Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 823: The Rebirth of Ni Tian Si

When the Black Hawk military nobles arrived at the Narcissus Principality, they were immediately warmly welcomed.

Inside the warm Mage Tower, the Mage Lords who had been waiting here for a long time took the initiative to greet them when they arrived.

Several middle-aged tough men in pure black military uniforms hugged and kissed the handsome men and beautiful women in thin robes with smiles on their faces. There was no sign that they had been fighting for several months.

"Holy blood bless you, brother. Congratulations on your founding of the country... and congratulations on your youth."

"May the Holy Blood boil day and night, dear sisters. You are free."

Several Black Hawk nobles gave heartfelt congratulations.

They called each other brothers and sisters, which is also the most intimate name for the Moon Sons. It usually only appears among the Moon Sons of the same faith.

Although the beliefs of the Moon Sons in the Black Hawk and Narcissus Principality are slightly different... the Black Hawk nobles themselves are not direct descendants of the Red Phase and have been in war for many years. Their belief in the feast master was not so firm, but because the mainstream belief of Xingti was the feast master, they obeyed the order - or followed the trend to believe in the feast master.

Now that Hong Xiang was dead, it was not impossible for them to convert to the Blood Sky Master.

In this case, a "brother and sister" would be very useful. There was a feeling that one's belief was recognized.

- Just like the pagans respectfully greeted each other in the way of greeting.

The leading male wizard smiled and nodded for this reason: "Thank you, General Miller, General Hepburn."

He looked very happy and hugged the Black Hawk nobles one by one enthusiastically.

He was Lord Yuland, the most powerful wizard lord in the Narcissus Principality.

He was also the only old wizard who had lived from the time of the last Narcissus Duke Dracula Tsepesh to the present.

Major General Miller speculated in his heart.

When he first came here, Lord Yuland was still a weak old man who seemed to be dying after walking two steps.

The last time he came here, he had become a child of the moon. And he returned to the middle-aged level of 40 or 50 years old.

Now, he has regained the youth of 20 or 30 years old, and walks as fast as the wind!

——As children of the moon, why can't they regain their youth?

Is it because... the rituals and magic given to believers by the Blood Sky Master?

And their changes are more than that.

Originally, these mages should have fragile physiques and weak bodies.

Their souls are too powerful - the power obtained in the promotion ceremony is all used to transform the soul, while the transformation of the body is ignored, which can easily lead to "spiritual body disorder syndrome". The result is that they will have a headache every day after waking up.

One pain a day, one pain a day. Only by taking secret medicine every day can they maintain their condition.

But now, these mages are strong and full of blood. The burning body temperature, which was as hot as a normal person's fever, and the strong limbs that had never been trained, could be clearly felt by the Black Eagle nobles when they hugged. Although they were all Moon Children, they did not have this characteristic, and their body temperature was no different from that of ordinary people. They only became hot when they were excited.

...Is this the magic of the Blood Sky Master?

The biggest difference from the Moon Children of Xingti is that their pupils are bright red, shining like rubies. But the pupils of these mages are dark red, closer to black-brown than red, like dried blood.

Just looking directly at them will make people feel timid... If it were an ordinary person, they would probably shiver uncontrollably.

- That is the secondary fear aura.

Major General Miller recognized this ability.

It is not a spell, but a special ability that is constant in the body.

"Thanks to you, General."

Lord Yuland nodded gratefully: "If it weren't for your help... your brave warriors, if they rushed in at all costs, I'm afraid it would cause a lot of trouble for my students."

"Students... Lord Yuland really dotes on them." General Hepburn smiled.

"No way. Just like in front of parents, children are always children; for a wizard lord, even if those apprentices have graduated from us for decades, they are still our students."

Lord Yuland said happily: "This is our tradition. It has been like this for hundreds of years."

Only at this time can you see some signs of aging from his smile and tone.

The essence of the Wizard Tower is a kind of academic clique. It is similar to the teaching mode of the Spirit Tower, but it is essentially different.

Because all the upper-level officials of the Narcissus Principality are mages, and they can only be mages.

In the Narcissus Principality, an official who does not have the path of wisdom will be directly regarded as incompetent by people.

If you are both without a professional level in the mainstream path, you cannot become a person of power. But in the Narcissus Principality, this discrimination is even more serious than Avalon's admiration for the authoritarian path - because without a level in the authoritarian path, it can only prove that you are more rebellious, unruly, and unwilling to manage others.

Young mage apprentices learn from different mage towers and have the same group of teachers. And they have a natural arrogance and exclusion - after all, mages come from the wisdom path, have IQ suppression... generally can't play well with other paths.

Their senior brothers and sisters are their seniors on the same path and in the same profession, and they have a closer relationship because of the teacher-instructor relationship. This kind of teacher-student inheritance relationship is far more trustworthy than the relationship of kinship or fellow villagers, and it is also easier to trace responsibilities.

As a result, all officials will give preferential treatment and promote junior students in their own departments. As the masters of the Mage Tower, the Mage Lords, even if they are not officials or real "lords", are much more controlling than foreign lords, and naturally control all local affairs.

It is precisely for this reason that the Star Antimony people cannot manage the Narcissus Principality at all. With the Black Eagle Territory in between, these mages could only be allowed to govern themselves in the end.

Faced with Lord Yolande's seemingly humble and friendly words, but still somewhat arrogant, neither general reacted at all.

After all, this is not the first time they have dealt with these mage lords.

