Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 777 I want to save more people than I want to kill

Albert was shocked: "Did Hong Xiang finally rebel?"

Strangely enough, he was not surprised by this...

Instead, there is a feeling of "it's true" and "he finally did it".

After all, Albert's sponsor was the Count of Leipzig, and he had more or less indirect contact with the red phase - of course, he would not dare to have direct contact.

He himself is not good at talking, and Hong Xiang is famous for his irritable and eccentric personality. If he accidentally offends Hong Xiang, he might become a blood slave in the Red Castle.

Others will care about his talents - after all, Albert is not only the second youngest fourth-level transcendent in Star Antimony, but also a talented inventor and an excellent disaster splicer. He is very likely to become the Vice Principal of the Ziggurat and take over as the next Dark Chancellor.

...But only Hong Xiang will not be afraid of him.

Albert even heard that a member of the royal family once angered him and was sucked dry by him on the spot.

This matter was kept secret, and later the royal family held a funeral on the grounds of "died of illness." But even so, no one dared to question him... This was a story told to him personally by the Count of Leipzig.

The "Red Phase" in the words of the Count of Leipzig is a willful and arrogant solipsist.

He doesn't care about anything but his own pleasure, and he doesn't even look down on his own children.

He is like an overbearing old man who has great status in his family. He always criticizes anything he sees that he doesn't like - but the problem is that he doesn't seem to like everything he sees, and he often says "back when Xing Antimony founded the country" This kind of talk of relying on the old and betraying the old.

Because of this, Albert did not dare to meet Hong at all.

But now...the old man finally dissatisfied with the king and decided to replace him?

"The former King Alfonso Valentin, also known as 'Valentin VII', was convicted of seven crimes including murder, leaking secrets, treason, and selling cultural relics. He was tried by Qi and ordered to withdraw from the throne and not enter the king's tomb, and all relevant persons involved in the case were arrested..."

Aurora recited news reports.

Traitor? Cultural relics? What are these?

Albert frowned and rolled his head curiously in his schoolgirl's arms: "What about the new king?"

Why is it still called "Hong Xiang" in the news?

"It's His Highness Lucien."


Albert's head was full of distrust: "He can't even memorize the Type 13 compound equation. I'm afraid he can only refine a petrochemical potion... At this level, can he inherit the position of Valentine?"

If he can, then so can I! Everyone can do it!

Albert whispered in his heart.

"The red phase supports it."

Aurora commented simply.


Albert smacked his lips, feeling very unhappy.

If only someone could bring bad luck to Hong Xiang, he thought.

Although he is considered a faction of the Earl of Leipzig, he can barely be considered a direct descendant of the Red Prime Minister. In fact, he is not in any danger this time, and he is even a little pleased...

But Albert was still a little unhappy - mainly because he felt that the new king was not smart enough or powerful enough.

At least Seventh Life is a fifth-level equalizer!

Albert is not yet at the fifth energy level, so he is convinced.

He shook his head and rolled his neck, and was hugged tightly by Aurora who was worried about him jumping down.

"What do the people say?"

Albert was a little worried: "Will there be a civil war?"

"The common people don't seem to care much about who the new king is. They care more about prices and bread."

Aurora replied.

...and indeed.

Albert shook his head up and down.

The common people would probably be surprised at most why the first-generation Hong Xiang suddenly appeared again after not appearing again for so many years.

"Did it go well?"

"It went pretty smoothly..."

The two chatted and soon returned to Albert's laboratory.

In the messy laboratory, white printing paper is scattered everywhere. Cans after cans of organs were pressed against it, and the room buzzed with the sound of a vacuum machine operating.

——In a large ceremony stage in the middle of the laboratory, a real monster is restrained.

Two rings of light bound it up and down, making it float in mid-air.

It was a huge ball of flesh - its densely packed arms stretched out, fluttering in the wind like seaweed in the water.

Some of those arms were thick, some were slender; some were men's, some were women's... It looked like they had chopped off dozens of people's arms and inserted them all into this meat ball.

It seemed to sense Albert's presence, and immediately became excited from a still state, and the arms that were originally curled up suddenly opened up - like a flower blooming in an instant.

Aurora blinked: "It?"

"Well, my latest masterpiece!"

Albert walked over and shook hands with it happily: "I named it Thousand-Hand God. This is No. 117, so it is Thousand-Hand God-117."

"What does it do?"

"It can be used to grow hands. It doesn't have any twilight power, so it's not powerful enough, but it can be used for transplantation."

Albert said, and the right hand that was shaking hands suddenly exerted force and ripped off one arm.

He raised his white and warm arm and handed it to Aurora like a treasure.

But Aurora still held his head. He just freed up one hand, lightly touched the skin of the arm, felt its elasticity and warmth, and then withdrew his hand.

"I have thought before that necromancy can be used to help disabled people obtain their missing limbs. Or it can also help people who want to have extra limbs fulfill their wishes."

Albert said enthusiastically: "But if you customize limbs for people individually through precision carving... the cost would be too high. So I invented it, which can grow hands of various thicknesses and lengths. By then people You can find the limb you like and then remove it for replacement.”

"...How does it grow? What do we need to feed it?"

Aurora became slightly interested in it. Although there were many strange little pieces of junk invented by Albert, she felt that this one was valuable.

"This is also very simple."

