Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 627 Wild Hunt Transformation Ceremony

"Did you just say, 'The furious souls of injustice cannot be appeased'?"

Aiwass was keenly aware of the details in Merlin's words: "What's going on? Is my soul still in the world?"


Although it made Merlin feel a little embarrassed to say this to the former hero.

But he still held up his chest and told the truth to Sir Heleqin: "Obviously it is impossible for the giants of the past to hold a funeral for you. Even though some people have collected some of the remains, not only are they completely unable to distinguish these No one, no matter which part, could invite an elf priest from the Theocracy to go to Avalon Island to hold the funeral.

"These restless souls have all turned into undead because of their strong resentment. They are even more terrifying and powerful than they were in life.

"...And among them, the most violent undead is you."

Merlin said calmly: "It is precisely for this reason that my king will hold the heroic spirit summoning ceremony that is still under experiment. Summon the heroic spirits who fought with the giants in the past to fight side by side with us.

"After the battle is over, we can also rely on your connection with the dead souls to force purification. After all, the heroes of the past should not be transformed into undead souls who are feared and hated by people just because they died without a burial place...

"...But I think, maybe we don't have to wait until the battle is over. To fight against an apostle, maybe just using the 'heroic spirit' is not enough. The best way I can think of is to use the heroic spirit as a medium to transfer your former soul Transformed into the Wild Hunt..."

Listening to Merlin explaining his plan, and watching him start to arrange the ceremony, Aiwass gradually understood.

——The term "heroic spirits" initially refers to those undead souls who retain their rationality.

Generally speaking, the undead are either confused and resentful of the living, or they are transformed by great resentment.

But there is an exception, that is, becoming undead while maintaining a clear will. And this requires strong willpower to resist the invasion of the soul by twilight... and those who can do this are basically heroes. Therefore, these undead souls are called heroic spirits.

True heroic spirits are very rare. And if not protected, the heroic spirit will gradually lose its sanctity after spending some time, and degenerate into an ordinary undead spirit over a long period of time.

The only "real heroic spirit" Aiwass currently knows is the heroic spirit sleeping in the red-handled sword.

——It should be a certain knight in Arthur's camp. It can continue to exist as a heroic spirit because it is always sealed in the Holy Sword and remains asleep.

The so-called "heroic spirit summoning" is not actually the summoning of real heroic spirits.

This skill will be a spell belonging to the authoritarian path in the future - this is a professional ability exclusive to the "Agent" profession of the authoritarian path and its advanced profession "Heroic Spirit Commander".

They can summon some "spiritual weapons" with simple self-awareness; or through some special weapons that have been sacrificed for a long time, they can summon light-attributed spirits that can control the weapons.

Of course, these heroic spirits cannot be the souls of the owners of these weapons... they are just created phantoms. In other words, it is the "holder" in people's minds. It is an afterimage that carries expectation and admiration, an image that turns from false to real.

Typically, this skill is used for goalkeeping. For example, if you want to guard an important warehouse, but you are worried about someone stealing it, you can summon a heroic spirit to create a heroic spirit that never sleeps and is not bewitched by invisibility or illusions to guard the door.

For example, if people opened a temple or temple to worship Sir Heleqin - even if the real Heleqin had been transformed into a violent undead, it would be impossible to summon him. But as long as the "Sir Helechin's weapon" in this temple is used as a medium, the former clear-minded and gentle heroic spirit Helechin can still be summoned.

This has something to do not only with the Path of Authority and the Path of Transcendence, but even somewhat with the Path of Beauty and the Path of Dusk. Necromancy has a similar ability, being able to briefly manifest souls that have died or even been reincarnated.

——In today’s era, there is no authoritarian path at all.

The character played by Aiwass should be the "first summoned heroic spirit" in the world. A heroic spirit summoned by Arthur himself.

"No wonder he entered the short-term time-stop field when he came out..." Aiwass thought to himself.

It was probably just like when Aivas came into contact with Lancelot I during the Shadow of Avalon ritual.

What Merlin had to do was to exchange the fake Sir Helechin for the real one.

Rather than summoning a lot of heroic spirits with three or four energy levels, it would be better to directly transform the undead Heleqin into the Wild Hunt.

"Hate" is an extremely precious nourishment for the undead. Extraordinary beings who harbor great resentment and become undead are often much stronger than they were in life.

