Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 883 The Overturned Tower

Although Aiwass was lost in thought while holding the two gems, no one dared to take them directly from Aiwass.

But in the end, Aiwass did not disappoint people.

"I do have some ideas."

Aiwass said, "I read in a book... There are three suns in this world. The first sun fell before life was born and never rose again; the second sun was killed and shattered by sacrifice and language, turning into stars in the silent night; and the third sun was born from a three-legged crow, it is the child of Hengwo and Hengwo.

"The sun in our world is the third sun, and the hotter sun outside should be the second sun."

"I know, it's the "Morning Crow Secret Sutra", right? I was fortunate enough to translate that book back then..."

Hearing this, Baike suddenly became energetic: "The second sun... That's the god Amon we worship! "

Obviously, for a Horusian, being able to translate - or even just read about the knowledge of the sun is an honor. Once he has read this knowledge, he will never forget it.

And Aiwass continued: "Since the second sun can be 'killed by sacrifice and language', it means that when the second sun existed, language should have existed. And it has some special power, even comparable to 'sacrifice'... What can you think of?"

Then there is only one answer.

- These ancient runes!

Aiwass looked at Master Chongbo: "You are so eager to develop this relic... Is it to explore the mystery of the runes?"

After all, as a transcendent of the Twilight Path, the motivation to open this relic is not in line with the philosophy of the Path. It has been well preserved, but it is Chongbo that liberated this well-preserved time and space.

Then there must be a motive that can make him change his motive.

For the transcendents of the Twilight Path who are indifferent to fame and fortune, what kind of treasure can make them excited?

"- No. "

Chongbo just shook his head: "I do want to find something, but it's not them."

As he said that, he took the lead and walked forward: "Let's take a look inside first."

Seeing the old man walking slowly over, Rurouni was startled.

He went over to support Master Chongbo, scolding him, and put him behind first: "Hey wait, wait, hey... Boss, you go back..."

And Aiwass first handed the gem to Professor Budd, and then followed Rurouni steadily.

The fingers of his right hand moved slightly, and he was alert and stared at Rurouni closely, ready to treat at any time.

As a survival master, Rurouni not only has crisis sensing, but also has various instinctive escape abilities. Even if the eyes don't see and the ears don't hear, they can dodge by intuition.

Even if the opponent bypasses the perception ability, Rurouni can find a way to avoid fatal injuries to the fatal parts-he relied on this ability to avoid the guardian puppet blessed by illusion before.

This The survival master has become the strongest pathfinder. After all, no matter how strong the vitality of the defender is, he may be killed instantly by traps and ambushes. Once this important profession is damaged, it is very likely that the entire team will be at a disadvantage when the battle begins... and the combat effectiveness of the survival master is not that important.

To put it more coldly, it doesn't matter if he dies. He doesn't rely on him to output.

And the other function is what the defender can't do...

Suddenly, the wanderer stopped and stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop.

In an instant, everyone stopped.

The interior of the Tower of Babel was brightly lit, so even Professor Budd, who had no night vision, could see the wanderer's gestures clearly.

The wanderer closed his eyes slightly, as if he was smelling something in the air.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes: "Kitty, come here. Remove the trap. "

As he said this, he pointed to a certain direction on the wall.

The kitten, who had disappeared in the crowd at some point, appeared silently in that direction.

Her hands wrapped in worn white bandages touched the wall, but did not trigger the trap. It was as if she was dead or a ghost.

The kitten touched it, and her hands penetrated the wall and sank into the wall.

She couldn't observe with her eyes, and could only sense the details from touch and hearing. After a while, there was a crisp sound, and several stone slabs on the ground suddenly cracked, and four rune slabs rose from the ground. The runes engraved on the stone slabs were like eyes. As they rose, they lost their original flowing azure blue and gradually faded to black.

The kitten picked them up one by one nimbly, and then walked back to the front of the crowd with light and silent steps, and handed them to Aiwass like offering treasures.

Aiwass tried to check them, but also didn't see the attribute panel.

He ordered to be cautious and keep moving forward, and then discussed with everyone.

"What kind of trap is this? "

Evans asked the kitten.

The kitten shook his head, and the wanderer who was still exploring the way ahead answered: "There is no danger to life... but I sense a sense of 'parting' and 'isolation'. So I guess this is either a trap that locks people in, or teleports people to a certain place... such as a prison. "

"Teleportation trap..."

Evans became slightly serious: "In a sense, this is the most fatal crisis."

Although teleportation does not necessarily mean death, if the lost teammates cannot be found in a short time, from another perspective, it is equivalent to being killed instantly. Even Aiwas cannot be resurrected.

"But, on the other hand..."

Zhu Tang thought: "Since there will be traps here, does it mean that there is a place where treasures are buried ahead?"

"I'm afraid there may not be any treasures."

Professor Bard shook his head: "The Tower of Babel... It is essentially a wizard tower, and there is no gold or silver treasure. It is unlikely that you will even find any lost ancient books here, because the characters of this era should not be widely used. And it is even more unlikely that there will be any books - even if we get some rune slabs engraved with ancient secrets, they are unlikely to sell for any price.

