Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 106: Yue Ying Miao Zhong

After Zhang Yuelu reported the case to the real person in charge of the Tiangang Hall, the Kunlun Taoist Office responded quickly.

In a sense, Kunlun Taoist Prefecture is equivalent to Zhili, which protects the capital. It does not have to be as pioneering and enterprising as other Taoist prefectures. It only needs the word "stability" at the forefront. As a result, something like this happened under the nose, not just in front of the eyes. It is as simple as going to Wuguang, but the impact is quite bad. It is necessary to calm down the situation in the shortest possible time and minimize the subsequent impact.

However, this case made Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu famous.

Zhang Yuelu doesn't need to say more. Whether or not this happened, she has a great reputation, not only for her status as a banished immortal. After the major Jiangnan case was solved, she was destined to rise to great heights in the future.

On the contrary, Qi Xuansu had a greater influence. Before this, Qi Xuansu was only famous in the Tiangang Hall for killing Diswen. At most, he was somewhat familiar to people. This time, he solved the major case of the evildoer of Lingshan Witch Cult. , once again becoming famous, just like Xu Kou, it can make some impression on people.

If Qi Xuansu has such deeds in the future, he will gradually become the "number one" figure in Tiangang Hall. Not only are people in the Taoist sect aware of Qi Xuansu's existence, Qi Xuansu will also come into the sight of major secret societies and become an "Eagle Claw Grandson" who needs to be guarded against or eliminated.

After the incident happened, Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu wanted to continue on their way. However, they were the key people in the case and had been involved throughout the case, so they stayed in Yishan City for another day. When the people from Kunlun Daofu arrived at Yishan City, Only after handing it over can it be considered an end.

The person who came from Kunlun Taoist Palace was a deputy palace master, who had the same status as Zhang Yuelu, but was much older than Zhang Yuelu. He obviously knew Zhang Yuelu. As the saying goes, young people should not be bullied into poverty, so the deputy palace master was very polite and said No excessive demands were made, and the handover was completed in only half a day.

The subsequent arrests of the remaining witch cult demons, how to deal with Qingbai Temple, etc. were all taken over by the Kunlun Taoist House.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu said goodbye and left. Wang Zicheng, Luo Xiao, Mr. Zhao Qian, the local county magistrate and the gentry in the city went out of the city to see each other ten miles away. They had a farewell drink and some pleasantries before returning to the city. Wang Zicheng, who had fought side by side, sent him another ten miles to the ferry of Tongtian River.

As soon as he arrived at the ferry, Qi Xuansu stopped. Instead of using Taoist etiquette, he used the habit of Jianghu people to clasp his fists to Wang Zicheng and said: "Wang Zhenfu, I see you thousands of miles away, and we will have to say goodbye. Please stop here. We will go there again in the future. There’s always time to meet in the Imperial Capital.”

"In this way, Wang will see you off not far away. Deacon Qi and Master Zhang have a good journey." Wang Zicheng returned the gift, "We will have a drink and talk when we meet in the imperial capital in the future."

Although both Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had a bad impression of Qingluan Wei, Wang Zicheng was obviously an exception. Zhang Yuelu also handed over his hand and said: "We will meet again in the world one day, and we will have a drink and have a good time. Let's say goodbye."

After saying goodbye, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu boarded the ferry and went down the river.

Wang Zicheng stood on the shore and watched the ferry go away before turning back to Yishan City.

After getting on the ferry, Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "We will meet again in the river and lake one day, and we will have a drink and have a good time. Let's say goodbye. Who did you learn this from?"

Zhang Yuelu said without changing his expression: "I learned it from books."

"The storybook from Qingping Bookstore?" Qi Xuansu asked, "I also read a few books when I had nothing to do. "The Legend of Taiping Inn" and "The Female Sword Fairy" are both pretty good."

Zhang Yuelu twitched his lips: "Books written two hundred years ago are indeed very interesting."

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly and felt a little embarrassed: "I can't help it. There are rumors that the former one was written by young Xuansheng, and the latter one was written by Mrs. Xuansheng. Naturally, I have to read them."

"It is true that "The Female Sword Fairy" was written by Mrs. Xuansheng, but "The Legend of Taiping Inn" was not written by Xuansheng, but was written by Xuansheng as a ghostwriter." Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said, "The ghostwriter is not someone else. , is the first director of Qingping Bookstore. In fact, when Qingping Bookstore was established, it was used by Xuansheng to make his wife happy, including the "Legend of Taiping Inn", which Xuansheng got in order to cater to his wife's preferences. , but I didn’t expect it to be passed down to future generations.”

It was the first time Qi Xuansu heard such a secret, and he was surprised: "There is such a reason."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Actually, it's not really a secret. Xuansheng never wanted to hide it when he was alive. All the real people and Da Zhen people know these anecdotes, and I also overheard them."

Qi Xuansu asked curiously: "Then what do you watch on weekdays?"

Zhang Yuelu replied: "There is a monthly magazine that Mu Jin introduced to me called "The Legend of Kunlun Swordsman"."

Qi Xuansu nodded: "If I have time, I will also read it."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Only those who have never been to the Jianghu will yearn for the Jianghu. You, a person who has been in the Jianghu for a long time, still have a longing for the Jianghu? You should read some temple novels such as "The Great Qi Dynasty" and "The Empress" ?”

