Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 779: Past arrogance and meanness

For a moment, Christina felt happy——

I'm super, is it so fun to be a big shot's chess piece?

Even the "future star of Star Antimony" Albert Lorey had to bow to himself!

...Though in reality he must be saluting Alice. But it still feels so good!

But at this moment, her body was moving on its own.

"Ah, yes. I have an impression of you..."

"Christina" suddenly understood, nodded and said bluntly: "You must be the girl who was ordered to sleep with you, but because you were so good at chatting, you were bought without a chance to get fucked."


Christina felt as if she heard Dagua, and she and Aurora quietly opened their ears to listen.

"Yes, you must be the spirit following Miss Aleister," Albert said without any shame. He even raised his chest and raised his head proudly. "The person I was chatting with at that time was the most beautiful person in the world. The great alchemist, Bashir Valentine!

"I really want to spend more time with him...but the ceremony ended too early. If possible, I even want to spend a hundred years in that ceremony! From discussing alchemy Technique, then witnessing the 'earth cracking war', and then the founding of the Star Antimony Kingdom, and then personally seeing off the passing of that great man... Compared to that kind of miracle, even becoming a girl or a blood slave is completely insignificant!"

"...I heard you say that."

Aurora suddenly realized: "But you didn't tell me that you met Valentine I as a girl..."

"This is normal," Albert shook his head. "If I hadn't been on that occasion and with that status, how could I, who was not even at the fourth level at the time, have the opportunity to come into contact with that adult... "

And Christina gradually understood.

Miss Aleister seems to have met Count Leipzig and Albert at the same promotion ceremony.

Obviously, not to mention Albert...even the great Earl of Leipzig was at a disadvantage. Otherwise, Alice would not have called the Count of Leipzig by his code name in such a casual tone.

Although she knew that Miss Aleister had defeated Earl Dawn and resurrected herself from death. But after all, Christina still didn't quite understand how strong she was. After all, she was accompanied by a bodyguard who looked quite powerful. It is normal for such a spell caster who can resurrect the dead and is also a noble lady to have a guard with a stronger fighting ability than her.

Otherwise, why would we need to protect him?

But now that she has Count Leipzig and Mr. Albert, she finally has a concrete understanding of Aleister's strength.

Having captured her thoughts, Alice was a little surprised: "Wait, don't you know who my master is?"

【……What? Should I know? 】

Christina responded a little confused.

"I thought, based on your social experience in school, you must have heard of this turns out you didn't know it from the beginning."

Alice sighed and said to the two men: "My host doesn't seem to know the identity of her benefactor. What I said may be biased... Please help me explain."

With that, she slipped back into Christina's heart.

And Christina's consciousness rose again and she regained control of her body.

"...Where to start?"

Albert hesitated for a moment, looked at Aurora, and then decided to start from the beginning: "The first time I met Miss Aleister, she was with a gentleman named 'Gray' who was adapted to the road. Together. She was only at the second level and could fully control the power of the shadow demon, which was said to be absolutely impossible, and Mr. Gray also had the ability to control shadows."

"...I may have already met that 'Mr. Gray', but Shadow Demon..."

Christina hesitated.

She knew that the mentor's demon follower should be the "Night Demon", the black crow. But she had no knowledge about demons at all, so she didn't know if this was normal or not, and she didn't know if this could be said.

——Maybe the Shadow Demon is the trump card, and the Night Demon is the demon that is usually summoned.

So she kept her mouth shut and decided not to reveal her mentor's privacy.

As for Mr. Gray, he should be the strong man next to her who has adapted to the path.

And Albert was still narrating: "Later, I learned a very terrifying thing... That Aleister was actually an ancient Son of the Moon from the Empire era."

"...Ah," Christina nodded, "Yes, she is a very powerful Moon Child."

This can always be said - after all, the Son of the Moon needs to suck blood, and those red eyes are so bright that it's hard to hide his identity.

"Her other identity is that she is the lover of the eternal Pope Aiwass."

Albert replied.


Christina was a little confused: "The Eternal Pope? He is not from the Iron-Blooded Queen..."

"It is said that the positions between Aiwass and the Iron-Blooded Queen are conflicting," Albert shook his head, "and his real lover is Ms. Aleister. Originally Aiwass was limited by his identity, maybe He couldn't refuse the Queen of Avalon's engagement...but now that he was the Pope, he must be able to do whatever he wanted.

"——That is to say, Ms. Aleister is the lover of the first ever Pope in history. This status is definitely higher than any queen of any country, even higher than Valentine VII."

"Virgin VII died not long ago, now it's VIII..."

Christina corrected in a low voice.

