Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 815: Death of Hong Xiang

If you look down from the top of the Spirit Tower, the situation on the battlefield will be clearer.

Almost the entire land is completely covered with scarlet.

However, with the howling of wind and thunder, the complete cone army completely tore the scarlet apart, leaving a thunderstorm on the ground.

Those scarlet spears no longer emit bloody storms, but are charred like destroyed electrical appliances, with electric light leaping. And the shallow blood river on the ground was solidified into black ice with a crackling sound.

Red Phase's most signature ability - the blood that can deprive all life and dissolve all non-life, the all-pervasive [Scarlet Storm], should have absolute suppression power against the living, the physical undead, and the constructed creatures. Only the intangible spirit army can freely pass through it... This is why he was willing to cooperate with the Black Phase.

But they are of no use to the Wild Hunt Legion.

They have no blood at all - because they are not only undead, but also spirits!

And they are the real controllers of the storm.

Signed a contract with Wei Zhe and controlled the real endless storm.

Those were storm makers who were at least at the fourth energy level and at most at the sixth energy level.

The "Scarlet Storm" could not cause any harm to them at all, but was torn apart by the storm they called!

"...What is that?"

"It actually suppressed the red phase..."

"Is it some kind of undead?"

"It's a spirit! It should be..."

The students of the Spirit Tower were stunned by this terrifying power.

"——That's the Wild Hunt."

The one who answered their questions was Vice Principal Adolf.

He stared at the sky outside and whispered in a low voice: "The heroic legion commanded by the 'Secret Keeper', the natural enemy of all undead...

"The natural disaster that came with the storm--"

His voice couldn't help but become high-pitched and excited.

His long-cherished wish will finally be fulfilled here.

He can finally look directly at the Wild Hunt Legion at such a close distance!


Someone's voice was full of disbelief: "This is also..."

"Too strong! "

At this time, outside, the thunder of devastation submerged everything.

Hong Xiang suddenly pulled out the blood spear from the ground, and blood gushed out like a spring.

He pointed the spear at the legion, and the blood wings behind him rose and became extremely huge.

Pombonazi did not waver at all, and did not even retreat.

-He was alone, launching a counterattack against the Wild Hunt Legion that formed a cone formation!

He ran two steps first, then ran faster and faster, and flew directly up.

When he was extremely close to the Wild Hunt Legion, he flew high.

Throw the spear in his hand like thunder!

The spear turned into an extremely huge and ferocious blood demon dog in the air, gnawing at the Wild Hunt King Heleqin who was leading the group!

"-whistling. "

And Heleqin whispered, raising the Thunder Halberd in his hand.

At this time, Aleister on the top floor of the Spirit Tower summoned the Thunder Halberd again.

Repeat effect-

Use it again to increase the holder's "Lightning Affinity" by three levels!

Herqin originally had a lightning affinity level. And under this terrifying increase, his whole body suddenly became brighter.

Just like a light bulb with electricity.

The inside of the originally dim yellow body suddenly lit up, turning into a dazzling incarnation of light.

Extremely sharp The spear pierced the bloody demon dog easily--

Then, it pierced Peng Bonanqi behind it and lifted it up high!

The power of dusk solidified it, preventing it from turning into a bat and escaping.

And the power of thunder and lightning spread wildly-after the power was turned on, Peng Bonanqi's whole body suddenly became bright!

The King of the Wild Hunt has no power of purification, so he can't kill Peng Bonanqi completely. But he can kill Peng Bonanqi countless times in a row, even if he reserves more vitality, it is useless!

Herqin is like this He continued to charge while holding the Pengbonach, as if holding a flag of victory.

He rushed to the next "Pongbonach", and the other party, seeing the bad situation, turned into blood mist and dispersed.

Heleqin did not continue to chase and kill - but turned around and chased the next person.

His primary goal was not to kill all the "Pongbonach", but to destroy the ritual site that the living could not enter.

The Wild Hunt Legion swept through, the blood river froze, the blood spears were charred, and the "Pongbonach" fled in a panic. It was hard to see that as the first generation Hong Xiang's unrivaled momentum. Under the stranglehold of a true sixth-level energy demon, and a sixth-level upper-level phantom demon, the title of "the first person in the fifth energy level" seemed so weak.

In just a blink of an eye, Heleqin defeated all the "Pombonnaqi" at least once.

The entire land was completely frozen and suppressed by him.

At this time, Aleister in the Spirit Tower issued a new order.

In the stunned, fearful, awe-inspiring, worshipful, and fanatical eyes of the students, she raised her voice and ordered:


"I'm listening, master."

"-Charge to the sky!"

"Yes, master. "

Herchin did not ask why.

Instead, he faithfully responded to Aleister's call like a knight.

