Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 860

After Aleister's body was shattered, her consciousness did not escape into the void, nor did it leave her body and turn into a ghost.

She only felt that the world in front of her was so dim... It was like a lonely candle lit in a dim room at the end of dusk.

There was only one bright spot in the whole world.

That was the "angel" in front of her.

She extracted and refined her life and immersed it into the angel's body.

At that moment, Aleister's entire consciousness world began to shake violently-

"Letting more people survive is the best choice... right?"

The voice of Huan Tiansi sounded like an illusion.

"Pastoral law is just a bridge, it is not the goal."

"You don't understand what it means to be a pillar god. It is a living pillar in this world."

"I want to go home-it's not like I don't have a way to go back. I have found the way home."

"Drink, drink... Drink my blood, and don't sing or speak!"

The difference in the two people's memories was quickly made up in the violent mental shock.

Aleister quickly understood what happened.

The soul of "Evans", curled up like a baby or a beast, also opened its body doubtfully and accepted the memory fragments from Aleister.

At this moment, the angel outside suddenly froze.

He just stopped where he was and floated in the air.

Under his eye mask, his eyes, which were originally full of divinity, emptiness and indifference, suddenly became confused. An incredible astonishment appeared in his eyes, and the surprise and grief in his eyes revealed the brilliance of humanity.

And at this moment, his eye mask suddenly lit up with colorful runes. A seal appeared on it.

The four-color elements behind him lit up at the same time, and the electric light crackled from the eye mask.

Aiwas and Aleister were originally two in one, two sides of one. And they had been separated for less than half a year, and the "wound" of their souls had not yet scabbed and healed.

When Aleister dedicated himself, the incomplete part of Aiwas's soul was returned.

But Aiwas did not have the slightest joy or satisfaction.

He just felt his memories gradually synchronized in horror. Those memories that had been synchronized before or were preciously hidden by Aleister flowed into his body, and the missing soul was gradually completed...

The completeness of Aiwas also meant the disappearance of Aleister.

At this moment, the angel suddenly let out a long and mournful howl, stretched out his hand to grab his sturdy eye mask, and struggled violently.

The only remaining promoted Lalo slowly stood up with the broken railing.

"... My eyes have been gouged out three times by the pain of separation, and my tongue can't sing a happy song."

He looked at the angel, and the sad verses that were not sure if they were prophecies were struggling to flow out of his teeth like living things and dark tentacles: "My ears can't hear the nightingale's weeping blood, this screaming bird is crushed and made into pudding...

"I am an eagle without a grave, my teeth are falling off, my claws are broken, and I can only fall. "

The clown opened his arms and shouted at the angel who covered his eyes.

"I can't be a flag, nor can I get into a badge;

"Give me one last scene - or put me in a barrel and make blood wine!"

Fate is so ironic.

People who are much stronger than him, people he wants to protect, and people who must live at all costs are dead.

And he did nothing.

He is just an old dog basking in the sun, homeless.

--The one who survived in the end was such a person who didn't want to live for a long time.

How can he move forward with the death of these people?

And the angel just curled up his body, arched his back like a cat, and grasped the blindfold that sealed his eyes with all his strength. He roared, roaring more and more angrily.

Finally, he tore the blindfold apart with force!

Even his eyes became bloody and hideous.

Three or four streaks of blood flowed from his bloody eye sockets to his chin, and the rune array behind him suddenly disintegrated and dissipated, turning back into a purple-red halo.

Then, the angel roared and tore off the four white wings behind him.

When those white wings left his hands, they turned into countless small snakes entangled together - that was their original appearance.

He grabbed his hair, which was like a tentacle of light, and tore it off. Without the light filter, they turned into white snakes one after another after being torn off, falling to the ground between his fingers.

It seemed that a "snake rain" fell from the sky. But it might also be a bloody rain.

But the four wings left the body, but the angel still did not fall.

Like the ancient winged people, their flight did not require flapping wings like the modern eagle-like people - "winged" meant that they had mastered the power of the sky, just as the breasted people did not necessarily only use breast milk to feed their offspring.

At this moment, Lalo suddenly opened his eyes wide.

As a transcendent on the path of beauty, his intuition and inspiration are very strong.

He suddenly had a strange hallucination -

A little girl with long black hair suddenly appeared beside the suffering angel.

She hugged the angel from behind and whispered something in his ear.

Under the watch of the only surviving witness, the angel's spirit quickly calmed down.

His hair grew again, shining like gold and bright as the sun. But it was no longer dancing like the angel's tentacles, but ordinary long hair like that of a mortal.

Finally, it reached out and grasped the purple-red halo behind it.

——So that can be grasped?

Such a thought emerged in Lalo's mind.

The next moment, the angel threw it out like a flying disc.

But it did not break into snakes like other fragments, nor did it fall to the ground.

Instead, it flew up, expanding as it flew into the sky. A force that shook the space gradually gathered.

The angel's face and hands and feet became completely clear, and the light was all retracted into his body. He seemed to have become an ordinary human.

Behind him, six larger wings suddenly broke out of his body-

Red, blue, yellow, green, white, and black. Among them, the red, black, and green wings were larger than the others.

He stretched out his index finger of his right hand and pointed high to the sky.

In the originally purple-red sky, a countercurrent vortex suddenly rolled up, forming a circle of golden light.

The next moment, the dazzling golden light turned into countless sharp blades, directly slicing the halo!

The whole world gradually solidified at this moment.

The eighth question was generated:

[Are you satisfied with this future? ]

There are three answers:

[—— This is good ]

[—— It can be better ]

[—— Never look back ]

The metal shells outside the three doors were already crumbling, with only a few pieces of steel left. The rest turned into dark golden amber.

Aiwass pushed open the third amber door without hesitation.

He never looked back.

The next moment, the whole world turned into light.

The whole world was stripped away and condensed into a complete painting.

In the distant sky, the angel with one hand pointing to the sky looked majestic but angry.

A translucent spirit could be vaguely seen entwined around him and lying on his shoulders.

And the six huge wings behind him were shining, much larger than him. In the middle of the purple-red sky, there was a sunken golden glow. Not only was it spinning and leading to a higher sky, but the golden glow that was leached out of it even continued to spread, changing the surrounding purple-red.

Just as the golden morning sun is better than the sunset glow.

The mortals on the ground who were looking up at the angels looked up and saw countless small snakes of different colors falling from the sky like a rainstorm.

And the light condensed into a lightsaber that split the sky and the earth, splitting the purple-red halo in the sky that was like the sunset into two. The halo also broke!

[The sun will eventually set, and fate will eventually return. All encounters will eventually part, but after parting, you can meet again. Under the scorching sun, it is impossible to lead to freedom. But if the light of the stars is dazzling enough, it may be able to split the sky and the earth before dawn. Then, you will know where the new road leads to]

[——Completed, "Goodbye\

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