Just like the Earthbound Spirit sealed into the Phantom Demon Card by Aiwass - when she was a human, she was just a mortal little girl, but under the huge resentment, she suddenly became a fifth-level Phantom Demon.

Although Heleqin and his followers were tortured and killed by the giants when they were alive...but after they died and turned into undead, the giants did not dare to provoke them.

This is probably why the giants specially set up the inaccessible "Beheading Valley" as an execution site.

Essentially, it's similar to burying polluting waste in an uninhabited place - if this place is really haunted, then at worst, they won't come back. The undead can't run far anyway, so there's no need to worry about chasing them.

"That's a good plan, Merlin."

Arthur echoed from the side: "It's up to you, Sir Helechin. We need your help - you in the undead state have great power beyond the 'Wall of Balance'. If you can become the Wild Hunt, you will It helps that we fight against 'tyrants'."

--ha? Shall I come? Won't you come?

Aiwass was startled for a moment and looked at Arthur.

His expression was cold, still his calm and steady poker face.

Although his tone was so calm that he seemed to be reciting his lines, it was obvious that his usual personality was similar to this. The other Knights of the Round Table were completely unaware that there was actually another actor inside this Arthur - the future Arthur.

And Arthur winked at Aiwass to express his reassurance.

——Don’t be afraid, speak your mind.

So Aiwass settled down.

"...use the false me as a sacrifice and medium to achieve a ceremony with the real Heleqin?"

Aiwass coughed lightly and said seriously: "If it is to fight against the Supreme Heaven and its apostles... I will be happy to cooperate with your ceremony."

Hearing this, Merlin also breathed a sigh of relief.

If "Sir Helechin" has a conservative personality and does not agree with this matter, then he actually has no way to force Helechin to transform into the Wild Hunt.

Maybe I can't do it...or maybe I just don't want to do it. After all, Heleqin is his idol.

...Then we can only fight to the death.

When Arthur and Helechin both nodded in agreement, Merlin's plan received the full assistance of the knights.

With the transportation and assistance of the knights, Merlin completed his ceremony at full speed.

——That is a ritual circle composed of sixteen huge stones.

It looks like a crosshair.

And Aiwass saw it clearly - the four innermost stone tablets wrote down Heleqin's experiences from childhood to adulthood.

From birth, school, and other experiences as a child and teenager, to the adventures, growth, and love of youth. The third stone tablet contains his achievements, and the fourth stone tablet contains the cause of his death.

The four stone tablets, which are staggered and angled, have words of respect for the great philosopher written on them.

Merlin pulled out the sharp sword from his waist and raised it above his head.

"——I pay my respects to Weizhe, the God whose holy number is four!

"The God who sees the truth, the God who is silent!"

He raised his voice and said: "When the heavy rains of the seasons come, the sound of the hounds of life and death can be heard. The unburied war dead roar from the storm——"

As Merlin prayed, a thick, dark blue thunderbolt like the deep sea fell from the sky and landed on the sword blade in his hand.

Dark blue electric light fluctuations are connected to all the stone tablets. The words on each stone tablet became brighter, and dark blue electric light shone on them.

Those words jumped out from the stone tablet and appeared in the void. And there are power grids connecting them together.

At this moment, the sky gradually became gloomy.

There was no warm-up or transition, and the rain poured down in the blink of an eye!

It was such a storm that my vision became blurred and I couldn't see anyone clearly. As the heavy rain fell to the ground, the electric lights formed a ball, wrapping Aiwass in it.

In the storm that could obscure all vision, the dark clouds on the horizon surged and blurred into black horses and hounds.

Faintly, Aiwass heard two hounds barking.

One of them is loud and full of life and vitality, while the other is low and dark, with some echoes. Every sound is closely followed by another sound.

For death always accompanies life—just as hunting is for survival, and it always brings death.

The Wild Hunt is the opposite: it is hunted for death, but it gives people hope of life.

"Those who have died but still have souls must be stripped of the six realms! Because of their death, they have the way of dusk, because of their strength, they have the way of strength, and because of their existence, they have the way of adaptation!

"In the name of great wisdom, I will reshape your path of wisdom and beauty for you!

"I give you the privilege of speech and singing! I give you the privilege of thinking and wisdom!"

"You must not attack or enter any room with the light on and the door closed! You must not enter any area near a church where a bishop is stationed. You must not attack the sick, pregnant women, and disabled people! You must not destroy libraries and schools. You must not harm opponents. You brave man who plays the piano and sings!

