Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 775: Death of Valentine VII

Lionheart City, Triumph Palace.

A young man who looked no more than 20 or 30 years old, with his hands in his pockets, was strolling leisurely in the palace.

His brilliant golden hair shone with brilliant light, and his appearance was so handsome that it could be called luxurious. His deep and pure red eyes, like rubies, were emitting a sacred aura.

Whether it was the brilliance of the path reflected in his eyes or the natural noble demeanor, there was not a trace of animality and barbarity. In the glittering golden light of the Triumph Palace, he looked as glittering as a god on earth in his white tuxedo.

That was the "first generation Red Prime Minister" Pomponazzi.

The positions of Red Prime Minister and Black Prime Minister were always passed down. Every generation of Red Prime Minister was Pomponazzi's child, and every generation of Black Prime Minister was also the vice-president of the Spiritual Tower.

But unlike the Black Prime Minister who did have corresponding functions and powers... the Red Prime Minister actually had no autonomous power. When people mentioned the "Red Prime Minister", they usually meant the "first generation Red Prime Minister" behind the Red Prime Minister.

The first Black Prime Minister never cared about politics, he was just a figurehead. However, the first Red Prime Minister demanded to hold all power and wealth in his hands... Each generation of Red Prime Minister was his puppet and extension, his most loyal and obedient child.

Because of this, almost no one knew what the "Principal" looked like... But everyone in the Xingtan Palace knew the first Red Prime Minister. The guards of the Triumph Palace were no exception.

Facing this real power holder, the strongest transcendent in Xingtan, no guard dared to intercept or inquire about his whereabouts - it was useless to stop him anyway.

As if this palace was built for Pomponazzi, Pomponazzi's passage did not encounter any obstacles.

He walked leisurely into Alfonso Valentin's study.

He waved his hand slightly, and the closed door flashed red and opened with a bang.

Red Prime Minister Pomponazzi walked in with a smile and saw the old man sitting at the desk reading a letter.

There was no one in the study except him.

There were no attendants, no guards, no servants, and even the jester that Valentinian VII trusted most was nowhere to be seen.

"Long time no see, little Alfonso."

The blond young man who looked less than 30 years old said leisurely: "We haven't seen each other for more than 20 years."

"...Yes, Pomponazzi."

The white-haired old man raised his head slightly and said slowly: "Since... the last time the Heracle Secret Vault was opened, you have never come to the Triumphal Palace again."

"Yes, you get angry when you come. It's better not to come."

Pomponazzi said casually: "Anyway, I haven't been happy with this Triumphal Palace for a long time."

As he said that, he sat directly on the desk in front of the old man.

Pomponazzi stretched out his hand and put his arm around the old man's neck.

"I say, Alfonso."

The first generation of Red Prime Minister said nonchalantly: "I plan to rebuild the Triumphal Palace later - this golden palace is too vulgar. I plan to change it to red and black, what do you think?"

"Gold and red."

Valentin VII was not angry, but said patiently: "Red and black color matching... That is the style of the Heracle Empire."

"Is it not good?"

Pomponazzi asked back: "I plan to rebuild the Heracle Empire, what do you think?"

"The Heracle Empire without even a Heracross?"

The old man chuckled.

There was no sarcasm or ridicule in his laughter, but only a feeling of impermanence.

"That's why I want to open the secret vault of Heracle."

Pomponazi stretched out his hand: "Give me the key."

"The key is the king's scepter, it's next to my bed in my bedroom. The key was cast into the dragon bone inside the scepter by the principal."

The old man did not react at all, but took the initiative to explain: "But the key alone is useless, you still need a sacrifice to open the door..."

"The blood of Heracleus - I know."

Pomponazi interrupted and nodded without waiting for the old man to finish.

He looked up and down at the old man, with a satisfied look in his eyes: "Not bad, little Alfonso. You still know how to respect me... What rewards do you want? I can let you enjoy your old age - you can also try to cultivate the adaptability of the way of love, and I will personally resurrect you."

"That's not necessary."

The white-haired old man coughed a few times, with a dim yellow light in his pupils: "Anyway, I'm tired.

"There are too many problems that Xingtan needs to solve... It's not a problem that I can solve alone, nor is it a problem that our generation can solve. Instead of repairing it, it is better to smash it and rebuild it.

"--Since you are going to take over this mess, I will have nothing to do."

The dejected, low-pitched words that seemed to emphasize "I don't care" are the proof of excessive twilight.

"That won't work."

Pomponacci's tone was extremely tough: "The reward I give you is not something you can refuse. Don't make me angry, Alfonso. We can end this more decently."

For this red minister, refusing his gift is also an act of "not giving face" - refusing his own reward means that the other party puts him on the same level as himself. If this person is not Alfonso, there is still some acquaintance, and I am afraid that he would have died the moment the other party dared to refuse him.

