Path to Heaven

Chapter 170: Battle of attrition

"Not many! Don't inspire any magic symbols, attack with magic weapons that are not easy to damage!"

As Huang Tianya yelled, a golden scepter-like implement came out from the first ring of the golden ring. I saw a few gold rings on the head of this five-foot-long gold scepter. When excited, it collided together to form a circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye in the air, so shocked to fly in the first five or six heads. All the apes were stagnant.

The next twenty or so dashes of Huaguang hit the five or six flying apes without any pause, and beat all the five or six flying apes.

Like the previous flying fire bite ants, the remaining thirty or so flying apes almost immediately fell into rage. With a sharp whistle that could pierce the eardrum, all the tongues of fire suddenly came from these flying apes. Mouth shouted.

The fire tongues excited by the flying ape are all as thick as arms, and in the front two or three feet, they will be divided into seven bifurcations, which will be distorted like lightning.

The magic shields inspired by more than ten monks in the second rung all turned around, and the pot cover was generally suspended above the head, blocking the flying attack of the flying ape.

Between the flashes of green light on Huang Tianya's face, the yīn qi of the green and black hands spewed out again, and a ghost claw formed suddenly caught a flying ape in his hand. I saw the flying ape struggling desperately in the hands of ghosts. The firelight and the yīn of the green and black sè tumbling for a while, but it was still difficult to break free, and finally he was captured stiffly and fell to the ground.


With the two highly effective magic instruments, almost all of the forty flying apes were swept away by the group of monks in Sihaitang.

But there is no chance to breathe at all. A large shadow has been used from all directions.

"Golden Bee!"

"Wolf head bat!"

Golden beetle, fist-sized wasp-like monster, tertiary higher-order monster, strong and abnormal shell.

The wolf head bat, the fourth-level low-level wind monster, Wei Suo once got several heads.

The number of the two monsters used in this second large-scale mass add up to two hundred heads.

"One person, one ice system controls Fulu!" Huang Tianya changed his face, and immediately shouted again. With such a large number, if you do not use a large-scale containment weapon, your own protection shield may lose more than half.

More than ten monks in the middle immediately selected one from a pile of magic symbols in their hands and inspired them.

Ten times the power of Zhang Bing's spells overlapped, and a series of ice crystals immediately condensed in the air. Almost half of the golden bee bees and wolf head bats were frozen and stiff.

As Huang Tianya yelled, each magic weapon surged upwards, and the gust of wind swept the fallen leaves to remove the golden bee and wolf head bat.

"One person on the left has a thunder control spell!"

When the power of these ice spells was about to dissipate, with Huang Tianya's command, another five or six thunder spells were inspired, and they were covered with dense lightning nets above their heads.

The killing of monsters by a single monk and the killing of monsters by a team cannot be compared.

The two waves of spells and magic weapons were bombed down, and the second wave of golden bee bees and wolf head bats were almost completely cleared.

"Quick, the left is responsible for the ground, cast an earth spell to block the monsters! Release another fire spell attack. The right is responsible for the sky, and the ice control spell again!" But the faces of Huang Tianya and the rest of Sihaitang monks But it becomes more difficult to look.

Because the following monsters and monsters have been pouring in from all sides, and there are more than monsters in the air, and monsters on the ground are sweeping over like cháo water.

The Sihaitang monks who had never seen such scenes at all, immediately followed Huang Tianya's command to desperately inspire Fu Mi.

With the enlightenment of the earthly spells, a circle of thick and thick earth walls, stone pillars, sharp stalagmites, and large pieces of quicksand were erected on the periphery of this circle of monks.

Above the top of the head, one side of the shield was joined together, and the amazing cold air surged above, and the magic instruments that were not affected by the ice system's vitality continued to emerge from the cracks of the shield.

With the initiation of a number of fire spells, the surrounding thick and thick earth walls, stone pillars and other objects formed a barrier with a width of about 20 feet. A wall of fire, a series of fire pillars, and fire clouds Soon, the standard was in flames.

Most of the first monsters that had poured in were burned into a scorched black. More than twenty monks in the outer periphery, while desperately maintaining their aura of light, also began to constantly stimulate spells and magical instruments, bombarding the monsters in the sea of ​​fire.

Because the number and types of monsters are too many, some fire monsters are not afraid of this level of fire spells, and they are like crossing the fire.

However, because the monsters above level 5 in the sky dome itself are very rare, there are very few level 5 monsters among the monsters. The base of the monster that rushed over for a while was strangled in a barrier of more than twenty feet.

