Path of Medicine With a System

Five hundred and sixty-six 1 teacher, be careful

In the early years, like Zhang Fan's father and his generation, it is estimated that due to various factors back then, they believed in the idea of ​​a strong man. But in Zhang Fan's generation, this kind of concept gradually became less and less.

And Ouyang just happened to grow up in that era, and she is a complete believer in the concept of strongman.

The so-called good dog guards three families, and a good man guards one village. Whether it is work or life, the characters of their generation are very special.

To use a special Northwest dialect to describe it, it is "strange battle". Probably a little unreasonable.

Ouyang was still angry after scolding him, so he immediately reported the lawsuit to the phone of the top leader of the tea government.

"The doctors risked their lives and were threatened by others..." Ouyang's complaint was directly...

It's reasonable, let's be reasonable, there is no ideal way to find it, one sentence, the person who provoked the trouble did not expect to provoke such a difficult person.

It is estimated that the fire on his head is about to ignite now. After all, there are not many people who can argue with their superiors for their subordinates, let alone in such a place where there is a clear distinction between superiors and subordinates.


In the operating room, Zhang Fan and the others had already begun to remove the bleeding in the abdominal cavity, and the ripped stomach had appeared in front of their eyes.

At this time, the stomach is like a fish that has landed on the shore. The opening of the ulcer opens and closes with the muscles, and bubbles of blood mixed with gastric juice are still vomited.

To be honest, the stomach is the most beautiful of the large organs of human health if viewed from the aesthetic point of view of ordinary people.

There is a saying about this.

The brain tissue in the cranium, not much to say, is not very beautiful, it is like fat wrapped in plastic, it is white and greasy, like a disgusting middle-aged fat man, lying on the sofa.

Look carefully at the fat meat is still slowly wriggling, as if there are maggots moving in the fat meat.

The lungs were originally beautiful. Especially the lungs of infants and young children are pink and tender, just like a peach-colored cake.

But as long as he is a little older, if he takes another puff of cigarettes, this thing will not be seen directly.

It is directly moldy, a large egg-filled mooncake after a year, and the filling is still broken, revealing the damp and moldy side.

The dust inhaled by the lungs is subtly collected in the lung cells, faintly visible, intersecting gray, black and yellow!

The heart, which has the potential of being a little fresh meat, can be used as a perpetual motion machine. There are too many clearly visible large blood vessels attached to the surface of the body, and the blood vessels are covered with white and yellow fat pads to prevent them from being worn out.

Just like Hong Yinbao when he was young, he has muscles, but he also has a lot of fat.

As for the liver, how should I put it, the appearance of a healthy liver can be ranked second. The wine-red body is still quite beautiful, but it is a bit effeminate, and it feels a little soft and brittle.

The kidneys were not bad at first, but with the adrenal glands on their heads, they directly became the head of a little novice monk, like the head of the Tathagata Buddha in Journey to the West, or the head of Asanyi who was covered. Sample.

Pancreas, this stuff is out of the question, not to mention white and greasy, the surface of the body seems to have grids.

If there is no grid, it can be said that it has the image of wealth, but with the grid, the picture will be destroyed.

It's just a pair of thick, white thighs, and a pair of white grid stockings are worn in a twitch, which can directly quench a man's desire.

Not to mention the large and small intestines, its appearance cannot be seen directly, not to mention the blood vessels hanging all over the body, there are various red, yellow, blue, purple and blue in the body, it depends on what color of food you eat.

It is like a fat child in the rebellious period, with a big and thick gold chain that looks like it has faded, and it is also painted with colorful makeup.

The bladder is just an irregular ball, that’s all there is to it, but there are ureters extending from the kidneys hanging on the left and right ends of the ball, and there are...

It was directly a Teletubbies drooling and sticking out its tongue. It was not cute at all, but a little more wretched.

As for male and female genitalia, let’s not talk about it.

One talk is XXX!

The real beauty is the stomach. He was wearing a light white and slightly beige suit on the outside. Under the suit were strong muscles, and the blood vessels were oppressed by the muscles and glowed a faint red.