He let the "Pombonnaci", whose spear tip had turned into a gray stone statue, hit the ground, causing it to break and fall off like a plaster statue.

Then, Heerchin no longer paid attention to those "Pombonnaci", but raised his spear high under the surprised eyes——

Leading the Wild Hunt Legion, which also raised its weapons, he roared towards the sky!

With the defeat of the "Pomponach", the bloody sky also collapsed.

The heavy snow curtain fell again, as if to cover everything.

But Heleqin's charge tore a hole from the front-

Endless storms rose from the ground, forming a real tornado. Charged towards the sky above the dark clouds!

As the Wild Hunt Legion sank into the dark clouds, visible vortices formed from the dark clouds.

The heavy snow was blown away in all directions by the storm.

Until a ray of sunlight pierced the dark clouds, and then more and more sunlight seeped out from the broken dark clouds.

The spring sunshine in the afternoon also splashed in-

Aleister took a deep breath and put his hand on the Book of Law.

As the pages turned wildly, they stopped on a card that Aleister had never used.

As the "King" card burned.

Behind Aleister, a pair of pure white, holy, angel-like huge wings suddenly burst out!

Countless illusory feathers formed by light fluttered in the room, and a student subconsciously pinched a feather. Watching it melt in the hand like snow, it did not seem cold, but a warm current flowed into the body.

It was like basking in the rare warm sun on a cold winter day, making people shiver comfortably.

That was [Spell Card: Light of Paradise (King)]!

Above Aleister's head, an illusory, translucent crown of light emerged. The pure white runes in it shone.

That rune was the shape of the "Mark of Pride" in Aleister's body!

She suddenly stepped forward and walked out of the broken window on the top floor of the Spirit Tower!

The illusory barrier formed by the preservation technique made a hole in front of her, like a soap bubble. When she walked out of it, they healed again. Through the dim light shield formed by the preservation spell, the pure white wings of light behind Aleister also seemed to turn dim yellow.

She closed the magic book with both hands, and it disappeared in a burst of purple light.

And Aleister closed her eyes, clasped her hands together as if praying and raised them high.

The sunlight gathered in her hands, forming an extremely huge and dazzling light spear!

"I worship Hengwo, the god of holy number one, the god of death and rebirth, the god of long-term ignorance."

Now Aleister does not have the professional level of a priest, and there is no temple or altar here, so her prayer is meaningless... but at least it can be heard by people.

As she used this skill again, the repetition effect of "Light of Paradise" was activated.

The light spear in her hand suddenly became huge, surrounded by a circle of light.

The effect of this skill will spread to area damage!

"I respectfully invite the Xi Tianshi, the Tianshi who rises in the east and sets in the west, the Tianshi who shines brilliantly..."

As Aleister "prayed", the posture of the holy spear in her hand became more complicated.

From the original one, it became three.

At the front was the sharp, brilliant and dazzling spear tip. The middle was a bright ball of light like the sun, and the slightly dim, jade-like handle at the end.

Each of the three sections of the holy spear had different runes and colors, and the brilliant halo expanded from one circle to two circles around the light ball.

This repetition added the scorching sunlight of "punishment" and "purification" to the light of the paradise!

And Aleister immediately issued the third prayer-

"I respectfully invite..."

After a slight pause, she continued to read: "Evans."

And the people who heard this scene opened their eyes in astonishment.

Aleister's voice suddenly became loud and clear:

"Give me the light of paradise, the paradise of perfect people--"

As she "chanted", the light spear transformed again.

The two-layer light wheel turned into three layers.

And the tail of the holy spear seemed to be ignited, and the golden red flames extended rapidly.

It turned into countless dark red flame tails that twisted like trees, and continued to spread upward from behind Aleister, almost covering the entire sky!

Hearing that voice, Peng Bonaqi's escape stopped.

——He heard it.

"Perfect people..."

He looked up in astonishment and saw the magnificent holy spear in the sky.

That was...

"...Perfect people."

He murmured in a low voice: "Perfect people..."

As the son of the moon who was closest to "perfect people", he recognized it at a glance-it was definitely the power of perfect people.

There was reluctance and disappointment in his heart. But there was also a trace of relief.

This road still exists after all.

From the filthy blood, the crazy beasts, and the fallen sins, a ray of pure and holy light rose.

Bashir, the path you have verified is correct...

But, I -

Am I still unworthy after all?

The next moment, the light gun was thrown out.

It seemed that all sounds disappeared.

Until the light gun fell to the ground, Pomponachi still did not hear any sound.

He did not resist at all, but closed his eyes and endured it all.

The holy light flooded everything in the blink of an eye, and the burning pain came too fast and went away faster -

In the countless pure white embers, the souls of all the "Pomponachi" attached to the flesh and blood were also completely purified.

The era of Pomponachi is over.

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