Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 845

"The change of the Pillar God happened three times in total.

"The last two are [Forbidden Fruit] and [Kingdom], which correspond to the birth of the Eternal Self and the Silver Crowned Dragon respectively.

"But in the first event [Cicada Slough], five Pillar Gods were born in one breath..."

The Pillar God of Adaptation, the Lord of Scales and Feathers.

The Pillar of Dusk God, Amber.

Pillar of Wisdom God, Great Philosopher.

Pillar of Power God, Supreme Heaven.

as well as……

"...[Beast] Pillar God, Beast Master."

Aiwass whispered.

The old mage suddenly opened his eyes wide.

This was secret knowledge that he had never received.

Outside of Avalon, the ascension of the Silver Crowned Dragon to the gods is not a secret to extraordinary people from other countries. It is precisely because the crowned master is the youngest pillar god that other countries generally despise the authoritarian path...because it cannot have any ancient inheritance, and its foundation is obviously insufficient.

Only a few people know the secret knowledge that Eternal Self replaced the beast master and human beings were born.

Perhaps the elves know more, but it is obviously impossible for humans to clearly know "why humans came" in their own history.

As for the cicada slough - that is the secret among secrets.

Even in the history of the Theocracy, this is a secret that cannot be explored. Only races older than the elves...such as dragons, snakemen, and the winged ones who are now almost extinct can touch this level of secrets.

And if you take this possibility into consideration...

Aleister remembered the names of the three tasks.

The three paintings completed using "King Charming"... "Mole's Day", "Snow Queen", and "Animal World", don't they just correspond to the three events of the replacement of pillar gods respectively!

"The Mole's Day" should refer to the shallowest story that is closest to the original Jacob. It is also used as a metaphor for the "collapse of two dynasties" - the white horse here is Mian Tiansi, the giant bear is the Supreme Sky, the lion is the Herasl Empire, and the mole is the son of the moon.

The white horse communicates with the lion but does not receive help from the lion. This corresponds to the fact that the knights who initially followed Arthur left their homes and abandoned their identities as imperial people and came to the island of Avalon. After the victory of the white horse, the lion almost became the monarch-in the end, the old sleeping lion was eaten by the mole from the inside, and the chronological order also matched.

And "The Snow Queen" is a deeper story.

The white horse here is the eternal self, the lion should be the owner of the beast, and the mole is the son of the moon. However, Aleister knew little about that period of history... He didn't know what Hengga did in the first place, so it was impossible to know what Hengga was trying to fight with the power of the Beast Lord.

But in the end, the white horse became the "queen" of the sleeping lion. The lion sleeps for a long time, so the white horse takes over the authority and shows it to the public... However, the actual authority still belongs to the owner of the beast.

The power of the beast master was digested and dissolved by Hengwo using the son of the moon because of the birth of Xuetiansi. When the Son of the Moon becomes a perfect man, the path of the Eternal Self is completed and practiced, which means that the path of the beast is completely absorbed by the path of love.

Then... there is the third possibility.

——The animal world.

"Is this... the legendary 'cicada'?"

The Archmage in the spirit state opened his eyes wide and watched the battle between the Sky Warrior and the Earth King.

The white horse looked so fragile in front of the giant bear, and was almost thrown away the moment they met. However, a curse was wrapped around the giant bear, which made it extremely painful.

Aiwass looked up at the sky - such a fierce battlefield could not affect the two dead men in the slightest. Even if it's all covered in a fairy tale and animal filter, they can see what a bloody battle this is.

"At that time, the path of adaptation was still called the path of hunting, and the golden lion was the [Hunting King]."

Aiwass said slowly: "Before Yitiansi became Tiansi, he was an extremely powerful warrior... At the same time, he was also an ancient and powerful mage.

"He relied on the power of the hunting path to obtain gains, and defeated the King of Earth with the help of the power of the [Hunting King]. He once wanted to give glory to the Hunting King..."

——However, the white horse thinks the lion is arrogant, and the lion thinks the white horse is stupid.

Although the Hunting King lent his power to the Winged Man, he did not believe that the mortal Yi Tiansi could defeat the King of Earth, let alone that he could become a "king" through this.

Because whoever becomes a king must be a carnivore.

This so-called king should be a god!

The King of the Earth is not a mortal at all, but a Tiansi... or even a Pillar God!

"So, the white horse and the golden lion separated on bad terms. The white horse became the 'king' and commanded his animals..."

Aiwass looked at the small animals with white wings, paused for a moment and then replied in a low voice: "He became the king of the winged ones, Yi Tiansi."

"Then what?!"

The old mage's eyes trembled.

He stared at everything in front of him, listening eagerly to the many secrets Aiwass told.

The driving force of the path of wisdom was roaring in his soul, and the endless curiosity and mystery were like a millstone that could never stop once it started, grinding his will into powder.

For extraordinary people on the path of wisdom, the urge to solve riddles is irresistible; a hidden truth is worth far more than life.

