Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 843 Even an old dog has a few teeth

Above the grassland, the sky gradually darkened.

Thunder rumbled and drizzled.

The mobilized animal army was marching in the rain.

The white horse carried the fox, and their fur was wet by the rain. The previous research on the staff failed, and Aleister had thrown it aside.

"Do you think we have a chance to win?"

The white horse asked.

"What's wrong, buddy?"

Aleister said bluntly: "Are you depressed because of too much pressure?"

"The pressure is really great," the white horse said in a deep voice, his voice clear and thorough, giving people the feeling of a brave man, "but I won't give up.

"Because I carry the hope of the beasts. I must not fall down, and I must not fail..."

"--But when you say this, it means that you are actually nervous. "

The wet fox sneered.

The white horse fell silent.

And Aleister finally confirmed it... This white horse is not the crown lord Arthur.

Or, at least it is "not completely" Arthur.

Although he and Arthur have only met twice, Aleister can be sure that if it is Arthur, he will never hesitate at this time.

The tough guy with an extremely cold and hard will has the iron willpower to endure all pain and torture. Until the metal fatigues and breaks completely, he will never hesitate or hesitate. If the white horse is completely based on the crown lord, then this silent and strong feeling should be the focus of the portrayal.

It is precisely because of this sense of disharmony that Aleister Only then did I vaguely grasp the key to this promotion ceremony...

...Perhaps, the white horse does not refer to the crown master.

It may also be a deeper secret...

This painting is adapted from Jacob's novel "The King on the White Horse", which hides the story of Arthur defeating the High Heaven and becoming the Silver Crown Dragon. But there is another possibility, that is, "Arthur's Story" is just its appearance, which is specially for those who know something about the secrets of the Pillar God, but not too much.

In other words, "The Story of Arthur" is only the second layer.

There are deeper secrets hidden in it.

The destruction of the Helasar Empire is obviously not worthy of the history of the Pillar God's ascension as its appearance. And what can be compared with this matter At the same time, Aiwas and Aleister also know... what else can it be?

The fox stood on the horse's back and fell into deep thought.

One advantage of this kind of fairy tale style painting is that many details can become vague, just like children's animation. If you want to go somewhere, just decide and cut the storyboard and go there.

Whether it is pre-war mobilization or marching, and war... if it is put into a normal story, it is normal even if it drags on for more than half a month. But Aleister only has two hours here in total.

Every time he comes back from that door, the time here will fast forward a lot.

The first choice Aleister saw was to ask her "What story is this fairy tale about?" The answer is "The War of the Rift", "The War of Heaven Punishment" and "Both".

This question is not difficult, so Aleister quickly chose "Both" - and obviously, everyone chose this answer.

When she came back, she became Bai Ma's staff. While Bai Ma was preparing for the pre-war mobilization, the annoying baboon came over without knowing the tact - if he didn't come, Aleister really wouldn't take the initiative to kill him.

As soon as he left, Aleister took the initiative to chase him. Before he made the next round of choices, he decisively killed him.

When Aleister drove it away and Bai Ma launched a general pre-war mobilization, the second question appeared:

"Who do you think will be the final winner? ”

The three answers correspond to "Red Bear", "White Horse" and "Golden Lion".

Aleister chose the White Horse without hesitation, and the dead wizard should be the one who chose the Golden Lion.

As for the other person who never showed up, he should have quietly chosen the White Horse and continued to stand with Aleister.

After choosing this answer, when Aleister came back again... the plot had already jumped to the part where the White Horse asked the Golden Lion King for help.

The White Horse thinks the Lion is arrogant, and the Lion thinks the White Horse is stupid - but they both believe that no matter whether the other party is arrogant or stupid, it is not as good as the Red Bear. Therefore, they don't need to fight each other to let the giant bear take advantage, so they decided to disperse.

At this time, Aleister was holding the baboon's staff in his mouth, shaking his head and showing off.

The Golden Lion must have seen all this and must have discovered that his staff had disappeared... but he did not react at all.

——He was a cowardly king.

Aleister immediately judged his character.

That was not very similar to the Helasar Empire...

The last monarch of the Helasar Empire was not a coward in any way. Rather than being cowardly, it is better to say that he was too brave...