"Even Mr. 'Encyclopedia' doesn't know the knowledge of ancient runes, let alone others. In this case, there are only a few people who are qualified and likely to decipher the secrets... and they are all top-level masters. Even if you don't rob them, there is no one else to sell.

"Since the buyer has the final say on when to buy them...their greatest value may be their cultural relic value."

"And we have to consider another possibility," Zhu Tang added, "maybe after we take them out, they will be reduced to dust.

"In my hometown, there is also a legend of 'preserved time and space'. It is said that a woodcutter accidentally entered a strange space while chopping wood and met several children playing chess. Someone gave him some food, and after he ate it, he watched people play chess. When he was ready to go home, he found that the axe handle in his hand had rotted and many years had passed.

"Before, I thought he entered the 'God of Fairies' and ate the food of the fairies. But considering that the woodcutter is an adult...he may have accidentally entered the old time and space that was preserved but not stable enough, and was preserved together."

"...That means," the kitten was a little scared, "when we go back, it may be that many years have passed?"

"It's possible."

Zhu Tang nodded.

But the taciturn Chongbo suddenly said: "No. Because this space-time is very stable..."


Sine asked a very critical and professional question: "It should be worn out, right?"

Chongbo obviously understood and nodded: "So this spell is continuously effective."

"What do you mean?"

The kitten and wanderer in front didn't know what it meant.

And Baike shook his head and walked over to explain to them: "It means that this preservation technique is continuously effective and charged, rather than being used only once in the past."

"That is to say... there is some kind of energy here, right?"

Rurouni was excited and smiled back: "That may also be considered a treasure!"

"It is indeed possible."

Baike nodded: "When entering the door, I specifically measured the angle of the door. We walked straight forward, and the distance we walked was very close to the radius of the Tower of Babel. In other words, we are close to the center of the first floor of the Tower of Babel.

"If there is anything valuable..."

[It should be here]

His voice suddenly echoed in the air.

No, it is better to say that it is directly reflected in the heart rather than "echoing".

Along with his thoughts, the faint greed, vigilance, hesitation, and curiosity came together.

Everyone was suddenly stunned down.

The next moment, a new voice was heard:

[Fuck! What are those things? ! ]

That was the voice of the wanderer.

He was obviously frightened suddenly - the more he relied on the "risk-avoidance instinct", the more timid he became when facing unexpected shocks.

And his fear, along with the subsequent anger, shame and other thoughts, came together:

[What the hell... Is this, my idea? ]

[Mom, I don't want to die... What...? ]

The kitten's cry shook the earth and echoed loudly in the empty corridor.

But she opened her eyes wide, and the whole person was silent in an instant as if she had been disconnected.

In the continuous cursing of the wanderer, Baike was the first to react and took two steps back. The "heartfelt words" that kept echoing in the air suddenly disappeared.

And the wanderer and the kitten also realized this immediately, and the two of them almost rolled and crawled back. Retreating to a position further back than Baike.

"What is this...? "

Rogue said in doubt.

"...I understand."

Professor Bard's eyes suddenly lit up: "This is the way people communicated with each other in an era without writing...or when language was not yet popular!"


The "doll" who had been silent all the time suddenly spoke, and made a cold voice: "I saw something in the style of Atlantis on the road, but the main race of the Tower of Babel should be winged. Because the "Winged Sky Master" was promoted to the dream world from here..."

"I heard that animals of the same race have ways to recognize each other's will. But if there are multiple races here, then people seem to have no choice but to rely on this method to communicate..."

Encyclopedia pondered: "Because language was not yet popular at this time? Or in other words..."

"——This is the ancient [language]."

Evans looked forward and continued softly: "No barriers, no ambiguity, no need to learn, no need to understand... It returns to the most essential use of language: to convey information. In the most efficient way."

Professor Bud suddenly became excited: "If this is true——it means that the current archaeological discoveries may be the opposite!

"Perhaps when the second sun still existed, the Amber Age was not that language had not yet been invented or popularized. It was that 'language' had not yet been used for communication at this time! "

The ancient people of that era were not barbaric animals who could only hum.

The Atlanteans were able to develop the technology of star crystal people, and the Tower of Babel developed by the winged ones was able to develop so many ancient spells, one of which has been passed down to the present day and has developed into a profession. How could they be stupid beasts who couldn't even speak in ancient times?

Not to mention... the "beast" Tianshi at that time had not yet been born!

But people really can't understand why the second sun was killed by language and why people didn't use language to communicate before that.

"——It's because before the invention of 'language', people had something better to use. "

Evans said: "At that time... 'language' was not something used for communication at all. It was a mystery that pointed directly to the source of the river, a lost power of the Tao. So it can be used to kill the second sun! "

After that, the Tower of Babel collapsed and people scattered everywhere.

Having lost the ability to communicate, people used the inheritance they had received to communicate with each other.

It is also because people are used to connecting with each other's consciousness that the inheritance that has been scattered to various places is incomplete - originally they could always rely on others to complete it, but after the Tower of Babel was destroyed by lightning, they could no longer do so.

"--From then on, language gradually lost its mysterious elements, became more and more popular... and eventually became a "language" used for communication! "

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