Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 879 The Remains of the Tower of Babel

April 7, early morning.

The sun had just risen and the morning breeze was still cool. The ten-man team took their luggage and headed to the outskirts of Protagoras.

Everyone was a superhuman above the fourth energy level, and they walked very fast. And they didn't get tired that easily.

Before setting off, Aiwass gave everyone a "long journey blessing". This blessing can greatly reduce the physical energy consumption when running, and even can be used to restore physical energy by jogging or brisk walking, and will not feel tired even when climbing a mountain.

This is quite common in the game - it can even be said to be the most common blessing. It can only be used outside of combat. The effect in the game is to increase the land movement speed by 20%, but once you are hit, this blessing will disappear. The effect of increasing the movement speed cannot be superimposed with the movement speed provided by the mount, and only the highest one can be taken.

In some places where it is not convenient to summon a mount... For example, the kind of copy that needs to run a long way to collect materials or decrypt, or when running the main line in a more complicated place, you can hang this blessing and run the map.

In some places, the main line, activity branch line or professional branch line will be more roundabout, and you have to run a long way to the nearest teleportation point; there are also some very stupid tasks that need to be decrypted first to find clues, or it takes a long time to go back and forth.

At that time, some priests or bards would make extra money by leading people to run tasks - hanging up the state that can increase the speed of running maps in addition to fighting, and then leading people to run all the way from the shortcut to the end.

At that time, Aiwas was unemployed at home. Although he had savings... he was a "professional player" who had to make money by playing games.

So various types of money-making ideas have been tried. It can only be said that it is not as good as making money by leveling, and at most you can only make some money for drinks.

And Cardinal Galatea also sang the elf ballad, which further increased the team's forward speed. Therefore, before noon, they had already passed a mountain and approached their destination.

But it was different from what everyone thought.

There was no "ancient ruins" or "huge underground tombs", but just a village in the mountains. The scale of the village was not small, and there was even a clock tower, a church... From a distance, there was even electricity.

"...Are the ruins near here?"

Rangke muttered in a low voice, somewhat disappointed.

This was not his first time to participate in archaeological excavations, so he naturally knew that...there would be basically nothing left in the ruins that were too close to villages and towns.

If the risk here was not great, the people living nearby would have basically emptied their things long ago; if it was very dangerous, then the frequent deaths would definitely put the authorities under control. By then, if a few archaeological teams were hired to come in, there wouldn't be much left.

——That's it? That's it?

Nine extraordinary people above the fourth energy level, and there are still people within five kilometers of the archaeological site?

Could this really be a relic of the Amber Age?

On the contrary, Cardinal Galatea looked at the surrounding environment, as if he had thought of something: "I wasn't like this six hundred years ago..."

"...You have a really good memory."

Zhu Tang complained.

"Encyclopedia" just glanced at Cardinal Galatea, and hesitated to speak.

He clearly wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it because of the presence of Cardinals Aiwas and Galatea.

As a "dream monk" who advanced from a "naturalist", he naturally knew many secrets.

For example... the Star Crystal Man.

After all, the dream monks would upload and share their knowledge. Therefore, even if he didn't collect the knowledge himself, it would be in his "memory library".

But Master Dürer was not in a hurry, and didn't even say a word. He just led them to move forward.

On the contrary, Professor Bard was thoughtful: "I have heard of a saying. There is a view in the academic community that the ruins of the Amber Age cannot be found today, not because they were all destroyed or damaged, but because they were hidden by some means.

"There is a village in Avalon that was sealed up by similar means. Outsiders can't enter at all. Could it be that the ruins here are also similar? "

"Mr. Dürer," the kitten said somewhat dissatisfiedly, "we have come here, and there is no way back... Where are we going to see the ruins from what era? We should be able to tell you now, right?

"After all, there are big shots in our team now... I believe no one dares to go out and talk nonsense."

"--It is indeed a relic from the Amber Age."

Finally, Master Chongbo spoke: "But it is not just a relic from the Amber Age..."

He said, and suddenly stopped with everyone.

This is halfway up the mountain.

The road ahead is an ordinary one, without any abnormality. Even Aiwas himself did not feel that there was anything wrong. There were no stone tablets, forks, giant trees or other road signs around, just suddenly stopped at a place without any signs.

It was just like a treasure map in a game-giving you an inexplicable coordinate, and then you have to stand on that coordinate and dig it step by step to dig something.

But Aiwas understood it: "Is it a preservation technique?"

Chongbo nodded.

In front of Aiwas, he simply stopped pretending: "You should have heard of... the legend of the Tower of Babel, Mr. 'Pope'."

"...Ah, yes."

Evans nodded: "It is the earliest wizard tower in the world, known as the 'Tower of Truth'. It has the ability to calculate all the mysteries of the past and the future. It contains nine major categories and twenty-seven minor categories of spells, including necromancy, preservation, astrology, alchemy, curse, and ritual.

"Today's alchemists, astrologers, necromancers, ritualists, curse masters... all come from the inheritance of the Tower of Babel. "

He didn't say it all.

During this promotion ceremony, Aiwas also learned other secrets about the Tower of Babel...

Hearing Aiwas' words, everyone held their breath.

If they were to dig up the remains of the Tower of Babel -

The source of all magic in the material world! The Mage Tower of the Amber Age!

This is the Narcissus Principality, the country with the most Mage Towers. Everyone knows that there is wealth everywhere in the Mage Tower... Not only gold and silver treasures, but also various mystical books, stone tablets and extraordinary items that are more valuable - they are the products of pre-civilization at least 8,000 years ago!