Albert said, lifting a box of white mice sealed with preservation techniques from the side.

If this was an ordinary box, they would probably have died of starvation or suffocation. But the preservation spell has this miraculous effect. Even if a creature is boxed, it can still exist for a long time.

Albert's headless body casually opened the seal on the box, then lifted them up and dumped the mice towards the "Thousand-Handed God" like dumping garbage.

The "Thousand-Hand God" instinctively stretched out his hand and caught every falling mouse as easily as a ball. Then they retracted their arms - and then Aurora noticed that there were ferocious rotating teeth under each of their arms, and the white mice were stuffed into their mouths and chewed.

Aurora laughed inexplicably.

Albert asked with some confusion, and then Aurora explained her strange smile:

"Like a pineapple with many hands."

The girl pointed at it and said.

And when she pointed to the Thousand-Hand God, the Thousand-Hand God stretched out his hand to her from afar.

"I have set it up so that it only eats living creatures that are small enough. The limit is within ten centimeters in diameter to prevent attacks on humans. If it is larger than this, it will stretch out its hand to show friendship, and it will also make it easier to check its arms. their various indicators.”

Albert said proudly: "With this thing, I no longer have to worry about someone needing amputation! Later I can make some more 'centipede gods' so that people in wheelchairs can walk! Even if If someone wanted a second or even third pair of arms, at least they wouldn't have to use them from a living person!

"I didn't make the Centipede God at first because I was worried that it would slip away on its own. The Thousand-Hand God has a lot of control... I got them some dumbbells, and they would keep trying to catch heavy objects and try to lift. I'm not in the lab. You can also play with yourself when you are young.”

"Senior, that's amazing."

Aurora hugged Albert's head tightly and said sincerely.

Albert's always sad face finally showed a smile.

His body came over, adjusted his glasses for his head, and then boasted to his elementary school girl: "I plan to make a dead soul that can automatically generate a liver - in principle, it should be possible. I know there is a place The undead can slowly generate a large number of 'eyes' on their own, and some can also generate a large number of 'mouths'.

"So, I thought maybe there could be an undead that could have a belly full of liver... In that case, maybe demonologists wouldn't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Among human body materials, the most frequently used parts are the eyeball, penis, bones and liver. Among them, the penis needs to be dried and preserved, the bones need to be shaved and dried, and the eyeballs can be preserved for a long time by soaking them directly in the preservation solution. But the liver must be complete and fresh...

Because the amount used each time is "one serving", the price of liver on the black market is the most expensive of all human materials. If it is slightly damaged, the ritual effect will be lost.

For huge profits, some urban hunters who do not have the technology to preserve organs even kill them on the spot. Just arrest the person and let professional surgeons remove the liver.

——If we had this thing, maybe there wouldn’t be so many people dying. Albert thought.

Compared with the simple "Thousand-Handed God" and "Hundred-legged God", undead that can replicate their own livers and eyeballs are more difficult to make. The cost will increase by who knows how many times, and there may not be a market for it.

But if you can make something like this... it must be enough to defect to Avalon.

I heard doctors at Avalon have completed a liver transplant.

Coupled with this technology, he can save many people.

——Only more people than he killed in another world line.

Albert thought to himself.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door in his laboratory.

"Excuse this here, senior?"

A hesitant voice came from outside the door.


Aurora said, whispering to Albert: "My school girl. The new transfer...get to know Aleister."

She is said to be a school girl, but in fact she is essentially a disciple whom she is asked to help guide.

The ziggurat is a popular place for ostracism, emphasizing the idea of ​​"whoever wants to go, I won't go anyway". Most instructors are reluctant to lead students.

At the meeting, the silence was like a classroom where the teacher asks, "Who understands, please come on stage and speak." It is often necessary to wait until the end when the vice-principal assigns tasks by name.

The newly transferred transfer students naturally attached themselves to Aurora.

After all, Aurora is also at the fourth level...talent cannot be left idle.

Some mentors don't even have the fourth energy level.

After all, she hasn't graduated yet, so nominally she can only be regarded as guiding juniors - naturally, there is no salary.

But it seems that because of Aleister, Aurora seems to be very concerned about her, so much so that she wants to bring her to Albert to see. So she guided the junior in some way.

Aurora trotted all the way, holding Albert's head to open the door.


Aurora simply greeted: "Did you sleep well?"

Looking at the finger held in the hand of the little girl at the door, Albert suddenly realized.

Oh, it turned out that it was Aurora's finger that was leading the way.

As for what the girl looked like, he was too lazy to look. Generally speaking, it seemed to be a light golden long curly hair - anyway, just remember the hairstyle.

And the somewhat timid Christina saw the expressionless senior sister opened the door, holding a head that was still open in her arms.

Behind her stood a headless man quietly, and behind the man was a terrifying monster with arms covered with blood. Various arms and limbs were scattered in the corners, and half-broken bodies were scattered all over the floor, with arms stuck in them. Jars of organs were placed in every corner of the table in a gloomy manner...

The whole room was full of arms, arms, arms, arms...

Complete arms, half arms, clean arms, bloody arms...


Albert felt that he should say hello, so he suddenly spoke coldly.

Christina rolled her eyes and fainted.

"She didn't sleep well."

Aurora looked at her with some regret as she fell to the ground with a thud, lowered her head and whispered to the head in her arms.

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