But there are too many monsters and monsters coming in. Almost a moment ago, the walls and houses of Gu Huaizhuang have been collapsed by the monsters, and most of them surrounded Gu Huaizhuang. At this point, Huang Tianya was no longer needed at all, and the monk responsible for the ground had to activate a magic symbol from time to time to avoid large holes in the outer barrier. The monk in charge of the sky must also constantly activate the spells and spells of large-scale control.

More than forty monks in the Four Seas Hall are at least the four-fold cultivation practice of the Shenhai Realm. The total number of talismans on the body is at least six or seven hundred. The hands of more than ten Zhou Tianjing monks are all thick. Stacked. However, under this situation, once every twenty or twenty times, once every twenty or twenty times, the consumption rate of the magic symbols is very alarming.

"Fire Gemstone!"

"Stone armor fangs!"

As a monk screamed, these two monsters appeared again in the swarm of monsters.

The fourth-level intermediate fire-eating gemstone lizard is a scale covered with rubies, which can swallow the flame of fire and compress and squirt a monster. The fourth-level low-level stone armor fangs have a shape similar to that of wild boars, but the earth's vitality on their bodies will continue to form thick rock armor on the surface, plus this monster has amazing strength and is on the ground. When rushing, it is often like a huge moving stone grinder one ~ the fastest.

I saw that as soon as these two kinds of monsters joined the siege, all the fire was swallowed quickly, and the stone armored fangs directly hit them in a barbaric situation. For almost a moment, the outer wall can be slightly blocked by the earth walls and stone pillars. Everything was broken apart by the bang.

"Don't excite the fire rune! Kill these stone armored fangs first!"

Huang Tianya screamed in horror, but also grabbed a white sè Fulu excited. I saw this rune was inspired, and a large area in front of the stone armored fangs that pushed forward along the way, all of them instantly produced a thick white ice blanket. For a time, these stone armored fangs Unsteady footing, one after another knocked over and bumped together.

The outer circle of monks also cast their own spells, bombarding these emerging fire-eating gemstone lizards and stone armor fangs.

"Stop! No more beasts came again!"

Suddenly, a monk screamed in surprise, and saw the forest in the distance stopped, and no monsters like cháo rushed out.

"My spells have run out!"

"Mine is gone!"

But after a while, a horrified voice cried again.

At an alarming rate of consumption, the spells and the consumption of xìng artifacts in the hands of a monk Zhou Tianjing were exhausted. At this time, the mountains in the distance did not have any new monsters, but within a few miles of Guhuaizhuang, they were all covered with monsters and beasts, which seemed to have thousands of heads.

"Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!"

It was just that a small and a half of the monks' hands had run out of spells and a wide range of firepower was controlled. All kinds of monsters had already rushed to the outermost monks and began a formal short-hand connection.

In just one face-to-face, the aura of two monks was smashed completely and screamed down.

"not good!"

At first glance, Huang Tianya screamed, but gathered the magic shield on top, like a turtle shell, just letting the monsters in the sky above impact, all the monks struggled to kill the monsters rushing around. .

Under such circumstances, as long as the iron barrel bursts, all the people are dead.

With all the spells exhausted, the attacking monsters can only rely on various magic tools. The monster's armor, claws, and magic powers that it stimulates can all impact various magic tools and shields.

Every dozens of Huaguang rushed out, while slashing a monster, there were always seven or eight pieces of magical instruments smashed or dropped to the ground.

The current situation is a complete consumption.

If the magic monsters and magic shields are exhausted, these monsters will be killed, and then the monks of Sihaitang will eventually win. When the magic instruments and magic shields have been exhausted, there are still a large number of monsters. Without killing, the end of the monks of Sihaitang will be very miserable.

"All their magic symbols have been used Seeing the obvious large-scale explosions and glorious disappearances in Guhuaizhuang, Wei Suo and others immediately understood how they came over. Going on.

At this time, from a distance, you can clearly see that there are often several offensive implements and shields that are hit by monsters and fall from the ground.

After about a few incense sticks, the offensive implements and shields were obviously damaged by more than half, but the peripheral monsters still have many appearances.


After a while, the entire ancient Huaizhuang village was full of various glory and prosperity, and all the monks began to desperately stimulate various powerful spells.

In Wei Suo's view, I am afraid that as long as one or two incense sticks, these ancient monks at Huai Zhuang will not be able to persevere completely. The present situation is just to return to the light, because the more powerful the technique, the more it consumes. True Yuan is more and more intense.

But to his surprise, after a period of full incense, all kinds of brilliance and roar did not seem to weaken much.

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