Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 668 Human Resources Manager Huan Tiansi

After being reminded by Cardinal Cyril, Aiwass finally fully understood what Sand Timepiece said.

"——I am aware of Ai Shiping's ancestry. He used to be the Tiansi of Balance, my apostle, and also my student...

"——Let them fight, I will not take the other side."

Not taking another side... rather than "I'm not taking any side."

There are two interpretations of this sentence. One is "I'll probably take your side" and the other is "You don't have to worry about me taking the other side."

𝟨𝟫Book Bar

Aiwass once thought it was the former type.

But now it seems that it should be the latter.

The Ring of Ending Ceremony that will inevitably cause chaos in the world, anyone will think that Sand Time will be the enemy of Huantiansi... Even if he just remains neutral, it will seem wrong - at least it should be "I am not on your side" This side".

Because from the standpoints of Huantiansi and Aiwass, being an enemy of one is equivalent to being a companion of the other. That’s why He went out of his way to express His fair stance.

But now it seems that the birth of "Ouroboros"... may have secret support from Sand Timepiece! Because the Ring of Endings ceremony itself is a ceremony to restore balance to the world.

"...That's why it will eventually be called the Ring of Endings."

——As above, as below; in this way, the miracle of the One is accomplished.

Aiwass suddenly remembered this sentence in his mind.

He couldn't remember where he heard this...

But he felt that this sentence was so appropriate.

This is exactly the way of "evolution" of the linking ring!

As the boss said: "'Transformation' represents the eternal change of all things... What goes up will eventually go down, and what goes down will eventually go up. Everything changes and flows, and nothing is easy."

In an instant, a sentence rang in Aiwass's mind.

That was the sentence from the voice that sounded in his mind when he just got the Book of Law:

[——No need to fear, child. Man, fate, and gods, nothing can be feared. There is no God in this world]

"...There is no God in this world?"

As it should be.

Because even the lofty gods will fall because of his rules.

Aiwass covered his buzzing forehead.

For a moment, Aiwass actually felt a little funny.

"...The iron establishment of Mengjie Tiansi is about to be reviewed now, right?"

Should I say that I am worthy of being an HR...

As an iron-blooded and tearless HR who has cut out human nature - that is, Aiwass.

Ah Huan's great achievement in taking office as Zhu Shen, who has changed his way of transformation, is to solve the overload and overload of the organization caused by the previous leader's chaos before his resignation. And the method he adopted was to very ruthlessly and effectively remove all the unnecessary ones - including even leaders like Fallen Sky Division and Shadow Sky Division who were older than him and at the same level.

His plan caused great chaos, but in the end it was carried out firmly.

Considering that he effectively reduces the load on the Dream World. So after the dust settled, he was elected as the new executive by other executives.

After taking office as a new executive, the first thing he did was to implement the last-place elimination mechanism and the promotion mechanism from the material world directly to the leadership of the dream world, successfully opening up the up and down channels between the material world and the dream world - allowing the immortal heaven to Si may also fall to the earth, allowing mortals to gain the power of Tiansi's fragments.

"...I feel like I understand the meaning of the path of transformation."

Aiwass complained.

There has never been a moment when he realized so deeply that "Huan Tiansi is indeed his other side".

Once the mystery was removed from the behavior, it seemed to him that it made so much sense...

——It really has to be HR. Other time-travelers may not be able to think of this method immediately, nor may they be able to think of the essence of the entire plan so easily...

"About the new Tiansi...Cardinal Cyril, since you just said so, do you have any more accurate information on your side?"

Aiwass asked: "For example, who may be promoted to Tiansi in the future... There should be some people who know about the Yiyuan River riot, right?"

He hopes to know as soon as possible who are the Tiansi who will take advantage of this wave of ascension.

It’s no wonder that Vivian, as an apostle, suddenly went down to the next world.

Because she had special information channels, she knew from the beginning that if she didn't run, she might become Tiansi in the wave, and then be directly expelled...

Since I would definitely not be able to keep him no matter what, I could at least keep part of the apostle's strength by changing jobs and running away in advance. It is better than dying in the material world and having the Tiansi fragment taken away.

"Just call me Cyril from now on."

The old man who was half tree and half amber said gently: "Otherwise I have to call you Cardinal Aiwass - we are obviously friends, but we call each other cardinal... This really seems too alienated, right?"

The old cardinal said half-jokingly: "If you keep a distance from your friends, do you have to retreat to real strangers? Or will you appear more friendly when facing strangers?"

His words did not require Aiwass to answer.

So after just thinking about it for a moment, Cyril gave the answer: "'Prophets' and 'Astrologers' above the fourth energy level should be more or less aware of Yuanhe's uprising. It's just that they may not know the existence of Yuanhe, Therefore, it can only be understood that there is a problem with 'Beyond the Path'.

"As for the new Heavenly Master...before this appears, everyone can only speculate. But I have some speculations - they are just speculations, I am not responsible for the content."

The old man carefully stacked a layer of armor, and then said: "I think the most likely one should be the Banquet Master."

"Banquet Master..."

"Yes. He has the power of the Heavenly Master level. Once he defected from Hengwo, he would immediately become the Heavenly Master. It may be a concept like 'banquet', 'wine', 'madness'. Another one is Lanmalok of the authoritarian path."


Evans remembered that it was the ancestor of the Minister of the Navy, Deweis Ramos.

"...Even the Knights of the Round Table may defect?"

"Of course. Or it is not a betrayal in itself. The word 'defection' is just for the convenience of understanding..."


Evans's mind just emerged with his wild thoughts.

The old cardinal shook his head: "I think the closer situation is to separate from the company and start your own company."

"That's what it means to work alone."