Combined with the character of the white horse now, Aleister finally became suspicious.

"Think about it yourself first, Your Highness... You said before that if you must have a carnivore as the monarch, you would choose the Golden Lion."

The fox, wet by the rain, showed an elegant and cunning smile: "But is there a possibility that horses can also eat meat?"

After that, she jumped off the white horse and let the horse think for itself.

She was going to find a new source of intelligence to see where she could do some tasks to advance the progress.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded from beside her:

"-Are you going to find another job?"

Aleister looked over.

It was an old dog.

A white old dog that looked strangely dirty because of its age.

It looked a bit like a Schnauzer, with a long white beard. The uncut hair covered its eyes, making it look very sloppy.

Although the dog looked small, Aleister didn't look big either. They were about the same height, and when you looked closer, they really looked like an old man.

"... Who are you?"

Aleister asked cautiously.

"I'm an old nameless dog," the dog said with bared teeth, "just to remind you something. You don't need to know my name."

"- Lalo?"

Aleister blurted out.

Seeing the surprise on the dog's face, Aleister smiled and said, "It's really you."

"...You're not interesting."

Lalo shook his head, and his tone suddenly became sad and rhythmic: "You should wait for old Lalo to reveal some flaws before guessing, otherwise old Lalo will be very sad - because I will look like a dog."

"Because you are very interesting, Lalo!"

Aleister smiled and said, "You are the most interesting among these people! That woman... should be the monarch you protect, right? You took the initiative to come to me. Are you planning to go through the level with me?"

Unlike the old wizard - the first person who came to Aleister was almost certain to die, but the second one was almost certain not to die.

She planned to bring Lalo with her, which was also a kind of surveillance.

Old dog Lalo also obviously knew the true meaning of Aleister's words.

He just smiled, and the bearded dog uttered strange but rhythmic words:

[Because I am a man made of wind, every time I howl, my heart is full of emptiness]

[I just want to burn out before I die, so that I can still see my ashes]

As soon as Lalo finished speaking, Aleister felt his body suddenly warm up.

The fur of the two small canines, which were messed up by the rain, instantly became dry and fluffy, and two balls of dim orange-red flames emanated from their bodies.

"Is this...a poem you wrote?"

Aleister was a little surprised.

He tasted a strange death from this poem.

"Well," Lalo smiled, "Is it okay...just written?"

"Much better than the one in the preparation room." Aleister said honestly.

The old dog laughed: "What kind of poem is that - it's just scolding them!

"They are all ungrateful traitors. They only think about themselves...either they rebelled, or they are a group of perverts, lunatics, and criminals. Old Lalo scolded them, that's not right!"

"...You seem to know me?"

Hearing this, Aleister finally realized what was wrong with Lalo's attitude towards him.

Lalo hated those Moon Children and Demon Scholars, but he had no hostility towards Aleister, who was both a Moon Child and a Transcendent. It was as if he deliberately avoided her. Even when he scolded her the most fiercely, he only fought side by side with her. But at the same time, he didn't deliberately say good things about Aleister.

The New Moon Ceremony is different from the Full Moon Ceremony.

Because the New Moon Ceremony defaults to having no teammates, if someone shows a close relationship that they know each other outside the field, it is easy to be killed by others. So from this perspective, the alienation between him and "Big Snake" Aleister is actually protecting her.

"Are you talking about 'Big Snake' or 'Aleister'?"

Old dog Lalo grinned, revealing two rows of sharp and neat canine teeth: "Of course I know you. I also know that it was you who killed the Red Prime Minister - the bastard who broke his promise and killed the king.

"I want to thank you on behalf of Xingtian - although I also know that you are definitely not from Xingtian."

"My last name is Crowley."

Aleister smiled and said, "Aleister Crowley. Isn't this the name you gave me?"

"I was there on the day this name was born, so of course I know. But if you like," Lalo laughed, "the Crowley family will be yours in the future - this is a gift of gratitude to you. They are military personnel, and they are on the same side as us."

"Military... did you take the eldest princess to join the military? That person should be the eldest princess. Princess, right? "

"Yes, if you want to form a stable military government, there must be at least a legitimate heir here. Otherwise, there will always be people who suspect whether it is a military coup... God and heaven are conscientious, this time the army is really here to save you!"

