Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 862 If you fail, you will inherit the family business

Because the power of the path comes from the former candle burning sin thorns, and the sacred number of the candle is three... so the promotion ceremony always has three options.

This time, six path characteristics were revealed in one breath. And it’s half dedication and half transcendence——

"Is this selecting two path traits at once?"

Aiwass thought.

He still has enough time to think... because the promotion ceremony is very short and the rhythm is too tight, and there is still a long, long time before dawn.

The first thing to exclude are the two purple characteristics.

This is a four-to-five new moon promotion ceremony - it is already a difficulty that must be used to develop golden characteristics. If you choose purple characteristics later, it will be equivalent to losing a golden characteristic. When you already have enough mana and don't plan to pursue elemental affinity, you don't even need to take a look.

Among the remaining four path characteristics, the first one Aiwass eliminated was [Elemental Emperor].

The dual attributes of light and darkness are extremely important to him and cannot be separated.

This promotion ceremony has proven that the endless knot represented by the "Four-Colored Wings" is a "wrong future." He must achieve the "Six Color Wings" before he can possibly confront Huan Tiansi.

Once this feature is selected, it means that Aiwass can only use four-color elemental spells in the Tiansi battle against powerful enemies. This is definitely a weakening for him.

Moreover, [Snake of Transcendence] is a choice that Aiwass, as a transcendent, cannot skip.

——This feature is not a feature that players can choose in the game.

Its namesake feature is a dungeon catch-up mechanism for new players or players who have fallen behind.

If this dungeon is not a difficult version of the current version, but a difficult version of a previous version, or a mainline copy of the current version, then as long as the player dies once in it, all players will receive 8% enhancement of all attributes. Depending on the backward progress of this copy, three to eight layers can be stacked.

For example, in an era where level 90 is common, if there are newcomers who are repeatedly wiped out in the difficult version of the 1960s... then [Snake of Transcendence] can be superimposed to a maximum of 64% of all attribute bonuses. This unpretentious strength is enough to allow novices and rookies to easily skip some stages where groups are easily wiped out.

In this world, Aiwass, as a transcendent, is almost bound to confront powerful enemies. As for Aiwass, currently based on the "divine" priority bonus, he basically only has the scales given to him by the Silver Crown Dragon. In situations other than "attacking those who break the oath", he can easily reach the full +2 priority level during the Tiansi battle.

As long as he gets an unconditional priority from another source, Aiwass can intervene in the Tiansi battle at the fifth energy level!

What really makes the choice difficult for Aiwass are actually the two characteristics of the path of devotion:

[Endless Mercy (Gold): Your treatment can resurrect the recently deceased]

[Si Zhu’s Horn (gold): You drink the blood from Si Zhu’s neck and become Si Zhu’s son]

These two characteristics are also not rare characteristics that players can choose.

He didn't know the triggering conditions of [Endless Mercy] - the specific age of the "recently deceased" person, nor did he know if this effect had any negative effects or built-in cooldown. I also don’t know what this “son of Si Zhu” means.

Without the intelligence advantage, he had no way to ensure that he got the optimal characteristics...

Is it going to be a hard election?


It was only then that Aiwass realized something.

It was different from every previous promotion ceremony.

This time, after giving him blood, Si Zhu didn't leave!

He stood nearby, quietly watching Aiwass make his choice.

"...Lord Si Zhu."

Aiwass was not reserved, but directly chose to ask for help - after all, he was somewhat of a pope, and it was reasonable to ask his own god for advice when he encountered a problem: "Can you explain to me [Endless Mercy] and [The Candle's Corner] 】These two characteristics?”

"Of course. After all, both traits come directly from me."

Si Zhu seemed to have expected it, and replied calmly and directly: "The Zhu Tiansi you are familiar with has these two path characteristics."

He stayed here as if to answer Aiwass's doubts.

And after hearing this, Aiwass actually understood a little bit——

Zhutiansi is the only Tiansi who voluntarily came to the material world and was killed. Only the dungeon in Zhutiansi is not called "Punitive War", "Annihilation War" and "Annihilation War" but "Trial War", "Real Experimental War" and "Extreme Experimental War".

Zhutiansi's strongest characteristic is his ability to resurrect almost at will.

