenly shouted sharply.

Although Gawain only scolded Mordred, Merlin also became well-behaved along with him. It was like being called into the office by the teacher after a fight between two children.

Only then did Aiwass realize...these knights might be younger than he thought.

"Don't call me brother. Under the king's command, you should call me Gao Wenqing."

Gawain taught him a serious lesson: "Don't embarrass the king and his mother."


Aiwass was a little confused.

When he heard Merlin say "my king" before, he thought he heard it wrong or misunderstood the meaning.

Now it seems... the result is really King Arthur?

Did Arthur eventually pass the throne to Lancelot? No wonder at the beginning, the status of the founder and the royal family were equal...

And when Aiwass spoke some imprecise imperial language, the knights who had previously been booing suddenly jumped up and down. They obviously did not expect that this elf hero summoned by King Arthur could actually speak human language.

"What are you surprised about?"

Merlin pushed up his glasses with half pride and half admiration, and at the same time raised his head and said: "Before Sir Helechin launched his final journey, he was the legendary 'White Knight'! He walked across the human kingdoms, destroying He has done many unjust acts and mediated many wars! The most famous one is the liquidation war of the ancient Anxi Kingdom after the Second Water War!

"After the Second Water War, the revolting slaves were suppressed again. And the good masters planned to create a premeditated massacre to clear out all the rebels and slaves. In order to avoid the humanitarian intervention of the Theocracy, the good masters planned to They pretended to fight a war with each other, and then recruited the rebels who failed after the Second Water War and the slaves who helped them, and sent them to the front line for this reason, so that these former comrades would fight each other until all People died in the war.

"Sir Heleqin noticed the truth from the details. He believed that this was a hypocritical and unjust war, so he led his followers directly into several oases and penetrated the opponent head-on. The slave army's obstruction killed several good masters who planned this massacre, thereby intimidating other good masters and eliminating this meaningless and bloody war without a trace!

"To this day, the ancient Parthian Kingdom has softened its attitude towards the slaves. This is not due to their failure in the Second Water War, but because of the intimidation of Sir Helechin and the Theocracy!

"Today, there are still many people whose names have 'Ibn Helezin' in them, which means 'Son of Helezin'. It is used to express gratitude and commemoration to Sir Helezin who stopped this war!"

Merlin praised Helechin unreservedly.

Aiwass looked at his excited face that was a little red, and couldn't help but feel that this was so different from the Merlin he knew...

...Was Sir Helechin turned out to be Merlin's idol in his youth?

Aiwass suddenly realized.

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