Old Lalo raised his dog head, swung his tail, howled and swore, and made a pitiful voice: "Without them, Xingti would probably be in chaos now! Although Old Lalo himself doesn't like order, even the worst order is always better than real chaos... What do you think?"

"I think you are right."

Aleister nodded in agreement.

Unlike most demon scholars-demon scholars like chaotic social atmosphere, because chaos means danger and opportunity. And loving adventure and looking for opportunities is one of the typical characteristics of transcending the way.

But Aleister is not like this.

Because she doesn’t need to find opportunities through “chaos.” Her purpose itself is filled with the desire for transcendence.

"This is how you view Xing Antimony..."

Aleister was thoughtful and asked: "What about Narcissus? What do you think?"

"The people over Narcissus... Haha, they don't understand the situation at all. Without freedom, there is no sorrow... Those mages have forgotten how they were defeated by Xing Antimony in the first place."

Lalo sneered, his voice becoming low and serious again: "A group of mages are busy with their own research. Who can have the mind to manage those worldly things? Everyone is a mage, and everyone wants to climb the mountain. Everyone is studying those noble and profound truths, so who should deal with the people's problems? Who should sacrifice themselves?

"Did you know that the Narcissus people are more tolerant of foreigners than their own people? Just like the Theocracy is better to the unbelievers who do not believe in the nine-pillar gods, it is also better than those of the Tiansi believers - they understand that not everyone needs to pray . But if you know this well but still choose the way of Tiansi, that is the behavior of a dwarf.

"The same is true for the Narcissus people... They know that foreign countries do not have such a social atmosphere that is so enthusiastic about the path of wisdom. But in this social atmosphere that promotes the path of wisdom, if someone still does not have the level of the path of wisdom, they will be rejected by others. People think they are 'idiots'. There is a special contemptuous name for this kind of people in Narcissus language, which is called 'meat donkey'... which means a stupid donkey who can't run fast and is useless.

"Whoever is really responsible for people's affairs will be ridiculed by others because of the slow improvement of the path of wisdom. Then who will be allowed to manage the country in the end? They do have the ability and smart minds, but politics is not just It requires ability...but also attitude, responsibility and persistence.”

Lalo did not choose the clown-like words this time. Instead, he spoke with very clear logic and in an extremely calm tone, a fact that was so sharp that the mages could not accept it.

The old dog glanced at the void and said viciously: "They thought they could steal the power of the Son of the Moon, and used the path of wisdom to force their way into the secret of the Son of the Moon's immortality. They tried to analyze and reproduce the transformation ritual of the Son of the Moon, but in the end... All of them were contaminated and turned into mutant children of the moon... Their souls were imprisoned in their bodies, bonded with their contaminated flesh and blood.

"This can be regarded as a kind of immortality. But they did not expect that it was just a conspiracy. Instead, they were controlled by Xue Tiansi, and they were slowly dragged into the dream world and became the apostles of Xue Tiansi.

"Of course we all know this, even the red phase knows it. Just like the regicide is waiting for the 'perfect man', they are also waiting for their opportunity...a final solution that can solve all problems, allowing them to move from there He was freed from the state of being controlled by Xue Tiansi.

"Because they have had such a smooth journey that they are too arrogant - when they really hit a wall, they will know their powerlessness. From the very beginning, mages should not have the freedom to put themselves on the scale... They It's going to be your own fault in the end.

"Of course, before that - maybe they will go crazy first. But I hope they'd better not offend me. The Narcissus Principality's backstab is the last straw that causes Star Antimony to fall apart. If it's Mr. Pelican You really dare to come in front of me and say something about something..."

The old dog Laluo roared in a low voice, and once again had a vision of the surrounding void, and bared his teeth at the mage who might be here: "I will let the noble mage know...

"——Old dogs also have a few teeth."

There was an openness in his words that was very familiar to Aleister.

That's the cruelty of putting one's own life and death at risk.

Aleister immediately understood why the other party told him so many things...

——Because when this loyal old dog entered this ceremony, he never thought about getting out alive.

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