Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 773 Overcoming Instinct!

"...Shall I come?"

Prince Szijjarto suddenly opened his eyes wide, turned around and looked at Aleister beside him in astonishment.

The corners of Aleister's mouth raised slightly, and his pupils as dark red as red wine rippled: "What else, Your Highness?

"——Xing Antimony has reached this point, don't you think you can still be alone, do you?"

She could tell with just one glance that had never killed anyone at all.

To the original prince, this level of kindness didn't matter at all. On the contrary, it can be said to be a virtue.

But now that the Moon Son has made up his mind to usurp the throne, he still doesn't dare to kill anyone or kill his enemies. That can only be called weakness.

——Not as far away as Isabel.

This thought came to Aleister's mind.

If it were Isabel, she would definitely be strong in the face of hatred and crisis - let alone killing people, it would be absolutely fine even if she stepped directly onto the front line of the battlefield.

Because in another world line, this is how she became the real "Iron Queen".

At this moment, the emotions in Aleister's heart were almost boiling, and he was as excited as a student about to go on summer vacation. She stretched out her hand to hold down Prince Szijjarto, who was obviously resisting, and gradually raised his hand while whispering in a low voice: "What are you still hesitating about? They are your enemies, the rebels who want to imprison you." . They are capital crimes, but you have to execute them in advance.

"It's precisely because I'm here that you didn't suffer. But I can't always follow you and protect you... After all, I don't belong here, nor do I belong to Xing Antimony."


Prince Szijjarto bit his lip, a little confused in his eyes.

Yeah...why am I hesitating?

His hand gradually relaxed his resistance, and he was slowly lifted up by Aleister, pointing the gun at the forehead of the guard who was shaking slightly and whose pupils were dull.

And then, Aleister let go of his hand.

He looked at Aleister with some surprise and hesitation.

But Aleister just raised his eyebrows: "Why are you looking at me? Are you looking at the question?

"I said - you don't want me to teach you how to kill step by step, do you? Do you usually rely on your mother so much? Then go and ask the Queen of the Son of the Moon, she might help you suck blood. Still. Say, do you need me to be your mother to feed you, Your Highness?"


Facing the treacherous Aleister, Prince Szijjarto bit his lip hard and licked the blood from his lips.

He was silent for a while and whispered in a slightly hoarse voice: "I just... wasn't mentally prepared yet."

"Then let me see your mental preparation."

Aleister said leisurely.


The next moment, tongues of fire erupted from the muzzle.

Prince Szijjarto did not control the muzzle of the gun at all - or in other words, he underestimated the recoil force of the gun.

He holds a gun with one hand and his posture is very handsome but not standard at all. Under the action of the rear force, his wrist was almost broken, and the muzzle of the gun deflected to the wall next to him. The ejected bullet bounced back instantly and passed over his temple.

The shot grazed the man's ear, and the severe pain made him wake up instantly.

Looking at the other party's pupils that quickly became clear, Prince Szijjarto's heart suddenly began to beat violently. He felt his eardrums bulging, and the sounds outside became blurry.

Under fear and tension, he endured the severe pain in his wrist, held the pistol with both hands against his chest, and fired repeatedly!

The first two shots were almost crooked - one in the shoulder, the second in the arm. The third shot finally hit the abdomen.

But this kind of non-weakness injury is not fatal to the third-level transcendent. On the contrary, it helps the opponent to wake up completely.

The opponent's pupils turned deep purple in an instant, and he let out a crazy roar like a wolf howling. The body swelled in an instant, the skin turned into a deep purple with protruding blood vessels, saliva dripped, and the bone edges on the outside of the arms protruded and turned into long sharp blades.

——This is the devil!

When he is seriously injured, he can unseal the demon in his body, fill his missing body with the demonic tissue that appears, and achieve the terrifying posture of merging with the demon in a short time!

Prince Szijjarto took two steps back in panic. His somewhat broken right hand was hanging low, holding the gun, while his left hand was hurriedly reaching for something at his waist - he seemed to want to take something off, but he never could. touch.

And the mad demon recovered his health in just an instant - although he had lost most of his mind, he still instinctively bypassed Aleister and pounced on Prince Szijjarto, with two bullets in his head. He pressed him directly against the opposite wall!

Prince Szijjarto's gun fell to the ground after being hit hard, and the bag hanging on his waist was torn into pieces, and the bottles and cans inside were scattered on the ground. The demon aimed at Prince Szijjarto's abdomen and punched him hard!

With just one blow, Prince Szijjarto immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

The demon let go of him and allowed Prince Szijjarto to slide downward slowly, then he clenched his fist and wanted to hit him on the chin!

But at this moment, I saw Szijjarto's left fingertip trembling slightly like a twitch. One of the medicine bottles on the ground gave off a faint yellow light for an instant, and then turned into powder——

In just an instant, the demon who clenched his fists was covered with a thick layer of rock shell.

