Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 678: Fafna and Heleqin's Child

When Aiwass's eyes caught sight of Cardinal Favna, he instantly became quiet and did not respond to Siegfried.

Siegfried also realized something, so he also cut off the topic.

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And Favna's low and slightly hoarse voice also sounded at the same time: "There is no need to say it behind my back...I am not taboo about this."

As she spoke, she glanced at Siegfried.

Cardinal Favna's long black hair blocks one eye, thus making the scarlet color in the other eye even more dazzling.

"Because there is no shame in Helechin's death. I am proud of him."

As she said this, she looked at Aiwass with a somewhat complicated look: "You should... know, Aiwass."

"Ah...of course."

Aiwass nodded slightly.

He was indeed very impressed with Herchin.

At this moment, Aiwass suddenly noticed that there was another child behind Favna.

He looked to be only eleven or twelve years old, much younger than David... and Heleqin died at least four hundred years ago.

But Aiwass could recognize it just at a glance - this was Heleqin's child.

Because the child has the same gorgeous golden short hair as Heleqin, and one of his eyes also has the iconic blue-green turquoise luster. His hair is quite soft and soft, and his appearance inherited from Heleqin and Favna has an unusually exquisite appearance. Among all the people Aiwass knows, he can almost be counted in the front row of appearance.

If he hadn't been wearing a nun's uniform, but a men's priest's uniform, Aiwass might have recognized him as a cute little girl.

There are also obvious traces of the dragon on his body - his other eye is a dark golden dragon pupil; and from his neck to behind his ears, there are fine and smooth black scales.

The child didn't seem to want to show these things to others, so he wrapped them all in a white scarf as fluffy as a cloud - but Aiwass had good eyesight and could still see it while sitting on the chair.

...but that child is the descendant of elves and dragons after all. Although he is immature and young, he is not short in height. He stood there, looking almost as tall as Aiwass sitting on the chair, and his body was strong but not skinny. If you put on a suit of armor, you can immediately become a good warrior.

But the amazing thing is that although the child is a half-elf, the length of his ears has not shortened. His ears are still the longest in proportion that Aiwass has seen, almost the same as those of the Pure White Saint and Heleqin.

He was hiding behind his mother, looking at Aiwass carefully.

When he saw these two rare humans, Aiwass and Lily, his eyes immediately widened.

His eyes showed a very clear and very strong sense of intimacy, but on the other hand, he hid behind Cardinal Favna and said nothing.

Aiwass smiled gently at the child, and his voice became gentle.

"That was quite an amazing man indeed...your dad, he was a hero."


The child finally spoke, murmuring in a low voice.

It was a clear and immature voice that had not yet changed, and could not differentiate between male and female. The voice alone sounded very fearful, and even had a slight vibrato.

Obviously his parents are the strongest people in the world, and the twin immortal bloodlines of elves and dragons have made time stand on his side. But the child still looked very timid and hesitant.


Favna's voice was hoarse and cold.

She patted the little boy's head gently, causing him to stumble and almost fall to the ground: "Say hello to Cardinal Aiwass.

"It was he who retrieved the warrior heritage for your father - so that you can have the opportunity to become a warrior in the future."

"...Cardinal Aiwass, may Si Zhu protect you..."

The voice of the little boy named Lain sounded even more trembling.

Isabel on the side frowned slightly.

She always felt something was wrong - why is this child so timid?

She gave Aiwass a look, and Aiwass understood what Isabel meant.

"Come on, Rhine."

Aiwass smiled, clapped his hands at the little boy, and motioned for him to come over.

He just noticed that Rhine had been staring at him curiously.

Rhine subconsciously looked back at Cardinal Favna. Seeing Cardinal Favna nodding slightly, Rhine walked over carefully and slowly. With that kind of pace, it was as if Aiwass would jump up and bite at any moment.

Aiwass touched his head, and then asked Cardinal Favna casually: "Cardinal Favna, shouldn't you be on the left?"

Cardinal Favna's contract partner is the candlestick, which should be the third statue from the left.

"We, the dragons, are all sons of Scale Feather," Favna whispered quietly, "For such a big matter, I have to bring Rhine to say hello to the Lord of Scale Feather."