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!


Aiwass was about to answer.

But at this moment, when the giant bear was about to pounce on the scarred white horse, time suddenly stopped.

Three illusory light doors appeared beside Aiwass, each covered with vines.

The question was also given at this time:

[What should the ending of the story be? ]

——[Split]? [Fusion]? [Rebellion]?

The answer to what Aiwass should choose is self-evident.

These three options correspond to the three possibilities of [Yi Tiansi splits into Wei Zhe and Zhigaotian], [Hengwo and the Beast Master are entangled], and [Silver Crown Dragon suppresses the Disaster Dragon].

The first painting is subtly different from the second painting.

If the first painting is "many things that should not exist" and need to be cut off manually...

The second painting is that there are many ambiguous statements, which are all correct. It is necessary to observe and choose to decide which direction it will eventually lean towards.

Aleister's first question should be answered incorrectly.

If you choose "both", then the subsequent plot can only choose to lead to the first ending... But fortunately, it was reversed later, but I don't know how many points this will lose. But Aleister should not win by points, but Aiwas can win by points...

However, according to this statement... Then the third painting should be "missing" something and need to be supplemented by humans?

Aiwas thought so and chose the door of [Split].

He strode into it, walked to the end, and pushed the door open without hesitation.

——At this time, the storm has stopped.

The sun is shining, and the spring flowers are blooming.

The white horse wearing a bearskin cloak and a crown is slowly walking on the top of the tower.

At this time, it seems not as white as before. The fur that came into contact with the crackling flames has turned black and turned into a charcoal color, with wisps of green smoke.

It has become the "king". The red fox no longer stepped on its back, but circled around its feet.

"Have you decided?"

The fox asked.

The white horse was silent for a long time, and then answered, "I will eventually meet the Truth."

Its voice was no longer as clear as before, like a young boy, but became low, hoarse and mature.

It turned around, and there was still some blood in the horse's mouth.

--That was the remnant of meat.

Its pupils had turned black and red--black background, red pupils like crosshairs.

That was the eyes of the red bear before.

"I defeated the carnivore, and started to eat meat; the person who defeated the tyrant also became a tyrant; the mystery I solved became another mystery... Everything seems to be in a cycle. Over and over again, no one can get rid of the shackles of this fate..."

The white horse whispered, "Only the 'truth' can give me the answer."

"... Where is the truth?"

"As long as you open the closed door, you can step into the uninhabited river. Although the nature of animals always makes us resist the truth, I must get it, get... wisdom. Just like I got power.

"Without wisdom, we live in confusion on the earth. There will always be a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. Only by touching the truth can everything be clear.

"I will come back, fox. You just stay in this tower... When I get the truth, I will solve everyone's doubts. Why do we fight and why do we live."

The white horse said so.

At this moment, on the other side.

An old white dog was standing quietly by the side, looking coldly at the remains of the lion.

It lay on the ground on its side without knowing when, with blood all over its chest, abdomen and mouth.

It died of poisoning.

And a black mole was chewing its liver greedily.

It looked back at the white dog, smiled and said in a sharp voice: "Would you like some? Everyone who sees it will have a share - you still have a chance to regret it, right, Master?"

"No need, sir."

The old dog replied coldly: "I have made up my mind."

"Then you should call me..."

As the mole spoke, his body suddenly melted into black mud.

It gathered again and turned into an extremely huge roc, which threw the remains of the lion into the sky and swallowed it.

Then, the dark golden bird turned its head and stared at the old dog coldly: "Call me 'Your Majesty'."

"No need."

The old dog replied: "In my life, I have only served one Majesty.

"...Master of Scales and Feathers. "

The Peng bird stared at him coldly for a long time, then flapped its wings and flew up.

It made a cry that resounded throughout the world in the sky, announcing its birth.

In the distance, a white horse wearing a burning crimson bear skin also looked up.

It also flew up, its pure white wings burning with red flames, dragging a crimson trail, like the sun in the sky.

The hundreds of beasts on the ground raised their heads and looked at the two new kings in the sky.

And at this moment, the sky was already at dusk. The sun at dusk was just blocked by the Peng bird behind it.

The next moment, the whole world turned into light, condensing into a complete painting.

On the left, there was a huge Peng bird that blocked the sunset, as if bringing the night ahead of time; on the right, there was a white horse burning with raging flames, shining as brightly as the sun, illuminating half of the sky. The hundreds of beasts on the ground looked up at the sky.

That might be the day of rebirth, or it might be the end of the world.

Perhaps it is the beginning of the end, or... the end of the beginning.

[Rebellion is the first sharp blade of the helpless, and curse will be the last. History will eventually repeat, once, twice, three times... No one can escape the curse of the eternal ring. The king will die by the sword, and the one who kills with the sword will be the king. This may be a paradox, but it may also be a cycle. Who knows? Not to mention the living beings, even the gods are nothing more than blood-eating beasts, feeding on each other...]

[——Completed, "Animal World\

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