Qi Xuansu did not comment and asked instead: "By the way, I have never asked about your family. I only heard that the Zhang family is one of the three most famous families along with the Tian family royal family and the descendants of saints. It has a large population. Tell me about your family. How is the situation?"

Zhang Yuelu frowned slightly, but did not refuse: "First of all, let me make it clear that the Zhang family is indeed a big family, but it has nothing to do with me. If a family spreads its branches and leaves, it must be divided into large and small sects, that is, the backbone The difference between the branches and leaves. The so-called three major families mainly refer to the Zhang family, just as the Tian family royal family mainly refers to the emperor's branch, and the vassals are the minor sect of the Zhang family, which is the branch of the Zhang family. ”

"It's just that when many people see me rising through the ranks and having the surname Zhang, they take it for granted that I am the eldest daughter of the Zhang family and that I am where I am today because of the help of my family. In fact, that is not the case. Apart from Master, I have contributed the most to my success. He is actually an Earth Master from the Quanzhen Tao, not a Heavenly Master from the Zhang family.”

"To put it bluntly, many people from the big sect may not be happy to see me get ahead. If the branches are strong and the trunk is weak, then when the big sect is weak or has no heirs, it is easy for a small sect to take over the big sect. This is the case for those people from the big sect. I definitely don’t want to see it, so we joked about me competing for the position of Heavenly Master, but it was just a joke after all. For Da Zong, it is best to marry me off, so that we can get married and get rid of a piece of his heart. Suffer.”

Qi Xuansu gradually understood.

The reason why Zhang Yuelu has a special status in the Taoist sect is due to her age, cultivation, and origin. The main reason is her resume. She solved a major case in Jiangnan and gained the eyes of the earth master. This makes her stand out among the immortals and young people. Stand out from the crowd.

After all, Daomen is not a one-word hall with any surname. Take Li Tianzhen as an example. The young and handsome young master of the Li family gave him a high starting position, but he could not reach a high position without merit or deeds, because other people would not agree, he could not convince everyone, and the Li family could not dominate the world with one hand. That's why there is a saying of "paving the way", and many children from aristocratic families want to be plated with gold.

But Zhang Yuelu was different. He narrowly escaped death and solved the Jiangnan case. It was really a huge achievement. Even if others wanted to object, there was no defensible reason. After eliminating the process of paving the way and gilding, he could be promoted openly. And it's logical. In addition, Zhang Yuelu strives for his own strength and can keep up with his level of cultivation. Therefore, as long as Zhang Yuelu does not make big mistakes, there is no suspense about being promoted to the position of a real person. It is just a matter of time.

In Taoism, alignment is also important. To put it simply, whoever is promoted and reused belongs to that person. A rising star like Zhang Yuelu does not have much weight now, but his future prospects are very good, so it is difficult for the real person to directly intervene. The only way is for the real person to come forward in person.

The strange thing is that Zhang Yuelu was supposed to be promoted by the Celestial Master, but in the end it was the Earth Master who stepped forward. This made Zhang Yuelu's position even more confusing. This is also the reason why some Zhang family members reject Zhang Yuelu.

In fact, not only are outsiders incomprehensible, Zhang Yuelu, the person involved, is also a fan of the authorities. I am afraid that only the Heavenly Master and the Earth Master can know the real reason.

Zhang Yuelu paused for a moment and continued: "The Zhang and Li families have been at odds with each other for many years, and their seniority levels are roughly the same. The Li family's generation 'follows the law and has a destiny', while the Zhang family's generation 'the wind is clear and the clouds are calm, and the mountains are unparalleled'" "Jie", the "Dao" generation of the Li family corresponds to the "Jing" generation of the Zhang family, and the "Ru" generation corresponds to the "山" generation."

Qi Xuansu said: "I know this. The ground card 'Great Heavenly Master Zhang Luanshan' in the Xuansheng Pavilion means the generation of Shan, and is related to the same generation of Xuansheng. The Tianpai 'Old Heavenly Master Zhang Jingxiu' is the generation of Jing, and is related to the same generation as Xuansheng. The "Great Sword Immortal Li Daoxu" is from the same generation. It's just that the first character of the Li family's name is always the same, but the Zhang family is different from generation to generation. "

"The Zhang family's generational pattern is in the middle for the first two generations, the last for the next two generations, and the middle for the next two generations again, and so on." Zhang Yuelu nodded: "After all, Taiping Dao Dazhenren is the generation with the character "长", and our ancestors of the Zhang family are the generation with the character "无". They are the same generation. In terms of family ties, the two deputy head masters, Dazhenren, are only twice as low as Xuansheng, but from the Taoist sect In terms of inheritance, he is five generations lower than Xuan Sheng. My father is of the "Ju" generation, and the next one is "Yue Ying Miaozhong". There are about a hundred of us in the Yue generation, and the ranking of cousins ​​is, I seem to be ranked more than 70? I can’t remember clearly. If we only count our room, then I’m the only one.”

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"What's good?" Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but ask.

Qi Xuansu said: "I was originally afraid. After I arrived at your house, when I was dealing with your parents, an uncle suddenly came out. His eyes were not eyes, and his nose was not a nose. He threatened me with a stern look. If I feel sorry for you, he will kill me. How."

"Fuck you." Zhang Yuelu spat, "Don't say I don't have any brothers. Even if I do, it will never be like this."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "How can you be sure? The book says that the elder brother always doesn't want to see his sister being bullied."

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