Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 819: Master of Amber

——Did the Spirit Tower move to the Herasl Empire a thousand years ago?

Aleister fell into deep thought.

When Aiwass was in the Theocracy, he had studied the history of the elves for a period of time.

The elves of the Theocracy mainly use two calendars, namely the current lunar calendar and the past amber calendar.

The former is the time when Hengwo ascended to the Pillar God, and the latter is the time when Amber was born.

After all, both Hengwo and Amber have completely changed the situation of the whole world.

Aleister has no idea about the era before Amber was born, but the birth of Hengwo directly led to the extinction of Warcraft. Many inheritances specifically used to fight against Warcraft were also cut off, and the lizardmen and other races that coexisted with Warcraft also declined rapidly. The era of everything for the survival of the race ended, and the era of disputes full of many desires also came.

—— The era of mankind is gradually coming.

Before that, Horus was opened up by harpy people and a small number of lizardmen, the ancient Parthian Empire belonged to lizardmen and a small number of harpy people and snake people, and the Taichu Empire in the far east was once the territory of dragons and snake people. The main races of the Herasil Empire are harpies, dwarves, and a small number of goblins.

However, after Hengwo ascended to the throne, they gradually became human territory.

Humans have no concept of the Amber Calendar, they only use the Moon Calendar.

The 6174th year of the Amber Calendar is the day when Hengwo ascended to the throne of the Pillar God. This is also the first year of the Moon Calendar.

It was almost two hundred years after the birth of humans that the elves believed that Hengwo had completely changed this era, so they started using the Moon Calendar. After that, the two calendars ran in parallel until the 1,000th year of the Moon Calendar, when the Amber Calendar was completely discontinued.

It is now the 1899th year of the Moon Calendar, and the Spirit Tower moved into the core territory of the Herasil Empire a thousand years ago. That is around the 899th year of the Moon Calendar.

The Herasil Empire has been born for exactly five hundred years.

"...It doesn't seem right."

Aleister frowned slightly: "In other words, the winged principal had already found the spine of Lingbo Tiansi three hundred years after the birth of the empire? But it took another two hundred years before he moved into the empire... What happened in between?"

Suddenly, Albert realized something.

He asked with some doubt: "You mean... the psychic tower was once a school of wizards opened by birdmen?"

"Well, those birdmen are natural spellcasters. Among all the ancient races, those ancient people with wings are the most proficient in various spells... It can be said that most of the modern spells are inherited from them."

Adolf nodded: "Their spellcasting talent is much stronger than that of humans. Harpies do not need a staff or learn the principles of spells, and can cast spells by instinct. In the time it takes humans to learn a spell, harpies can even roughly master a system..."

"Then... where are they now?"

Aurora asked in a low voice: "Have they left the psychic tower?"

Adolf looked at the three young-looking people meaningfully.

"No," he said in a cold and ruthless voice, "the ancestors have always been with us."

He said, raising his head.

Aleister subconsciously raised her head and looked at the ceiling.

The next moment, she opened her eyes wide.

——On the ceiling, above the hanging chandelier, there were a lot of skulls hanging!

Each skull flickered with a dim flame, silently overlooking them.

"The reputation of the necromancer is very bad. Although this is also a kind of prejudice...but this prejudice is not rootless. Our ancestors did commit unforgivable evil deeds..."

The black-faced Adolf said slowly: "This is the original sin.

"Humans used to be a new race. They were just "assistants" in the psychic tower and were considered as experimental subjects for the bird people to study the emerging technology of necromancy. Until the first "nameless" principal slowly became a student from an assistant, and then a mentor from a student, and gradually cultivated a faction of his own...and finally took away the entire psychic tower with the help of Lingbo Tianshi.

"All the birdmen were slaughtered... In order to prevent them from taking revenge on humans after mass upgrading, 'Nameless' imprisoned their souls in skulls and preserved them here. Because this was an act of killing his master and slaughtering people, he did not leave his name for future generations to remember, and his own skull was also somewhere in it as a false atonement... and also as a torture for himself.

"It was indeed from then on that humans fully mastered the spell inheritance of the Spirit Tower; from another perspective, it was also from then on that humans no longer existed as experimental consumables for the birdmen.

"Compared with the Spirit Tower, all the branches of the former Tower of Truth have been completely cut off, and they have been revived only through archaeology. Only our lineage is naturally complete. Because of this, we can become the only heirs of the Tower of Truth. So I said that in a sense we came from four thousand years ago.

"But from another perspective, the Spirit Tower belonging to humans started a thousand years ago.

"Because we took away the heritage of the bird people, the bird people still regard the necromancers from the Ziggurat as their enemies. The Horus people still claim that they will take back their heritage one day... although they are not those bird people at all.

"That is a hatred that has spread for thousands of years - every generation of principals believes that one day there will be an answer. The tradition of temporarily abandoning one's name once one becomes a 'principal' also started from that time."

Adolf glanced at the shocked Albert and Aurora, as well as the thoughtful Aleister, and sighed: "There are no written records of what happened back then, and it's impossible to tell clearly by word of mouth. . At this point, there is no need to worry too much... Since we are human beings, we can only live from a human standpoint. "

"But there must be some people who can't accept this fact, right?"

Aleister suddenly said: "For example... Master Chongpao?"

Adolf was not surprised that Aleister mentioned this name.

After all, he is the only person in the world who has mastered the non-destructive resurrection technique - before the resurrection medicine was re-invented, people who wanted to resurrect others could only ask Master Chongbo to take action.

"Well, Master Dürer may have left the Ziggurat for this reason...because he didn't want to bear the resentment that has been passed down for thousands of years."

Adolf obviously also knew the principal's friend, and quickly replied: "Otherwise... maybe the person who becomes the 'principal' will not be the teacher, but maybe the insect master. No, it's here."

"He is the strongest preservationist in the world after all..."

As Aleister said this, he walked up to little Fernando who was solidified into a stone statue and frowned slightly.

It was different from what she expected.

She already knew that this was the guy who was burned to death by the Flame Butterfly during the promotion ceremony.

However, now this is no longer the injury caused by the fire...but the broken soul involving the curse.

This level of soul damage really has to be treated by Aiwass himself before it can be resolved. Because in the end it is estimated that Aiwass’ liquid soul will have to be used to repair it...

Aleister subconsciously touched the liquid soul in his pocket and frowned slightly.

She can cure it, but...

Seeing Aleister's expression of embarrassment, Adolf sighed without any surprise: "If we can't find the former pope who is traveling outside, I'm afraid we have to ask Master Chongbo for help.

"If little Fernando's problem is really difficult to solve... I think it would be safer to find his old man to take action in the end."

"Where is Master Chongbo?"

Aleister breathed a sigh of relief and asked quickly.

Sure enough, she still didn't want to use this bottle of liquid soul...but she didn't want to swallow back what she had agreed to. Not to mention, this is indeed the person Aiwass killed in the past.

Although Aiwass himself didn't care... Aleister didn't want anyone to resent Aiwass for this reason.

"Master, he seems to be looking for a relic from the Amber Age."

After all, little Fernando is Adolf's most beloved student, and Adolf is also very interested in him: "As far as I know, Master, he is recently preparing to explore the ruins left by a birdman. That should be related to the remnants of the Tower of Truth. Now he is As an investor, you are recruiting archaeologists anonymously...the money was borrowed from me. If you hadn't come, I was going to recommend Aurora to ask.

“If you know an archaeologist, you can introduce him to try the waters.

"If everything goes well, maybe we can run into him through this!"

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