Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 867: The Fallen Empire Awakens

If you just keep the state of "Sin Beast" without using any power... this state consumes very little mana.

Aiwass dragged Gray to study for a long time, and only lost two standard units of mana.

In other words, it takes a little mana every three minutes.

This means that if Aiwass wants... even if he doesn't devour the Sinthorn, he can almost always maintain this state.

In this state, Aiwass can't pray to the candle to restore mana, but 284 mana can allow him to maintain the transformation for about fourteen hours.

Considering that this is basically Aiwass's ultimate move... rather than hiding it until the battle, it is better to use it based on intuition for the first time. Let the reliable and trustworthy scholar study it first and develop a little bit of usage.

After all, Aiwass can only use the ability of the Path of Devotion in the state of Sin Beast, which means that he can no longer use the Sin Card to switch to the Sin Beast or cast spells. This means that his transformation may even reduce his combat strength... In addition, the more mana he uses in the state of the sin beast, the higher the conversion rate will be, so he must not start the transformation rashly.

After confirming the mana consumption and effects of other abilities, Aiwass said to Gray solemnly:

"I'm going to start the treatment."

Gray also nodded nervously, touched her amber eyeballs for the last time and confirmed the touch. Then she closed her eyes.

Aiwass didn't know how he should treat Gray.

He could only rely on his inner instinct and use his wishing ability.

He lowered his head slightly and pressed his antlers burning with white flames against Gray's head. But Gray did not feel the pain of being burned, but a constant warmth flowed from the top of her head and immersed her whole body.

"[May you eliminate all injuries]."

He whispered in a low voice: "In... my name."

The next moment, the blazing white flames spread from the tip of the antlers to Gray's whole body.

As Aiwass spoke his wish, he felt the mana in his body draining away quickly - about 40 to 50 mana points were lost in just two or three seconds.

Just when Aiwass was worried that he didn't have enough mana, the speed of mana loss also dropped rapidly and stopped.

He glanced at his attribute bar.

A total of 63 mana points were reduced.

... Such a severe mana consumption.

Aiwass was shocked.

Even if Aiwass sealed the Wild Hunt, it only consumed 50 mana points...

But the wish he made was perfectly fulfilled -

It only took four or five seconds, and the white flames dissipated instantly.

Gray opened her eyes with a refreshed spirit.

She touched her eyes first.

The touch from her fingertips was no longer the solid and warm gemstone... but a burst of extremely unfamiliar pain, which made her subconsciously scream, frowned and closed her eyes.

She had been stroking and touching her amber eyeballs for too long, and had long forgotten that normal eyeballs could not be touched directly with fingers.

The burning pain caused a tear to slowly flow from the corner of her eyes, but Gray's face instantly bloomed with an extremely bright and beautiful smile.

It was not a "surprise", but a "touching". She had never doubted that Aiwas could do this, so naturally there was no surprise - but when she realized that the amber disease was really separated from her forever, she felt a sense of relief.

For Gray's recovery ability, the injury of touching the eyeball with her fingertips was healed in just a few breaths. But her tears could not stop flowing.

This Saint, who was "greater" than Aiwas in every sense, kept wiping her tearful eyes at this moment, like a little girl standing on the street who couldn't find her parents.

But Aiwas knew that it was not because of fear and confusion.

It was the relief when hundreds of years of pressure were released.

Aiwas sighed softly.

He lowered his head slightly and touched Gray's forehead again with his antlers. This time he did not use any ability, but just used the temperature of his antlers to give the other person his warmth, quietly accompanying her.

The plan was perfectly successful - Gray's amber syndrome was completely cured by Aiwas in an instant.

But unlike Gray, Aiwas was not so happy.

The mana consumed when healing Gray made Aiwas realize one thing: he could not heal everyone by the power of wishing alone.

And his transformation progress bar also rose silently to 7%.

——The treatment of Gray consumed about 63 mana. Adding the two mana consumed before, Aiwas's transformation rate was directly increased by 2%.

In other words... about 1% transformation rate for every 33 mana?

This is reasonable. It is in line with the holy number of dedication.

And when the transformation rate is increased to 7%.

A silver light suddenly flashed across Aiwas's pure white fur.

A more sacred glow bloomed on his body, and it looked vaguely like a rainbow halo. Like the halo behind a god.

There is also a new effect behind the "Sin Beast Form":

[You are immune to instant death, fire, and holy damage]

Ewass gained new power from his good deeds.

He finally understood why the first Pope entered the dream world at such a young age...

It is impossible for a good person to refrain from using this power that can help almost anyone. And the more it is used, the more power it can unblock, and the more things it can is almost inevitable that it will eventually become a half-man, half-deer.

The same goes for Aiwass.

When he obtained this power, it was destined that he would not die as a human being. It is absolutely impossible for him to sit back and watch others suffer while living a happy life... In other words, the power itself is to exchange his "power to sit back and watch" for his "ability to meddle in other people's business."

In other words.

When Si Zhu gave Aiwass this power, he had already concluded that Aiwass would no longer have the daily life of a mortal.

Either be devoured by Huan Tiansi, or win from it.

And as long as Aiwass wins the battle with Huan Tiansi, he will become Tiansi or Pillar God.

...As for the identity of Si Zhu's son, it was a "life-saving method" when Aiwass failed in his struggle.

Even Si Zhu is not optimistic that Aiwass will win.

If Aiwass is defeated in the end, it will give Aiwass a chance to swallow the sin thorn and use up all his magic power to trigger any miracle, so that his soul can be forcibly transformed into a sin beast and permanently abandon the soul of transcendence.

When Aiwass loses his Transcendent Soul, he is no longer useful to Huan Tiansi. Huantiansi will no longer be able to swallow Aiwass to complete itself.

In this way, Aiwass can be prevented from being devoured by Huantiansi. And once he becomes the son of Si Zhu, his safety in the dream world is also guaranteed...

In other words...

The essence of this power is that my father called and said, "If it doesn't work, let's go home."

Warmth is certainly warm, but...

"...Do you think so little of me?"

Aiwass chuckled and returned to his human form.

He found his clothes again and put them on - there happened to be the cardinal's robes that he had just used on the bed.

——Even Si Zhu doesn’t believe I can win.

"Then I have to win once and see."

Aiwass murmured softly.

He has always been a stubborn person.

Aiwass looked at Gray... At this time, he was not wearing the Holy Crown, and he no longer had the authority to communicate with all cardinals.

So Aiwass said: "Tell everyone what's going on here...His Majesty the Pope."

"...No, you are the Pope. I am just the acting Pope."

The pure white saint wiped her eyes and spoke in a slightly hoarse voice: "The church has always been the inheritance of Si Zhu's son... We keep this in mind. We always maintain a neutral attitude because Zhu Tiansi's past wishes and Guidance. And now, since the son of Si Zhu has come to the world again... the Nine Pillars Church will also take action.

"Excuse me, what is your current will-"

"Then let's calm down the chaos in Xing Antimony first. It looks like it's really noisy."

Aiwass was a little surprised, but he still ordered the saint wearing the Holy Crown of the Pope without hesitation: "In that case, let's intervene."

April 1st, morning.

A piece of news that shocked the world quickly spread to all countries——

The Eternal Theocracy announced the lifting of permanent neutrality. This resolution was unanimously approved by all cardinals.

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