"You must not stop hunting, you must not stop fighting! Just like the storm never stops, it just sleeps for a while-"

I see.

Those who have died but still have their bodies stripped of their fourth realm... The Wild Hunt ritual is to transform the souls of these warriors whose corpses have disappeared into the bodies of the Wild Hunt, restoring them from the third path to the fifth path...

But after hearing this, Aiwass's consciousness gradually blurred.

Fragments of memories flowed through his mind - like endless photos floating in his mind one after another. He doesn't quite understand what these clips mean, but just looking at them makes him feel a little warm and nostalgic.

In the end, these images slowly slowed down and stopped until they reached the photo of Helechin and his wife Favna.

The picture in Aiwass's mind began to slowly enlarge, and Heleqin's bright and sunny smile became clearer and clearer. And everything else gradually became a blur.

Suddenly, Helechin in the photo seemed to come alive. And everything around him becomes blurry, melts away and disappears.

As Favna in his arms turned into nothingness, he straightened up with some regret.

Heleqin winked at Aiwass, pointed his thumb at Aiwass, and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

He opened his right hand that originally had a thumbs up, revealing the right hand that was much larger than Aiwass's and stretched it forward.

[Won’t you come and shake hands? 】

The voice that originally acted as the narrator in Aiwass's heart suddenly sounded at this moment.

In a daze, Aiwas stretched out his right hand and slowly held it with the big hand that was much larger than himself.

【I'll leave the rest to you】

Heleqin's gentle and bright voice sounded in Aiwass's heart:

[The Lord of Scale Feather should be enough to do this]

In front of Aiwass, "Helchin" showed a bright and generous smile for the last time, stretched out his other hand and extended his thumb to Aiwass again.

【Come on! 】

As soon as the words fell, Heleqin's image suddenly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, extremely pure "skills" flowed into Aiwass's heart——

——That’s the memory of Helechin’s “riding skills” and “gun skills”!

Three hundred years of combat experience emerged intermittently in Aiwass's mind.

Together with four ancient combat skills that once belonged to the path of "power" but have now been infiltrated by the path of dusk and wisdom——

——Undead Charge!

——Storm Strike!

——The Wrath of Thunder!

At this moment, a panel suddenly popped up in front of Aiwass:

Basic occupation——

Heritage·Wild Hunt LV2: [Wild Hunt Tactics - Level 1 (0%)], [Dead Body Martial Arts - Level 1 (0%)]

Then, Aiwass saw in a trance that the world turned into a meaningless haze.

The entire world's time seems to have frozen here.

Aiwass vaguely saw something on the horizon looking at him. But I couldn't see its existence at all, I just felt that my mood gradually became peaceful.

The moment Aiwass' mood became extremely peaceful, the dim yellow clouds dispersed.

He seemed to have seen something——

It was a huge eye like a golden turntable.

It looks like an eye, a door, an egg, or some kind of gem.

The moment he looked into his eyes, a great fear appeared in Aiwass's heart.

That is the fear that can burn away curiosity and freeze hope. The mind is emptied in the blink of an eye, and the sense of time is frozen here——

When Aiwass woke up again, he had returned to the material world.

He has transformed into a huge, pitch-black King of the Wild Hunt, and boundless violent power is emerging from his body. Aiwass, who had never felt such a powerful force, even had the illusion that he could crush the ground with just a little force.

Unable to bear the urge, Aiwass raised his head, clenched his fists and looked up to the sky and roared.

Along with his roar like a storm, rumbles of thunder came from the sky. Lightning crackles spread in the thundercloud, and a large swath of thunder falls randomly and violently around Aiwass.

At this moment, a brand new panel popped up in front of Aiwass:

It was different from the powerful power he had at the moment.

On the contrary, it is similar to the blue sky and white clouds entry that Aiwass received when he first learned the art of sacrificing fire and embarked on the path of devotion——

[Earth Affinity LV1 (Blue): You are close to the Amber Egg and understand some of the essence of the earth. 】

[Earth Container LV1 (Blue): When you come into contact with the Amber Egg, your soul will expand. 】

[Clear Container LV1 (Blue): If you take the amber egg, your soul will expand. 】

——It’s Amber!

Avas suddenly understood.

This is exactly the contact from the twilight path!

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