Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 795 Count Leipzig: I have a bold idea

March 23.

It was not until after nine o'clock in the morning that Aleister slowly opened his eyes.

"...My head is still a little dizzy."

She stared at the ceiling for a while, then closed her eyes and shrank back into Isabel's quilt.

This is not Xingtan, nor the dangerous and chaotic Leipzig. This is Avalon, the Glass Island, the Temple of Silver and Tin... It is Isabel's bedroom.

This is absolutely safe... home.

"Don't give up my dream, keep sleeping..."

Aleister muttered, curled up with warm sleepiness.

Half asleep and half awake, she felt someone quietly opened a crack in the quilt, sneaked in, and then quietly hugged Aleister's slender waist.

Aleister did not react at all, and even hugged the arm in return.


Isabel's whisper-like voice sounded in Aleister's ears, accompanied by warm breath and the tickling of falling hair: "How do you know it was me who came in?"

"...If it wasn't you, you would have been beaten out by your guards."

Aleister turned around, put his arms around Isabel, and whispered in Isabel's arms.

Of course, there was another reason-that is, she could smell Isabel's scent.

Thanks to the sensitive sense of smell of the child of the moon. As early as when Isabel tiptoed over, Aleister had already smelled her scent.

Isabel touched Aleister's head in her arms lovingly and said softly: "Rest more if you are tired."

In Isabel's memory, Aiwas basically never really rested for a while. Even when it seemed that there was nothing to do, he was always studying hard or handling government affairs. Since Isabel met Aiwas, he has never rested for a day.

Even now, Aiwass fell into a deep sleep in the true sense, he was still protecting the Eternal Church in another way. At the same time, he changed his attitude and entered a busier and more dangerous work...

Anyway, Isabel had already asked - Aleister still had plenty of time. Several days were enough for her to run back and forth.

Now that she could empty her mind and have a good could be said to be an extremely rare opportunity.

For this reason, Isabel pushed all the affairs of the past two days to Mycroft Hermes. Just to be able to accompany Aleister for a while longer.

She gently patted Aleister's back and sang the lullaby she had sung in her dream when they first met in a low voice.

At that time, Aiwass was still trying to resist the sleepiness brought by her lullaby...but now Aleister no longer had to resist.

She had already fallen into a peaceful and deep sleep.

At this moment.

The distant star antimony, the city of knowledge Leipzig.

The Count of Leipzig was forced to wake up before the sun rose.

It's not that there is any work to be done... but there is someone who brings work for him to deal with.

In the swimming pool of Leipzig Manor, Pomponazi casually walked up with a girl in his arms. As he walked forward, water drops fell on the ground, and he just shook his head casually, shaking off the water drops on his hair like a dog.

He took a glass of iced and sugared lemon brandy from the butler who was always holding a tray to serve beside him and took a sip.

The first generation of Red Prime Minister chuckled and said leisurely: "Haven't you found Bayard yet?

"-In your territory, you can't find a person for several hours. You disappoint me, Finn. "

Pomponazzi rarely read out the name of Count Leipzig, and slowly poured the remaining wine in his glass onto Count Leipzig's hair.

Leipzig attached great importance to his hairstyle, and would glare at anyone who touched it casually. But at this moment, he dared not move at all, allowing the sticky wine after adding sugar to flow down his hair and neck, onto his expensive dress.

He didn't bother to wipe the wine, and even felt a little dazed for a while.

Fin... He hadn't heard this name for a long time.

After Finn Heinrich was loved by the queen in the past, people respectfully called him Prince Heinrich; and after he was ordered to build the city of knowledge Leipzig as his fiefdom, people were even more respectful. I respectfully call him Count Leipzig. Now his friends usually just call him "Leipzig" or "Heinrich".

Today, I'm afraid not many people remember his name.

...What does it mean that my father suddenly calls my name? Is it to express dissatisfaction? Or intimacy? Or is it a kind of control... or a warning? Is he saying that he is still a child in front of him, or is he a little dissatisfied with the situation that I control Leipzig...

Count Leipzig thought quickly, but still couldn't tell Pomponazzi's intention, so he could only say respectfully: "At least we already know that Ms. Bayard has been living with Prince Szijjaldo during this period..."

"Does she like that type? Then give it to her."

Pomponazzi said casually: "I will go back and remove little Szijjaldo from Valentine, and she can take it away directly if she wants."

"Yes, we have also found out that she went to the psychic tower with a monster..."


Pomponazzi raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised: "Is it a shadow demon?"

The Earl of Leipzig shook his head: "No, it's a monster with flesh and blood. It looks... a bit like a young dragon."

"Maybe it's her pet."

Peng Bonazi didn't take it seriously and commented with a smile: "It could be her lover or her child, or it could be her lover and her child. Who knows."

