Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 881: Teamwork is quite tacit

…I knew you could heal me, but I didn’t know the treatment would come so quickly!

The rogue was suddenly startled.

The pastoral care he had experienced had been contact-based. After the battle, the priests would perform sacred rituals and touch the wounds, and then the wounds would slowly heal with numbness, slight itching, and warmth.

Of course, this was much better than the treatment provided by pharmacists and alchemists... But he still far underestimated the value of this fifth-level healer.

He didn't even feel pain, the disabling wound healed instantly!

...According to this situation, can you put your head back together even if it is cut off? !

When Drifter felt the crisis just now, the target should have been his heart. If he hadn't retreated in time, the knife would have cut him into two pieces - especially his heart.

If the injury was that kind, it might not be possible to save it.

After all, grafting limbs is not the same level of surgery as suturing internal organs...

But by drawing the enemy out, the Drifter's mission is basically completed. His teammates reacted immediately and followed up.

I saw Miss "Doll" stretch out her slender fingers and point them in the air. The "darkness" that permeated the pitch-black narrow corridor seemed to be drawn into a vortex and sucked into the void. And the corridor also showed its true appearance.

Different from the shabby appearance seen outside, it is brightly lit inside.

The narrow corridor seen after opening the door suddenly became wider.

The inside is like a royal garden, filled with all kinds of strange but slightly beautiful green plants. They seem to have spent this long time, but have stopped growing.

The corridor that originally seemed to be less than ten meters wide suddenly became more than forty meters wide.

However, there are two rows of glowing gemstone light panels on both sides of the original ten-meter-wide "fake corridor". They look like Star Antimony's illuminated GG cards, but appear to be some kind of lamp that provides lighting. They also have the ability to induce hallucinations, making people think that there is a wall beyond them.

And the invisible guard also appeared——

Made of precious stones, their number is four. They are red, green, blue and yellow respectively.

Roughly speaking, it seemed to be human.

It looks roughly like a humanoid guard wearing gorgeous armor and a fully enclosed helmet.

But their joints are suspended - a luminous ball engraved with runes hangs in the joints of both arms and legs. The light emits is integrated with the gem bodies on both sides, outlining a shape like A vague outline like a transparent ice cube sinking in the water.

That's some kind of construct! An unknown puppet guard!

It was the red guard who just attacked Drifter.

His left arm is a sharp claw with four teeth. The arm is covered with a complicated and gorgeous small buckler, and the right arm is made of a piece of luminous crystal - a hot and sharp light knife can be shot from the forearm. It was this thing that almost cut the rogue in half!

Generally speaking, the invisibility ability will only last until "interfering with others" and "others are clearly aware of someone's presence." But the invisible guard still didn't show up after cutting off the rogue's arm... If it weren't for the "doll" to break the illusion, I'm afraid they still wouldn't be able to catch the traces of those invisible guards!

They can also enter the "wall" at any time and hide behind light panels to launch attacks. But none of their attacks could penetrate the non-existent "wall"...

But while the wanderer was still thinking wildly, the temple-protecting monk "Mu" came forward instead of retreating!

His speed is extremely swift. In an instant, a distance of more than ten meters was covered in one step!

But at such a fast speed, it did not stir up a storm or make a harsh sound. Instead, it is like a breeze, leaving no trace and making no sound!

Mu reached the front of the crowd in one step, and then opened his mouth.

The lion's roar buffed by [Shut-up Chan] is instantly released.


Only a thunderous sound like a roaring lion was heard, and tangible sound waves roared.

The people behind Mu just felt the thunderous roar vibrating to the point where their hearts almost stopped, and their spirits and movements were stagnant.

In front of Mu, a tangible golden wave of Brahma was formed——

The bodies of the four invisible guards were heavily suppressed, as if they were trying to move forward during a typhoon.

The invisible weight caused their bodies to continuously vibrate and push back, their limbs constantly twisting and making tiny breaking sounds.

At this time, the two spellcasters had already prepared their spells.

In front of the staff in Sine's hand is a blue magic circle that is gradually being constructed. He moved his staff slightly forward, and the magic circle dissipated like ripples.

I saw the crimson puppet guard suddenly freeze instantly without warning, and then suddenly cracked and shattered under the continuous vibration of the lion's roar!

Zhu Tang took out a puppet in each of his left and right hands, and gradually pressed a long nail into the puppet's chest and abdomen with his thumb. The mortise and tenon joints were obviously hollow, but they seemed to have a very strong resistance.

He muttered words to suppress their actions. Even so, the thumbs of both hands continued to tremble, and became more and more intense. But he still didn't let go until his fingers turned white.

The green and blue puppet guards were also frozen in place as if they were nailed to the spot. Only the blue-green brilliance on his body flashed fiercely.

