Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 10 Tripartite Forces

It's hard for a strong storm to last long. At nightfall, the rain stopped for a while. Although it didn't stop completely, it turned into a drizzle.

In the night, an old man crossed the city wall and entered Fengtai County. He walked through several muddy alleys and came to the long street in front of the county government.

At this time, the long street was a bleak scene. The doors of the houses on both sides of the street were closed, and even the lanterns and wind lanterns were not half hung up, making it look pitch black. The county government office was already deserted, and the open door looked like the open mouth of a giant beast in the night, especially ferocious.

The old man with white eyebrows walked across the long street to the large square in front of the Yamen, holding a white paper lantern in his hand. The candlelight in the lantern swayed slightly, making his figure swaying.

By the light of the lantern, he looked at the ground beneath his feet, walking and stopping.

Although the traces of the previous fierce battle were washed away by the heavy rain, and the Qingluan guards also took away the corpse, every time he stopped, he stopped exactly where the corpse lay before.

He walked all the way to the gate of the county government office, glanced at the two gaps on the threshold, stepped over the threshold, and stopped for a moment in front of the broken screen wall before entering the front hall.

The traces of the fight in the front hall were still there. The old man looked at them carefully for a long time and felt that they should be the work of a Taoist disciple.

However, the old man was still not completely sure, so he continued to go to the back office and came to the place where Qi Xuansu and Li Sanxin were fighting. He slowly squatted down, put the white paper lantern in his hand aside, pressed his hands on the ground, and slowly Close your eyes.

For a moment, scenes like fleeting scenes appeared in his mind. It was the scene when Qi Xuansu and Li Sanxin were fighting, but their faces were always difficult to see clearly and were blurry.

After about a stick of incense, the old man slowly opened his eyes, with a slight sense of relief on his face. Now he could finally conclude that there was no doubt that the Taoist disciples were fighting among themselves.

The old man straightened up again holding the white paper lantern. Perhaps because of his old age, he actually made a series of slight noises like popping soybeans.

But if there is an innate person here, he will never regard the person in front of him as an old man in his dying years, because the old man's magical ability to use the earth's energy to recall what happened here is a unique method of the alchemist lineage. The person is an alchemist who has entered the dream realm, corresponding to the Jade Void stage of the innate person.

The so-called dream state, as the name suggests, is the ability to travel as a yin spirit and enter other people's dreams as a yin spirit.

In many legends, someone meets an outsider or a fairy in a dream, who gives them advice or teaches them magic. This is not a fabrication, but most likely they met a sorcerer who fell into a dream.

There are also people with bad intentions who, after reaching such a state, specially enter women's dreams and do pleasant things with them. When the woman woke up, she thought it was just an erotic dream, and she didn't suspect that someone was behind the scenes.

The Taoist sect has repeatedly issued warnings about such incidents, but rumors still spread from time to time. There are female pilgrims who go to a certain Taoist temple to offer incense and meet handsome men in their dreams.

A jade-level alchemist came to Fengtai County, naturally not because of the life or death of a seventh-grade county magistrate, but because of "Xuanyu".

In fact, Jiang Bieyun's expectation was good. This time, the three major Taoist factions had sent people, and this old man came from the Zhengyi sect.

There is another person from Quanzhen Taoism who is waiting on Maoxian Mountain outside the city.

Qi Xuansu braved the heavy rain and went all the way out of Fengtai County, and came to a ruined temple in Maoxian Mountain outside the city to take shelter from the rain.

There is an unwritten rule for people who stay away from home all year round: they would rather sleep in a cemetery than live in a ruined temple.

Although the cemetery is eerie and scary, it is reasonable to have descendants offering sacrifices every year, just like people who follow the rules, and generally speaking, nothing will happen.

But ruined temples are different, especially temples that have been in disrepair and have no incense for worship. It is extremely easy for them to hide dirt and evil spirits. If you break in rashly, you are likely to be cultivated into a spirit. The monsters covet flesh and blood, or the yang energy is absorbed by the ghosts.

There are many such stories in novels and novels. The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam and had no money to stay in an inn, so he had to stay in an ancient temple for the night. When he was studying in the middle of the night, a beautiful woman came here at night, and then there was a fire and a good thing was achieved. From then on, the scholar indulged in this and was happy every night, but his body and spirit also sluggished. In the end, the whole person became numb, lost two of his three souls, lost four of his seven souls, was confused, in a trance, and his whole body was limp. He couldn't move at all. Even if he was found and rescued by luck, his energy had declined, his body was rotten, and he wouldn't be able to survive more than a few days.

Or robbers and the like who block roads and rob people often stay in ruined temples. If they break in rashly, they will be killed by the robbers.

However, Qi Xuansu is not afraid of these. As an innate person, the three feet in his hand can not only kill people, but also destroy evil. His blood energy is extremely strong. To ghosts, it is like a raging fire. They cannot get close to him at all, let alone absorb anything. Yang Qi. As for bandits and their ilk, can they still compare with Qingluan Guard? There is nothing to be afraid of.

In fact, Qi Xuansu can go forward in the rain, but he still suffered some trauma from the previous fight with Li Sanxin, and his body is damaged, so he cannot be immune to the external epidemic. If he continues to be invaded by the cold air of the heavy rain, the injury will worsen, so he Still decided to take shelter from the rain first.

Qi Xuansu looked around. It was obvious that no one had set foot in this ruined temple for many years. After all, it was not far from Fengtai County. Occasionally, there were passers-by who could enter the city by walking a few more steps and would not spend the night here. As for the ghosts and monsters, Maybe not, maybe he was scared away by the strange blood in Qi Xuansu. In short, when Qi Xuansu entered the temple, the place was clean and there was nothing.

