Path of Medicine With a System

Five hundred and sixty-eight nao don't!

In summer, the summer of tea is really a good place. After the scorching sun during the day, there will often be a heavy rain at night, followed by three or four days of neither hot nor cold, nor dry weather. There is no place like this in the west of Huaguo.

Shao Hua, who was planning to make a plane, heard that the airport in Su province was about 70 to 80 kilometers away from the city, so he directly chose the train.

The suitcase is too big, and the girl thinks it's better not to cause too much trouble to others.

In the early morning, Zhang Fan drove the Kuluze to send Shao Hua to take the train. Along the way, Zhang Fan didn't stop giving instructions.

"I bought you a soft sleeper. If you don't want to eat instant noodles, go to the dining car to eat them. Don't eat their rice. It's too hard. Your stomach probably can't stand it.

Acetaminophen, montmorillonite powder, and loratadine are all in the small bag on the side of the suitcase. You know how to use them. Be careful not to sleep in front of the air conditioner at night.

When you arrive at Suxing Station, Jing Shu will probably be home, and she will pick you up, so don't wander around, and call her when you get into the station right away.

Keep some change with you..."

Zhang Fan babbled and exhorted him, and let him list everything he could think of in order and explain it to Shao Hua.

Shao Hua didn't think Zhang Fan was annoying, but flashed her big watery eyes, and the depths of her eyes were a little narrow. She listened quietly, looked at the man driving the car quietly, and looked at the man who would accompany her for the rest of her life. man.

Since the relationship, it seems that I have been taking care of this man who is sometimes careless and sometimes feels too shrewd.

For this kind of nagging instructions, it is like the morning sun scattered in front of the car window, shining on the body, it is the warmth from the outside and the inside.

The careless and careless man suddenly became so careful, so worried, so uneasy.

She was suddenly very moved. Slowly, she leaned gently on Zhang Fan's shoulder. Fortunately, the train station was very close!

Shao Hua listened quietly, closing his eyes gently! "This is happiness, I hope it will be forever." She whispered softly.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Fan couldn't hear clearly, Shao Hua's voice was too soft.

"I said I love you!" Shao Hua raised his head slowly, opened his eyes, and stared at Zhang Fan with bright eyes.

The long eyelashes flickered, like a small brush, scrubbing her big eyes like black pearls.

"Be careful on the road!" Shao Hua was moved by the difference between men and women, but Zhang Fan was still worried.

"Well! I will definitely listen to you, don't worry."

Shao Hua was a little bit annoyed by this ignorant wood, but at this moment, she was like a good baby, comforting this agitated man very gently.

Do not refute or question, but listen quietly.

This is the performance of Shao Hua's high EQ and high IQ. Women don't need to share the suffering and pressure in the man's world. In the world of testosterone, he must be released instead of trying to suppress it, otherwise the wolf will become a dick.

In fact, a man is a child who will never grow up. Sometimes a woman's gentleness is his deadliest weapon, just like when a boy grows up, he will always be bullied by his father, but submissive to his mother.

Zhang Fan pulled the suitcase and sent Shao Hua into the carriage. Originally, the train station didn't sell standing tickets, but Zhang Fan was lucky. The conductor was one of Zhang Fan's patients, so he took Zhang Fan into the station directly.

"Go back! Chief, I will firmly carry out your orders." Shao Hua said mischievously.

He added: "And I will bring my uncles and aunts back safely."

After finishing speaking, Shao Hua gently kissed Zhang Fan's lips.

Looking at the train carrying Yi Ren away, Zhang Fan was stunned for a long time. My mind went blank, I didn't know what to think about.

After thanking the former patient, Zhang Fan drove to work by car.

And Shao Hua on the train received a call from her best friend Jia Suyue at this time.

"Hua Zi, have you got in the car? Be careful on the road, don't talk to strangers, don't... I heard that there are a lot of women abducted and trafficked in Su Province.

you must……"

"Ugh! God!" Shao Hua collapsed. "Zhang Fan talked all the way this morning, and my ears are buzzing now!"