After hearing this information, he looked at the Earl of Leipzig again and nodded slightly with satisfaction: "Not bad, I haven't been too disappointed yet."

"This is all you..."

The Earl of Leipzig was interrupted before he could finish his flattering words.

"—but not enough."

Pomponazzi handed the empty wine glass to the Earl of Leipzig and patted the back of his hand gently: "Don't make me wait too long... When can you find Bayard? Let me know for sure. ”

"If it goes well……"

"I don't want to listen to perfunctory 'what if's."

Peng Bonaqi's eyes were deep: "I want to see her before it gets dark tonight. Aren't there any clues? Then go find her."

The Count of Leipzig responded: "Yes..."

"Oh, right. Remember to be polite and don't get me into trouble."


The Earl of Leipzig was silent for a while, then lowered his head and responded.

The young man with blond hair and red eyes emphasized, his eyes full of boredom. That was because he was tired of his "children" always provoking all kinds of enemies for him - although Pomponazzi's character was extremely ups and downs, extravagant and depraved, he really didn't have many enemies of his own.

After all, Peng Bonazi is a believer in the host of banquets and believes in "everyone who comes and goes is a guest".

His attitude towards guests is much better than towards his own children. Rather than threats and coercion, it is more about taking people to play and making friends through endless fun. On the contrary, after getting to know him well, his attitude began to gradually become bad, and he also showed his irritability and impermanence.

On the contrary, his children - those children of the moon whom he transformed, behave in a much more arrogant and high-profile manner than he does. They were never afraid of causing trouble. In the worst case, they would come back and give Peng Bona a good beating. Peng Bonazi would always wipe their butts after venting his anger.

The most famous among them is "Succubus" Emma.

But in the past twenty years... the Earl of Leipzig has clearly sensed that Pomponazzi has become increasingly irritable and irritable. In the past, he would always laugh it off or even laugh out loud at the children's stupidity, but now he gets angry more and more often...

His desires were not that strong before, as if he had to vent his desires all the time - at that time, he preferred to hold banquets and drink blood or wine with the friends he made. Listening to music, watching performances every day, chatting about someone's gossip and dirty information day after day, and commenting sharply on the stupidity and failure of the king and other factions, the proportion of flesh and blood lust is less than one tenth.

The proof is that he has left so few biological heirs over the years.

——It seems to be an anxious emotion.

It could also be the aging of the soul.

The Count of Leipzig also learned, while chatting with his friend in the Ziggurat... Longevity in the path of love does not mean immortality. It is an "extremely powerful vitality", but the spirit does not belong to the immortal species.

The life of a child of the moon is closer to that of a human being than the elves who live really long lives and therefore live an extremely slow pace. This is proof.

And this also means that the Moon Child has another kind of "life span". That is their spiritual lifespan - even the Children of the Moon have many paths of physical life. As long as it is a material life, it will lose control because the path is overflowing, so the son of the moon will become more and more extreme as his life span increases. It's just that the Moon Child itself has no so-called "original heart", so there is no such thing as "losing the original heart".

——Obviously, Peng Ponacci's sanity was on the verge of reaching its limit.

If he cannot embark on the path of perfection and advance to the sixth level... when his path of love is completely deformed and begins to cover the path of transcendence, he may never be able to advance again.

However, maybe there is another way...

An extremely transcendent idea suddenly came to the Count of Leipzig's mind.

Even at the moment when the thought was generated, he felt that the transcendental path that he had not moved for many years began to activate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Father...I suddenly had an idea..."

He was hesitant and hesitant - because the idea was too transgressive.

And Peng Bonazi glanced at him.

Originally, he should have reacted to this kind of irritating, cowardly and inhumane behavior, and he would have started furiously reprimanding or even beating the other person.

But looking at the purple halo clearly visible under the eyes of the Earl of Leipzig, Peng Bonazi took the towel handed by the girl next to him with great interest. He just casually put it on his shoulders, then folded his arms and waited patiently for the Earl of Leipzig to sort out his words.

Because the girl next to Pomponazzi was also an insider - her father was also a participant in the Ring of Coupling and almost became a sacrifice, so the Earl of Leipzig did not shy away from it:

"...Father, the [Ring of the Umbrella] ritual obtained from the stone tablet of "The Umbrella Tantra" actually does not restrict its use beyond the path."

"Ok, I know."

"Rose Cross summons the fifth-level Transcendents from all over the world and gathers them... intending to use the Ring of Ouronomy ritual to steal the power of the Fallen Division. In order to achieve this goal, they need more Transcendents to perform the ritual. There is enough power to pull down..."

Count Leipzig said slowly and hesitantly: "Then can we, the Sons of the Moon, also use the [Tail Ring]?"

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