It's really like a strong man who looks thin when he wears clothes and has flesh when he takes off his clothes.

But if the stomach is rotten, it will not look good, and it will directly become a salted fish, or a half-dead salted fish that has been dried in a dry pond.

From the opened mouth, one or two vegetable leaves stained with blood and with viscous liquid spit out from time to time, just like spinach with sticky phlegm.

Moreover, fresh blood kept growing on the stomach wall of the opening, as if the faucet was washing the vegetable leaves stained with phlegm, the blood was disgusting.

However, today's nausea did not make the surgeon feel uncomfortable, because HIV is like a kitchen knife hanging above the head, fear overwhelms all physical discomfort.

Human feelings are actually a bullying thing. When facing life and death, the brain directly blocks the feedback from the sensory organs, and strives to survive wholeheartedly.

After entering the stomach and clearing the digestive juices and things in the abdominal cavity, Zhang Fan said to Lao Song and Ma Yichen, "I will sew, I will tie the knot, and I will cut the thread. You pull the hook."

"Okay!" Lao Song nodded.

"Teacher, you must be careful!" Ma Yichen said nervously to Zhang Fan.

To be honest, people, who is not good at saving face, Zhang Fan is only half a year older than Ma Yichen, and Ma Yichen is still a master. Sometimes, young people's face is too difficult to take down.

Although he admired Zhang Fan's skills very much, but at the same age, he was really embarrassed to call him a teacher.

This is the roughness of the technical dog. When the word teacher invades all walks of life, the last thing people who engage in technology are actually willing to call the teacher is.

It's not that they are not polite, but that they value this word too much. This word is not simply shouted out, but a noble word for preaching and receiving karma to solve doubts.

But now, when facing danger, Ma Yichen became nervous. He put aside all his embarrassments and concerns, and called out to Teacher Zhang Fan from the bottom of his heart.

To say "teacher" is not to submit but to respect. People who are hard-hearted in their bones don't speak easily, and they don't easily make mistakes when they open their mouths.

Zhang Fan smiled and stared at Ma Yichen. Although he never said that he would accept Ma Yichen as his apprentice, Zhang Fan's heart was warmed by this genuine concern.

If everyone was like this, it would be easier.

"Don't worry, it's okay! I will be careful."

Ordinary surgery is the work of the chief surgeon and assistants. The chief surgeon sutures, the assistants tie the knots, the second assistant cuts the thread when needed, and the instrument nurse threades the needle and passes the needle.

When the needle comes out, the knot must be tied, and the connection must be fast.

Of course, in a hurry, when you are careful, you may get stuck by a suture needle for various reasons.

In order to avoid this danger, Zhang Fan directly took the risk himself.

This is not because Zhang Fan is more noble, but this is an unwritten rule in the medical industry.

When encountering more dangerous operations and requiring risks, experienced doctors often go first.

There is no such stipulation in the laws and regulations in the industry, but the doctors in Huaguo abide by their precepts and deeds.

The suturing of ulcers is not the same as that of other wounds. Its suturing is a bit like extrusion suture.

To put it simply, for example, there is a hole in a piece of paper, and the place where the needle is inserted should be about one or two centimeters away from the hole.

And the knots are not tied at the same time. For example, if the opening requires five stitches, then the thread ends are passed through the openings on both sides, and the threads are left at both ends.

The corrosion of hydrochloric acid is actually a simple dehydration. First, all the water in the body is removed, and then this reaction brings huge heat.

Therefore, the surrounding area of ​​this kind of perforation is actually a bit carbonized and hardened. If it is closed by extrusion alone, it is estimated that it will not heal.

So when the suture thread passed through, the greater omentum was pulled over and stuffed in the incision, just like a greasy rag, to seal the wound first.

The greater omentum has a rich blood supply, and it will allow the wound to absorb and heal the wound over time.

This kind of suture is very particular, because after the perforation, the body tissue is very fragile, if you don't pay attention to the strength, it may cause a gap.

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