Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 671 Lily's Free Will

March 2, morning.

The day after the cardinals met. After Aiwas woke up, he was praying in the morning.

The biggest difference after signing the contract with the Lord of Scales and Feathers is that there is an extra step in the daily prayer - after finishing the prayer to Sizhu, you have to pray to your own master, the Lord of Scales and Feathers, for an extra round.

Of course, you don't have to be too respectful, and it's not very troublesome.

In fact, it's nothing more than reporting to the Lord of Scales and Feathers every morning, reporting your schedule, seeing when you may need the boss's power, and making an appointment; then in the evening, give a summary, if you have used the Lord of Scales and Feathers' power, reimburse it, restore the energy of your own path crystal, and finally give a polite compliment.

In a sense, it is much more "tactile" than praying to Sizhu.

The priests' daily prayers to Sizhu never get a reply from Sizhu. In essence, it is not much different from punching in and out of work. It is normal for the punching machine to respond as usual after clicking.

——You can't expect the time clock to become a spirit and suddenly say to you in a powerful voice: "Good morning, Night City!"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟔𝟗𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐱.𝐧𝐞𝐭

But you can expect the Lord of Scales and Feathers to react like this.

"Good morning, Night City!"

The Lord of Scales and Feathers shouted in Aiwas' mind with full spirit.

"So what is Night City..."

Aiwas closed his eyes and complained in his heart.


The Lord of Scales and Feathers smacked his lips: "When you go and kill Huan Tiansi, you can pick up my joke."

"Was I such a strange person before?"

Evans muttered: "I always feel that Huan Tiansi's mysterious aura is gradually breaking..."

"Oh, by the way, Aiwas."

The Lord of Scales and Feathers suddenly said: "By the way, if you need to use [Liang Yi Gap], it's best to tell Sha Shiji a day or two in advance."


"You have seen Lily being split, and you should know that this thing is quite harmful to the body. After all, it completely separates the essence of the soul. Resting for a day or two is already my consideration of your possession of [Dissolving Soul]."


Evans replied casually: "I'll remember it."

If nothing else, at least after mastering the advanced divine arts, Aiwas felt that his mental state was more stable - sometimes, having a "friend" who can complain about something at any time is much more comfortable than being in a daze alone.

Of course, it may also be because his path has returned to a balanced state again.

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door of Aiwas's room.

As Aiwas opened his eyes and came out of the state of prayer, the cold feeling that was like wearing a slightly damp single garment under the cooling air conditioner faded from him.

The flame butterfly that landed on the burning candle also shook off the flames on its body again and flew to Aiwas's shoulder again.

"What's the matter, Lily?"

Aiwas didn't look back, but asked directly.

He didn't hear footsteps the whole time.

At this time, the one knocking on the door could only be Lily if it wasn't a ghost.

After returning yesterday, Aiwas thought for a long time - about whether to tell Lily about the fate she was carrying.

From the perspective of controllability alone, it is definitely better not to say it. Once Lily has wild thoughts, things may change.

But Aiwas decided to respect Lily more.

Let’s not talk about the “Little Lamb Selene” who has no intelligence as a human being, but Aiwass doesn’t just regard Lily as his personal maid... To be honest, with Aiwas’s identity, he actually doesn’t need the service and protection of a personal maid. He still takes Lily with him just because Lily stubbornly recognizes this identity and is unwilling to leave Aiwas.

Lily is a close friend who is almost a relative and an elder to him-although some of Aiwas’s memories are confused, and what his sister Freya did was transferred to Lily... But even so, Lily is still someone Aiwas trusts very much.

Just the same degree of trust as Yulia and Edward.

Therefore, Aiwas decided not to make decisions for Lily, not to make decisions for her... but to tell her all the truth directly.

Including the identity of the child of the beast, including her animal instincts, including the crisis that Gray Tiansi may take over her body at any time. And Aiwas got the letter of introduction and was ready to go to Xingtan to help her solve the problem-all these things were told to Lily.

Lily was much calmer than Aiwas thought.

Because Lily was very smart.

As a personal maid, she could seamlessly connect the knowledge in the university classroom with the knowledge she gained from reading books in her spare time without falling behind... This was enough to prove her intelligence and excellence.

When Cardinal Cyril sent her and Selene away from Aiwas, Lily had actually guessed most of it.

—— And the result was even better than she thought.

At least Aiwas would not abandon her, nor would he let her accept the seal or "treatment".

Lily was actually ready to give up her power... But if possible, she still hoped that she could continue to have extraordinary abilities.

At the beginning, she wanted to get extraordinary power in order to help and protect Aiwass. She hoped that she could be useful to Aiwass... At that time, she was even extreme enough to regard herself as a tool without emotions.

And now, she wants to continue to have extraordinary abilities... To a large extent, it is because she wants to do so. Just like she was eager to study back then, Lily now wants to be able to grasp her own destiny - when she learned that she was chosen by Gray Tiansi, Lily felt a strong sense of being bound by fate.

Only by having your own power can you decide your own destiny.

She is unwilling to give up. Instead, she plans to cooperate with Aiwass's plan and continue to move forward and take a look.

Frankness and respect brought relief to both of them - after knowing the specific source of the disaster, Lily became much more determined.

—— As for her nature of being a murderer, Lily accepted and admitted it very calmly.

Obviously, Lily had already noticed that something was wrong with her long before Aiwass mentioned this. She not only realized her beast consciousness, but also independently developed the skills of using the adaptive path to suppress instincts.

Now that Lily has been separated into two, she no longer has such a strong desire to kill. But this desire for destruction and killing has not disappeared, but has completely transferred to Selene.

Selene's sheep eyes are proof that she is the child of the beast.

After learning that Lily is determined to fight against Gray Tiansi to the end, Aiwass is also very relieved.

What he fears most is that Lily will give up on herself and come up with some strange ideas, or give up on herself out of sheer fantasy. Just like an old man who has been hospitalized for a long time, thinking "don't cause trouble to his children", he starts to do something cruel, but it may bring more trouble.

And now, Lily has a firm will to live, and is willing to fully cooperate with Aiwas's plan with her own will - this is enough.

In a sense, Lily at this moment is finally Aiwas's companion, and no longer his servant or his little maid.

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