Path of Medicine With a System

Six hundred and twenty change positions! Sir, I'm starting to get sore

If the orthopedic surgery is compared to gongs and drums, then the general surgery is full of fanfare.

In short, these operations require many people to participate, and many surgical items need to be prepared.

If you encounter a more difficult operation with higher technical requirements, in a regional hospital, the whole hospital will directly cooperate.

Therefore, the directors of hospitals, especially the directors of top-tier hospitals, often come from these two departments.

Because, the concept they left for patients or leaders is that Dr. xx is performing surgery! Moreover, it was a major operation, and the blood transfusion cost almost several kilograms!

People always think that this is surgery, and the doctors who perform this kind of surgery are experts.

Outside the brain is different. Don't dare to publicize before the operation, just like a mouse marrying a daughter, so silent.

There are too many accidents outside the brain, just like a fisherman fishing, he would rather promise you a pig than a fish before going to sea, because there are too many uncertain factors.

I dare not publicize it before the operation, and even less so after the operation. Surgery outside the brain will have some sequelae.

According to common people's understanding, shouldn't surgery completely cure the disease? As a result, after the operation, his mouth was crooked and he walked with a limp. Do you still have the face to publicize?

Therefore, surgery outside the brain does not have the same immediate effect as orthopedics or general surgery, so it is not well understood by ordinary people.

Of course, head replacement surgery, which is relatively black technology, is noisy, no matter how the effect of the operation is, it can't be overcome with just one ethics. If this operation is really used in the clinic in the future, it is hard for anyone to say whether it will bring certain social dangers. An organ transplant is a lesson from the past...

Zhang Fan and Xue Xiaoqiao entered the operating room, and the girl with rosacea had already been sent to the operating room.

The girl was not a few years younger than Zhang Fan. When she was sent to the operating room, she saw doctors and nurses around them, all armed and indifferent, busy with their own affairs.

The girl was involuntarily frightened. Although he didn't tremble, his heart was hanging.

What kind of state is this? It's very simple. For example, when you are flying a plane for the first time, you encounter bumps.

Most people will definitely be nervous, with their hearts raised in their throats, that feeling that their lives cannot be controlled by themselves.

When lying on the operating table, in fact,

The feeling that this kind of life cannot be controlled by oneself is very clear, and it really makes people panic to death.

When I meet the busy and indifferent doctors and nurses in the operating room, this feeling of uneasiness will be even stronger.

This is why in recent years, preoperative care for patients has been vigorously advocated. In fact, this is a castle in the air. Dozens of operations are performed a day. If you are not an acquaintance, who has the time to say a few warm words to patients?

When the girl saw Zhang Fan entering the operating room, she immediately looked at Zhang Fan with a begging look, as if a lost child suddenly saw the neighbor's uncle.

"It's okay, the operation will be quick, and you'll be fine once you wake up." Zhang Fan couldn't bear to look at the other person's uneasy look.

The girl's uneasy look is too uncomfortable. There was an inexplicable flattering forced smile on the normal side of the face, while the other half of the face was like dead wood. Under the shadowless operation lamp, the white flakes on the face were particularly clear. Like a snake shedding its skin.

"Doctor Zhang, I'm sorry to trouble you!" The girl finally said a word when she was lying down before the operation.

"En! Don't worry." Zhang Fan nodded.

Anesthesia, although general anesthesia is more dangerous, but to be honest, for patients, this kind of anesthesia is the most humane way of anesthesia.

For example, some non-general anesthesia operations such as spinal anesthesia are very scary.

Because the spinal cord is anesthetized through the waist, the patient needs to do some postures before anesthesia.

The simplest one is to bend your knees and wrap them together like a big shrimp, revealing the bulge of your waist to the doctor. Then, listening to the anesthesiologist shout loudly: Is it numb? Say! It's not numb here! Hot or not!

Really, sometimes, when lying on the operating table, patients feel like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Sometimes, the tone, the tone, please be a little gentler, really, no matter how tired you are, no matter how numb you are, after all, we are all of the same kind!

General anesthesia is very simple. At the beginning, there is no need for intravenous injections, and it is not painful at all.

The anesthesiologist is Xiao Guo. After all, Zhang Fan is the leader of the hospital. As long as Zhang Fan wants to undergo surgery, the anesthesiologist will either be the director of anesthesiology or send the best anesthesiologist to assist. This is an unwritten rule.