Of course, this clean refers to ghostly things, and the dust is still everywhere.

Qi Xuansu waved his sleeves, swept out a clean area among the dust, and began to meditate and adjust his breathing.

There are three major Dantians in the human body, namely the Lower Dantian, where essence is stored, the Middle Dantian, where Qi is gathered, and the Upper Dantian, where the spirit is nourished.

The section of the spine from Weilu to Mingmen is the coldest and is called the Snow Mountain. When the zhenqi impinges on this level, the force is the smallest. Taoists call it "sheep pulling the cart", which corresponds to the lower Dantian.

Behind the snow mountain is the spine. The human spine has twenty-four segments, corresponding to the twenty-four solar terms. The two parts of the head and tail are called dragon and tiger puns. The upper part is the dragon and the lower part is the tiger. This pass is the longest. When the true energy impinges on this pass, the force is the greatest. Taoists call it "deer pulling a cart", which corresponds to the middle Dantian.

After passing the Longhu Pass, go up to the Fengchi point on the back of the head, which is called Yuding Pass. Its orifice is the smallest and difficult to open. It is difficult for the true energy to pass through when it reaches this point. The most precise force is used. Taoists call it "oxen-pulled cart". ", corresponding to the upper Dantian.

The cultivation stage of acquired people corresponds to the lower Dantian, and the holding Dantian stage corresponds to the middle Dantian. Only the innate people at the Kunlun stage can open the upper Dantian and penetrate the three major Dantians, so that the true energy in the body can move freely and move according to the heart. Only in this way can Release the true energy in the body out of the body, either to photograph objects from a distance, to injure people through the air, or to warm and heal injuries.

Although Qi Xuansu is not a Qi refiner, but a Sanren with a lower status in the lineage of various meridians, the principle of luck healing is the same. Wherever the true Qi passes through the body, the blocked meridians are gradually opened, and the Qi and blood are enlivened. External wounds also heal faster.

The rain became lighter and the sky darkened. It was unwise to drive in the rainy mountains at night, so after some hesitation, Qi Xuansu decided to stay in the ruined temple for the night and continue to recover from his injuries. After all, Qingluan Guard is not a god, and it is impossible to search Maoxian Mountain overnight.

After nightfall, the ruined temple was dark. Qi Xuansu, thirty-six little Zhou Tianhou, felt that her injuries had recovered. She took out Li Sanxin's flying sword and gently rubbed the sword's body with her fingertips. On the sword's body was engraved "Green Snake" "" two characters, I guess this is the name of this sword. Judging from the lines on the sword, it should be the handiwork of the Lu sect of Taiping Dao.

There are three major factions in Taoism, Taiping Dao is one of them, and there are three factions within Taiping Dao, namely Li Faction, Shen Faction, and Lu Faction. Li Faction is the most powerful, followed by Lu Faction, Shen Faction, and Li Sanxin. It should be from the Li faction.

As a disciple of the Taoist sect, Qi Xuansu knows a little bit about the techniques of the Lu sect. This sword is considered to be excellent in terms of both the casting technique and the materials used. It's a pity that the pearl secretly fell into the hands of Li Sanxin. Li Sanxin was only at the Kunlun stage and could barely control the flying sword. What's more, it was such a high-quality flying sword. It was like a calf pulling a plow. No arrest.

But having said that, it is fortunate that if Li Sanxin is in the Yuxu stage and can exert 100% of the power of this flying sword, Qi Xuansu's attempt to defeat this flying sword is just a dream.

Qi Xuansu tried to inject a little energy into this "green snake" and found that Li Sanxin's sword control skills were not very good, but his skill in raising swords was quite profound. The key was to be willing to put in the effort, so this flying sword sword The pregnancy is considered complete.

You must know that the quality of a flying sword is not only the innate material and sword-making skills, but also has a lot to do with the skill of raising the sword. It is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If Qi Xuansu intends to sell this sword at a good price, he must sell it as soon as possible. If it is too late, it may lose its quality.

Speaking of these external objects, they are generally divided into four grades: mortal, spiritual, treasure, and immortal.

Everything that corresponds to the acquired person is nothing but made of fine iron and is nothing to the innate person. Qingluan Guard's "Changyang Sword" and "Flying Squirrel Armor" are mortal objects, while the "Slender Tiger Sword" and "Prisoner Ox Armor" are already the top of the mortal objects.

Further up are the spiritual objects corresponding to the innate people. Most of them are cast from rare materials. They contain spiritual energy and breed spirituality. They are no longer dead objects. They are very mysterious. The flying sword "Green Snake" is a spiritual object.

In the Taoist sect, if a disciple is successful in cultivation and reaches the Yuxu stage, he or she will be given a spiritual object as appropriate. However, those who do not have a Taoist background will have to spend a lot of effort to obtain a spiritual object.

Corresponding to the gods are treasures. As the name suggests, it is precious. It is not just as simple as spirituality, but also has many mysterious uses.

Above the treasure is a semi-immortal object. Qi Xuansu has never seen it before, but he only heard that it appeared in the ancestral court recently.

He met a heavenly prodigy who was at the level of Guizhen at a young age. He was only one step away from being a heavenly being, so he was given a semi-immortal item.

Above the semi-immortal beings are naturally immortal beings, which are not something ordinary people can know.

I am afraid that only thirty-six real people can have such things.

Qi Xuansu began to try to refine the flying sword with the "sword control technique".

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