"Haha, Zhang Fan? He still has this skill? Why is it buzzing!"

Jia Suyue's nature of gossip came out.

"I just realized that in his eyes, I'm just a three-year-old child. You should pay attention to this, and you should be careful about that. Even all kinds of medicines are prepared!

Where am I going to his hometown? It seems like I am going to Afghanistan (a) to start a war with America! "

Finally someone listened to Shao Hua's complaints, and complained suddenly, well, she is comfortable.

But here, Jia Su felt a little uncomfortable the more he listened. He didn't know why he felt uncomfortable. Could it be that he was angry when he got up?

After hanging up the phone, Jia Suyue looked at the roof, "Prince? Hero? Fairy tale?" She was a little confused.

Whether Huaguo has developed and progressed may not be felt in the past, as if the days are just day after day.

But it can be done from traveling, Huaguo is moving forward. When Zhang Fan entered the frontier two years ago, any bus, any road, from Niaoshi to Chasu, if it wasn't for the good quality of the kidneys, would have been bumped away.

Moreover, the train from Niaoshi to Lanshi takes twenty-five or six hours, but two days later, it only takes thirty hours from Chasu to Lanshi, and it is still a direct train.

There is no need to be like Zhang Fan, who made a train into a bus, a bus into a line car, and a long-distance bus in summer. Which taste is too sour and refreshing, and Zhang Fan will never forget it for the rest of his life.

Jing Shu from Lanshi arrived at home a day earlier than Shao Hua. The little girl's one-year college life has long since faded away from the naive attitude of a high school student, and she has become a big girl.

"Throw this away, and don't keep any of them! Mom, which coffee table of yours should you find a waste collector to take it away? It's estimated that it will be paid for by others. Do you still want to sell it for money?"

Jing Shu is more ambitious than Zhang Fan in life. After she went home and rested for a day, she began to seize the power of the family and started drastic reforms.

The coffee table at home is made of old-fashioned brown glass, one of the four legs is already lame, and there is tape on the surface of the coffee table, which should have been eliminated long ago.

On the first day Jingshu came home, her parents were happy, and they circled around this former little girl. I can't wait to look at it all the time, I can't pull it out of my eyes.

But the next day, the old couple didn't feel this way anymore, Shao Hua's mother muttered: "Why is this university so unreliable, the holiday is so early!"

But Zhang Fan's father is much better. Although I also feel that Jingshu is a bit...

But he just likes his little padded jacket, he knows pain and heat. "It's okay, listen to Jingshu, my daughter can go to a university in Shanghai, how can she be a person with great ability."

For the old man, Zhang Fan's school can barely be seen, and it can be regarded as a means of earning a living in the future.

And the girl's university has been his biggest bragging rights in the past year, and he can't wait to tell everyone that if he meets a student who is about to take the college entrance examination at home, well, he must give pointers.

With Jingshu's participation, the cleaning of the house was carried out very quickly. The old couple were reluctant to let go, and they probably couldn't clean it up in a year alone.

"Mother! Nao (meaning) don't want this furniture of yours." The scrap collector wearing a white hat said to Zhang Fan's mother while looking at the old furniture at home.

"Look at these furniture, they are all made of real wood, 300 is not much! They spent a lot of money back then." This is the third person to collect waste products. Shao Hua's mother couldn't help it.

"Nao, don't!" The young man shook his head shrewdly as he looked at the old, weak, sick and disabled at home.

Although there is an elevator, these furniture are useless against the few people in the house, so he shook his head resolutely.




"I don't want money anymore, okay, you can move away!" Zhang Fan's mother didn't have the energy to fight the hawker anymore.

"Nao don't, I can't move my back!" The young man continued to shake his head.

"God, what do you mean, you want me to give you money?"

Jing Shu really hit the mark, that's what the young man thought.

In the end, I gave the peddler fifty yuan, but he was still unwilling to move it, "Mother, this piece of furniture of yours is just chopping wood and lighting a fire. If it weren't for my kindness, this money is not enough for me to eat hard! "

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