"Come on, take a breath of oxygen!" Xiao Guo's tone was gentler.

Sometimes, regardless of gender, it is very strange that most male doctors are more polite when they meet the opposite sex, while most female doctors are more polite when they meet the same sex.

If the male doctor is barking, then maybe his tone is more polite.

This is Freud's subconscious, this guy, to be honest, many theories are mysterious and mysterious, as if they are nonsense.

However, his old man's definition of sex and desire is really classic.

The anesthesia drug was atomized, just like the breathing mask that everyone sees on weekdays. When it was placed on the girl's face, the girl fell asleep in an instant.

"Zhang Yuan, the anesthesia is ready!" Xiao Guo didn't dare to look at Zhang Fan, he was still hesitating, so he was a little embarrassed to face Zhang Fan.

At the beginning of the operation, disinfection, and equipment, the director of the brain is now completely willing to do chores. After all, the brain is fighting for the stability and proficiency of a hand.

He also knows that if the ceiling of his surgical skills wants to be improved, there is probably not much hope. Time will not lie, so he also wants to see where Xue Xiaoqiao and Zhang Yuan can go under his hands.

When it was cut open, the sharp blade cut across the stiff skin, like cutting straw paper, without any sense of hierarchy at all.

For normal skin, experienced doctors can feel it under their hands when they are cut with a knife.

For the first time, the dermis is like a slightly chewy pork head cut and stewed, with a little resistance and a tearing feeling in the elastic drag.

When the second layer enters the muscle, it is like cutting skin jelly, with a hint of toughness in the softness.

And this girl's face, with a knife, is like inserting the sole of a temperate person's leather shoes. It has resistance, but there is no sense of layering. The whole layer feels like the same straw paper, without any sense of lubrication.

"Very dry!" Zhang Fan said without thinking.

However, both Xue Xiaoqiao and Lao Li, who was out of his mind, understood Zhang Fan's meaning. Of course, some Wang Wangwang probably had to make up his mind.

"There's something wrong with the nerves, and the blood supply to the face probably has something wrong." Lao Li followed Zhang Fan's words while dipping the overflowing blood drops with gauze.

Almost all human nerves are out of shape along with blood supply. The two seem to have nothing to do with each other, you go your way, I go my bridge.

In fact, the nerves are nourished by the fluid leaking from the blood vessels, and the nerves also secrete substances to affect the blood vessels.

If there is a problem with the accompanying nerve, then after a long time, the blood vessels holding hands with it will definitely have various problems slowly, and vice versa.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan stabbed the girl's face, he felt very bad.

Facial surgery is very particular, face-saving, the most direct, first of all, the doctor of facial surgery will try to avoid leaving scars as much as possible, and even if they want to leave scars, they will choose a hidden place.

For example, behind the ears and in the groove of the chin.

Zhang Fan cut the knife and separated it little by little. It was quite troublesome to separate the stiff skin and muscles.

To make a simple analogy, it is like a person wearing normal clothes, no matter how thick she or he is wearing, no matter how many thick down jackets or big sweaters he is wearing, if he meets a master, he can solve it with one hand. It also won't wrinkle clothes.

And this kind of stiff tissue is like a heavy rain soaking the whole body, and then the clothes are layered on top of each other, and it is difficult to take off the layers clearly.

Zhang Fan dissected bit by bit. After the stiff tissue opened the skin, the color inside was not as beautiful as normal tissue.

Normal tissue, as long as it is opened according to the layers, layer by layer, layer by layer is distinct, layer by layer is different, and layer by layer has different colors.

White fascia. Pink and slightly trembling muscles, like...

And this patient's face, after Zhang Fan opened it, gave him the feeling of an old pimp.

It's like suddenly opening the fitting room and seeing an aunt wearing dark red lipstick, heavy makeup and smoking a cigarette changing clothes. The aunt is not nervous at all, or she will ask curiously, let's change together?

This patient's facial muscles felt like this. Zhang Fan's surgical forceps lost the sense of ease and smoothness they used to have, which was very awkward.

Zhang Fan felt awkward, but Xue Xiaoqiao and Lao Li felt different.

"A master, really a master!" Xue Xiaoqiao looked at Zhang Fan's operation, drooling with envy.

