Path to Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 559: Mysterious countermeasure

"Want to explode Jindan? Then I have to agree."

When Weisuo directly killed the monks with eagle hook noses, a realistic breath appeared on the head of Jin Yao's real person, as if there was a destructive power, which was brewing. But Wei Suo didn't even blink his eyelids, stretched his hand a little, and then a few small light notes, shot from his fingertips, hit the real body of Jin Harrier.


The real harrier immediately screamed like a pig, and the dangerous breath from the top of his head disappeared without a trace, but his whole person was violently twitching, and a skin was on the surface. Tiny oil beads.

"How about, my method is called the blood-burning sky lantern, which is to ignite your blood and blood with black evil spirits, and then slowly boil your bones and meat, according to your cultivation, it should be able to support more than thirty God, you slowly boil everything in your body into oil, and then you will run out of oil and die." Wei Suo looked at the real person who screamed like a pig, "If you don't think so If you are addicted, I have some ways to make your consciousness feel many times more painful."

"Ah, you will regret it! I am gracious to Li freehand, he will definitely avenge me!"

"I won't let you go if I'm a ghost."

"I curse you, and I am tortured to death, and tortured for thousands of days!"


At first, Real Harrier screamed, roared, and cursed Wei Suo, but Wei Suo didn't say a word, just looked at Real Harmony blankly.

After a period of less than a scent of incense, Jin Yao real people can no longer ignore the curse, just screaming non-stop.

After a time of about a scent of incense, the monk who was already tinged with yellow paint, as if smeared with a layer of butter, finally collapsed and screamed: "Is it as long as I give everything in my body and the cave house You, can you just let me go?"

"It's impossible to let you go." Wesso said without hesitation: "But I can make you die happy."

"Okay! I said, I said everything. Just please give me a good time." Real Harrier Jin Yao screamed for a moment, then called out. A monk like him is not afraid of death, but Wei Suo's method of slowly boiling his body into oil is too cruel, making him really unbearable. And from the perspective of Weisuo's means, he also knew that in Weisuo's hands, he was simply not immune.

"Then say it, and say all the magical objects, treasures, and exercises you know in your body and in the Dong Mansion." Wei Suo looked at Jin Hao with a blank expression. "After you finish speaking, I will naturally give you pleasure."

"The white bead that was just taken away by you is a celestial bone bead, a magic weapon of the semi-Xuan order. I didn't have time to fully stimulate the power... My protective circle of the cave house is Qixiaoyun Moon Array..." Jin Yao The real person's body twitched violently, screaming, but kept talking.

"That's just an ordinary Jin Dan monk, who can only say that he will kill himself if he has done a lot of wrongdoing, and it just hit me in the hand."

In less than half an hour, Jin Yaozheng said all the tricks he knew, and Wei Suo searched his cave house thoroughly. For Weisuo, the things in this golden harrier real person have little effect. With the exception of a white bone bead that only blocked Wei Suo's dark emperor's sword spirit, there was only a silver flute-shaped magic weapon of the lower rank of the power of this golden harrier. The exercises he cultivated are only at the low level of the ground level, and the spells do not exceed the high level of the ground level at all. This kind of Jin Dan monk is not as good as the Huang Yazi that Wei Suo killed before. His cave house is nothing more than a dozen stone rooms, with no special arrangement.

"I have told you everything I know, you give me a happy heart! Otherwise I will not let you go as a ghost!"

After Weisuo searched the real mansion of Jin Yao, the real man shouted like crazy. At this time, yellow oil came out of his mouth and tongue.


Wei Suo didn't have any extra movements. After reaching out a few light symbols and hitting the body of Jinyao, he directly took out the blood-eating knife and inserted it into the chest of Jinyao.

Now his blood-eating knife is just empty. Although Jinyao’s cultivation practice is much worse than those of Xuanwu, etc., he is also a Jindan monk. Neng can also be a magic weapon that exceeds the Dao rank.

As soon as the blood-eating knife was inserted into the heart, the vitality of Jin Harrier was cut off immediately.

Wei Suo, however, put a piece of memoirs that recorded the skills and techniques of the real Harrier and the silver flute-like magic weapon found from the Real Harmony to the old Huangpao and two In front of young people.

The cave house that had searched the real man of Jin Yao did not see any body of the female practitioner, and learned from the mouth of the real man of Jin Yao that the body of the female practitioner had been burned by his two disciples. .

"This person killed one of your companions. I killed him. It was also a revenge for you. You can't be resurrected from death. These things of him can be regarded as a little compensation."

"Seniors are as gracious to us, otherwise we must not be able to revenge the little girl, and we must be killed by this person. How can I wait for the seniors' things?" Now, it seems to be ten years old, but at the moment when he heard Wei Suo's words, the old man knelt on the ground and raised his head at Wei Suo.