"Yes, but I don't think it can be considered a betrayal. Lanmarok has the concepts of "war" and "riding"... Merlin may also be qualified. In fact, in many places, the word "Merlin" is the same as "prime minister". People require prime ministers to be smart, loyal and good at swordsmanship, which is exactly the characteristics of Merlin."

Cardinal Cyril mentioned.

Evans did not agree with this answer: "I think Merlin should not leave Wei Zhe."

But because of this, he probably knew that Cardinal Cyril was probably just guessing. There is no secret information channel.



Evans vaguely remembered that there was indeed a "military celestial being" who was pulled down. When he studied theology, he did not find this celestial being, and he thought he remembered it wrong or that the other party's existence was kept secret.

"But I actually have someone I'm particularly optimistic about."

Cardinal Cyril suddenly said, "I think he will definitely become the new celestial minister."

Evans was a little surprised: "Who?"

But as soon as he asked this question, he slightly widened his eyes.

He realized the name that Cardinal Cyril was about to say.

He also realized that the person he had forgotten for a while...where is he now.

"-Former Cardinal Loki."

Cardinal Cyril replied softly: "You asked me his secret at that time. Just like I answered you before...I think he is dead.

"Because in the next "Path Surge" event, there are bound to be more opportunities in the dream world than in the material world. "

--Cardinal Loki is indeed dead.

It's just that his death itself is part of the plan.

But when Aiwass knew the purpose of Cardinal Loki, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he didn't know whether Cardinal Loki was dead or alive, this man who could always do sit-ups in the coffin still gave Aiwass a faint sense of oppression.

Just like Aiwass's adoptive father James-when Aiwass didn't know old Moriarty's plan, he felt as if Moriarty was everywhere. The two of them were particularly similar only in this place.

However, once you understand their's like the secret in the dark is revealed, just like the path of balance is "demystified".

-Fear comes from the unknown.

"...Speaking of which," Aiwass rubbed his forehead and finally remembered the original purpose of his coming here, "Cyril, have you seen the two girls who came with me?"

"Miss Lily and Lord Selene?"

"...Sir? "

Evans was surprised by this word.

The old cardinal said with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be Ms. Haibasha's "Ovum Moon Secret Scripture." "

"Do you know Ms. Haibasha too?" Aiwas was a little surprised.

"Of course, after all, the circle of the Church is very small. The area of ​​the first floor of the Church is about the same size as the Glass Island of Avalon, and the entire Avalon is just a small island country surrounded by the sea. The area of ​​the Helasar Empire at its peak was as large as fifteen Avalons.

"With such a small living area, the people in it are all immortals. When we reach a certain level, we usually come into contact with so many people over and over again. After hundreds of years, we are so familiar with each other that we can't be more familiar...

"...Not to mention, I have lived for so many years."

At this point, Cardinal Cyril sighed: "I have long lost count of how many years this year is for me. I can already see the outline of the last year of my life..."

He was silent for a while, then he gathered his emotions and explained to Aiwass in a serious manner: "The name 'Selene' sealed in the 'Secret of the Egg and Moon' is one of the names abandoned by Hengwo in the past.

"This name existed earlier than the first werewolves and the first witches. In that era when the profession had not yet taken shape, the inheritance represented by this name was called 'Moon Witch'. It is the common ancestor of werewolves and witches.

"——And 'name' means inheritance. Inheriting someone's name is more in line with the identity of 'heir' than inheriting someone's bloodline. "

"...In other words," Aiwass thought, "Selene...has some of the power of Hengwo during his mortal period?"

Cardinal Cyril shook his head and said seriously: "As for how much power it has... I don't think so. After all, the power of the dream world will eventually return to the source river. I tend to think that this is a part of the body that Hengwo had shed.

"At the beginning of the birth of the third sun, the Taichu people had a book called "The Night Rabbit Treasures". It vaguely described the secret that Hengwo had abandoned the old self ten times.

"I remember the first three times were abandoning clothes, abandoning flesh and blood, and abandoning shadows, and the next three times were abandoning reason, abandoning instinct, and abandoning the true self. And those who have read the "Night Rabbit Treasures" in full have been torn apart and turned into nothingness. Therefore, the "Moonlight Society" has a hypothesis that Hengwo is now just a shell..."

The old cardinal told Aiwas the ancient secret seriously.

Aiwas felt that if he had the adaptability of the path of love, he would probably have acquired new skills now...

But even so, Aiwas probably understood it.

This is like when playing MMORPG games, it is better to upgrade to a certain level and complete a certain main line before upgrading.

For example, after reaching level 60, you can open a small account and upgrade directly to level 80, level 90, etc.

At this time, if you already have a full-level big account, then the small account at level 60 is naturally useless.

But in this small account, there are still some consumables that have not been used on the upgrade path, and some equipment is still on the body.

The "old me" cut off by Hengwo is like this.

She cut off the old me ten times. In this process, she was a moon witch, a witch, a werewolf, a moon god, a god of love, a mother, a wife...

Just like a snake sheds its skin again and again. Each time is a new self.

She gradually changed from a mortal to a monster, and then to a god. Finally, it turned into nothingness.

And now, she is nothing. So her name became "Hengwo".

It means "except [me], there is nothing".

Selene received this part of the inheritance of the Eternal Self, so she became the only "Moon Witch" in this world.

Her abnormal desires, animal instincts, and horizontal pupils that look like goats and toads are proof of her being the "original form of the Eternal Self".

In the process of abandoning the old self, "Selene" is no longer a "mortal" as in the previous three times, but has become a "monster".

Therefore, Aiwass does not need to have any psychological burden - just tame her as a monster.

Even... he can seal her into a big beast.

Because her essence is a phantom demon.

——It just so happens that the "Egg Moon Secret Continuum" tells the secret that "the moon is the monster's egg".

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