Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 648 Am I dying soon?


Aiwass hesitated to speak.

He stared at the "final payment" given to him by the Lord of Scale Feathers and fell into silence.

In any situation and in any world view, unconditional resurrection can be regarded as the best entry.

After all, it is a real second life.

In a real world, who would think that there are too many resurrected armors?

Even Xiong, he definitely wants this resurrection armor that exploded from his corpse to help him win the resurrection match.

Of course, if Aiwass got this feature from anywhere else, he would be very happy for it... Those plans that were originally shelved by him because of the danger, now that he has a second life, he dares to try them. .

This is like "you can't play without remaining health" - conversely, having more health will make you more courageous.

...But the problem is that this thing was given to him by the Lord of Scale Feathers.

The Lord of Scale Feather's professional field is prophecy and prophet, and his accuracy is extremely high - from a consequential point of view, he seems to be able to see even the future of the Pillar God's fall, and can also see the development of different world lines.

And such a powerful and mysterious prophet suddenly and quietly handed Aiwass a copy of the Resurrection Armor.

Especially after Aiwass mastered advanced divine arts, signed a contract with the Lord of Scale Feathers, and completed the ritual.

The implication is that it's useless if you ask me to do it for you.

An emoticon of a crying cat's head appeared in Aiwass' mind involuntarily:

——Am I going to die?

"...But at best, this can be regarded as the Lord of Scale Feather's declaration that he will interfere in the future."

Aiwas comforted himself.

If the Lord of Scale Feather is the type who respects the future and chooses to sit back and watch, or actively participate in it to make the future self-realize, he can give Aiwass a reward, or give Aiwass a subtle reminder.

Since he gave Aiwass a set of resurrection armor, it means that he at least hopes that Aiwass can survive - in other words, since he only gave Aiwass a set of resurrection armor, maybe the crisis will not be too strong. There won't be any problems that Aiwass can't solve even with several lives.

"Your expression... is very subtle."

Sherlock held Aiwass's arm and complained: "There is a feeling of being shocked but trying to comfort yourself that it's okay - it's like just getting off a roller coaster. How did you get out of the ceremony? What did you see?"

"That's a long story..."

Aiwass shook his head, made a hoarse voice, and took two steps slowly with Sherlock's support.

Just like that, he felt his heart beating violently.

Due to long-term fasting of food and water, his body was now in an extremely weak state - this was Aiwass' preparation for the intense promotion ceremony.

Now it turns out that his caution at the time was indeed correct.

If he had not taken the drunken dream tincture or used this kind of ritual sacrifice, I am afraid that the moment Aiwass looked directly at the highest sky, he would have trembled all over and suddenly woke up from his dream.

Seeing Aiwass' pale face, Sherlock thought for a while, took a bottle of red potion from the potion hanging on his belt and handed it to Aiwass: "Drink some first."

Aiwass picked up the potion and drank it in one gulp without asking anything.

He pursed his lips and licked his dry lips, feeling the hot liquid that tasted like dates soaked in sweet wine flow down his throat, and the strong warm breath flowed into his limbs and bones along with the warm life force. This made Aiwass' originally pale complexion suddenly turn rosy.

"...Vitality Potion? When did you buy it?"

Aiwass asked casually.

Even his originally hoarse voice became normal.

"Yulia did it."

Sherlock shrugged: "Although it's for me, it's for you."

"Why didn't she just give it to me?" Aiwass asked subconsciously.

"She said that if she gave it to you directly, you might never use it. She doesn't know what our noble Lord Moriarty usually saves."

Sherlock was sultry and angry.

Aiwass coughed lightly and said calmly: "That... is indeed the case."

Unless it is necessary and has become a habit...Aiwass just doesn't like using consumables.

When he used to play games, he would tend to hoard consumables no matter which game he played. I feel reluctant to throw it away. After selling it, I always feel that I may use it in the future, but I put it in my pocket and can’t remember to use it, or even if I think about it, I can’t bear to use it.

For the same consumables, if one bottle is more effective and the other is worse, he tends to use up the worse one first - but after using up the worse one, his level is improved and the effect is better. of. So he would use the batch with relatively worse effects and use up the worse ones first.

There is a feeling like an old man eating fruit: when new fruits and fruits that are about to rot are put together, the fruits that are about to rot will always be eaten first, and when they are finished, the new fruits will be rotten.

"I'll go check on Lily's side first."

Aiwass felt that his body was gradually injecting vitality, so he stepped outside and said to Sherlock without looking back: "Please help me clean up the ceremony."

"Take this first."

Sherlock's voice sounded from behind, and then there was a sound breaking through the air.

Aiwass reached out his hand without looking back and grabbed the thing with his backhand.

After seeing what was in his hand, Aiwass was slightly startled.

It's a small makeup mirror.

What do you mean?

——【You change for me? 】

"Just in case."

Sherlock's lazy voice sounded: "I remember you have the ability related to mirrors, and Miss Lily's room does not have a mirror.

"Hurry up and get it done. Maybe we can go out for a midnight snack before dawn. I still want to catch up on some sleep."

"I thought you wouldn't be sleepy."

Aivas turned his head slightly, a little surprised: "After all, you stay up late every day to study in Avalon."

"It's different from that simple, mechanical research. The secret book is a bit brain-burning. To ensure efficiency and safety, you must ensure that you have enough energy to read. Helping you guard the ceremony, I wasted a night... I can't waste time any more."

Sherlock yawned and said as if he didn't care: "The main thing is... one by one, you either finished reading the new secret book or completed the promotion.

"... This makes me feel that if I don't get more nervous, I might not be able to keep up with you."

"--Sure enough."

Evans chuckled and said, "You are worthy of it."

He just guessed Sherlock's thoughts.

Sherlock is undoubtedly very proud. Apart from his brother, he has never been submissive to many people in his life.

But now Evans has completed the test of high-level divine arts and has become the earthly agent of the Lord of Scales and Feathers. He is only one step away from becoming a cardinal of the Church.

How old is Evans this year?

He just had his birthday not long ago, and he is only nineteen years old now.

How old is Sherlock?

He was born on January 6th, and he is now twenty-eight years old.

If Evans became the Minister of the Ministry, it can be considered that he is lucky...This is inseparable from his last name "Moriarty" and his meeting with Princess Isabel in a dream. Even when Evans came into contact with the fourth energy level, Sherlock did not react much...After all, he had reached this level a long time ago, but he himself refused the possibility of rising to the fourth energy level from the authoritarian path.

But Aiwass is now at the fourth level of the dual path, and is about to become the first human cardinal of the Church - this is real and indisputable outstanding talent.


That is a real star.

Sherlock will never be jealous of others... This is also his pride and self-esteem.

After truly recognizing Aiwass's excellence and acknowledging that Aiwass's excellence is better than his own, Sherlock became serious from the bottom of his heart.

Although he still looks relaxed and casual on the outside, Aiwass feels that the mentality of this genius has completely changed - he has truly put himself in the position of a "learner" and "chaser", put down his pride, and started learning again.

"Come on."

Aiwass encouraged, and then played with the mirror upstairs.

Lily was on the second floor, completing her separation ceremony of the egg-moon tantra.

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