The old man's dim yellow pupils trembled slightly, as if he had thought of something. The face that was as stiff and ashen as a statue seemed to be alive for a moment.

"Then... let my children live."

he whispered.

"Oh, I will."

Peng Bonaqi smiled happily after hearing this: "I originally planned to let them survive. But since you asked me so - I plan to give them the gift of eternal life! How about, are you happy? Hahahaha..."

He laughed heartily a few times alone, but his face suddenly darkened: "Why don't you laugh?"

"——Mr. Pomponazzi."

Alfonso Valentin suddenly spoke.

And in an instant, Peng Bonaqi became quiet.

Because this is exactly what Alfonso called Pomponazzi with great respect when he first met him when he was still a boy.

This was also the name given to Valentine I "Bashir Valentine" when he was still unfamiliar with him.

They are so similar. Not only do they look similar, but they also sound similar, and even have similar personalities and habits.

Of all Bashir's children... Alfonso was the one who looked most like him after all these years.

...But this similarity is limited to the teenage years.

When Alfonso entered middle age, his appearance was obviously different from that of Bashir back then. And when he gets old, he will be completely different from Bashir when he is aging.

"I am more or less a fifth-level transcendent..."

Alfonso slowly said: "Since I embarked on the path of the 'Golden Stone Knight', I have never had the opportunity to show my power. If this is my end... I want to give it a try."

After hearing his words, the smile on Hong Xiang's face gradually shrank, becoming serious and silent.

——Knight of Gold and Stone.

That is the most popular advanced profession of the Star Antimony Alchemist.

If you want to obtain this advanced profession, you must complete the alchemy ritual called "Chemical Wedding Rite" at the third or fourth level.

It was a very dangerous refining - the alchemists needed to kill themselves in the ritual, let their souls complete a transformation into any form, and then go back to using their own corpses as materials for refining. out of a more perfect body. If you complete the promotion ceremony later, you can advance to become a "Knight of Gold and Stone".

The fourth energy level is a very critical energy level. Starting from this energy level, the power of the path carried by the human body has become quite strong...and only such a body can carry the power of balance extracted from the concept of "Star Antimony Alchemy".

With each rebirth, the body becomes older and decayed, but the soul becomes stronger.

If seven rebirths can be completed, the soul will be refined into a brilliant soul - the "star antimony" pursued by alchemists.

This allows alchemists to obtain souls as great as gods. With this kind of power, it is enough for them to reach the sixth energy level and complete one of the three miracles.

"How many times have you completed rebirth?"

Hong Xiang asked seriously.

"Four times."

Alfonso replied.

"Far inferior to Bashir," Pomponazzi sighed. "He completed it six times - only one step away from achieving eternal life."

"Can the soul of Star Antimony... be able to obtain eternal life?"

"Yes. Back then, I just hoped to find a friend who was not on the path of love, but could be with me forever. Because of this... I would support his career."

Pomponazzi stared at Valentine VII, the nostalgia in his eyes gradually cooling down.

He turned his back to Valentine VII. Looking at the portrait hanging in the study room - it is a portrait belonging to Valentine I.

"I'll give you a chance."

Peng Bonazi replied: "For the sake of you being willing to call me 'sir' back then."

Valentine VII stared at Peng Bonazi, his pupils gradually glowed with a bright yellow light.

He sat motionless, but his soul left his body in an instant.

The souls that can be seen with the naked eye are constantly being extracted from his seven orifices and condensed into entities, turning into black smoke - condensed into black hungry wolves, roaring towards Peng Bo!

But Peng Bonaqi didn't react at all.

When the hungry wolf steaming with black smoke approached Peng Bonaqi, his body cracked, bleeds and shrank - it was not an impact or laceration, but collapsed and disintegrated out of thin air. All the power of the road used for protection is ineffective, which is a direct killing effect on the material itself.

When the hungry wolf roared through Peng Ponachi, his body suddenly collapsed!

In addition to Pomponazzi, the desk he was sitting on and the soft wool carpet on the ground were also swallowed up and shattered by the power like ink!

Under the wash of that power, Peng Bonaqi's body finally turned into fly ash and was completely washed away by the invisible airflow.

This is the first step in alchemy.

Destroy the old nature of all matter and turn matter into usable "original matter". Then you will have the opportunity to be reborn again and transform it into a brand new substance - the first step of the resurrection ceremony, "death", symbolizes this step.

And for a mortal, this step alone is enough to kill almost anyone!

After the hungry wolf tore apart everything it touched, it fell to the earth and turned into a mire as black as ink. But then, a liquid as thick and white as milk was born——

The next moment, the pure white and clean dove flew up from the mire!

That is the "whitening" after the "blackening", which breaks down and purifies the essence of matter. After completing the whitening, alchemists can freely manipulate these separated substances.

