Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 114 Night Battle in the Ancient Temple

The two faced Qi Xuansu, and the other five faced Zhang Yuelu.

Due to the limited space, only three people besieged Zhang Yuelu at the same time, while the other two were waiting for opportunities.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes quickly swept over the three people.

An unarmed warrior.

A bhikkhu holding a sword. The biggest difference between a bhikkhu and a martial artist is that a bhikkhu can accumulate Qi, which is between a Qi practitioner and a martial artist. Therefore, he often uses weapons and armor.

Although the last person's face was covered, his hands exposed outside his robe were as white as the hands of a dead man, and his aura was sinister and terrifying, showing that he had excessive Yin energy. He was the alchemist.

The three of them are all in the Yuxu stage. According to common sense, the three of them working together are enough to defeat an opponent in the Guizhen stage.

Wu Fu gritted his teeth and was the first to rush towards Zhang Yuelu.

Of course he knew that Zhang Yuelu was a banished immortal in the stage of returning to his true form.

so what?

It’s too early to tell who will die and who will live.

The monk followed closely, and at the same time he poured Qi into the sword in his hand, causing the sword to glow with a faint golden color and a mist.

Finally, there was the alchemist, who gently pressed his snow-white palms on the ground beneath his feet. Suddenly, countless wisps of black aura spread along the ground.

Zhang Yuelu stood on the spot, letting the three of them use their own methods.

Just three Jade Void stages can't do anything to Zhang Yuelu.

Wu Fu could already see the "five-qi smoke" surrounding Zhang Yuelu's body. The five-color light was rotating, gathering and dispersing indefinitely, and it was mysterious and mysterious. It was obviously much higher than the ordinary body-protecting true energy or body-protecting Gang Qi. This made him suddenly feel A sense of resentment and anger.

Why should he risk his life and still wallow in the mud, while some people are already in the clouds as soon as they are born?

The big man roared angrily, exhaled a strong breath, and used his momentum to deliver a domineering punch.

There was a faint sound of gas explosion.

Faced with this punch, Zhang Yuelu had no intention of avoiding it.

The martial artist who was despised to the extreme shouted angrily: "You little bitch, you will die!"

The punch landed hard, and to his surprise, the punch was like punching into a ball of cotton, without any force.

Is this the magical power of banishing immortals?

How could he not be jealous?

This little girl has only had food for a few years, and she is already at the stage of returning to her true nature.

He has been hanging out in this world for many years, but he is still in the stage of jade.

The martial artist didn't care about the boxing skills, he was determined to break through this layer of protective energy with one punch, and he almost used all his strength, but within a short distance, his punch was enough to cover the distance. One breath is already an extremely long time for a martial artist in the Yuxu stage who is known to punch dozens of times in an instant.

Wu Fu's face showed a strange flush, and he shouted: "Open it for me!"

"Five Qi Yan Luo" was finally broken through.

Zhang Yuelu frowned slightly and pushed out with a flat palm, knocking the martial artist away.

The bhikkhu who followed Wu Fu only lost consciousness for a moment, and then, regardless of the fear in his heart, he moved like a rabbit and flew in front of Zhang Yuelu, using his sword quickly and fiercely.

It's a pity that he met Zhang Yuelu, who was a master of his own craft. Not only did he fail to make any achievements, but Zhang Yuelu lightly grabbed his wrist and involuntarily slashed backwards with his sword. The sword energy shot towards the alchemist who was casting a spell.

The alchemist, who was concentrating on casting spells, felt a cold light coming his way. He rolled sideways and barely avoided it, regardless of the spell.

He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, he might not have been able to save his head.

The bhikkhu took this opportunity to break away from Zhang Yuelu's grasp and swept back to the side of the alchemist. Looking down, he saw five more deep fingerprints on his wrist, which had already damaged the bones.

As for the martial artist, he was even more miserable. He staggered back more than ten feet before he could stop. His feet left two deep footprints on the ground. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and the sound of qi and blood in his body gradually began to flow. Not to be heard.

The two people who had been watching still had no intention of taking action, but their expressions gradually became serious.

It is said that three low-level people working together can defeat an opponent one level above. How can three masters at the Yuxu stage be so vulnerable?

They thought that if they were to change places, it would definitely not be such an understatement if they had to deal with the cooperation of three Yuxu stage experts on their own.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu, who had been standing still, finally moved, appeared in front of Wu Fu almost without a trace, and punched him firmly in the heart.

The force of the punch penetrates the heart and lungs.

The martial artist was bleeding from all his orifices instantly.

The bhikkhu who witnessed this scene turned pale and his right hand holding the knife trembled slightly.

How could it make sense to severely injure a martial artist known for his physical strength with just one punch?

A deep sense of powerlessness arose in the bhikkhu's heart, and he felt that the three-foot sword in his hand seemed to be extremely heavy.

But at this time, there was no room for retreat. Seeing Zhang Yuelu kicking away the martial artist who was unable to fight back, and then coming straight towards him, the monk did not dare to hide it anymore, and touched the blade with his two fingers. A sharp sword light was produced, and then the sword flew away in the air.

