Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 864 The Gift of the Twin Mirror

Star Antimony, Leipzig.

While Aiwas of the Church was still selecting entries, Aleister, who was leaning on the soft sofa with her eyes closed, had already undergone a change.

Her body quickly lost color, gradually petrified, and turned into a gray-white stone statue.

Lily appeared in the room almost instantly.

"What happened?"

She looked at the petrified Aleister on the sofa in astonishment, and her uneasiness in her heart increased to the maximum: "This... Could it be..."

"—— Don't worry, little maid."

Suddenly, a low and hoarse voice sounded.

Lily turned around and saw a black crow standing quietly on the coat rack like a decoration.

It opened its dangerous scarlet pupils and looked at Lily: "She just returned to where she should be, which is a good thing."

"Miss Aleister...where she should be..."

Lily whispered, and suddenly reacted: "Could it be...she has already-"

"Yes, they have merged again. This body of the Moon Child has lost its soul, so it naturally turned into a stone statue. Just like every dead Moon Child."

Night Demon Venis replied.

Lily heard this, but laughed excitedly: "Finally... Is the Master going to change back!"

For Lily, in fact, whether it is the separated "Pope Aiwass" or "Miss Aleister", they are not the "Master Aiwass" she is familiar with.

The one who would take her to college, fulfill her wish to study, help her get extraordinary power...bring her to promotion, and help her complete revenge.

Her benefactor.

If she was just "Lily", she would not be able to do anything. She might even be killed by that man before revenge.

It was because of Aiwas that she was able to survive and have what she has today.

That was not only a favor of recognition, but also a life-saving favor.

Now Aiwas could no longer use her power, let alone want to "buy" her loyalty - he had become the most powerful man in the world, but in order to help her clean up the remaining consciousness of Gray Tiansi in her body, he traveled thousands of miles to Xingtan and even intervened in these troublesome matters.

That was the person she really wanted to serve for her whole life.

She didn't know what the "tail-cutting method" was - she only knew that even if the lizard was forced to choose to cut off its tail, the cut-off tail would have no consciousness. If the lizard's tail also had part of its own consciousness, would the lizard with its tail cut off still be the original lizard?

Therefore, even if the "Pope Aiwas" looked more like the original body, Lily always believed that it was not the complete Aiwas.

It was like a good friend who suddenly turned evil one day - although rationally speaking, she knew that he was still her friend, but he had changed a little. But the person she knew and became friends with back then was not the person she is now...

That's why she has been feeling a little depressed for a while.


They are finally together again!

Selene, the little lamb who hadn't fallen asleep yet, heard the voices from this side and rushed over.

She finished listening to the conversation and realized what happened.

Selene asked a question: "But...what about Aleister?"

"--What about Leviathan?"

Although Selene's birth was closely related to Aiwass. It can even be said that she is Aiwass's half-daughter...but the monster "Leviathan" she created has nothing to do with Aiwass at all.

That is a child who inherited Aleister's blood and is only related to Aleister.

That's why Selene became the person who cared about Aleister the most among these people.

"...As the son of the moon, if you put in blood, you should be able to revive."

Selene said stubbornly: "I have a lot of blood-I can provide that blood. "

"What 'Aleister' lacks is a soul. If you don't want a new, ignorant, baby-like consciousness to take her name from her body, you'd better not act rashly."

The crow-shaped Night Devil said coldly: "The master has his own ideas. Who of you has deeper feelings for 'Aleister' than the master?"

Vignes was also quite unhappy.

She is the real jealous beast, and it is natural for her to be jealous of the birth of a new colleague.

Everyone knows that "Aleister" is aiming for the position of the beast of sin - there is no doubt that her position should be the beast of "lust". The original Aleister can still be regarded as a part of Aiwas. It sounds too strange that one part of oneself becomes the pet of another part of oneself.

But now, Aleister is just a consciousness created by Aiwas that belongs to him completely. She is no longer a part of Aiwas.

