Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 680: Free experience potion for a limited time

When all the cardinals were seated, the sky outside was almost bright.

At first, Aiwass felt quite excited. But after a few hours, he began to feel slightly bored.

Fortunately he brought Isabel with him. When he had nothing to do, he grabbed her hand and played with it while whispering about the current situation in Avalon and persecuting Sherlock who was not present.

Such is the case among friends - whoever is not present becomes the topic of conversation for everyone else.

The other cardinals didn't react at all.

After all, with the long lifespan of the Immortals, they must learn how to waste time so as not to let their lives fall into emptiness and fatigue. The required course is to wait quietly.

The only problem is probably that there is no clean water here. If you are thirsty, you can only drink.


Because when communicating with gods, being too sober is not a good thing.

Sobriety means rationality, and by extension it means reason, analysis and disenchantment. That's also disrespectful.

Because of this, in various ancient ritual classics, there will be wine or other ritual aids with similar functions in the banquet, allowing the ritualist to quickly enter a psychedelic state that is divorced from reality.

This is also because the existence of "wine" itself is also sacred - it requires a large amount of precious food to be brewed, and in an era when food is scarce and not everyone can eat enough, wine is an unnecessary extravagance and waste. exist.

...Because of this, they will also be regarded as an "easy to obtain but quite precious" resource in ritual science, symbolizing "the essence that allows people to survive."

Just as bigger bait can catch bigger fish, more expensive lottery tickets give people the feeling that the probability of winning is higher - when ritualists use more valuable sacrifices, they will feel that the ritual will also change accordingly. The divine and pillar gods are more likely to respond to their prayers.

——Of course, this is just a "ritualistic" explanation. In "theology" there is often an opposite interpretation.

Because the Pillar God doesn't actually need sacrifices, and he doesn't necessarily like drinking. They often just want to observe the attitude and determination of the ritual master.

To take a step back, even Hengwo, who likes to drink the most, still has the sacred wine brewed by the host of the banquet.

This is quite a bit like "I heard that he likes computers very much, why don't you buy him a graphics card with 2,000 yuan". Just like for people who really like computers, computer accessories will most likely cost far more than that... Things that the gods like themselves will definitely not be sacrificed to them by mortals.

The Theocracy obviously understands this. Therefore, all the wine they brought out was for the bishops to drink, and not even a glass was given to the Pillar God.

But there are some exceptions this year.

Except for Aiwass, almost no cardinal had used the wine in front of him. Instead, he always looked straight ahead with a serious face, or whispered to the followers around him.

This situation is certainly an anomaly.

It was probably like the big boss held a very high-level cocktail party, and then there was silence inside. It was quieter than when working in the company, and almost no one was drinking, and everyone was eating with their heads down seriously.

When outsiders look at this, they will definitely ask: What’s going on? Could this be the last supper? Or is the annual meeting also a memorial service?

So the reporters behind the scenes recorded this scene one after another, and each of them speculated in his mind about the reason for the unusual behavior of the cardinals——

——Is it because they are dissatisfied with the decision of Aiwass, a human being, to become a cardinal? Or is it because they don't agree with the pure white saint succeeding to the throne and becoming the pope? Or, could it be that something happened to the Pope? It can’t be that the Theocracy is about to disintegrate, right?

But these can only be inner speculations after all. You would never dare to discuss that with others - who knows how well these cardinals hear and whether they have audio or video recordings of the ceremony. If it is accidentally heard, it will be bad luck; if it is broadcast live accidentally, you may not see the sun tomorrow.

So finally, when the sun rose, Isabel had finished talking about Avalon's current situation.

After drinking four bottles of wine, Aiwass had entered a state of intoxication.

In addition to his blushing cheeks, even the depths of his pupils were shining with a golden-red light... Although he looked slightly tipsy, he gave people an uninhibited look of divinity.

It’s not that Aiwass is too much of an alcoholic.

But the Holy Tree No. 1 here tastes completely different from the "legacy" of Queen Sophia that Isabel brought back - the bottle of Holy Tree No. 1 that had been poisoned with the immortality curse.

At first, Aiwass thought it was just a bottle of good wine. Although "Holy Tree No. 1" is a sacred wine brewed from the blood of the candle-bearing apostle "Giant Tree", it makes Aiwass and Isabel who don't like drinking feel good... but it's nothing more than that, and it can't compare with it at all. The sky-high price it fetched on the black market.

At first, Aiwass thought this was purely because profiteers had monopolized the supply of goods and were speculating on the goods and buying and selling them. I thought that these goblin profiteers really know how to play. In this era, they have already mastered the "attraction of limited luxury goods to wealthy people"...

Now Aiwass knows that it turns out that the poison added by Minister Drost has completely destroyed the balance of the power of the path inside "Holy Tree No. 1", turning it into a rather ordinary bottle. liquor.

There is a very strong power of devotion in this wine.

The power of the path inside is purer than the blood that Aiwas used to tame the shadow demon for the first time when he was at the first energy level. It is even similar to Aiwas's pastoral method after he obtained [Blood and Flesh Devotion]... Considering this point, the giant tree back then probably also had the path characteristic of [Blood and Flesh Devotion].

This is a "dedication" from the giant tree, and its original purpose is probably to improve the strength of other devotees who get this bottle of wine. If it is a phantom demon from the path of dedication, it is probably attracted to it like crazy.

If a devotee at the first energy level gets such a bottle of wine, after drinking it completely, he may be directly stacked to the third energy level. Even though Aiwas has reached the fourth energy level now, he can feel that his level is slowly rising.

It is worthy of being the eternal pope who can only drink a bottle of divine wine every time he wakes up.

There is no doubt that this is a real treasure!

It's a pity that this wine is only effective for devotees. Otherwise, he would definitely give Lily and Isabel a few bottles.

When Aiwas drank the first cup, he suddenly understood - he completely understood Monkey King at the Peach Banquet.

- A limited-time free drinking feast of experience potions that only comes once every three hundred years. Anyone who doesn't drink enough is a fool!

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