Path to Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 608: Get me out!

"My Dark Ancient Halberd!"

"How is it possible! Is there a powerful magic weapon in his hand?"

This real disciple of Zhenwu Zong, who came here, is in his thirties and is wearing a dark green vestment. The spirit of his body condenses into the shape of a black sun. The best among the true disciples. Because even the golden monsters like Xuanfengmen and Zhenwu Sect, and many old antiques, among the true disciples of this generation, the Jindan period has been repaired, and it is rare, and it will not exceed seven or eight at most. people.

This true martial disciple of Zhenwu Zong, with a handsome face, radiant body clothes, every move, is also extraordinary, showing high above all, proud of the noble atmosphere of all things, when he first faced Wei Suo and others, it was like a prince looking at civilians, Not at all in the eyes.

But at this moment, the true disciple who flew from the foot in the void and relied solely on the spirit surging on his body, the expression on his face was terrified.

At this moment, Wei Suo came across the void, and his body shone with a faint silver radiance.

His fist turned out to be invincible. An amazing magic weapon of the top grade was actually directly punched by his bare hands and smashed by a punch!

"Physical power! His physical body has been so powerful that even the magic weapon of the top grade can be hard-wired!"

"I am afraid that his flesh is more than the starlight dragon body, and has reached the point of the starlight dragon body, which has exceeded the body of the ordinary eight-level monster."

The shock in the hearts of Ji Ya and others is also difficult to describe in words. They all know that Wei Suo is completely hard at the moment, and does not use any spells or magic weapons at all, but they did not even think of Wei Suo before. After breaking through Jindan's fourfold horror practice at this moment, the flesh has already reached such an amazing level.


At the same time as the boxing oncoming magic weapon, Wei Suo's body burst out with an extremely warm heat, just like an oven.


The shock of the true martial disciple of the true Wuzong across the air cannot be described by words. Because he finally felt it at this moment, the hot gas that burst out on Wei Suo at the moment was all the breath from the blood and blood flow in the body.

"What kind of flesh is this! Even some wild monsters, there can be no such powerful blood and vitality. Such a flesh, I am afraid that even if the body penetrates a dozen places, it will grow up."


In a complete horror, his hands flicked, and above his head, a black monument up to several tens of feet, quickly condensed.

"This is the'Zhentian Monument'! This person is a true disciple of Zhenwu Zongwu Wuren." Shui Ling'er whispered.

A huge amount of mighty power emerged from the top of the true disciple Zhen Zhen's disciple.

Zhenwuzong, a true disciple of a super-sect, cannot be compared with the ordinary Jindan Buddhism.

However, Wei Suo's body once again radiated a terrible atmosphere.


It was just in the blink of an eye that the black monument had not been dropped, and was directly smashed by a dark golden sword gas that was unimaginable.

At the same time, an extremely powerful coercion squeezed the body of this Zhen Wuzong disciple.

Not waiting for this Zhen Wu Zong Zhen Chuan disciple to have more actions, a blue-black yin qi, directly rolled this Zhen Wu Zong disciple in front of Wei Suo.

This was also a disciple of the true martial arts true prince, who was as tall as a prince, trembling. A layer of gray-black mysterious ice formed on his skin and vestment, and the real element in his body was completely frozen.

At this moment, this true disciple of Zhenwu Zong has already felt that he and the other party are not monks at the same level. If the other party wants to kill themselves, it is just a matter of thumb.

"Who are you, and dare to take me down, don't you even ignore our true Wuzong!" But the true disciple of this true Wuzong still gave a stern threat.

At this moment, he still couldn't believe that even if he had already identified himself, there were even monks who dared to deal with him in this way.

"Who am I? Young Master, don't you just wait for me in Moyuling?" Wei Suo's eyes flashed, and a yellow golden pill rose from his Nabao bracelet and suspended. In front of Wei Suo.

"Young Master is waiting for you... you are Wei Suo... Panlong real!" Hearing Wei Suo's words, this true Wu Zong true disciple, his eyes widened, and he felt the yellow golden pill that Wei Suo took out. Breath, this tremendous trembling of this Zhenwu Zongzhen disciple suddenly stopped breathing.

After Wei Suo took out the yellow golden pill, countless transparent rays of light appeared in the heart and veins, and suppressed on the yellow golden pill.

The yellow golden pill also immediately emits a circle of glowing light, and scattered light symbols, but it was quickly suppressed by Wei Suo's golden pill.

At this moment, Wei Suo has been repaired by Jin Dan for four times, Jin Dan who has enough strength to suppress Panlong Zhenren and others. At this moment, after capturing this true disciple of Zhenwu Sect, he immediately began to refine Jinlong Jinren and others into Jindan. Extinct Jindan.

