Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 837 Andrea: It’s not fair, it’s not fair!

This is exactly the illusion caused by preconceived ideas!

Both Aiwas and the princess knew that the real name of the Blood Heavenly Master was Cain, and he was the son of the feast master and Sasha, and in fact, the son of the feast master and Hengwo... Therefore, they just subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with the logic or details here.

The feast master himself is a dragon.

And the growth rate of dragons is extremely slow... Heleqin's son is an example.

When Cain ascended to godhood, his posture was still a "boy". How could he grow so fast in the material world!

——But looking at Cain's posture of being surrounded by stars and even by many lights, no one thought that he would be fake! In addition to Sister Sasha's personal recognition... From the beginning, Aiwas never thought that this "Cain" would be a fake!

But if he is really the son of the feast master and the future Blood Heavenly Master, how could he be killed instantly by Andrea of ​​the fourth energy level!

... In other words, since "Cain" can indeed be killed with one blow now, it means that this operation is feasible!

So, what if there is a BUG in the painting?

Then fix the bug!

That's why it's called "finishing this painting"!

Aiwas suddenly understood.

But he also realized that he was already a step late.

As a child of the moon, Andrea's racial advantage allowed her to sense her own kind. And Cain, as a blood celestial being, the first generation of the moon child... his blood must be the purest, and Andrea couldn't fail to sense it.

In other words -

Andrea didn't go up to dance with the blood celestial being because of her enthusiasm for him, but she planned to kill him at the end of the song!

If successful, it would mean killing a bastard who disguised himself as a kindred spirit and an ancestor; if he was really a blood celestial being that he couldn't sense, then it wouldn't be a loss anyway!

Just think of it as carrying out Peng Bo Naqi's will and rebelling against the ancestors of the moon child!

- Is this a great wisdom in the form of foolishness?

Or, it was precisely because she didn't use her brain much that she took the lead... While Aiwas was still sorting out his thoughts, she had already rushed up and scored a point!

"What's going on..."


The guests stopped dancing, but did not flee in fear.

Instead, they pointed at the stage, and the band synchronized the rhythmic and enthusiastic music into a suspenseful atmosphere.

"Everyone listen to me!"

Andrea shouted: "This person is not Zagreus's child at all!

"Zagreus is a dragon, how can his offspring be so fragile? ! "

"That's the child of Zagreus and me--"

Sasha called out in the crowd.

Evans opened his eyes slightly.

Wait, isn't Zagreus your master? Why can you call him by his name?

--At that moment, fragments of memories from not long ago emerged in his mind.

Sasha came here two days ago.

She claimed that she was the lover of "Master Zagreus". And her hair color, eye color, figure, height and race were all different from the real Sister Sasha...

Evans subconsciously thought at the time that maybe the painter had made a mistake.

But what if...

--What if she is really not Sasha?

"Kill her, Princess."

Evans immediately whispered: "Kill Sasha. "

Although Her Royal Highness the Princess was still hesitant due to her lack of a lot of knowledge in mysticism and theology. But her brain was very useful, and she had roughly guessed half of Andrea's operation.

So when Aiwass gave the order, she did it without hesitation.

Her pupils instantly glowed with a bright yellow light, and her soul left her body!

The soul that turned into black smoke penetrated Sasha's body beside her, and Sasha's whole body shattered and collapsed like sand.

Since Andrea accidentally found the right direction, in order to prevent her from getting an early advantage, Aiwass could only do to snatch points from her!

From the action, Andrea's chosen direction should be It should be [Madness and Killing].

So she planned to kill that "Cain" as soon as she came out. She only needed to mess up everything and she would go in the right direction.

Aiwass didn't know how to guide the story of this painting to "Funeral and Sacrifice"... So just in case, we must limit Andrea's points first!

——Just follow her for now and let the princess grab "Sasha"'s head directly!

There is no doubt that these two people are key characters in this scene.

Even if Sasha's importance is less than half, it can be considered at least one-third. In this way, Andrea will definitely not get 100% of the contribution points!

"This person is not Sasha."

Without waiting for Aiwass to take the initiative to remind her, Princess Noelle took the initiative to say: "I have seen Sasha, this is not her!"

"——You guy! "

Andrea was immediately enraged.

Obviously... after killing Cain, she also realized the underlying mechanism of this promotion ceremony. And instantly realized what the woman was doing.

After Sasha was killed first, even if this ending was achieved, she would not be able to get all the points!

That means that if someone in the world of the other two paintings got all the contributions, her failure would have been determined in advance!

--Absolutely unacceptable!

She was still hoping to finish her painting quickly and then go after the clown!

So Andrea did not hesitate——

She slightly hooked her fingers, and blood gathered... In the blink of an eye, it flew up from the ground like a crescent moon!

That was the Blood Sword Mountain that was like a mountain range and a ridge like a back, and it directly pierced through a line of guests in an instant!

Accompanied by continuous screams, the broken limbs and bodies soaked in blood were scattered all over the ground.