He just clenched his fist and pulled his right arm back - before he even stretched it to the limit, his body was already in this position and was frozen instantly!

This is a petrifying agent.

When an alchemist uses an alchemical mixture, he can directly use the power in the potion to cast spells without taking it or throwing it out.

And the potion that can instantly petrify a third-level demon in a transformed state in less than a tenth of a second is obviously not something that Prince Szijjarto can make by himself.

This must be the work of a fifth-level equalizer! He must be Prince Szijjarto's alchemy teacher...

Prince Szijjarto was seen vomiting blood and moving his left hand slightly. Then two bottles of medicine shook and turned into crystal powder, and green light bloomed.

Szijjarto's complexion improved almost instantly, and he slowly stood firm while holding on to the wall.

At this time, Aleister was still standing motionless.

Prince Szijjarto did not question Aleister, "Why are you just watching there?"

He just stared at the petrified demon while gasping for air. The complex expressions on his face keep changing.

"...I was negligent."

After a long time, he finally caught his breath.

His first words after he could speak were an apology: "I underestimated them... They are so fragile in front of you, but that doesn't mean I can underestimate them.

"I remember this lesson, Lord Aleister."

Unknowingly, the "Miss Aleister" in's mouth became "Lord Aleister".

The way he looked at Aleister changed from fear to respect.

Before he was actually attacked, he even felt that Aleister's methods were a bit cruel... But after he was really punched by the demon, his mind suddenly cleared up.

They are not weak, but real rebels and rebels. They are not their own people, but enemies who can and will take their lives.

And now he has completely separated from the noble status and stable life in the past.

It would be better to say that now his identity has become a shackle, a weakness, and... an old wound that can be fatal.

"——He just deserves a beating."

Aleister walked over slowly, with a faint smile in his voice: "A good beating will make you honest.

"A bottle of precious alchemical mixture, a severe beating, in exchange for this lesson... I think you deserve it."


Szijjarto nodded slightly and bent towards Aleister, his voice became low and rational: "I remember..."

As he spoke, he bent down to pick up the mixtures one by one and put them back into the satchel on his waist.

And he finally held a tube of dim yellow ointment in his hand. It looked only larger than lipstick, like a thin and small glass test tube, with something like cod liver oil flowing inside.

Szijjarto held it tightly, and then suddenly threw it towards the petrified sculpture!

The potion bottle suddenly shattered and turned into powder in the air. And it bloomed with a brilliant dim yellow light, surrounding the stone statue.

Under the radiance of that light, the stone statue gradually shattered and turned into powder. In the end, just like the reagent bottle that turned into white crystal powder on the ground, it turned into a thin layer of sand.

"Does killing people with alchemy make you proud?"

Aleister said quietly from the side.


Szijjarto was silent for a while, faced the problem squarely and replied: "But this will make me more confident.

"——I am confident that I am not incapable of killing people. I just need to overcome my cowardly instinct... I can also do this kind of thing."

"It's really ridiculous to say this to Xing Antimony."

Aleister chuckled and shook his head slightly.

While suppressing the growing evil thoughts and impatience in her heart, she waved her hand lightly: "Go in and talk to your good friend - you are here to save him."

Aleister leaned against the wall and closed his eyes slightly as if he was tired. Like a rose in full bloom.

The corridor on the ground was full of blood, but her own shoes and skirt were not stained by the blood at all.

She took a deep breath - the moist blood in the air made her teeth itch.

...I really want to suck blood.

Want to suck Aiwass's blood.

Thinking of this, Aleister's pupils became increasingly red.

She felt her head hurt more and more, and the strong hunger and thirst made her stomach feel like it was throbbing - she felt like she could eat a cow alive!

I really want to suck blood...

I really want to have sex...

I really want to kill someone...

I really want to...

Aleister leaned against the wall with his left arm in his arms, closed his eyes and silently endured the increasingly complicated thoughts in his mind.

Suddenly, Aleister opened his eyes in confusion.

For some reason, the messy thoughts in her mind suddenly disappeared for a short time.

Her emerald green pupils had returned to clarity.

He didn't know if that chaotic feeling of madness would come back - taking advantage of the brief period of rationality, Aleister suddenly bit his thumb.

It wasn’t a nail biting, it was biting right through the bone!

Under the severe pain, she chewed her bones, and her eyes gradually became more and more intense purple, causing her pupils to gradually reflect a violet color.

A strong desire to win made Aleister finally face up to the terrible instincts of the Moon Child, instead of considering it as common sense that "it should be like this".

——I want to defeat the evil instincts of the Moon Child.

If I can't even defeat my own fallen nature, how can I talk about defeating the Fallen Angels?

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