Path of Medicine With a System

Six hundred and fifteen neat

Zhang Fan's car took the lead, followed by a row of trucks with red number plates and cheetahs, and the searchlights opened the way. How shocking and shocking it is.

The temperament of the army, to be honest, sometimes it is definitely not comparable to that of a private car team. Even a team of sports cars is definitely not as shocking as this team, but this kind of shock is a shock that makes people tremble with enthusiasm.

When the convoy reached the border of Quake County, the traffic police team specially dispatched by the county party committee also joined in. They were honking their sirens, but when they saw the convoy from the city driving quietly, they turned off their sirens.

The mounted police led the way and ran directly to the accident site. When Zhang Fan arrived at the accident point, to be honest, this kind of situation, not to mention encountering it, is probably unimaginable for ordinary people in the industry.

The wind, the wind in Huaguo, there are typhoons in the south, and the typhoon season is probably the happiest day for elementary school students, because they don't have to go to class.

The northwest wind is a black wind. When it blows, you can say that you can’t see your fingers. It can also fill your nostrils and respiratory tract with sand. It is not an exaggeration at all. When the wind is strong, the train will still blow you over.

This is the northwest of Huaguo, but there is less wind on the Chasu side, and with the hot summer weather, the snow line on the top of the mountain is even less windy.

The accident happened in a mountain depression, built against the mountain. When Zhang Fan and the others got out of the car, no one had seen it yet, and the smell rushed over.

At this time, Zhang Fan and the others really hoped for a refreshing and refreshing gale, but unfortunately they didn't.

Sour, smelly, plus the heat in the mountain depression, the moment the car door is opened, this smell is like poison that seals the throat, which can directly make people breathe and automatically close it instantly.

It's so smelly, it's like a sauna room full of top-quality stinky tofu, sour and smelly, mixed with humid air, as if a layer of mask was stained with drunken vomit, it just slapped and smacked people same face.

Doctors, especially those in the gastroenterology department, dealt with stool too many times on weekdays, and they were all trained. As a result, in this mountain depression, several female doctors were vomited by this sour feeling.

Ouyang's face was livid and livid, and Ouyang at this moment was even more unreasonable. Seeing that Ouyang was about to lose his temper, Zhang Fan hurriedly said, "Principal, hurry up and give an order, the smell is so strong, I think it's enough to be dragged by people."

"En!" Ouyang nodded, then opened Zhang Fan's driver's seat and began to honk. For a moment, the horn sounded like a horn, and the people who were wiping the corners of their mouths and enduring their nausea began to gather.

With the arrival of the urban team, the emergency doctor of Quark County who came to the scene first,

Hurry up to report the situation. "The patients are all behind the second floor of the small building! We have too few people to transfer them."

"Lead the way!" Ouyang didn't say much.

Armed police soldiers helped nurses and doctors carry medicines and stretchers, and began to run to the back of the building.

When everyone ran to the back of the building, the scene was really beyond words. The searchlights of the armed police shone in the past.

The first thing I saw was a maze-like stool array!

The wasteland was originally overgrown with weeds. After the building was built, there was a cement border about one meter wide along the side of the building.

People with stomachaches are right on the edge of this cement, like a yellow chicken cake, full of golden stools on the edge of the cement.

At the very beginning, the stools seem to be arranged regularly, with a wide distance. As the distance goes further, the distance becomes narrower, and the stool becomes less formed.

It was originally shaped like an egg tart, and it gradually turned into a thin paste, which became thinner and thinner, until it was almost like chicken droppings.

It is estimated that the situation was too urgent, some people did not pay attention to their feet, and some even had human footprints on their stools.

Someone was definitely in too much of a hurry to put on their shoes, five toes on the concrete, it was so obvious.

At this time, the workers were also divided into several groups. Those with strong resistance eat less, and can sit on the stairs with their stomachs covered. Although he looked sluggish, he was finally able to stand up.

What's more, although I can't reach the stairs, I still sit, even though there is stool around me.

The heaviest group was lying directly near the poop. This gang is the most indescribable.

Originally it was midsummer, so I didn't wear much. A white sweater and big pants were the standard equipment. But at this time, where can I still see the original color.

The chewed green fibers of beans that have not yet been digested, coupled with the yellow soup hanging on the body, are directly like Shrek looking for maggots in some pits.

With a "click", Ouyang turned on the loudspeaker.

Some people, to be honest, it's a pity that they were born in peaceful times. For example, Ouyang, in such a disgusting scene, Ouyang looks like an iron man without any discomfort.

The more nervous, the more dangerous, and the more serious the situation, the calmer a person like Ouyang would be. It is estimated that her adrenaline secretion is more than others.

But Zhang Fan couldn't do it, because Shao Hua and the others weren't there at night, Zhang Fan was lazy, so he ate a few mouthfuls of steamed buns with yellow tomatoes.

At this time, the searchlights of the armed police were shining very clearly again, and I felt nauseated, and the tomato kept wanting to come out to see the world in my throat.

"Move the patient away from the scene first! Quickly, the stretcher is not enough to carry it directly. This is not a trauma, it can be lifted or moved, first move the patient away from here, and move it to the basketball court in front of the dormitory building! Quick!"

As Ouyang was talking, he was about to go in!

How could Zhang Fan let the old lady in. He endured the nausea and grabbed Ouyang's arm to prevent her from entering, "Don't go, it's just a case of food poisoning, and if you go in, it's just a lift, I'll just go!"

"Well! Then you go." Ouyang was right when he thought about it.

Zhang Fan led several doctors from the emergency department and armed police soldiers directly into the innermost part.

When Zhang Fan saw a fat man, he couldn't hold it back. Not only he couldn't hold back, but maybe everyone had been holding it in for a long time. They couldn't help it anymore. Several people who saw the fat man vomited at the same time.

This fat man is the cook. When he was cooking, he tasted it while cooking. When this stuff was raw, it was most poisonous.

Moreover, after cooking, the fat man saw that everyone was happy to eat, and he was also happy, so he joined in and ate more. Therefore, the more he eats, the more toxic he is.

Of course, Zhang Fan and the others didn't know that this person belonged to the chef.

What Zhang Fan and the others saw was a mermaid, a yellow-green mermaid.

Between the fat legs, the yellow-green soup has long been glued together, along the thighs, the liquid mucus flowing from the buttocks, where it is stained, it can be seen that it is the legs and feet. Only on the edges of the thighs can the flesh color be seen, just like white fish scales!

In addition, when he had a stomachache, he struggled, and his body, face, and hair really didn't need makeup! Pull it out to be a mermaid!

Because of dehydration, he was already a little unconscious. His thirsty mouth opened and closed involuntarily beside the dung water, like a fish jumping ashore.

"Move! Move!" Zhang Fan, who vomited a few mouthfuls, got a little better, and then took the lead to lift the fat man out, suppressing the discomfort in his stomach.

To be honest, when a disaster occurs, when the doctor comes in, the surroundings are either crying, moaning in pain, or being very serious.

However, today's scene is really like a gathering place for drunks. Doctors carry patients with weak legs, but also pay attention to the yellow landmines under their feet.

Therefore, when walking, it seemed to shake and sway, as if two drunks were supporting a drunker drunker.

In addition, the two people who helped people sometimes hiccupped, vomited, vomited!

It's really like hundreds of people getting drunk and rolling in the yellow mud pit together!

Amid the hiccups, more than 300 people were finally moved out of the scene. On the concrete basketball court, on the white field, it was neatly placed together like countless yellow stamps rubbing, or fried half-baked fritters.

Smooth road to medicine

Smooth road to medicine

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