It is precisely because the giant dragons have inherited the bloodline of the Scale-Feather Lord, the "God of Scale-Stealing Feathers", that they can be ever-changing and transform into any race as they please.

"Rhine, you also have to pray."

Favna said so.

After saying that, she walked up to the Lord of Scales and Feathers, closed her eyes slightly and prayed softly.

"Yes, mother..."

Rhine, who squinted his eyes as Aiwass touched his head, was startled, then immediately stood up straight and said.

Aiwass clearly felt that the little boy under his hand was shaking subconsciously. He raised his eyebrows and asked Cardinal Favna: "This child seems...a little afraid of you."

"Not brave enough."

After Favna finished praying, she nodded, turned around and said sternly: "We still need training."

"...can I ask?"

Siegfried on the side couldn't help but ask: "How do you usually train little Rhine?"

"Of course, they are trained according to the specifications of a warrior. Swordsmanship, riding, fighting, spells, divine arts, alchemy, rituals, curses, including breathing, flying, and fighting after turning into a dragon-all are taught by me personally. Every weekend, I would take him to explore the ruins.

"The path of power has collapsed, and the legacy of the dragon knight has disappeared. Then he must at least learn how to fight as a dragon. There will always be blind 'dragon-slaying warriors' who want to become famous overnight. Even if they have done nothing wrong, Always be prepared to be murdered."

Cardinal Favna said this with a gentler tone: "However, fortunately, now that the 'warrior' way has returned again... the training of spells and alchemy can be slowed down a little. After all, as a warrior, mana will Too precious and one-dimensional to allow them to perform complex spellcasting.”

"...It just sounds tired."

Isabel whispered.

She can relate to this - it was often this way every day when she was being trained as a "generalist".

But Aiwass noticed something: "Cardinal Favna, do you usually... just teach him how to fight?"

"of course not."

Favna shook her head slightly: "The climb of the long-lived species is always very slow, and it is not as intense and simple as the short-lived species. Extraordinary power cannot be rushed... so I can only lay the foundation for him first.

"In addition to the extraordinary power, you also have to learn the history and writing of the past three thousand years. There are also wine making, chess playing, and various smelting techniques. These are all inherited by the dragon. Not counting the secret knowledge.

“There’s so much to learn—there’s just not a lot of time.”

"...When did you start teaching him?"

Aiwass asked.

"Of course it was three hundred years ago."

Favna glanced at Rhine, who was shaking again under Aiwass's hand, and replied: "I still followed the rules of the elves and let him spend a hundred years of childhood.

"It's just... maybe because he is mixed with the dragon's blood, his mentality is too young. At his age, he is considered an adult for elves. He is not much younger than Gray, but look at this look - —I think this is always outrageous.

"When I was four hundred years old, I had already fought with Heleqin against the big phantom demon in the deep sea. At that time, I was only at the fourth level, and he was just a rookie at the third level.

"And Rhine can't even stand the pain - how can he become a warrior?"

"I can……"

Rhine said in a panic: "No, I, I don't feel any pain anymore..."

"...My feeling," Siegfried touched his chin, "Aren't you too harsh on him? I never spank my children."

"We dragons are different from you elves."

Favna shook her head slightly, her expression cold, and her face covering one eye looked cold and gloomy.

But she didn't seem to be in a bad was just that she was born with such a scary stinky face.

Because she still calmly explained: "The dragon is the son of adaptation. We are born with the power of adaptation flowing in our bodies. It is precisely because of this that we can transform into various postures - Rhine's transformation has a flaw, which is his adaptability. The strength is not enough.”

While they were chatting, Aiwass stretched out his hand and grabbed Laing back, who was far away from him in fear.

He only felt resistance for a moment - Rhine's power seemed to be so strong that Aiwass didn't hold him at all for the first time. But after Rhine realized that Aiwass was catching him, he seemed to be worried that he would hurt Aiwass, so he immediately relaxed his body and was easily dragged back by Aiwass.

This kid... has a pretty gentle personality.

So Aiwass asked casually: "Then how can we improve our ability to adapt?"

"Be beaten."

Favna said seriously.


Isabel was stunned for a moment.

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