On the carpet that was originally like a red velvet cake, a dark red crack appeared in an instant.

——Her idea was very simple.

Just kill everyone here, and you can quickly end this painting!

The time limit for this ceremony is three hours——She remembered clearly that it takes ten minutes from the beginning to choosing the answer, and ten minutes from choosing the answer to coming back. You can choose three answers every hour, a total of three hours, a total of nine times. This number also matches the victory condition of "choose one from three"!

In other words, if she wants to kill the clown Lalo, the great wizard... and the little girl who likes to stir up trouble, she must complete this painting as soon as possible in the first few times!

This way she can have more time to descend and interfere with other people's paintings - on the other hand, if she jumps away here, she will enter a situation where "she doesn't understand the painting" or the other party may have taken the lead. It is easy to not complete a single painting, thus failing to complete the main task and losing.

In terms of points, the total points of "Feast Tower" are only 3,000. It is the least among the three paintings, half of the third painting.

And the points are equivalent to the difficulty - at least the difficulty determined by the host.

Therefore, Andrea directly determined that this is the simplest painting.

At least within three choices, it must be completed!

So how can it be completed as quickly as possible?

——The answer is to complete "Friends Who No Longer Laugh"!

Kill everyone directly, and they will naturally stop laughing!

In other words, what she had to do was to kill everyone present - all these simulated souls and the promoted people mixed in them!

"Let this painting become a sea of ​​blood and corpses -"

Andrea said with murderous intent: "Your Highness the Princess...right.

"My father killed your father, so let me kill you!"

She no longer disguised herself, but directly revealed her identity.

Then Andrea raised her right hand, and blood was continuously drawn from her body and condensed into a blood ball.

The blood ball flew directly to the crowd - it condensed and shrank in the air, turning into a white ball of light.

That was the "fireball spell" that could destroy a house!

But Andrea was obviously not a mage, so this was a fireball spell imitated by blood magic!

And Noel subconsciously looked at Aiwas who was praying with his eyes closed.

She wanted to know what she should do next What to do.

Should he continue to compete with Andrea for points, kill all the guests first... or stop her first?

At this moment, Aiwas suddenly opened his eyes.

He suddenly raised his left hand, with his five fingers spread out.

There was a pure white thorn of light above his head, which flashed like an illusory bubble, and nine rays of light of different colors bloomed in front of him out of thin air!

That was the defensive magic used by the Eternal Pope to resist the perfect man's light gun!


The fireball magic that was enough to blow down a building in an instant was completely unable to break through the protection of the light curtain, and even There was no ripple!

——That was [Protection of the Nine Pillars]!

For this level of great divine arts, ordinary archbishops needed to use complex divine arts rituals to pray for the corresponding power.

Only cardinals could complete the prayer in a short time and add the effects of all the high-level divine arts they mastered.

But for Aiwass, who was still wearing the Holy Crown... Although the Holy Crown was not brought into the promotion ceremony, he was still a "qualified" temporary pope, and he only needed to communicate with the Nine Pillars to get a response instantly.

His casting speed was much faster than that of ordinary priests!

Although Aiwass's body did not condense the path crystals that adapted to the path at this moment, he could not use the high-level divine arts of the Lord of Scales and Feathers.

——But I am not a waste who can do nothing except high-level divine arts and Aleister!

Aiwass thought to himself.

He was the second promoted person to enter the waiting hall with his own strength!

Now he is still enough to defeat Andrea with the ability of the priest himself!

"——Give me the fire of petrification, amber! "

Evans recited quickly, and the colorful light curtain suspended in front of him suddenly turned dim yellow.

Five or six prayers praising amber passed through the light curtain in a darker amber color, and the light curtain shrank and deformed, turning into a small diamond-shaped shield with an eye in the middle, floating in front of Aiwas.

The next moment, a beam of dim yellow flames spurted out directly from the eye!

A pair of blood wings suddenly appeared behind Andrea, changing directions continuously at high speed in the air!

But at this moment, a dark gale penetrated the petrified fire and rushed straight towards Andrea!

"Get out of the way!"

Andrea shouted angrily, and the blood condensed in her right hand turned into a beam of thunder shining with white light.

But just as she was about to aim and shoot the soul-purifying thunder, Aiwas' voice rang again:

"-Give her the night, stay with me!"

The next moment, Andrea felt a black screen in front of her eyes.

How come it happened so fast? !

She subconsciously felt that something was wrong with the archbishop.

But after a moment's hesitation, Andrea knew that she had to make a decision - so she shot the thunder directly in front of her!

The thunder with white light turned into a cone in front of her, and her other hand gathered crackling chain lightning, intending to throw this automatic enemy-seeking spell directly at the crowd!

The black power that could decompose everything did not come to her body at the first time.

But the petrified fire that was still sweeping had already swept her!

——Why could he pray to two pillar gods at the same time? !

This was Andrea's last thought before being petrified.

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