Albert looked at Christina, his voice gradually getting louder: "I had the honor to participate in the same promotion ceremony with that Pope. I witnessed that Pope turning into a light more blazing than the sun, and I also learned that he was the blessed of the twin mirror... As early as then, I knew that he would become a great man..."

...It was from then that I finally knew what those experiments meant.

Albert said in his heart, falling into memories.

Before he learned to read, he had already learned to distinguish between corpses and living people; before he understood the geography of the star antimony, he had already understood the structure of human beings. For him, necromancy is a sacred skill. It is art and truth at the same time.

To him, the blood and internal organs were like mud and longhorn beetles that other children played with; he sewed up the corpses just like other children built sand castles. To him, this was the best and most interesting game in the world, and he was born to be good at it.

Just like a talented star player!

But Albert was never proud.

Because when he was a teenager, he had been discussing necromancy with experts who could be his parents, even grandparents, and great-grandparents. He had lived in an environment of "I don't know anything" since he was a child, eager to collect all the knowledge he could get in touch with, and eager for all the progress he could make.

He longed for recognition, and hoped that he would no longer be treated with goodwill by people as a "future genius", but hoped that he could now become an equal to them and participate in the discussion -

As long as he could get fame and recognition. Albert thought so.

In order to be famous and to let people pay attention to him, he did a lot of work. He constantly made "micro-innovations", further optimized the technology of his predecessors in strange places, and then registered patents and published them in newspapers as soon as possible, hoping that the masters could seriously discuss with him - for example, whether the random lightning-attracting ability of the Thunder Walker can be accurately located through antennas or branding; or whether the earthbound spirit can obtain mobility by "miniaturizing and carrying" the home...

But no one ever paid attention to him.

In Albert's most arrogant years, he even lied and deliberately touched other people's inventions.

When he was reading academic journals, he saw a master of necromancy who had taught him, claiming in an academic conference that he was creating a lizard-type undead that "can devour dry land and discharge black silt", so his brain worked quickly, and through the idea of ​​earthworms, he constructed a snake-type undead with the same function in another simpler way, and registered his patent before the master's undead was registered.

At that time, the entire academic community of Xingti was in an uproar - although the master proposed the idea first, it was Albert who registered the patent earlier.

Some people think that Albert copied the master's idea and published it first; others think that the invention of this thing cannot be completed in one or two days, so it's just that the two people had the same idea; some even think that the master took advantage of his seniority and stole Albert's idea for his own use...

At that time, Albert was overjoyed to see that he had become the topic of the entire Star Antimony.

He deliberately did not refute the rumor, but let people speculate, making the controversy more and more intense. He even imagined in his mind that the master competed with him for the patent, and then the two became academic rivals, and finally waited for the master to die before he took the initiative to repent, ending the feud and becoming a close friend, and the tortuous story that has been passed down by people since then...

However, the master finally publicly stated that his invention was far inferior to Albert's - even if his invention was successfully implemented, it was destined to be eliminated by Albert's invention due to its overly complicated production steps and its instability. Therefore, he highly praised Albert's invention and even privately sent him a handwritten experimental record to allow Albert to further optimize the project.

——The master simply ignored this dispute.

…At that time, it was the first time that Albert felt regret.

He regretted his arrogance and meanness.

At that time, Albert woke up from his madness, and in the strong sense of emptiness, he felt the true meaning of the Twilight Path.

From then on, he changed his ways, wrote a long letter to the master to apologize, and then calmed down to study...until the invention of the "Armed Gargoyle" changed everything.

Unlike the last time, this time he became a big man respected by people completely by his own ability!

So Albert used up all his energy and even stopped his research on alchemy...At that time, he had already completed the fourth energy level of the Twilight Path and the second energy level of the Balance Path, and became a "Misfortune Splicer".

However, due to his investment in the research of the Armed Gargoyle, he ignored the progress of the Tao when his resources were fully utilized, and used all his energy to continuously optimize the Armed Gargoyle in subtle ways that were invisible to the naked eye. He made more than 60 different versions of the formula for the flesh and blood armor alone. The specific optimal load-bearing plan - the balance of firearms, bullets and armor - was calculated by countless mathematical calculations.

In the experimental field, he used various carefully crafted "high-speed air undead" that simulated the Griffin Knight as targets, and constantly let various gargoyles attack them. Individuals, teams, groups... After each round of attacks, he carefully collected data, and then resurrected these undead and gargoyles, and then optimized them for another experiment.

By analyzing the lethality and penetration, and then repairing and resurrecting these undead, they were put into the next round of testing.

In addition to this high-speed undead, he also let the Armed Gargoyle attack regular undead such as zombies and armored zombies to test the lethality to the army.

——Until he tested the lightning zombie that he had optimized, he suddenly realized that the experimental data was not right.

These armed gargoyles seemed to be afraid of lightning...

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