In the first stage, Zhutiansi brought two papal guards and constantly applied various group buffs to them. If you don't kill them, the buffs stacked on the guards will become stronger and stronger. If you kill them, Zhutiansi will stop applying the buffs and resurrect them after three seconds. After entering the second stage, three seconds after resurrection, a six-second long mechanism with the possibility of group destruction will be chanted.

In the most difficult "Extreme Battle", Zhu Tiansi directly brought six papal guards in the first stage - three groups of guards and one group of guards have completely different oppressive power, so they can kill no matter what. The endless features make people’s scalp numb.

Therefore, if you want to defeat Zhu Tiansi, the core idea is to control the blood volume of these papal guards so that they can die continuously and the death time should be controlled within nine seconds.

It is to learn to use the death of the guards to interrupt Zhu Tiansi's high-risk special actions with long reading bars, and then take the opportunity to output the main body.

Through this method, all gains can be cleared and the special actions of Zhu Tiansi can be delayed, so that all the new batch of Pope Guards will not have that terrible gain, and Zhu Tiansi must continuously revive the guards, so it will not be able to cut people for a long time, thus creating an output window period.

And if you are defeated by Zhu Tiansi, you cannot be teleported to the resurrection point, and you cannot accept the unique combat resurrection of the player priest. Instead, you will be instantly resurrected by Zhu Tiansi and isolated outside the field-because you have been resurrected, you cannot be resurrected again.

Therefore, the Zhu Tiansi Trial Battle is a special battle mode that does not allow attrition.

——This battle is a real "Trial Battle".

This battle itself is not difficult, because even if you make one or two mistakes, nothing will happen unless you make continuous mistakes. It tells the player one thing-some of the monsters summoned by the BOSS must be suppressed but not killed.

This is a very classic BOSS battle mode in MMORPG, and it is also the first time that the mechanism of controlling blood without killing appears in the game "Ouroboros".

Once you kill one or two guards in advance, it is easy to fail to kill the guards who are full of blood after resurrection in the subsequent continuous interruption of blood control. You can only watch this guard with a lot of buffs and output crazy damage without being able to control him. But if you can't bear it and kill him again, the axis will become more and more chaotic. If Zhu Tiansi chants the group annihilation mechanism twice in a row, basically everyone will die.

"The ability provided by [Endless Mercy] is literal resurrection. As long as the death of the recipient of treatment is within three seconds, and the degree of damage to the body can be restored to the extent of "allowing him to survive" after receiving your treatment, he will be resurrected immediately. There are no restrictions and no cost... Once you master this feature, there will be no "people who are just a little bit away from being saved" or "people who are suddenly killed due to carelessness" for you.

"And its disadvantage is that this resurrection method cannot be used to resurrect yourself. Because mercy is not something that can be given to yourself."

Si Zhu said gently: "As for [Si Zhu's Horn]... that is the ability to call for miracles.

"Have you heard of [symbol] or [totem]? Some mysterious books also call it [mythical posture]. This is related to the symbolic power deep in the source river.

"This path feature allows you to briefly contact the essence of the source river of [civilization], allowing you to gain power like a god. The side effect is... the more you do with this ability, the more you will grow antlers and a deer body.

"This ability allows you to save everyone you want to save. Whether it is tree, amber, petrification... or resurrecting a corpse that has just died and whose soul is still in the body, or a transcendent who is mentally abnormal and out of control of the path. [Fire of Civilization] can burn away all darkness - as long as you are willing to pay enough, it can even resurrect people whose souls have entered the source river. As long as the soul has not been crushed and recycled, everything will be in time.

"And the price is... this ability, the more you use it, the more like me you will be. You will grow antlers, and your soul will be purified, and the "impurities" of other paths will gradually be filtered out by the power of the source river.

"When your soul is completely in tune with the third source river, you will be like the child 'An'... from an elf to a human face and a deer body. And if you continue to use it, you will become exactly like me."

An Yongheng - that is the name of the first generation of the Eternal Pope.

That is also the real name of Zhu Tiansi.

"If it becomes like that... what will happen to me?"

Aiwass asked involuntarily.

"- When that time comes, come and take my place."

Sizhu just smiled: "That is the price you pay for not being able to bear the 'temptation of dedication'."

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