Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 782 Aleister's Daughter

"This is--"

Apart from Aleister, only the honey badger could continue to watch this ritual.

When she saw the face of that thing clearly, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

——Is this something that can be created?

I saw that what jumped out of the one-meter-wide pool was an extremely ferocious bright red monster!

It looks like a slender dragon or a ferocious shark. Generally speaking, its body is slender, with a long tail, and a pair of slender, crescent-shaped wings that are as sharp as sickles. There is a pair of thick dragon claws at the corners of the wings, which makes its wings It looks like a winged arm. And from about the middle of its tail, a pair of sharp spikes that looked like claws and feet extended out.

Its entire body was red, reminiscent of blood, and the thinner parts, including the wings, showed a dark red that was close to black.

When this monster jumped out of the silver pool, it looked like it was only half a person tall. Even if the curved and slender tail is straightened, it is still not as tall as Selene.

It flew in the air, then landed on the ground and crawled awkwardly. It looks a bit like a lizard or a shark swimming in the air.

It was bathed in the moonlight, and its body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The red body surface was originally similar to human muscles... Dark blue dragon scales and shark skin gradually covered it, and its manic wildness was gradually curbed. In the blink of an eye, its size expanded by nearly half...if it were straightened now, it would probably be taller than Aiwass himself, about two meters long.

Aleister looked at it and felt a little familiar.

...It looks a bit like a combination of the biting land shark and the sea shark, which is quite handsome.

Aleister looked at the shark dragon crawling on the ground with great interest - she didn't know what to call this brand new monster, so she could only call it tentatively.


The shark dragon murmured in a low voice, letting out a childish and sharp cry like a baby: "Anna...why did you..."

——Those were the last words that Alphonse wanted to say at the last moment, but failed to say in time.

When it uttered these words, the pupils filled with hatred, sadness, and melancholy gradually became chaotic. When the obsession was satisfied, Alphonse's personality was completely shattered and turned into nothingness.

Although it has been made into a monster and has a new personality, it obviously still has some vague memories of Alphonse. This makes it even though it doesn't understand what sadness is, it still lowers its head and weeps, venting the meaningless sadness.

Watching it cry, Aleister was vaguely touched in his heart.

She greeted her and whispered in a low voice, her voice slightly tinged subconsciously: "Come on, baby... don't cry..."

The newborn shark dragon has Aleister's blood flowing in its body, and they are related to each other - at least from the perspective of the path of love, this kinship is established.

This feeling was so strong that it made Aleister feel a little maternal love.

After all, in a sense, it can also be regarded as the child of Aleister and Selene.

Although from this perspective, Selene herself is the child of Aiwass and Lily... but perhaps because of the lack of the power of the path of love, Aiwass has no special feelings for Selene.

But now...

While Aleister was frowning and thinking, the shark dragon had already twisted its body and got into Aleister's arms.

The unexpected heavy weight made Aleister a little surprised for a moment: "Baby, you are so heavy..."

She lifted the shark dragon up with both hands like a dog, then used her knees to push away its tail that was subconsciously covered, and carefully checked its gender.

"Is it a female dragon? Or is it a female shark?"

Aleister murmured: "The dragon can understand...but why the shark?"

After all, one of the ingredients that made up this child was the liver of a fool. And that is a genuine piece of "dragon liver". If you only use that thing for enlightenment without adding the ashes of the Moon Child, you might be able to get a "dragon liver essence" - the liver of a spirit.

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

The shark dragon instinctively made a childish cry.

It should have part of the memory belonging to Alphonse, and part to Sister Sasha. But no matter what, it has human rationality... Although it has just been born, it already has the intelligence of a child of several years old.

Of course, she is definitely not as mature as Selene.

"We have to give her a name first."

Selene had just finished the ceremony, and came over holding two eyeballs that had been purified by the ceremony, and said seriously: "My original name was given by Ms. Hypatia... and it was also decided by you. But now. , I hope you will choose this name.”

After completing the creation of the first monster, Selene, who was still willful and lively before, has now become somewhat mature like a mother.

But the monster she created has no biological relationship with her—the most correct relationship between them is that of "creation" and "creator." Although she could also choose a name, she chose to give this power to Aleister.

Aleister looked bitter when he heard this: "But I don't know how to name..."

She is part of Aiwass, and she must have inherited his talent for naming jokes.

——You can't really call it Land Shark or Sea Shark!

Then why not... call her Shark?

A name popped up in Aleister's mind.

Wouldn't that be too cute?

Aleister held it high up, aiming it at the moonlight in the sky, just like holding Simba.

She was distracted for a moment, and decided to follow her instincts - use whichever one comes to mind!

——Child, you'll be called "Random"!

At this moment, a somewhat unfamiliar name suddenly popped up in Aleister's mind.


She suddenly said, "How about you call yourself Leviathan?"

This is an unexpectedly serious name. There is no stalk, and it doesn't seem too frivolous. It's just a name that popped up in the heart out of thin air, and it's also catchy to read.

In essence, it's still called "Random" - Aleister thought.

The shark dragon cried out happily: "Let's call it this, let's call it this-"

"Okay," Aleister said happily, "then your full name will be Leviathan, and your nickname will be Shark."

She was still a little reluctant to give up the name that popped into her mind last time-it was rare to have such a nice name, so she should not waste it.

At this point, she had completely forgotten the original motivation for creating monsters with Alphonse's ashes.

Judgment? Punishment? Interrogation? Combat power?

These things may all be useful. But none of them can compare to... leaving a child that truly belongs to you as proof of your existence.

The extremely strong light of the path of love almost submerged Aleister's entire consciousness.

She hugged Leviathan, who was full of blood, but she seemed to smell an extremely sweet scent and couldn't help smelling it on her body.

-I really want to have a bite.

This is my child, how sweet the flesh and blood must be...

This thought unconsciously emerged in Aleister's mind.

But the next moment, Aleister suddenly woke up - the power of transcendence made her suddenly step on the brakes.

She instantly realized that the chaotic instinct of the path of love almost controlled her again.

Aleister, who had calmed down, reached out and rubbed her face vigorously, and her boiling consciousness finally became clear again.

"Shark," Aleister hugged Leviathan again and asked softly, "Can you tell us about... Alphonse and Anna Kingsford?"

Leviathan tilted his head and searched his memory.

Then, the dragon shark, which looked like a ferocious monster from any angle, made a voice as tender as a baby fish, telling the story of his "66% of past life" and his past life lover.

At this time, the crow who stayed in the house pretending to be a decoration suddenly opened his eyes.

The Night Demon sensed that someone was calling her real name.

Even if the Night Demon was a god on earth, in ancient times, it would be regarded as a great demon worshipped by superstitious people. The demons themselves can respond to summons, and she can further see the identity of the summoner...

——That was the voice of her former colleague, the earthbound spirit Alice.

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