Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 635 Fight against the skinless ones!

Darkness spreads like a crawler.

The bloody rain containing the curse came again, roaring in the dark night and covering Avalon Island again.

With Origen leading the way, Aiwass quickly arrived at the gathering point of mission requirements.

Although many giants have been dissolved by the rain of blood summoned by the Night Demon, not all giants have been destroyed.

[Giant Slayer: Kill all the giants at the gathering points of ‘chest’, ‘loin’ and ‘ribs’ (points: 500)]

——A task worth five hundred points, which clearly requires Aiwass to kill all the giants in these three gathering points, leaving no one alive!

What if there are giants who are still young and can avoid the blood rain curse of the Night Demon? What if a giant is too timid and refuses to leave the building; or is simply sleeping soundly and not knowing what is going on outside?

And now Heleqin, who is a "Wild Hunt", has signed a contract. He cannot attack or enter any room with the lights on and the door closed, nor can he intentionally attack the sick, pregnant women, and disabled people.

In order to ensure that all the giants are killed, Aiwass can only release Night Stalker and Origen and let them enter every building to complete the mission of destruction!

This is nothing complicated.

Two sixth-level warriors, and a fifth-level elite warrior who can defeat the sixth-level Utgaloch. Not to mention, King of the Wild Hunt Helchin's abilities are all halo effects, and they are also effective on Origen and Night Stalker.

They went to destroy these gathering points where at most a few fifth-level giants were stationed. There really were no exciting battles to describe.

After all, the giant's life style determines that the giant's population is sparse. The total number of people in these three gathering points is only a few hundred, not even as many as the three residential buildings.

And this time, there was no Utgaloch coming to get in the way.

And when Aiwass arrived at the third gathering point, he also knew...why the mission given by the Lord of Scale Feather specifically required these three gathering points.

What "breast", "tenderloin" and "ribs" have in common is that they are all close to the "heart".

The location of the "heart" is the glass island that Aiwass is extremely familiar with - which is now the royal city of Avalon Island!

When Aiwass arrived at these three gathering points, he was already near the Giant King City. And as he arrived here, darkness, dark clouds and blood rain also spread to the interior of the royal city.

A large number of giants died as a result, and the pain and wailing were endless - the giants could no longer take this disaster lightly.

And the task of wasting time to destroy the three gathering points was actually buying time for the giants!

When the giants realized that three gathering points near the royal city had been completely slaughtered, they became angry. Originally, the giants would never unite because of the invaders... because although the giants are all soldiers, they have no obligation to obey the conscription, and they have no obedience to obey the military commands. It is really difficult to schedule and control.

But Aiwass's mission completely angered these giants and made them completely pay attention to Aiwass.

When Aiwass reached the third gathering point, a dark red light curtain suddenly condensed over the royal city, blocking out the bloody rain containing the curse.

In principle, this is not difficult.

A fourth-level spellcaster can protect a city in this way with sufficient materials and a period of preparation. After all, the curse in the rain is inert - it is not a rain of blood mixed with poison or strong acid prepared to kill everyone, so it can easily be blocked by ordinary barriers.

Rather, it was such a simple evasion method... but it wasn't until Aiwass reached the bottom of the royal city that a giant finally used it.

The main reason is that giants generally have little knowledge and academic qualifications. Most giants do not know the Night Demon at all, nor do they understand the dangers of this rain of blood. But this also shows that the giants have no awareness of crisis management at all——

After all, they are guaranteed to be at the third energy level when they reach adulthood, and can easily lift tons of weight with one hand. Each gathering point has multiple fourth energy levels, and a slightly larger gathering point will also have several fifth energy levels. .

In this era, giants are basically invincible.

When is it their turn to do crisis planning?

And now, they finally paid the price.

Although Aiwass didn’t know how many giants the Night Demon’s blood poured into the royal city and killed... But he could easily hear the increasingly furious and clearer shouts several kilometers away. Aiwass You also know how angry they are towards themselves.

There is no doubt that the hatred Aiwass attracted from the giant has greatly exceeded that of Sir Helechin in history.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge red eyeball with sharp thorns like a lychee suspended in the black-red night sky.

