Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 666: Huan Tiansi's Conspiracy

Aiwass can probably guess what the Lord of Scale Feather is thinking.

If we say that the existence of Aiwass itself means variables...

This would explain why the plans of his adoptive father James and grandfather Jacob, who arranged plans around him, all failed due to unpredictable variables.

It's not even just them.

From Lloyds, the Noble Red, to the Rose Cross represented by the Succubus... When these plans that have been implemented for many years develop to the point where contact with Aiwass is necessary, variables will suddenly begin to appear.

Now it seems that if Aiwass makes all certain things no longer certain... then the best way to use it is not to try to control Aiwass.

Instead, use Aiwass to first eliminate the "worst" option and cut off this future possibility.

No matter how random it is in the future, at least it won't be so random as to the worst possibility. No one wants to see at least the Fallen Heaven Secretary becoming a Pillar God - no one wants a new Supreme Heaven to appear in this world.

If the original "transcendence" becomes "fall", the whole world may turn to chaos and darkness.


"This doesn't seem to be of any use to me."

Aiwass said sincerely: "Huan Tiansi... He has other plans."

Although saying this would make Aiwass feel a little strange - it was almost like he was praising himself on a trumpet. However, the Ring of Ending is indeed the ceremony prepared by Huan Tiansi.

And Aiwass believed that the Lord of Scale Feather must know about this.

as expected.

The Lord of Scale Feather just smiled and said: "Are you talking about the 'Ring of the Ending' ceremony? Indeed... He even prepared the 'Territory of the Ending' on Xing Antimony's side, just waiting for them to take the bait.

"He disguised this ritual. Those people would only think that they could steal Tiansi's power through this ritual and skip the promotion ceremony and ascend to the sixth level. Because this ritual does have this part of the ability, it is not No problem... This is a ritual performed by Huan Tiansi himself. There is no way they would notice the problem with this ritual.

"And this ritual must have a fifth-level victim as a sacrifice - this is very consistent with the thinking of those demonologists.

"Because in their world view, powerful rituals must come with a price. If this ritual does not require any price, they will definitely think it is a scam. But because this ritual requires the sacrifice of a ritual participant, this ritual becomes You have to be very convincing..."

Having said this, the Lord of Scale Feather chuckled and made a sarcastic voice: "Those people are still scheming now.

"Some people concealed the true cost of this ritual, and some made up other costs in an attempt to profit from it. And those who knew the true cost of this ritual also deceived each other. In this way, they formed one small group after another , and then said that he would make another person outside the group the "price of the ritual", but he actually intended to use this opportunity to win over others and exclude dissidents. However, the person who actually said this did not know that he was in another group. , the victim they chose was himself.

"Benefits that everyone can't help but be tempted by, and a price that no one can pay and only one person can pay - and the person who pays the price will keep his mouth shut forever. Judge the price according to the benefits they receive. , they will think that that person will be so broken that he will not even have the chance to become a demon.

"For the demon incarnations who almost all have the 'Mark of Mortal Sin', it is also a very practical benefit to prevent their colleagues who have completely offended them from turning into demons to seek revenge."

The Lord of Scale Feather praised his former friend: “I have to say that Huan Tiansi’s grasp of people’s hearts is extremely precise.

“In this format, it is no longer possible for even those who understand the ritual to withdraw.

"Because as long as anyone participates, they can rise to the sixth level; and no matter how many people rise to the first level, the cost is only one person. From this perspective, every additional person who leaves is equivalent to being selected. The likelihood of a price increase.

"So even if they coax that person to come back, they will not let anyone leave - even in order to deter others from leaving, the person who tries to leave may be killed by them.

"After all, they don't want this ceremony to be ruined. And anyone who leaves here may become an informant and a traitor to the secret organization. And that means their hopes will be ruined-"

...Is this Huantiansi?

Aiwass was slightly shocked.

Huan Tiansi did not set any restrictions on them, nor did he tell a lie.

He just introduced the underlying mechanism of this ritual in a few words... and induced the greed, evil and cowardice in the hearts of these fifth-level transcendents, as well as the uncontrollable instinct of transcendence. So the ritual began to spread spontaneously.

The victims become completely unconscious accomplices, hunting other victims. They are like crabs in a cage, dragging back those who want to leave.

Everyone must work together to complete this ritual, but almost everyone's position is subtly different. For example, King Star Antimony, who is also a Rosicrucian and an alchemist, certainly does not want to see too many people become the sixth level because of this.

The red phase and black phase have another mysterious position.

Other transcendents of the Rose Cross also have their own ideas. Those foreigners are 100% selfish - no one wants to see the birth of a star with several or even dozens of sixth-level transcendents.

When they are caught up in the intrigue and desperate game of multiple forces, no one will have the energy to think about whether the ritual itself is fake.

Even if someone knows the true plan of the Ring of Heaven and the nature of the Tail Ring Ritual through some means, his warning will be useless - because it is entirely possible that this is evidence forged by someone to prevent them from participating in the ritual; even if he wants to escape from it, it is impossible, because he may inform on it and "destroy everyone's ritual."

But, if you think about it this way...

"...Why does it sound a bit familiar."

Evans fell into deep thought.

This plan really similar to Aiwas himself.

He looked at the Lord of Scales and Feathers with some hesitation: "Then what do you need me to do?

"Am I responsible for...finishing the Ring of Heaven? Killing the Fallen Heaven who was pulled down by them?"

"Yes. "

The Lord of Scales and Feathers replied.

"But, do you really need me? It's hard to say about other things, but the first Tail Ring Ceremony must have been expected by Huan Tiansi, and his plan couldn't have been 'Let Aiwass solve this problem', right? "

Aivas asked back.

This is also a question that Aiwas has been puzzled about for a long time.

The Tail Ring Ceremony itself is the plan of the Ring of Heaven - or conspiracy. Its appearance directly led to the spectacle of the fall of the Heavens in large numbers.

From a standpoint, Aiwas and the Ring of Heaven are hostile. Although the Ring of Heaven will protect Aiwas now, the ultimate goal is to devour Aiwas.

-But they are obviously hostile, but Aiwas has to clean up the mess for the Ring of Heaven?

This problem is solved by the players in the game.

But there are no "players" in this world.

If there are no players, who can defeat the Fallen Angels?

Could it be that the Ring of Heaven just wants to exile the Heavens to the material world, but has never considered how to kill these Heavens?

And, there is another question here-

Aivas asked: "Also, what good will it be for you if I kill the Fallen Angels... in the end? ”

This is what makes Aiwas the most strange.

The Fallen Angel is not the Bear Angel. Although He is not a good guy either, He has indeed never provoked the Angels and Pillar Gods of other paths. If you have to say, He likes to steal high-quality souls and brand them with grave sins. However, the frequency of His actions is not that high, just like there are actually not many people who have become demons in the material world.

Even if there is hostility towards him, it should be the Snake Father.

After all, the Fallen Angel almost led the entire path astray, making the reputation of the Transcendents, who were supposed to represent "positive and progressive", extremely bad.

——But, what does this have to do with you, the Pillar God who adapts to the path?

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