"It turned out that it was your daughter who died in their hands?" Wei Suo froze and stretched out his hand, and a real yuan lifted the old man in yellow robe.

The old man in the yellow robe nodded, and the old tears were vertical and horizontal.

"These things are of little use to me, and they are still useful to you." Wei Suo and Nv Xi couldn't help but looked at each other, and said to the old man in yellow robe and the two young men who looked sad. For the time being, we will use the identity of Jin Harrier and his disciples. You should not pass the news that Jin Harrier and his disciples died in our hands."

"I, Chen Shutong, use my life guarantee, and will never reveal what happened today." The old man in Huangpao swears, "Otherwise, I will be tortured, not to survive, not to die."

"The two of us also used our life guarantees, and will not disclose them. Otherwise, we will be tortured, not to survive, not to die." After the two young men swore, they said: "What else does Eun Gong do? Do you want us to do it? Even if we are desperate, we have to repay our father."

"If you really want to repay me, how about helping me do it again?" Wei Suo groaned slightly and said.

The old man in the yellow robe and the two young men glanced at each other without any hesitation, saying, "Engong does what we want us to do, even though it is."

Wei Suo nodded, took out a piece of blue jade rune, wrote something in it by the means of true element condensate rune, and then placed the blue jade rune in front of the old Huangpao, "This is what I want you to do for me Things. After you have remembered the things inside, destroy this piece of jade." While saying this, Wei Suo took out a bag of spirit stones, which contained a lot of spirit stones. , Also point to the old man in yellow robe.

The old man in the yellow robe took solemnly the cyan jade rune and the spirit bag, and immediately looked at the content of the cyan jade rune.

Just a moment later, the old man in yellow robe immediately handed the blue jade rune to the two young men, and the two young men just nodded and gave the old jade rune to the old man in yellow robe. And the old man in the yellow robe looked at it again carefully, and after confirming that he remembered it thoroughly, reached out and pinched this piece of blue jade into powder.

"This magic weapon should also be of some use to you. I'll ask you for this matter." Wei Suo looked at the old man in the yellow robe and smashed the jade rune. Defensive magic weapon, handed to the old man in yellow robe.

"We will remember the graciousness of Emperor Gong." The old man in Huangpao did not refuse this time. He received the magic weapon of defense. After the three of them paid a courtesy to Wei Suo, they flew towards the sky dome. Escape the past.

"Then before I arrived at Beiluocheng, I would take advantage of you and be your master." After glancing at the escaped man who left, the nun said to Wei Suo, his hands immediately Plucked a recipe.

With the brilliance flowing between her hands, a transparent mask thin as cicada wings appeared in her hands, and Nun Xiu wiped her face with her hands, her face, and she suddenly became exactly the same as the real Jin Yao. .

"Your technique can actually attract the breath of the body, not only the appearance of the body, but also the breath of the body can be imitated?" Wei Suo was a bit dumbfounded, because the female Xiu not only looked exactly like Jin Yao's real person Even the figure and breath became exactly the same as the real harrier. Even the aura outside the body became a golden harrier.

"Although my technique is good, there are several monks who have practiced some unique hope spells in Xuanfeng Gate, which can still be seen. There are also characteristics of this technique that I can’t do with others. The face and body shape can be maintained, but the aura outside the body will become its own aura, and it will be seen by others." Nvxiu's voice turned into the voice of a real Harrier.

"It's just that I can't help you with this technique, and I also vowed that you can't pass the technique you know to others." Nun Xi looked at Wei Suo with some regret, "You only have I dealt with Yi Rongdan."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, no matter how powerful Xuanfengmen is, it's impossible to even know the appearance of such a small role as a real disciple of Golden Harrier. Yuan Yi wrapped it and put it on his face, but it was 60% to 70% similar to that of the monk with an eagle hook nose. The name of Fang Cai’s eagle-nose monk, Wei Suo, has also been specifically asked from the real person of Jin Yao, called Liu Yuanhao.

"By the way, what did you tell them to do?" Nun Xi looked at Wei Suo, and suddenly thought of something like that, she asked.

"It's just to cope with Xu Qianhuan's forced me out." Wei Suo smiled and said, "They will do it without any danger."

"I think they just watched it for a while. Your countermeasure seems to be very simple?" Nun Xi looked at Wei Suo with some doubt. "Since you asked them to do it, you can tell them not to verbally? It's mysterious. Come on. What is the countermeasure?"

"Oh, some words are just not very embarrassing to export." Wei Suo smiled and said: "Anyway you will know soon."

"Humph! Mysterious, you don't say I'm not listening anymore." Nun Xiu glared at Wei Suo, sulking, and flew out.

"...!" Wei Suo shuddered again. He felt that this guy was a bit sissy again.

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