Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 690: Interrogation of Honey Badger

Cardinal Dominic chatted with Aiwas and his party and walked inside, and soon reached the deepest part.

This place is completely different from the loose and natural-style disciplinary facilities outside.

The surrounding buildings were suddenly wrapped in a layer of silver-white light metal from some unknown time. Dense black runes were drawn on the walls, which looked like a wonderful artistic style.

Aiwass just stayed in this space and felt the illusion of tightness coming from his exposed skin - that feeling was like wrapping his skin with plastic wrap. His wrist kept feeling a faint discomfort like "wearing a heavy watch", but he could immediately confirm that it was just an illusion when he lowered his head slightly.

That was the impact of the overflowing power of authority on the material world.


-This entire building has turned into the "temple" of the Silver Crown Dragon.

Even if the entire 18th ring is equivalent to the prison of the Theocracy, this silver-white temple is the "prison in the prison".

In this area, even a first-level law mage can easily exert the third-level binding force.

This is a domain field with a very Theocracy style - if you want to achieve this kind of continuous gain of strength simply through ritual means, then the price you pay is almost unbearable.

The idea of ​​the elves is to build a large enough temple. This is much simpler than the former... Just allocate enough bishops according to the area, then the entire building can be continuously sanctified.

Aiwas estimated that this prison for serious criminals, which is actually a "temple", is at least 30,000 square meters - this area is equivalent to the size of four standard football fields.

It's not because there are enough criminals imprisoned inside.

It's because everything in it is not circulated with the outside world - it has its own circulation system inside, and the criminals' "redemption" must also be completed inside. Unless specially approved, even the bishops who enter cannot leave at will... because even the warden here is a serious criminal.

- That is, Cardinal Dominic himself in a straitjacket.

"...Have you committed any crime, Dominic?"

Aivas asked curiously.

Cardinal Dominic said gently: "There are many, Aiwass is the Pope.

"The Theocracy does not have [laws]. Therefore, no one can judge another person logically - and as I said before, criminals in the Theocracy must demonstrate their own value.

"Those who know healing spells can heal others, and those who can synthesize medicines can do alchemy. If they have a talent for research, writing, and calculation, there are places where they can play their abilities. Even if they don't know anything, the Theocracy will generously train them... You can learn anything you want, as long as you contribute enough value in the end.

"But even so, there are still stubborn fanatics. Some are real rotten wood, with nothing to do except evil deeds, and they just can't learn valuable work; the value of their contribution is far less than the damage they cause. Others are unwilling to cooperate..."

As he spoke, Cardinal Dominic raised his hand slightly.

A heavy door without a door handle opened up and down, like a beast with its mouth open.

There was a woman in the room. She was naked, her hands spread to the left and right, and she was fixed in the void by a silver-white triangle of light. Her feet drooped naturally, and a larger triangle of light brought her feet together and tied them together, allowing her to float in the void.

At the same time, there were at least twenty strong light sources shining on her from all directions, making her body flash. It was shining with dazzling light. There was no part of the body connected to the "shadow".

The woman raised her head in astonishment, but she couldn't see who came to the door at all, and then closed her eyes again under the stimulation of the strong light.

Isabel blushed immediately and turned her head subconsciously. She saw that Aiwass was still looking at him intently, and she puffed her lips immediately. But considering that this was a serious matter, Her Majesty's puffed cheeks quickly deflated like a bubble that had been blown out.

Cardinal Dominic continued: "Because they are unwilling to cooperate, they cannot provide any value.

"And for these people, the 'Decomposition House' will be dispatched.

"To completely decompose the sinners who cannot be redeemed and have no value... Such behavior is tantamount to murder. And it is a more serious crime than murder... Such a crime should always be borne by someone.

"——That's me.

"I will sign all these documents. I am solely responsible for the 'necessary evil' of the Church..."

...Necessary evil?

Aivas suddenly heard a familiar term, so he turned around and looked at Cardinal Dominic.

And Cardinal Dominic took a step forward and stared at the assassin master who was locked by the strong light.

"The assassin master from Hawkeye, the fifth-level [Shadow Dancer]. He was hired by Cardinal Loki for one million Star Antimony Gold Coins to assassinate the Eternal Saint Grey.

"This year, he is sixty-five years old, has the fourth-level path of beauty, and the fifth-level path of adaptation, code-named [Honey Badger] Kurt Ludwig. The disciple of [Butterfly], the mentor of [Deer], [Dancing Skirt] and others. So far, he has served the Hawkeye organization for fifty-eight years.

"The motivation for joining the Hawkeye organization was originally because your parents, who were members of the Congress and a famous dancer, were attacked and killed by the Moon Children. Your mother was awakened as the new Moon Child and went back to pursue the story according to her memories during her lifetime. Killing you who was placed in her brother's house. Although she didn't find you, she still killed your uncle's entire family and transformed some of them into new children of the moon again.

"You currently hold three identities on the surface at the same time: a dance teacher, a congressman's widow, and a female fortune teller. As a congressman's widow, you have had four lovers and married two of them. One of them has no relationship with you. He was divorced, and the other was the son of the moon who was assassinated by you.

"You have three children, one boy and two girls, all of whom have joined the Hawkeye organization. None of them know your true identity, and one of them is your disciple 'Little Deer'...

"...Do you want me to continue?"

Cardinal Dominic's face became serious and ruthless.

She read out the other party's identity word by word and unraveled the other party's secrets.

Kurt Ludwig, codenamed [Honey Badger], just smiled bitterly: "Do I need to say anything else? Don't you already have a clear view of my memory?"

In the past, this would definitely have been left to Cardinal Loki for stargazing.

But Cardinal Dominic did not use divination—she used the advanced divine magic of the authoritative path to directly read the other party's memory.

"Do you have any appeal?"

Cardinal Dominic said calmly: "If you are going to be sentenced to death, what is your last wish?"


Honey Badger asked rhetorically.

She is not afraid of her own death, or in other words, as a failed assassin, she has already expected this.

"That's not necessarily true, but it doesn't stop you from saying it first... maybe anything really is fine."

Cardinal Dominic shook his head slightly, noncommittal.

"Then I hope... you can let Alice de Harcourt go."

The honey badger pondered for a moment and then answered: "Because she did not do anything. The only responsibility is to not report the knowledge at most. And based on her position, she cannot betray her identity. At most, she can only Remain silent. You can verify the authenticity of this aspect as much as you like... She was just used by me."

"Why should we let her go?"

Cardinal Dominic asked: "Do you have a good relationship with her? Or do you think you shouldn't drag someone who has nothing to do with you?"

"...because the Hawkeye organization cannot easily withstand Duke Harcourt's wrath."

The honey badger smiled helplessly: "Especially after losing me as Hawkeye.

"Alice is the most beloved daughter of Archduke Harcourt, and both Hawkeye and Iris Gazette are using her identity. If it succeeds, everything will be fine; but now if it fails, there will definitely be a price to pay.

"——If Duke Harcourt had a bad opinion of Hawkeye because of this incident, those old aristocrats who were just like grassroots would also follow suit and draw a clear line with Hawkeye. But Hawkeye is fighting for the freedom of the human soul. organize--

"It would be ridiculous if the Children of the Moon seize power because of something like this."

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