Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 535: Methodical

The conversation between Heliga and Olibat was interrupted by a rush of hurried footsteps.

In the leisurely campus life, encountering such a situation, it is also a bit beyond Hailiga's expectations. He cut off the communicator almost in a hurry—then he saw one of the duo running in stride and often working together at school: Gaius and Eliot.

It seems that after a long period of high-intensity activities, Elliott, who is not physically fit, is already a little out of breath. On the other hand, Gaius, who was born in the Nord Plateau tribe and had martial arts and endurance training since he was a child, is still a breezy appearance.

"You are here." Gaius looked surprised, obviously not expecting, "Li En and the others couldn't contact you just now..."

"I happened to be talking with someone just now." Heliga curled his lips, thinking that there was no such coincidence. I was just chatting on my side, and something happened to him, "What's wrong?"

"...Li En's sister seems to be lost in school." She curled her lips, although she noticed that Heliga's potential line was "Apart from among us, we also had "ARCUS"", but because it was not an urgent matter, she was funny Without asking too much, Gaius said succinctly: "We are helping to find it. "

"His sister... is the one who attended the "St. Astraea Women's College"? "Heliga was very impressed with this," she came here to find her brother? But something is missing...a sixteen-year-old, it shouldn't be. "

"The two brothers and sisters had a fierce seemed to be about the title...inheritance or something." Eliot explained, "then Miss Elysée ran away alone."

"Ah...understood." Heliga was able to roughly infer the answer based on the information he knew.

Li En himself was the adopted son that Baron Shu Huaze picked up a long time ago. Because of the adoption of Li En, Baron Shu Huaze, who was originally regarded as the darling of the aristocratic society, could not bear all kinds of rumors, and retired from the social world and lived alone in Yumir, a hot spring town.

But even so, he was still an orthodox imperial nobleman—and Elysée was undoubtedly their biological daughter.

According to imperial law, Li En, an adopted son of unknown origin, was not qualified to inherit Shu Huaze's family business. Even the later revised law requires that the adoptee must have the same imperial aristocratic ancestry. Obviously, Li En has been regarded as a figure of unknown origin by everyone so far, and naturally he has no way to inherit the family business-although this It's just the legal restrictions on the surface, and the actual implementation does not depend on these factors.

However, with Lien’s character, it is very likely that he will feel a deep inferiority complex because of this, and thus alienate his family intentionally or unintentionally—but he doesn’t know it. In his opinion, he is sensible and considerate of the other party. The relatives who were treated seemed indeed a deep offense—obviously, this was the moment when the conflict broke out.

"Although this in itself is just a family conflict... Forget it, let me help." Whether it is in love or in reason, it is embarrassing if you refuse, "Is there anything else I haven't found? "

"Everyone has looked around in the school building and the main building. No one has seen her traces." Gaius shook his head.

"Li En said that Senior Sister Angelica had been searching outside the school on a steering locomotive... but there seemed to be no news." Elliott said, and then he looked at Heliga who seemed to be in a daze: "Heliga...what's wrong with you?"

Of course Heliga is not in a daze-he is using detection spells to find out if there are any fish slipping through the net in the corner of the building. Because it was just after school, there were still a considerable number of students staying on campus. These disturbances made Heliga's search for a while.

Of course, the search of other students did not miss out—Elysée was indeed not in this building. After getting along in the women's college before, Heilijia is quite confident about the fluctuations of Elysée's life.

"Nothing...Since she is not in the school...the area around the school should indeed be searched." Heliga said, "The warehouse behind the stadium...the pond behind the flowerbed, and the old school building...have you found these? ?"

"There is the head of the horticulture department in the pond. If she sees it, she should say it." Gaius was very focused during the search. He still remembered these details very clearly, highlighting a reassuring one. "Sports Warehouse Not there yet, so is the old school building..."

"Then look for another circle." Heliga clapped her hands, and you should continue to patrol here... I'll go find it a little bit.

"Okay." Gaius nodded, his physical strength is still very good, but Elliott is actually a little out of strength. Heliga obviously noticed this before saying so.


The foreman shook his head, proving that Elysée had never been to the warehouse.

The only possibility is the old school building.

As Heilijia ran to the old school building, she was surprised to find that someone had come first. Li En, who was full of eagerness, Crowe who looked a lot reliable, and Patrick who was confused and didn't understand the situation.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Li En's aggressive posture, while the stared Patrick gradually shrinks, Heliga asks strangely.

"I, I really just spoke a word to Miss Elysée!" In front of Li En's anger, Patrick has always been proud of the aristocratic demeanor he has never known where he went. Said timidly: "I tried to stop her, but..."

"Anyway, Li En, calm down... Let's go to the old school building now..." Crowe tried to persuade Li En, but at this moment, there was a loud noise inside the old school building, followed by the entire ground. The slight trembled.

"No..." Crowe exclaimed, and Li En, who was still holding Patrick's collar, had already ignored him, and plunged into the concealed door.

"...No way." Heliga and Crowe looked at each other. "Let's go and help."

"Then... what about me...?" Patrick was still in shock, "No matter what, I would make her cry and then..."

"Could you please inform the other class VII students?" Heliga said calmly, trying not to remind Patrick of the shadow he had repaired before. "There should be two of our classmates in the rest area of ​​the teaching building... You just need to find They then used "ARCUS" to bring them all together to the old school building. "

"I... I understand." Patrick swallowed, and the answer was firm. With that, he ran away quickly.

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