The sword light is already extremely sharp, and coupled with this spiritual sword, he is confident that he can break through even the body-protecting aura of a master at the stage of returning to his true form!

At the same time, the alchemist finally played his role, making the ground under Zhang Yuelu's feet become sticky, like the mud after the rain, or like the internal organs of some kind of animal, squirming slightly like a living thing.

Then a black mist emerged, rising continuously and gradually covering the feet, like a street during a heavy rain. Because the rainwater had no time to drain, stagnant water gradually formed. At first glance, it looked more like a black pond.

Under this black air, countless lifelike faces protruded from the squirming ground, and the black air emerged. These faces had their eyes closed tightly, with painful and ferocious expressions, and stretched out their bloodless pale palms from the ground, Grab Zhang Yuelu's ankle.

At the same time, countless murmuring voices sounded in Zhang Yuelu's ears, seeming to tell him that he was suffering in this life and it was difficult to escape, which made Zhang Yuelu feel unbearable.

Zhang Yuelu knows very well that after death, the soul returns to heaven and the soul returns to the earth. Only three corpses turn into ghosts. Just like the zombies after they are raised, they are all the remains of the body. They have nothing to do with this life. The so-called suffering has already followed. The souls dissipate. The so-called salvation of the dead by Buddhism and Taoism is just to remove them. At this time, these whispers are just a way to confuse people's minds.

But no matter what, Zhang Yuelu is not yet a celestial being, and it is impossible to break this spell with just a stamp of his feet, so Zhang Yuelu is temporarily trapped in place.

Taking advantage of this perfect opportunity, Bhikkhu finally used his full sword. Although Zhang Yuelu had deliberately twisted his body, the "Five Qi Yan Luo" was still broken open by this sword.

But that was all. Zhang Yuelu lightly held the monk's sword with two fingers, preventing him from moving at all.

This bhikkhu was also a decisive person, and he immediately let go of the sword in his hand, which he regarded as the foundation of his life.

Zhang Yuelu held the sword upside down, then threw it away.

It is comparable to the "sword control skills" of Sanren.

The sword was like a rainbow, piercing the bhikkhu's abdomen. It continued to castrate, and went straight to the alchemist behind the bhikkhu.

The alchemist's sight was blocked by the figure of the monk and he did not see Zhang Yuelu's movements. By the time he noticed the rainbow, it was already too late. The sword was stabbed directly into his chest and came out through his body. Although it failed to hit the heart, the alchemist was already in fragile health and was seriously injured on the spot.

However, his spell did not dissipate and still trapped Zhang Yuelu in place.

The bhikkhu was stabbed in the abdomen by the sword and knelt down on one knee, covering the wound. He was vomiting blood and was very miserable.

In the blink of an eye, the three Yuxu stage masters had all been injured in Zhang Yuelu's hands.

The leader who had been watching slightly narrowed his eyes, looking a little more gloomy.

He had already overestimated Master Zhang, but unexpectedly he still underestimated him a little.

At this moment, another person had taken action.

This person is a Sanren who is in the stage of returning to his true form.

Zhang Yuelu turned the "photographic paper" into a horizontal knife and slashed it out.

The Qi Jin tore a ravine on the ground. This was just the aftertaste of the sword Qi. The sword Qi was approaching the Sanren who took action. There was still more than ten feet away from the Sanren, and there was already a faint sound of tearing cloth on his clothes. , showing the power of sword energy.

The Sanren swept back, waved his big sleeves, and put the cold sword energy into his sleeves, causing the sleeves of his robes to swell endlessly.

Zhang Yuelu stepped forward and kept drawing out his sword.

In the distance of more than ten steps between the two people, the sword energy was flying in a chaotic manner, and dozens of crisscrossing ravines appeared, each of which was more than a foot deep. The gravel shot out, and the stones mixed with the cold energy fell to the ground, creating countless potholes.

What a miserable sight it would be if it fell on flesh and blood?

Zhang Yuelu slashed with his sword, and the sword energy jumped like flames, falling straight in front of San Ren. The Sanren tiptoed and retreated hastily. In just a fraction of a second, Zhang Yuelu swept across with his sword. With the mad sword energy, he cut off a Buddha statue in half. The cut was as smooth as a mirror.

After Sanren dodged the knife, he used his magical power, and the nails on his five fingers began to grow crazily. In just a moment, they were already a foot long. The nails shone with a sheen as cold as gold and iron, as if they were no longer a part of the human body, but a piece of metal. weapon.

Sanren put his five fingers together, and his five nails were like a sharp sword, slashing down hard, colliding with the horizontal knife in Zhang Yuelu's hand, making a loud sound of gold and stone.

I saw the blade light on the Hengdao in Zhang Yuelu's hand suddenly rising again and again. It was just as thick as an arm before, but now it was like a long dragon entrenched, completely covering the Hengdao itself. He lifted it up and crushed Sanren's five fingernails into pieces. Jifen, that's not all, the sword energy is raging like a strong wind, and the Sanren who were originally at ease finally become embarrassed.

Zhang Yuelu's sword skills are nothing more than killing.

Sanren didn't dare to catch it with their physical palms, so they could only retreat again and again to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

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