It slowly opened its eyes, revealing the green vertical pupils inside.

Zhutong looked around and found traces of Aiwass.

A cone-shaped light curtain was projected from it - like a searchlight, it locked onto the traces of Aiwass and his party.

It was a group of people, just the lizard warrior Origen and the Night Demon in the form of a crow sitting behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Aiwass felt a strong sense of crisis.


Crazy, hysterical roars could be heard in the distance.

From the royal city, a group of scarlet giants rushed out.

Each one is at least ten meters tall, and there is even a fifteen-meter-tall giant, which is twice as tall as the other giants.

Unlike other giants, these giants wear no clothes at all - not only are their bodies naked, but their skin is peeled off to expose their muscles!

"——It's the Skinless One!"

Origen whispered.

A scalp-numbing sense of crisis, accompanied by a refreshing sense of excitement, hit my heart. His heart couldn't stop beating wildly, and he attached great importance to the battle in front of him... and even felt an extremely clear premonition of death from it.

Each of these elite soldiers among giants is an elite among fifth-level extraordinary beings. Not only is it thick-skinned, but it is also fearless of pain and possesses almost endless anger.

Even a group of Papal Guards working together would be hard-pressed to kill a Skinless One.

All their skin had been stripped off - and not only that, they had undergone a "baptism before the war."

Those red-hot steel nails, like the metal spears used by humans, pierced their bodies, making a sizzling sound, and the air was filled with the aroma of barbecue.

And there was white smoke visible to the naked eye steaming from their bodies - I don't know if it was the heat from the blood vessels, or the heat aroused by the red-hot steel nails.

As an ordinary human warrior, I am afraid that all he can do with all his efforts is to add one more nail.

These nails are what the Skinless people value most——

For them, being injured is an honor. Because the Supreme Heaven has given them an unparalleled tough body, only if they are used to the limit will they be injured. Like a notebook filled with writing, a pair of gloves that have been worn to the point of being unusable.

So every time they were injured, they would drive a nail into the wound.

And before the most solemn battle, they would take out nails all over the body, burn them and then drive them into the body again.

The strength of the Skinless One comes from pain, and the pain of being skinned will eventually adapt and become numb. And this fresh pain will awaken their previous memories!

They roared wildly!

"Uh ohhhhhhhhhh-"



A meaningless but frightening roar came from afar.

They were drooling and crying, and their faces were so painful that they were hideously distorted. The skinless faces looked as terrifying as evil spirits, and the red anger wrapped around their bodies made these suffering lunatics appear extremely dangerous.

That is the "anger" that an ordinary "soldier" can only accumulate after his body is completely warmed up and he fights on the battlefield for a long time.

Relying on anger, warriors can use a variety of outstanding martial arts and explode to do things that their bodies would otherwise be unable to do. This is a resource similar to but different from mana... it is low in the initial state and gradually increases as the intensity of the battle increases.

Previously, after Origen was seriously injured, he relied on his "anger" to use his outstanding martial arts skills to leapfrog and kill Utgaloch!

The more seriously injured a soldier is, the more dangerous he is, that's what he's talking about.

——However, these skinless people are full of blood.

These are overflowing rages—

The characteristic of the Skinless Ones is that they have unlimited "rage" resources!

Although Aiwass' mission only required him to kill one Skinless Man...

But there were ten of these skinless people in front of him!

The combat power is equivalent to that of twenty papal guards. They were screaming with tears and making hysterical roars and roars, and crashed towards Aiwass with a posture that shook the world!

One of the skinless men twitched all over, angrily thrust his hand into the ground and lifted the mountain——

He was only ten meters tall, but he lifted up a giant rock more than a hundred meters high and threw it towards Aiwass!

——But Aiwass is not retreating but advancing!

He suddenly turned into a virtual body, walked on the ice, and passed directly through the boulder!

He appeared next to the giant's neck, brandishing a huge crimson sword.

Eight knives per second!

The swords and swords were all used with full force, and each sword slashed out a red sword energy as sharp as the moon!

The head of the stone-throwing giant was directly chopped off by Aiwass!

——Death upon meeting!

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