Patriarch Of Immortal Dao, I Can Purify All Things

Chapter 22 Escape From The Inner Circle

The mountain vultures flew straight back to their nests, but they didn't seem to notice Xu Yang who had escaped.

Xu Yang held his breath and moved down little by little like a gecko.

He didn't dare to use his spiritual power, for fear that if his breath leaked out, he would be noticed by the vultures.

Can only rely on physical strength to climb down.

When climbing halfway up the mountain, the aura of the wind shelter talisman was exhausted and turned into powder and dissipated.

Fortunately, Xu Yang had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he made up another wind protection talisman, so that he was not blown away by the strong wind.

The road down the mountain was stumbling, and finally climbed to the foot of the mountain without any danger.

When there was still a distance of about ten meters from the ground, Xu Yang released the wind travel technique and jumped down.

After landing safely, Xu Yang's arms and legs trembled uncontrollably, and he fell to the ground, panting heavily.

This is a sign of detachment.

If it weren't for Xu Yang's physical strength comparable to Qi Refining's 2nd and 3rd floor spirit beasts, he might have lost his strength and fell to his death.

After resting in place for a while, Xu Yang's physical condition improved.

Xu Yang took out the map and quickly found his location, the inner circle of the Fire Crane Mountains, close to the core area.

He was captured by the spirit beast of the Foundation Building Stage from the outer edge of the Flamingo Mountain Range to the inner circle overnight?

"Didn't it mean that the spirit beasts of the Foundation Building Stage are only active near the core area? Am I so unlucky?"

Xu Yang is speechless, how small is the probability of encountering the spirit beast of the Foundation Building Stage on the outskirts of the Flamingo Mountains?

It was as outrageous as when Xu Yang picked up the High Grade spirit stone in front of his Cave Mansion.

However, it was a blessing in disguise, and contracted two young vulture birds with high potential as spiritual pets.

Xu Yang let the mountain vulture chicks stay in the nest, not just because the Cave Mansion is not big enough to house two spirit beasts.

There is also a plan to let the vultures feed the young vultures.

Although it is kept in the Huohe Mountains in this way, there is a high probability that it will not survive to adulthood.

But the benefits are also obvious. You don't need to allocate your own energy, cultivate resources, feed and take care of the vulture chicks.

The vulture mother, who diligently takes care of her chicks, is like a free nanny for Xu Yang's spirit beast.

Xu Yang is not in a hurry to leave, this is where the mountain vulture's nest is.

Within a radius of 3 miles, no spirit beast dared to approach.

Before escaping from the bird's nest, Xu Yang purified the blood of the two little guys, causing him to consume a lot of mental energy.

If you want to leave the inner circle of the Huohe Mountains safely, you must not relax in the slightest.

Xu Yang searched around the foot of the mountain, trying to find a suitable hiding place to recover his mental strength.

It's just that the hiding place was not found, but a few hundred-year-old elixir plants were accidentally found.

"These hundred-year-old medicines can be purified to almost five hundred years old."

"Go back and sell it to Treasure Pavilion, at least a few thousand contribution points will be credited to the account."

Xu Yang carefully picked the elixir and put it in the storage bag.

They found another softer ground and dug out a hole with a flying sword.

Drilling into the hole, Xu Yang piled the soil back to block the hole, leaving only a breathing hole.

To be on the safe side, Xu Yang also took out two breath-holding talismans and stuck them on top of his head.

Avoid unconscious leakage of spiritual power when you are in a deep sleep, and bring danger to yourself.

Xu Yang didn't wake up until his mental power was fully recovered.

Pushing away the soil blocking the entrance of the cave, the sky is full of stars, and the silver moon is like a hook.

Insects were chirping in the distance, and wolves howled vaguely.

Xu Yang paused, shrank his body into the hole, and blocked the hole again with soil.

Even if a person has no common sense, he knows that the forest at night is several times more dangerous than during the day.

Xu Yang took out the mirage pearl, stuck it on his forehead, and began to practice the Luan Ling Jue.

Speechless all night until dawn.

Xu Yang broke through the ground and walked into the forest facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

Following the guidance of the map, Xu Yang bypassed the territory of several spirit beast herds.

Picked a narrow path and prepared to leave the periphery.

During the period, I encountered many spirit beasts looking for food, but Xu Yang easily killed them.

Regardless of whether it is valuable or not, as soon as the spirit beast dies, it will be put into the storage bag by Xu Yang.

It is because they are afraid that the blood from the corpse of the spirit beast will attract more dangerous spirit beasts.

During the period, Xu Yang also met a forest python whose Qi Refining reached 12 levels and was only one step away from the Foundation Building.

Fortunately, they discovered it early and hid in advance, thus avoiding the conflict.

After Sen Mang left, Xu Yang continued on the road.

Along the way, you can often meet spirit beasts on the 9th and 10th floors of Qi Refining.

If you can hide from the spirit beast, dodge it.

If they couldn't avoid it, they used the Chaos Spirit Art, dragged them directly into the illusion, and stabbed and killed them with wood spirits.

Once trapped in an illusion, the body will become defenseless under Xu Yang's control.

As long as Xu Yang's attack can break through the defense, then the spirit beast that has been hit by the Chaos Spirit Art will surely die.

The dozens of corpses of spirit beasts in the storage bag are the best proof.

"The storage bags are full, we need to find a place to dispose of the corpses of the spirit beasts."

After Xu Yang smashed the head of a blind bear with a wood spirit thorn, he found that the storage bag could no longer be inserted.

He checked his status.

There is still 30% of the spiritual power left, and more than half of the mental power is consumed.

There are pills and robes for spiritual power, so it is not difficult to recover.

While in the awake state, every hour, the mental power can only recover 10 points.

After all, releasing the Phantom Spirit Art to build an illusion will consume mental power.

The higher the cultivation level of the target spirit beast, the greater the consumption of mental power.

If the mental power is exhausted in the battle, the result is unimaginable.

"So far, I haven't even left the forest."

Xu Yang took out the map to find his own position and avoid going in the wrong direction.

After walking out of the forest, one has to pass through a canyon before leaving the inner circle.

At the current speed, it will take half a month to get there.

Although it takes a little more time, it is better than safety.

Xu Yang put down the map, dug a hole on the spot, and buried Xiong Xiazi's body in it.

This kind of depth cannot stop those spirit beasts with a keen sense of smell.

It can only be delayed for a while before the smell of blood dissipates.

Therefore, before being discovered here, Xu Yang must leave this place as soon as possible.

A few minutes later, Xu Yang turned back again.

Since burying one is burying, then burying two is also burying.

Why don't you just bury all the corpses of the spirit beasts here, so you don't have to waste time looking for a place for yourself.

Xu Yang dug another big hole next to Xiazi Xiong.

He planned to pour out all the spirit beast corpses in the storage bag at once and bury them.

It's just that before the pit was dug halfway, a few wolves came out smelling blood.

Both jackals were on the seventh floor of Qi Refining and stopped ten meters away from Xu Yang.

They stood shoulder to shoulder, staring at Xu Yang who was digging the hole.

"In less than a quarter of an hour, there are spirit beasts running out?"

Xu Yang also found two jackals, his brows were frowned, they came too fast.

The pit was only dug less than one meter deep enough to bury all the spirit beast corpses in the storage bag.

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