Not to mention anything else, the materials of extraordinary creatures in the Amber Age alone can be auctioned at sky-high prices today. These things are almost all extinct now... The value of extinct things is even higher!

"...Is the Tower of Babel right under our feet?"

Professor Bard frowned and thought: "Could this mountain be the remains of the Tower of Babel?"

Sine sneered, he obviously looked down on the wisdom of mortals: "Stupid! It must be hidden in some space gap... As ancient magicians, it is reasonable for them to do such a thing. Even modern magic can achieve such a miracle... It's just that there is no leakage of energy fluctuations. Probably because of this reason, it can be preserved until now without being discovered. "

"Actually, there are characteristics."

Zhu Tang said: "I saw... There are fluctuations of 'water' here. It is obviously on the mountain, but the water is gathering from the bottom of the mountain to the top."

Everyone looked over when they heard the words, but found that Zhu Tang actually opened his eyes!

His eyes were all scary pure white, with complex array diagrams engraved in black fonts. Now they are all rotating, and people feel a chill in their spines after watching for a few seconds.

Zhu Tang only looked for a few seconds and closed his eyes again.

And Chongbo said slowly: "That's why I said... This is not just a relic. The 'water flow' you sensed is the second layer of the relic here."

"Hey, tell me, boss! "

Ruroko was almost dying of anxiety, and felt that this time the boss was simply a great riddler: "What is going on - don't ask anyone else! If we keep asking and answering like this, it will be dark!"

But Chongbo was still unhurried.

He was so calm that even his breathing was not disordered, and his eyes were so peaceful that he seemed to be just enjoying the air and birdsong in the deep mountains.

He was not a riddler, just a slow person who was particularly patient.

Seeing that Ronoko was already gnashing his teeth and stamping his feet in anxiety, Master Chongbo spoke and started from the beginning: "The preservation technique is the most complete lineage in the inheritance of the Tower of Babel. This place is not "hidden", but "preserved".

"As early as the Amber Age, this piece of time and space was cut off and preserved. And to open it, you need a key...

"At least the seventh energy level of preservation can open this blocked time and space."

"...Seventh energy level? !"

"-This is impossible! "

"Even if it's the Eternal Pope, then..."

Everyone subconsciously wanted to deny it.

But Aiwass understood it.

-It's the so-called "priority".

Although not all priorities can be used in preservation... Most priorities are "penetration" or "resistance", or they are effective when "confronting". But this is not all, for example, the golden entry Aiwass got this time has an "unconditional effective entry" that directly increases the priority of the spell.

If you want to use the fifth energy level to reach the seventh energy level spell immunity, you need two different sources of priorities that can be fully stacked on the preservation spell! And it must be an unconditional priority... It can be effective even if there is no battle!

"...Others can't, but I can. "

Master Chongbo said calmly, reaching out to touch the air.

The illusory amber spider web spread from his fingertips and spread out to the surroundings.

In the blink of an eye, the spider web covered the entire dense forest.

The next moment, the spider webs were all broken.

The white mist that came from nowhere completely enveloped the surroundings.

And when they dispersed slightly, the sudden light made them subconsciously cover their eyes.

Evans did not cover.

He just looked up. In the azure sky, the white clouds appeared extremely clear and three-dimensional. The sun was several times brighter and larger. The extremely scorching sun Light, after penetrating the white fog in the dense forest, is enough to burn the skin.

At this time, the wanderer and the kitten seemed to feel something at the same time, and suddenly looked in the direction they came from.

There was only darkness there.

And where the village was originally located, an extremely huge tower stood silently.

The area of ​​the tower is much larger than the entire village, and you can hardly see the end when you look up. It stands on the top of the mountain, because it is so huge that it even makes the whole mountain look smaller, like a cliff.

- This is more like a "giant tree" than a "tower".

Considering the order of precedence... maybe the "giant tree" is more like the "Tower of Babel".

However, the reason why it is "almost" invisible is because the upper half of the giant tower is extremely charred and cut off in the middle. After the height is halved, it does not look that high.

It is like a gradually tightening pointed chopstick, the upper half is charred and the charred part is cut off horizontally. At this moment, smoke is still floating up from it, looking like some kind of wolf smoke.

"...Tower of Babel, was it destroyed by something?"

Zhu Tang murmured in a low voice: "Is it a lightning strike?"

And "Encyclopedia" suddenly spoke and gave the answer: "The Tower of Babel was broken by Wei Zhe himself. This happened in the Second Sun Era..."

"--This is the fragment of the Amber Era that has been 'preserved'."

Sine also realized it at the first time.

He looked at Chongbo with respect and caution: "Excuse me, who are you..."

"——Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Master Chongbo, from the Helaser Empire."

Seeing that Master Chongbo did not resist but did not speak, Aiwas smiled and patted the old man on the shoulder, and introduced him lightly: "The world's first amber craftsman.

"And also the only... or one of the very few. Who can truly bring the dead back to life."

"Thank you, Your Holiness."

Chongbo said lightly: "That's not resurrection... It's just 'saving the vitality of others'."

"It's like... saving the destroyed Tower of Babel, right?"

Professor Bard whispered: "Resurrecting the dead time and space in the present world... Isn't this also a kind of resurrection of the dead?"

At this time, everyone fully realized how horrifying it was that happened here.

"Without breaking the limits of the world, it is naturally impossible to violate the laws of nature. "

Chongbo glanced at Aiwas deeply: "In a world where the upper limit is the sixth energy level... the seventh energy level is a necessary condition for "calling for miracles."

"... and if the upper limit of this world is to be raised to the seventh energy level, if you want to reverse life and death, you have to contact the eighth energy level."

Hearing this, Aiwas narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chongbo... does he know something?

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