This also means that the alchemist has completely controlled this mass of matter, enough to shape it into any form he wants...

——But at this moment.

From the chest of Valentine VII, a slender hand suddenly came out!

It grabbed the pigeon and let it struggle desperately, but still strangled it directly to death.

During the fierce struggle, white flight feathers that far exceeded his body size flew throughout the room... They were the torn soul of the old king.

"Uh uh uh……"

The white-haired old king looked at all this in astonishment, but he could no longer say anything.

Immediately afterwards, his chest burst further, while his belly continued to expand and bulge.

"——I said, you only have one chance. You can only go here, not beyond."

A clear and young boy's voice sounded: "If you can't kill me... don't be too greedy. It's because you are not prepared -"

Immediately afterwards, a blond boy who was only about eleven or twelve years old emerged from the old king's bulging belly.

Except for his more childish appearance, this is Peng Bonazi himself!

His body was naked and covered with blood and transparent mucus.

After he landed, he stretched out quite comfortably.

"Remember my words when you go to the Dream World, and remember to come back to me when you have time. I am quite curious about the experience after death. From now on, your bedroom will be mine, your wife will be mine, and so will your country - Star There is no need to keep the name Antimony anymore. Over the years, there has not been even one person who has completed the Soul of Star Antimony... Are you worthy of being called Star Antimony?"

At this time, the old king's chest and abdomen had been completely torn and opened.

He collapsed on the seat, with his throat and lower abdomen separated from the middle to both sides. It looks like an anchovy shrimp whose head has been pinched off and whose shell and thread have been removed.

The organs in his chest and abdomen had completely melted and become empty at some point. It's like a chicken that has been cleaned of all the waste. Except for the bones, it's all meat. It seems like you can fry it directly in the pan at any time.

Peng Bonazi, who was easily reborn from the state of being shattered to pieces, had no reaction to this - for him, this was just an everyday thing.

He is the Son of the Moon closest to the sixth level in the world!

This level of "death" is just an ordinary sleep to him.

At this time, the white-haired old man who had been disemboweled was still breathing out "whoosh", and his trachea made a sound like a bellows.

He wasn't completely dead - he was even conscious.

The old man was staring at Peng Bonaqi with wide eyes, and his mouth opened and closed like a dying fish, as if he wanted to say something.

"It's really hard work," Peng Bonaqi, who returned to his youthful posture, sighed, "I'll give you a good time."

He raised his left hand towards the old king.

I saw a flash of red light.

The next moment, all the blood in the old king's body was drained instantly - he almost turned into human skin and completely lost his life.

And Peng Bo's young and thin body swelled in the wind, and returned to his original posture in just a few breaths. The originally childish face became mature and handsome in the blink of an eye, and the originally slender hands and feet became strong and powerful again.

He did not cover up his body, nor did he care about the blood on Valentine VII. In other words, it was impossible for him to have any blood on his body - even a little bit of blood had been completely drained by Peng Bonazi.

At this time, Valentine VII looked like a dark yellow clean blanket covering a skeleton.

He pulled out his shawl from the corpse of Valentine VII with great interest, and then put it on himself. He didn't have any other clothes on him, so the shawl wasn't enough to cover his private parts.

But Peng Bonaqi kept this posture and pushed the door directly out.

He clapped his hands, attracting the others' attention.

"Come here," Peng Bo leaned lazily in front of the door, exposing his perfect body full of streamlined muscles and like a marble sculpture, "go and collect the bones of your late emperor, and we will put them away later." I took it to the bedroom. There is a table missing in the study. Remember to add that the carpet does not need to be replaced. I will send someone to the Red Castle to get my spare carpet.

"——By the way, someone else will take me to Alfonso's bedroom. Then call Louise and Lucien over. I want to celebrate Star Antimony's new life with them."

Pomponazzi planned to have fun with his wife and son all night long in front of Alfonso, who was now turned into rags, and in front of the many ancestor portraits in his bedroom - as an expensive dress that he liked very much was given to that person. A small punishment for the old man's brutal destruction.

——I said, you are allowed to try to kill me. But I didn't allow you to ruin my clothes.

A rebellion involving the change of supreme power in Star Antimony began quietly and ended quietly.

No one can participate in it, and no one dares to stop it.

It seems that everything is inevitable.

"……Excuse me."

Someone boldly asked: "Are you our king from now on?"

If Peng Bonaqi really becomes the king of Star Antimony... that might be a good thing!

"King? Haha...Valentine...Eighth?"

Pomponazzi was in a good mood now, so he was willing to explain with a smile: "No, no. I am just the prime minister with an additional identity of a prince - whether from Louise's perspective or Lucien's perspective... I can be called a prince. After all, they are all my lovers.

"--As for your new king, I have already decided. It is Lucien Valentine... Although he doesn't know about this yet. "

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