This was true even before they became Moonchildren.

Now that he has become an immortal, he has gained a powerful body, which has made up for the most serious shortcomings of the mage. It is natural for him to become more arrogant. Anyway, they were all adaptors before - although the definition of adapting to the path has changed now, the ability to tell people's stories and ghosts' lies has not been forgotten.

"According to the previous agreement," Lord Yolande smiled and nodded reservedly, "You secretly helped us establish a country, and then we started to help you establish a country."

"Thank you for your trustworthiness, brother." Major General Miller nodded gratefully.

"It's okay, General. Mage Tower is not a treacherous person. Besides, in the long run, those who do not keep their promises will only be attacked by the crowd. If a promise is broken once, it will be beaten from generation to generation. This has been the case since ancient times."

Lord Yolande nodded slightly and said calmly: "That's the case with the Star Antimony people - none of their promises in the past have been fulfilled. Now the economy is being manipulated by those lowly goblins, but they would rather let those stupid ministers mess around. They refused to let us intervene. But they didn't know that the seemingly relieved situation was just drinking poison to quench their thirst... Now that something happened, we were forced to bear the financial gap.

"Star Antimony has fallen to this end, and everyone has betrayed their relatives... In the long run, it is just a historical necessity. Balance, Transcendence, Dusk, Love... the four major forces, but none of them are good at governing the country. If you don't have the eye of wisdom, at least you have authority. sword—but they had nothing.

"The Star Antimony people claim to be the orthodox inheritance of the empire. They want to learn the ways of the empire, but they fail to learn it to the end. Little do they know that learning half of it is the most harmful. Most of the staff, prime ministers and ministers in the empire era were born as mages. This must be It makes sense. Eight hundred years ago, there was a generation of imperial prime minister who was born on the path of equilibrium. Do you know what he did..."

When Lord Yolande spoke, he quoted from scriptures and talked endlessly.

Both generals are rough men and it gives me a headache to hear them. But they have to give face to the lords, after all, they will need the help of Narcissus Principality next.

So they could only wait here and sigh sincerely: "It's true..."

And as they formed an alliance in the mage tower.

The dream world also changed accordingly——

In the dream world, in the Crystal Mountains where snow is also flying all over the sky.

The silver-haired knight in silver armor was holding his helmet, kneeling on one knee and saying goodbye to the silver-crowned dragon in the distance.

"The kingdom of warriors has begun the prelude to rebellion. I am leaving, king... I will never forget your kindness."

The Silver Crowned Dragon sighed slightly, swayed its head slightly, and made a deep sound.

"Go ahead if you want, Ranmarok. I won't stop you. Remember your oath - you will fight for justice, and your rebellion will be in line with the people's will.

"Then, from now on... [you are no longer my knight]."

As the Silver Crowned Dragon's voice fell, it seemed as if invisible chains were disintegrating.

The silver-armored knight Lan Malok breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head to pay tribute to the Silver Crowned Dragon for the last time, and then placed his helmet on his sword.

He raised the incomplete crimson giant sword high on the ground.

That was the weapon that once belonged to Antaeus, the god-defying god who transcended the path——

As a giant, he fought for justice, rebelling against his own destiny and bloodline and fighting to the death with the Supreme Heaven. In the end, he was beaten to pieces alive by the Supreme Heaven. He became the only Tiansi who truly fell in that battle.

Then, he used this sword to slash down suddenly, cutting off the helmet and holy sword that Arthur had given him in the past!

He could only hear the sounds of fracture and reconstruction, and the silver flames burning in his eyes turned into black-purple black fire. With Tiansi fragments as the core, the power of the authoritative path in his body is constantly transformed into power beyond the path.

The next moment, the silver armor on his body was spread and burned by the ferocious black fire, turning into pitch-black black armor.

It is obvious that power will be lost when the path changes, but at this moment, the great achievements of rebellion in various countries in the material world happen to be unaccepted.

Rather than letting any ambitious transcendent get this power and be promoted to Tiansi...

——It would be better to let him accept the fragments of Nitiansi in the first place!

The strength in his body was rising steadily, and his long silver hair was flying automatically without wind.

"I will provide the Avengers with the power of revenge! Knight of Vengeance, follow my way!"

Lan Malok raised the crimson dagger in his hand and shouted loudly: "I swear to fight for the rebels!

“My path is the path of rebellion, rising from authority—and falling to transcendence!”

Then, he thrust the fragment of the Celestial Master left by Antaeus, the Anti-Celestial Master, into his chest.

The impact of the Serpent Father's promotion on the world became more and more profound.

The wall of resistance encountered by the promoted Celestial Master was extremely fragile at this moment - Lanmarok jumped over it.

At this moment, everyone on earth had a little desire to rebel at the same time.

And the Pope Aiwas of the Church was the first to sense it.

This was the third Celestial Master promoted in March...

In the heavy snow, a new Celestial Master who transcended the path was also born.

It was different from what he remembered.

Perhaps because the warrior profession reappeared in the world, Lanmarok did not become a "Soldier Celestial Master", but a new "Anti-Celestial Master". The new profession he created for himself was called "Black Knight". It was a new profession that only those who rebelled against authority for justice could become, a true melee profession of transcending the path.

——History has changed dramatically again.

This change has made the Heavenly Masters different...

So soon, the Eternal Pope Aiwass issued a holy word to all the cardinals.

"——Round Table Knight Lanmalok was promoted. The Heavenly Master who transcends the Tao was born."

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