"In Mo Yuling, besides Xu Qianhuan, who else?" Wei Suo asked while suppressing Jin Dan of Panlong Reality and refining Jin Dan, who was extinct. At the moment, his feet were above the true disciple of the true martial arts, which he held, and he looked like he was stepping on the true disciple of the true martial arts.

"It's you! You dare to come to Moyuling! Very good, you're dead!" The true disciple of the true martial arts screamed immediately again, and his face showed an unusually fierce look.

"I didn't have any grievances with you. If I ask you, if you don't say it, I will abolish your cultivation, destroy the meridians in the body, pull out your tongue, and then send you to a small place. Mine stone veins, digging to death." But Wei Suo's face did not care about the roar of this true disciple at all, and said without emotion, "At the moment you said, I will take you into Moyuling Among them, if you tell me the truth, I can spare you a way of life and let you go. If you find out that what you said is not the truth, I will turn you into a complete waste first."

"You..." The true disciple's complexion changed suddenly. True disciples like him who cultivated like this, all are extremely proud people with fearless life and death. But he is also very clear that in some small spirit stone veins, there is no day in the dark, and people are working hard, that is real ants. At the thought of this kind of ending, the arrogance of this true disciple was immediately extinguished, and there was a feeling of fear in my heart.

"Very, very good, you dare to fight against our Zhenwu Sect! I'm not afraid to tell you. In front of Moyuling, within a thousand miles, there are only a few people in our Zhen Wuzong. But there is one other than our young master. Bai Zhen, our true martial artist!" After a pause, although the true disciple refused to show weakness, he could not resist the fear in his heart and said.

"Apart from Xu Qianxuan and Bai Yuzhen, are there any Jindan monks among the others? Is there anyone near Xuanfengmen near Moyuling?" Wei Suo continued to refine Jindan, and asked.

"There is also a Jindan monk, my younger brother Zhao Zhenyuan, but he often communicates messages, not necessarily staying near Moyuling." This Zhenwu Zongzhen disciple said: "As for the Xuanfengmen, unless there is a monk suddenly something wrong Come, otherwise there will be no monks of Xuanfengmen around Moyuling."

"What about Qilong Mountain and Qingping?" Wei Suo asked next.

"The two of them were suppressed in Moyuling and were not killed." said the true disciple of Zhenwu Zong.

"It's almost the same as Qiye Zhenren said. We will go to Moyuling now. I want to see what kind of magical power Xu Qianhuan has!" Wei Suo's eyes flickered, and a yellow light flew out, but Panlong The size of the real person's house, the fast-moving three-legged topaz topping offering came out, and nodded at Ji Ya, while continuing to suppress the yellow golden Dan in front of him, while wrapping this Zhenwuzong under his feet The true disciples first glanced over this flying escape magic weapon.

"Is it finally possible to save those two rabbits?" Li freehand's face also showed a trace of excitement, and followed Wei Suo behind.

"Yes, we are going to save the two rabbits now." Wesso nodded.

"Rabbit?... Even the real dragon of Panlong died in his hands... This man dared to kill him so directly, what control does he have?... Impossible!" The true disciple at Wei Suo's feet looked very impressed Although he didn’t know what Li freehand and Wei Suo said about rabbits, in his view, even a Jindan five-level monk could not be a joint enemy of real white feather and Xu Qianxuan. !

But what he didn't know was that following Wei Suo at the moment, he was so stupid and silly, it seemed that he was just a white-haired old man who was thinking about the monk of the realm.

At this time, Wei Suo has broken through to the level of Jin Dan's fourfold, and his physical body has also broken through to the third level of the body quenching technique of the Tianlong Qunxing, which is already equivalent to the physical body of the eighth-level intermediate dragon. From this rush to Moyuling, Wei Suo had enough time to refine both the Jindan of Panlong Real and the Ancient Crocodile into the Extinct Jindan.

His confidence and momentum at this moment have reached an unprecedented peak.

If he still fears the head and tail at this time, Wei Suo may be utterly deprived of his spirit and his mood will be hindered.

"call out!"

When Ji Ya and others all swept on the three-legged topaz the huge topping topping immediately turned into a yellow streamer, and made a fierce sound of breaking the sky, flying straight toward Moyuling .

"Real Man of Panlong? Huh? Isn't that? Under the Zhenwuzong..."

Less than a thousand miles from Moyuling, a cyan escape light lased from the clouds on one side. The monk's behavior in this escape was also impressive. Immediately, he realized that the top jade was not a real person from Panlong.


But when a cyan-black ghost claw with blue light was caught, the monk in this blue escape light had no time to react. , Was photographed above the top jade topping.

The three-legged topaz dading, still blazing toward Moyuling without stopping at all.

"Xu Qianhuan, get out of me!"

It was only a moment's time, and Wei Suo's line of sight appeared the mountain like Moyu. His rippling roar with a terrifying and murderous sound, resounded through the world.

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