I saw Zhang Fan's knife, in the originally stiff tissue, just like Zhao Zilong, fighting in and out without a trace of sloppy, the knife was gone, and the originally adhered tissue was like a thousand sheets of tofu, slowly being absorbed The boiling water scalded the flowers.

Lao Li looked at Zhang Fan's operation, and kept sighing in his heart, "I've improved so fast, maybe this is talent!" Last year, Zhang Fan did not have such a swaying feeling when he had surgery, but now, he just Like a master, there is no trick in mind, there is no sense of restraint!

Undoing it was like untying the clothes on the face. Although it was difficult, Zhang Fan was still very serious and carefully untied the clothes on the girl's face.

Surgery, especially this kind of surgery related to appearance, at the initial stage, patients may not care much about the scar on the face, but when the disease slowly recovers, the scar will become a permanent pain in the patient's heart.

Therefore, when the blade is inserted into the skin, there is no way for the doctor to turn back. Even a god can't return the opened skin to its original state. Therefore, when customizing the surgical plan, various reasons must be considered, no matter how complicated it is. One point, compared to the patient's life, it is nothing.

Open the stiff skin and finally see the nerve. Nerves, after being microscopically enlarged, are like segmental, but they are still not intuitive. It is difficult for laymen to understand through text descriptions.

In fact, to be simpler, when everyone was a child, especially when they grew up in the countryside, they probably had a good summer.

In summer evenings, especially midsummer evenings, frogs and toads mate and lay eggs amidst the sound of neighing.

The female frog then carries the male frog around to lay eggs. And this egg is actually very similar to human nerves.

When the nerves come out of the brain or spinal cord, they are really like these frog eggs.

The naughty boy may have looked carefully when he picked it up with a stick.

The frog eggs are sticky, like long transparent vermicelli stained with drunken saliva, and there are regular black spots in these transparent vermicelli, and there is a black spot in a section.

If you turn this black spot into white, or a little beige, then this thing is really no different from an enlarged nerve.

The purpose of Zhang Fan's current operation is to remove the staged black substance of the lesion from this long transparent vermicelli, and it cannot destroy the vermicelli as a whole.

If the vermicelli is placed on the panel, maybe some housewives with better knife skills can do this for you.

But if you shrink this vermicelli dozens of times, and then bury it in an uncooked and complete pig's head, and let her do it without destroying the pig's head, she may smash your face.

This is Zhang Fan's difficulty. First of all, the skin incision should be as small as possible, and it is a long-distance battle.

Just like opening the incision at the back and lower part of the ear, first use surgical forceps to slowly open a channel separated from the skin and muscle, and then insert it, and then insert it.

The long pliers penetrated into the affected area as if directly inserted into the flesh, and then turned to enter the muscle layer. Therefore, this operation is difficult and awkward.

To be honest, among all surgeries, the most comfortable surgeries for doctors are nothing more than orthopedics and dentistry.

Especially in orthopedics, if you can’t do it, you can use electric drills and hammers. It’s not an exaggeration at all, and sometimes, orthopedic surgeons can still perform operations in high chairs like in a cafe, that is, without a cup of coffee.

But the operation outside the gods is different. There are many positions, and patients cannot cooperate.

Especially for patients under general anesthesia, what happens if the patient dies in some special positions before the operation is completed? asphyxia!

Especially the fairy water that has been imported from abroad in the past few years. When the girl drank it, she immediately snored and fell into a coma, because this thing is actually an anesthetic.

I won't talk about other things. If one is not careful, the other party throws it curled up. It doesn't matter whether the mobile phone is lost or not. No one will laugh at you if you don’t drink that sip!

There is no way to fiddle with the patient's position, so only the doctor will cooperate.

Zhang Fan and Xue Xiaoqiao were slightly bowed, and both of them were wearing microscopes. If they were in another place, they would really look like two wretched men peeking at the door.

It's funny to say, but the bitterness in it, really, who knows who does it.

Xiaoxue finally won his girlfriend with a toothpick, so he was a little young and ignorant, and he was a little bit troubled recently.

Ten minutes, half an hour, Xiaoxue's waist was a little unbearable, forever in the same position, the waist muscles began to protest, "Fool! I'm sore, change quickly!"

When he really couldn't hold on, and wanted to secretly adjust and change his position slightly, Zhang Fan became unhappy.

"Hold on! That's it. Going in soon!"

Xue Xiaoqiao gritted his teeth, tears were about to come down.

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