"You attacked me!" 'Xu Yang' woke up startled, but it was already too late.

The tornado rolled up Xu Yang, throwing out the light film neatly.


Lin Han laughed out loud, the loser 'Xu Yang' had an ugly face and was very unconvinced.

"It's useless for you to be angry, who made you so careless? Hand over your spirit grass!"


'Xu Yang' reluctantly handed over a dozen elixir plants, and cursed viciously.

As if he didn't want to see him again, he turned and left.

Lin Han was proud, with the elixir in hand, he would be scolded every time he was scolded, and he would not lose a piece of meat.

On the contrary, 'Xu Yang' who lost the elixir really lost a piece of flesh from his body.

After 'Xu Yang' left, Lin Han looked around, and unexpectedly found that there were many decades-old elixir growing here.

"There are so many elixirs here, that kid didn't pick them, but slept beside them?"

"Just right, after driving him away, all the elixir here will belong to me!"

Lin Han muttered and then smiled again.

"Today is really an auspicious day for Lao Tzu!"

After driving away 'Xu Yang', Lin Han began to pick the elixirs around him.

It's not the first time he's been here, so he naturally knows the rules.

Not a single elixir that is more than thirty years old is touched.

The elixirs picked are all about 20 years old.

Because the 30-year-old elixir can attract Qi Refining 8-layer spirit beasts at most.

Don't think that this guy has the guts to sneak attack Xu Yang, if he meets a spirit beast that is one level higher than him.

I'm afraid this guy will run away as soon as possible.

Picking only elixir that is less than 20 years old, although you don't earn that much, is better than being safe.

Most of the spirit beasts attracted by the 20-year elixir are below Qi Refining level 6.

Occasionally, a few Qi Refining 7th floor spirit beasts will appear, and they can be dealt with after a lot of effort.

Seeing Lin Han being so cautious, Xu Yang nodded in satisfaction.

Because the storage bag in Lin Han's hand belonged to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang woke up when Lin Han walked into the range of his consciousness.

As for the following scenes, they were all seen by Lin Han after he got the Luan Ling Jue.

Xu Yang was not polite to this person who wanted to sneak attack him.

Directly use the huge spiritual consciousness to cast the chaotic spirit formula and pull him into the illusion.

As long as this guy doesn't break free from the illusion for a second, he will work for Xu Yang for a second.

After staring at Lin Han for a while, Xu Yang yawned and fell asleep again.

Several hours later, Lin Han, who was cracking the restriction, his eyes turned from cloudy to clear.

He suddenly looked up and looked around, his face blank.

He always felt that there was some sense of disobedience, but he couldn't tell where it was.

"Strange, am I too tired?"

Lin Han dealt with the Qi Refining level 5 spirit beast attracted by the elixir, and scanned the surrounding area.

It was found that almost 20 years of elixir have been collected here, and the rest of the elixir are all 30 to 40 years old.

Lin Han didn't want to take any risks, he put the elixir into the storage bag, and planned to continue collecting elixir in another place.

Suddenly, Lin Han's body trembled and he froze in place.

He looked at the storage bag in disbelief. The moment he opened the storage bag just now, he found many treasures in the storage bag!

Among them, there are hundreds of expensive talismans alone, and dozens of bottles of pills.

"Here, what's going on??"

Lin Han stayed where he was, and randomly counted 10 of the hundreds of talismans, all of which were worth more than his entire net worth.

And those elixirs, aren't they the Qi Refining period elixirs that I have dreamed of?

When did I have such a huge sum of money? ?

The purpose of his coming here is to pick more elixir and go to the Treasure Pavilion to exchange for Qi Refining period elixir for cultivation.

But now, the elixir was lying quietly in the storage bag like this, which made him feel extremely unreal.

"Wait, why is this storage bag so big? No! This is not my storage bag!"

The vast majority of Qi Refining disciples use the standard storage bags distributed by the sect for free.

Each student can only receive one, and the storage bag has very little space.

But the format of the storage bag in my hand is exactly the same as that of ordinary storage bags.

But why is the space in it three times larger than ordinary storage bags?

Whether it is a storage bag or a storage ring, the larger the space contained in it, the more difficult it is to refine.

Even if the space is only a little bigger, the price is very different.

Such a storage bag with three times the space is worth far more than 10 ordinary storage bags!

"Well, because this is my storage bag."

Xu Yang seemed to appear out of thin air, and under Lin Han's expression of seeing a ghost, he took the storage bag away.

"give me back!"

The storage bag was out of his hand, and Lin Han subconsciously reached out to grab it.

He doesn't know who this storage bag is, he only knows that the resources in this storage bag are enough for him to practice all the way to the 12th floor of the Qi Refining stage!

"Still want to grab something?"

Xu Yang frowned. He had squeezed this guy for a few hours and planned to let him go just like that.

But this person is too clueless, right?

The moment Lin Han's fingers touched the storage bag, his eyes changed from clear to cloudy again.

Xu Yang took out the token, and Lin Han on the other side also numbly took out the token.

A film of light enveloped the two of them, and the battle began.

"I surrender!"

Lin Han looked dull, raised his right hand, and directly surrendered.

From the time he entered the trial site until now, all the elixirs he picked flew out of the storage bag and were taken away by Xu Yang.

"It's been almost two days since the trial, did you pick such a little elixir?"

Xu Yang shook his head, all the elixir that Lin Han picked on the first day, plus the elixir that Xu Yang picked after he got the Luan Ling Jue.

All together, there are only more than 40 plants.

too little.

"Waste my energy."

Xu Yang muttered, left Lin Han where he was, turned around and left.

The mental power consumed by controlling Lin Han with the Luan Ling Jue is enough for him to pick a lot of elixir.

It wasn't until Xu Yang walked far away that Lin Han woke up from the illusion.

After reacting, Lin Han hurriedly checked the storage bag.

There is only a pile of spirit beast materials in the storage bag, and even half of the spirit medicine can't be found.

Lin Han, who finally remembered everything, couldn't help crying loudly anymore.

"My elixir!!"

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