But she has all of Aiwas's memories, The personality was completely born from Aiwass's memory and part of his Tao impulse, and then Aiwass's flesh and soul were used as materials for refining... It was a brand new phantom demon that was cultivated, just like the spiritual body guard created by the necromancer.

It's just that the necromancer used "other people's souls", while Aiwass used his own soul.

In a sense, this behavior itself should also be considered as "cutting off the tail method".

It's just that after Ai Shiping and Aiwass separated, Aiwass hated Ai Shiping only by his own will, but Aleister fell in love with Aiwas by his own choice.

Bone of bone, flesh of flesh, soul of soul... While having strong desires, she calmly accepts her new life and frees herself from the constraints of ethics. Nothing is more suitable for the sin of "lust" than this.

After all, she herself has committed that sin.

If the other sin marks come from the conspiracy or behind-the-scenes manipulation of the Fallen Angels, only the "jealousy" mark and the "lust" mark are what Aleister deserves.

——Because of this, Venis is somewhat unhappy with her.

She was originally a part of Aiwas, but what is she now?

And Lily also keenly sensed Venis's dissatisfaction.

Therefore, she did not continue to ask, but turned to ask directly what to do: "What should we do then?"

"Smash the stone statue, pack it and take it away."

The Night Demon replied: "Take it to the Narcissus Principality - the master will go there later. Let the Star Antimony people deal with it first..."

"... Can the young master leave the Church?" Lily frowned and questioned.

"Soon. Soon."

The crow laughed and turned into black smoke and dissipated: "The day of liberation is coming soon..."

At this time, Aiwass had already woken up, and the Night Demon was instantly recalled.

On the other side, in a port city far away from the capital of Xingti, Lalo suddenly opened his eyes.

He received the gift of the twin mirror, and this gift made him a little unbelievable...

...This twin mirror, I'm afraid it's not a fun person?

Lalo, wearing rags, had just completed the promotion ceremony and received the power from the dream world. He rushed to the next door without having time to test it.

He saw the dying princess lying on the bed like a corpse.

The cracked skin on her body was almost healed. But her body was covered with blood, and a bloody human figure appeared on the bed, which looked particularly scary.

At this moment, the eldest princess Noel, who was unable to move, saw Lalo and immediately showed a smile from the heart on her face: "You succeeded, Lalo..."

"Princess, are you okay?"

Lalo stretched out his hand without hesitation and pressed the eldest princess' neck, and then pressed her forehead, chest, and lower abdomen respectively.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Sizhu Cibei...just a little tear in the soul. I can treat this degree of injury, and it will not affect your possibility of promotion in the future. But you...cannot use extraordinary power in the next two weeks."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, Lalo."

The eldest princess didn't care. She blinked slightly, shook her pupils, and said vaguely without moving her lips: "I have gained courage.

"Compared to that...let me see, what power did you get from the dream world? This is a ritual made by the twin mirrors...and what happened after I quit?"


Lalo hesitated for a moment, but still agreed.

For some reason, he didn't sing exaggerated poems like a clown as usual.

"Wait a moment. "

He said politely, walked to a floor-length mirror next to him, and chanted in a low voice: "I worship the twin mirror! The god of the holy number two, the god without eyes and self, the god of pure beauty and flawlessness-"

"I am you..."

As the mirror surface glowed, the image reflected in the mirror changed.

Another female voice overlapping with Old Lalo sounded: "You are me-"

As Old Lalo walked towards the mirror.

Another "she" walked out of the mirror.

Princess Noelle slightly widened her eyes in disbelief.

Because at this moment, Old Lalo...

actually became herself.

-Became "Princess Noelle"!

"This is the power I have obtained."

"Noelle" bowed slightly to Noelle on the bed, with a complicated expression: "I can now become your appearance, and it is impossible to see through. In other words, I can become the appearance of the 'master' I chose... and become the mirror substitute of the other party.

"...This is of the twin mirror."

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