Only the yellow guard can still move normally.

It was the only guard without a shield, and its fists were extremely heavy.

When Mu's lion roar stopped, the light on these puppet guards had dimmed a lot. But they did not completely lose power - the guard in yellow armor leaped forward, and Mu punched him in the same way.

One punch, two punches - the broken stones were seen breaking, and the broken steel creaked. The body of the puppet guard seemed to be corroded and shattered by the power of the lion's roar, and its defense power dropped significantly. When the two sides fought, they were beaten to slag with just a few punches.

On the contrary, Mu's body was as solid as gold. Even if he was hit by that heavy fist, making a huge muffled sound like a heavy object hitting the ground, he still didn't say a word and didn't move his feet.

But the ground under his feet, cracks opened up by themselves.

As the khaki puppet guard punched Mu, tiles shattered in the air three or four meters away from Mu, with large tiles flying more than half a meter high and small tiles flying three or four meters high!

One man and one puppet, standing still and beating each other. Neither dodging nor blocking. Every punch was full-strength - the difference was that the puppet guard's body kept bursting out slag, while Mu's worn-out linen robe had less and less material.

About every four or five seconds, a glow suddenly flashed on Mr. Mu's body, keeping him in the best condition.

When the healing glow lit up for the third time, the extremely sturdy ancient puppet had been beaten into scrap copper and iron. But it just moved much slower, but still attacked Mu without hesitation. Never changing targets, and never taking a step back.

At this time, the green puppet had been torn into pieces by the kitten. She held an olive-shaped emerald that was a circle larger than her fist in her hand, and looked at something carefully.

Zhengsine had already prepared the second spell - he seemed to have understood the general composition of these puppets. The second spell was much simpler than the first spell just from the perspective of the magic circle, and the preparation speed was also much faster.

I saw a few pieces of azure light appearing out of thin air and inserted into the blue puppet that was fixed in place by the ritual and could not move. Then they gradually shrank, as if they melted into it. And the puppet suddenly burst out with a lot of fire and disintegrated and shattered by itself.

After the three puppets around were dismantled by his teammates, Mu took a deep breath and took a step back.

At this time, the khaki-colored broken puppet did not continue to chase.

It seemed to wake up, with azure light flashing in its eyes, as if analyzing something.


There was only a gunshot, and a flash of lightning accompanied by an enchanted bullet flew out from the front of the wanderer holding a gun in his right hand, and exploded on the puppet guard!

Mr. Mu took the opportunity to suddenly stretch out his hand and hold it horizontally in the void. A golden beam of light extended from both ends, forming a transparent stick like glass.

He clenched his hands, and swung out three sticks in succession with great ferocity and skill, continuously repelling the khaki puppet.

Another gunshot interrupted the puppet guard who was about to counterattack!

At this time, one end of the stick condensed a flat halo like the sun - like a halberd or an axe, it looked much more powerful and fierce.

It rotated like a chainsaw, and as Mu chopped down hard, the three axes that became heavier and heavier completely chopped the last puppet guard into a pile of broken copper and iron!

Mu loosened his hand slightly, and the weapon in his hand turned into a light spot and dissipated in the air.

He turned around, put his hands together, and bowed silently to Aiwas. Obviously, he returned to the state of meditation, accumulating strength for the next lion roar.

But even if he didn't speak, Aiwas understood what he meant - it was nothing more than thanking Aiwas for the treatment he had given him.

Although Mr. Mu looked extremely brave, and his body was not even cracked or broken under the attack of the demolition team, but from the perspective of Aiwas's right eye, the fire of life in his body was shaking violently. Obviously, every attack caused a lot of damage to Mr. Mu's body, but he "endured" the attack.

- Yes, Aiwas's right eye still has a special vision.

He currently looks like his two eyes have the same color, which is the suggestion and help of Cardinal Galatea - she used illusion to blur Aiwas's face into another similar but different person, and adjusted the two eyes of different colors to be consistent.

After all, Aiwas's appearance is too famous and can be easily recognized.

And Aiwas's right eye has no vision, which may be remembered by those who are interested - he lacks a part of the normal vision, which means that Aiwas's right side will become a blind spot.

For safety reasons, Cardinal Galatea did not let Aiwas reveal this secret. And she always stood on the right side of Aiwas for protection.

Aiwas's right eye can see the apostles, the souls, the remaining power of the path, and which paths they come from. But the most useful thing about it is that it can see the vitality of people.

In other words, it is to see the "blood bar".

——This is the most useful ability as a healer!

Aiwas looked at the others and said, "Don't worry when you fight. If you get hurt, just leave it to me."

He was quite satisfied with these temporary teammates.

Although it was the first time to cooperate and the relationship between them was not very good, I didn't expect that they had a tacit understanding in the team fight!

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